8/20/2017 9:58:01 PM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

8/20/2017 9:58:46 PM |
Does social media make people better |


Ocala, FL
97, joined Feb. 2017
social warfare on this particular site
8/20/2017 10:05:14 PM |
Does social media make people better |


Vale, OR
62, joined Oct. 2013
it allows me to see that al Sharpton wants to tear down the statues of president Thomas Jefferson because he was a slave owner
8/20/2017 10:21:35 PM |
Does social media make people better |


Knoxville, TN
55, joined Aug. 2016
online now!
I kinda miss the days before caller ID.. Was easier to be a perv..
[Edited 8/20/2017 10:23:06 PM ]
8/20/2017 10:28:05 PM |
Does social media make people better |


Knoxville, TN
55, joined Aug. 2016
online now!
it allows me to see that al Sharpton wants to tear down the statues of president Thomas Jefferson because he was a slave owner
May have to send out another member of the VHK.. Vehicular Homicide Klan..
8/20/2017 10:34:37 PM |
Does social media make people better |

Palo Cedro, CA
53, joined Oct. 2016
Jessie jackson, there's another one 
8/20/2017 10:36:19 PM |
Does social media make people better |


Ocala, FL
97, joined Feb. 2017
they would have a fit if mlk statues were taken down
alabama wont be taking anything down
they passed state laws
8/20/2017 10:42:28 PM |
Does social media make people better |


Knoxville, TN
55, joined Aug. 2016
online now!
they would have a fit if mlk statues were taken down 
alabama wont be taking anything down
they passed state laws
I knew there was something I'd eventually like about Alabamer..
8/20/2017 11:36:53 PM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
it allows me to see that al Sharpton wants to tear down the statues of president Thomas Jefferson because he was a slave owner
that is cool as F**K  
Now back to why social media makes us feel better
[Edited 8/20/2017 11:37:38 PM ]
8/21/2017 1:01:08 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
it allows me to see that al Sharpton wants to tear down the statues of president Thomas Jefferson because he was a slave owner
Better tear down those to WASHINGTON too, slaveholder and rename all those counties and better rename the state of Washington! Call it OBAMA. Jefferson has to go, slaveholder. Take Washington off the quarter and $1 too. Jefferson off the nickel and $2. Madison was a slaveholder, so was Monroe if he could afford it. Jackson was a slaveholder take him off the $20. Van Buren didn't have a problem with it when he was President. Harrison's family probably had slaves when he was growing up in Va. Tyler surely was a slaveholder so was Polk. Taylor had slaves for his Louisiana plantation. Fillmore didn't have any. Pierce and Buchanan didn't have any, but supported slavery. Lincoln didn't have any nor Johnson. In 1860 Bell could have, Breckinridge surely did and Douglas was a slaveholder. (He inherited a Mississippi plantation when his father-in-law died and the slaves.)
We have a lot of history to rewrite here in order to appease blacks.
Now remember it was a REPUBLICAN Congress that passed the civil rights amendments which were supported by REPUBLICAN Lincoln, Johnson and Grant. The Democratic Party FAVORED slavery. They weren't for freeing any blacks. Blacks were overwhelmingly REPUBLICAN until 1932 when they switched to Democratic for the welfare and they've been on welfare for 85 years now and STILL not rich!
Bad as slavery was you just cannot judge the actions of the pre Civil War era by the standards of 2017. You cannot deny history folks nor can you change it to be politically correct. Slavery was a fact in the pre Civil War era and most folk didn't have a problