7/31/2017 10:40:29 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
...for Congress if they don't repeal hoecare.
Yeah, hoecare included an illegal perk for Congress so they didn't get stuck with the Obamacrap they stuck us with.
Since it's illegal Trump can force Congress onto the exchanges that everyone else has.
I wonder if McCain would find a doctor before it's too late?
If he dies from Obamacare I'm throwing a party! 
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

7/31/2017 10:58:28 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Bat Cave, NC
98, joined Jun. 2013
You're stupid.
7/31/2017 11:01:02 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Mud! Stop being unpatriotic! Ya knuclehead! 
7/31/2017 11:06:01 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
His approval rating is mid 30s now, but that's not 0...yet.
7/31/2017 11:12:42 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Some senators have already mentioned they should have their own healthcare insurance revoked!
Shows that we do have some honest Senators that care about others!
7/31/2017 11:14:12 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
I bet that we'll have a lot more come 2018 too!
7/31/2017 11:28:41 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
Congress and Trump look like they are going through a nasty divorce! 
Have you ever seen that going 7 months in before? 
8/1/2017 7:44:37 AM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Subsidies go to those that can't afford premiums.
Mud is too stupid to know it's an empty, stupid threat!
8/1/2017 10:47:34 AM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

New York, NY
67, joined Jan. 2010
He said during the campaign he'd solve healthcare.
Looks like he's just lying now.
8/1/2017 12:13:51 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
The Russians have been trying to convince idiots there was a special perk for congressmen for years, it's a lie.
Like all the lies the Russians perpetuate, mud loves to participate.
8/1/2017 12:48:56 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Warren, MI
36, joined Sep. 2008
Mud! Stop being unpatriotic! Ya knuclehead! 
Unpatriotic? For wanting to Make Healthcare Affordable Again? Please. 
8/1/2017 1:02:26 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Cincinnati, OH
42, joined Jul. 2014
On top of their $174,000 base salary. Members of Congress and staff "pay approximately 28 percent of their annual health care premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions." They also have access to "free or low-cost care" through the Office of the Attending Physician as well as "free medical outpatient care at military facilities" in the D.C. area.
Given that the average 21-year-old making $25,000 a year would be charged $282 per month for a silver Obamacare plan, and pay about half of that, or $142, thanks to subsidies, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
8/1/2017 1:50:13 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
OP, the President can make Congress non exempt from ObamaCare, that is one option, and that would probably be all it takes to repeal it. In fact, had Congress not been exempt, it probably would never have passed to start with. After all, Obama did have to threaten and bribe Democrats to get it passed to begin with—a lot of arm twisting.
That’s one option, but there are other options that will work just as well. For example--and many people do not know this--but Congress never fully funded ObamaCare, it never funded the subsidies for example (and Obama wanted the subsidies to fund young Black hoodlums and Muslims—Muslims, you know, pay nothing under ObamaCare, non-muslims (dhimmi) pay a “jizya” tax to give Muslims free ObamaCare in the US, and yes, the term “Jizya” is written in the ObamaCare law—you know, the law you have to pass to find out what was in it. We are paying for Muslims to have free ObamaCare, and that also need to be done away with).
So Obama illegally funded the ObamaCare subsidies himself from a WH slush fund with money robbed from private Freddie and Fanny stock holders of their dividends, and the dividends were quite large (which is why Obama and Obama’s Treasury Department targeted them). This was highly illegal of course, and there are lawsuits over it (The Federal Court ruled against Obama in this lawsuit, but President Obama appealed the decision; all President Trump has to do is withdraw the Federal appeal, and it will all automatically come apart). In fact, Obama should be in jail over this. All President Trump has to do is return the dividends to their rightful owners and stop Obama holdovers from robbing them. That would kill two birds with one stone, and it would be a win, win for everyone involved.
8/1/2017 2:20:50 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Louie vomits more bullshit than a herd can produce in a day. You might think that is impossible but it's true. After he eats it all up and pukes it out, he eats it again?
8/1/2017 2:32:05 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
F**K Lou. I SOMETIMES scan his first sentence...and then I'm done with it.
8/1/2017 2:37:08 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Trump knows exactly the same amount of information today about healthcare in the USA as he did when he started his campaign over 2 years ago........ABOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
8/1/2017 2:40:30 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Denton, TX
53, joined Jun. 2014
Hell they had to call THE fine a tax. Has anybody ever heard of a of getting taxed for a product you don't buy no I didn't think so
8/1/2017 3:50:23 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
All the healthcare reforms Republicans have been talking about for the last 8 years are fundamentally un-workable. There is no way to implement any part of them without making things worse. All the things Democrats want are anathema to Republicans, and would involve things like single payer or public insurance options.
8/1/2017 4:11:13 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
...for Congress if they don't repeal hoecare.
Yeah, hoecare included an illegal perk for Congress so they didn't get stuck with the Obamacrap they stuck us with.
Since it's illegal Trump can force Congress onto the exchanges that everyone else has.
I wonder if McCain would find a doctor before it's too late?
If he dies from Obamacare I'm throwing a party! 
Once again, Trump and his Donnies don't understand how the Constitution works, and the system of checks and balances.
Trump does not have the power to do what he says. He isn't a dictator... Yet.
8/1/2017 4:11:16 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Subsidies go to those that can't afford premiums.
Mud is too stupid to know it's an empty, stupid threat!
Then why do government people get 73% subsidies, paid for by us taxpayers, when virtually every one of them is banking at least $100,000 or more a year? Why did Obamalamadingdong allow congressional members to be classified as "employees of a small business" -- i.e., a company with less than 50 employees that makes them exempt from being required to provide insurance? This is an obvious, blatant, outright lie to the people of this nation, and it's not only illegal, it's unconstitutional.
8/1/2017 4:12:16 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Once again, Trump and his Donnies don't understand how the Constitution works, and the system of checks and balances.
Trump does not have the power to do what he says. He isn't a dictator... Yet.
Oh, he has every bit of the power to do this. Bank on it.
8/1/2017 4:15:57 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Then why do government people get 73% subsidies, paid for by us taxpayers, when virtually every one of them is banking at least $100,000 or more a year? Why did Obamalamadingdong allow congressional members to be classified as "employees of a small business" -- i.e., a company with less than 50 employees that makes them exempt from being required to provide insurance? This is an obvious, blatant, outright lie to the people of this nation, and it's not only illegal, it's unconstitutional.
What in the F**K are you talking about
It's amazing how f**king stupid some people can make themselves sound! There's no wonder that morons like this fell for chrump's shit. What I wonder is are all of the morons that fell for chrump's shit this f**king stupid?
8/1/2017 4:18:41 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Meh....don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself, if you know how to.
8/1/2017 4:26:02 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Oh, he has every bit of the power to do this. Bank on it.
No. Congress doesn't report to the President.
This is fundamental to learning why the notion that "we need a businessman as President" is just wrong. President is not like a CEO, who can just boss everyone around. Presidents need to be diplomatic if they ever want to get anything done.
Trump just doesn't have it in him.
8/1/2017 4:27:49 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
No. Congress doesn't report to the President.
This is fundamental to learning why the notion that "we need a businessman as President" is just wrong. President is not like a CEO, who can just boss everyone around. Presidents need to be diplomatic if they ever want to get anything done.
Trump just doesn't have it in him.
The President DOES INDEED have the power to put the slapdown on this illegal maneuver set forth by Obamalamadingdong.
8/1/2017 4:37:17 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Meh....don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself, if you know how to.
Yeah, like I'm going to waste my time chasing something that you pulled out of your ass.
You sited some pretty specific figures there and don't have a source...f**k off.
8/1/2017 4:51:55 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Falkville, AL
75, joined Nov. 2011
Lobo, you say: “Once again, Trump and his Donnies don't understand how the Constitution works”. Lobo, ObamaCare is unconstitutional. What part of the world “unconstitutional” do you NOT understand? And the High Court knew it was unconstitutional, that’s why the Chief Justice rewrote the law from the bench, which, by the way, is also unconstitutional. Justices cannot legally legislate from the bench (the separation of powers applies also to the bench). And the irony is that even with the rewrite from the bench, it is STILL unconstitutional.
Chief Justice John Roberts, who was a Freemason, knew ObamaCare was unconstitutional and had determined to declare it unconstitutional but received orders from his Illuminati grand masters to pass it through. It liked to have killed him, it violated his conscience, but he obeyed (because he did not want to be murdered for disobeying). A few weeks later he was seen entering an Illuminati building in Europe.
8/1/2017 4:53:31 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
 Yeah, like I'm going to waste my time chasing something that you pulled out of your ass.
You sited some pretty specific figures there and don't have a source...f**k off.
Heheheh....just because you're too much of a slackass and a chickenshit to look it up for yourself so you can be proven wrong is of no concern to me. That's on you.
8/1/2017 4:56:14 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Trump threatens and congress is in the process of taking his keys away on health care just like they just did with the Russia sanctions bill.
8/1/2017 5:10:50 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Jeannette, PA
59, joined Dec. 2013
...for Congress if they don't repeal hoecare.
Yeah, hoecare included an illegal perk for Congress so they didn't get stuck with the Obamacrap they stuck us with.
Since it's illegal Trump can force Congress onto the exchanges that everyone else has.
I wonder if McCain would find a doctor before it's too late?
If he dies from Obamacare I'm throwing a party! 
The only thing Trump can "revoke", is his shriveled d*ck out of Ivanka's mouth.
Congress cut his almost none nuts off with their sanction bill.
He now needs a permission slip to do anything more than scratch his a** or f**k his daughter. 
8/1/2017 5:16:07 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Lobo, you say: “Once again, Trump and his Donnies don't understand how the Constitution works”. Lobo, ObamaCare is unconstitutional. What part of the world “unconstitutional” do you NOT understand? And the High Court knew it was unconstitutional, that’s why the Chief Justice rewrote the law from the bench, which, by the way, is also unconstitutional. Justices cannot legally legislate from the bench (the separation of powers applies also to the bench). And the irony is that even with the rewrite from the bench, it is STILL unconstitutional.
Chief Justice John Roberts, who was a Freemason, knew ObamaCare was unconstitutional and had determined to declare it unconstitutional but received orders from his Illuminati grand masters to pass it through. It liked to have killed him, it violated his conscience, but he obeyed (because he did not want to be murdered for disobeying). A few weeks later he was seen entering an Illuminati building in Europe.
Nice spin there Louie. Reality is, because the ACA sought to require individuals pay a financial penalty for not obtaining health insurance, it was merely characterized as a tax. And, well, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution allowed for such a tax. Yep, it was really that simple.
Oh, and Louie, if you run out of tin foil, let me know and i'll send you some. In a plain brown unidentifiable wrapper of course.
[Edited 8/1/2017 5:19:35 PM ]
8/1/2017 5:20:31 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Lexington, KY
63, joined Nov. 2014
It doesn't matter what ole Donny boy does...

8/1/2017 5:44:56 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

South Bend, IN
61, joined Aug. 2011
Wave bye bye to your healthcare subsidy. That's gone at the end of the year, and That's when Trump will hold congress's feet to the fire. Think it won't happen? All the Libs in here will be screaming then.
8/1/2017 6:01:57 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Painesville, OH
98, joined Mar. 2014
Wave bye bye to your healthcare subsidy. That's gone at the end of the year, and That's when Trump will hold congress's feet to the fire. Think it won't happen? All the Libs in here will be screaming then.
Yeah, but if it comes down to that, one or more members of Congress would sue and conclude the rule change was illegal. After all, members of Congress are employed by the Federal Government, and are therefore entitled to the Employee Health Benefits program. So much for Trump's Executive Order on that. If and when it ever happens.
8/1/2017 7:07:04 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Then why do government people get 73% subsidies, paid for by us taxpayers, when virtually every one of them is banking at least $100,000 or more a year? Why did Obamalamadingdong allow congressional members to be classified as "employees of a small business" -- i.e., a company with less than 50 employees that makes them exempt from being required to provide insurance? This is an obvious, blatant, outright lie to the people of this nation, and it's not only illegal, it's unconstitutional.
Stop your f**king lies unless you enjoy being a useful idiot.
8/2/2017 10:52:18 AM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Then why do government people get 73% subsidies, paid for by us taxpayers, when virtually every one of them is banking at least $100,000 or more a year? Why did Obamalamadingdong allow congressional members to be classified as "employees of a small business" -- i.e., a company with less than 50 employees that makes them exempt from being required to provide insurance? This is an obvious, blatant, outright lie to the people of this nation, and it's not only illegal, it's unconstitutional.
Yes, it's an obvious blatant lie that you've been told, and gobbled up like so much KFC.
Congress isn't exempt from Obamacare. Who even told you that? They don't need to use Obamacare, just like someone who works for GM or Apple doesn't, because they already have qualified insurance through their "employer".
So not illegal, not unconstitutional, not factual.
You really need to find sources who aren't constantly lying to you.
8/2/2017 10:53:13 AM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Wave bye bye to your healthcare subsidy. That's gone at the end of the year, and That's when Trump will hold congress's feet to the fire. Think it won't happen? All the Libs in here will be screaming then.
Yep - And out the Repubs will go, in the 2018 mid-terms!
8/2/2017 10:55:14 AM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Bryan, TX
33, joined Apr. 2013
...for Congress if they don't repeal hoecare.
Yeah, hoecare included an illegal perk for Congress so they didn't get stuck with the Obamacrap they stuck us with.
Since it's illegal Trump can force Congress onto the exchanges that everyone else has.
I wonder if McCain would find a doctor before it's too late?
If he dies from Obamacare I'm throwing a party! 
He's extremely wealthy. He would be able to afford it regardless you dumb f**k. Why would you throw a party if McCain died? Geeze you conservatives really are a bunch of c*cksuckers.
8/2/2017 10:59:16 AM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
He's extremely wealthy. He would be able to afford it regardless you dumb f**k. Why would you throw a party if McCain died? Geeze you conservatives really are a bunch of c*cksuckers.
The hilarious thing is the way they flip-flop on their love-hate for influential individuals. They loved McCain last week when he came from brain surgery to seemingly support the Senate ACA repeal bill, then hated him a day or so later when he voted to kill it. Putin, Megyn Kelly, Paul Ryan, and so on - You never know if they are going to be in or out next week!
Incapable of independent rational thought, they are left with "you are either with us or against us." At least that kind of black and white thinking is... easy. Especially when they have their handlers to tell them what right is!
[Edited 8/2/2017 11:00:11 AM ]
8/2/2017 11:33:59 AM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

New Hope, PA
76, joined Feb. 2008
Court says Dirty Donald no can do!!
8/2/2017 12:13:27 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Yes, it's an obvious blatant lie that you've been told, and gobbled up like so much KFC.
Congress isn't exempt from Obamacare. Who even told you that? They don't need to use Obamacare, just like someone who works for GM or Apple doesn't, because they already have qualified insurance through their "employer".
So not illegal, not unconstitutional, not factual.
You really need to find sources who aren't constantly lying to you.
Read carefully. I never said they WERE exempt from Dumbasscare, I said they receive 73% in subsidies towards it. Now you tell me, why does anybody making upwards of $175,000 a year need 73% of their "mandatory" insurance subsidized, and paid for by us? Tell me, wiseass.
8/2/2017 12:15:25 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
AGAIN, you're asking people to validate shit that you make up
8/2/2017 12:17:51 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Nope, again I'm calling you a slackass for being too lazy to look it up.
Whatsamatter,loudmouth? Too afraid to be proven wrong? Chickenshit.
8/2/2017 12:21:03 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
Suck my choad
I'm not chasing f**king ghosts. We all know that you make up your f**king statistics in an attempt to make yourself look educated. You don't.
8/2/2017 12:23:13 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
You're chickenshit!!
8/2/2017 12:28:09 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Oral, SD
52, joined Aug. 2013
You're a c*nt, that doesn't have any bearing on the fact that nobody's going to chase your made up f**king stats.
NOW, don't forget about the balls while you're taking care of that choad.
8/2/2017 2:22:38 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Hey, everybody! That loser Shartinhisboots is a chickenshit!
8/2/2017 3:08:25 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Vallejo, CA
58, joined Feb. 2008
online now!

8/2/2017 3:23:10 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |

Reading, PA
63, joined May. 2013
Nope, again I'm calling you a slackass for being too lazy to look it up.
Whatsamatter,loudmouth? Too afraid to be proven wrong? Chickenshit.
it's more relevant that you post shitt without looking it up for yourself and expect others to prove your failed assertion for you!
That makes you a real piece of shitt!
8/2/2017 3:53:22 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Orleans, ON
48, joined May. 2008
Read carefully. I never said they WERE exempt from Dumbasscare, I said they receive 73% in subsidies towards it. Now you tell me, why does anybody making upwards of $175,000 a year need 73% of their "mandatory" insurance subsidized, and paid for by us? Tell me, wiseass.
Nope! You in fact typed that they were exempt from Obamacare.
Here is a cut and paste to remind you what you typed:
"Why did Obamalamadingdong allow congressional members to be classified as "employees of a small business" -- i.e., a company with less than 50 employees that makes them exempt from being required to provide insurance?"
What you actually meant to say, God knows. Don't ask me to untangle your word salad for you - It makes my head hurt a bit.

8/2/2017 4:01:33 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
it's more relevant that you post shitt without looking it up for yourself and expect others to prove your failed assertion for you!
That makes you a real  piece of shitt!
How about you go f**k yourself? Look it up for yourself! Don't take my word for it. That way, you can prove it to yourself and you can't call me out for stating something you don't believe.
8/2/2017 4:03:05 PM |
Trump Threatens to REVOKE Health Care Subsidies... |


Wausau, WI
50, joined Oct. 2009
Nope! You in fact typed that they were exempt from Obamacare.
Here is a cut and paste to remind you what you typed:
"Why did Obamalamadingdong allow congressional members to be classified as "employees of a small business" -- i.e., a company with less than 50 employees that makes them exempt from being required to provide insurance?"
What you actually meant to say, God knows. Don't ask me to untangle your word salad for you - It makes my head hurt a bit.

It's actually quite simple, which comes to me as no surprise that it would confuse the shit out of liberals.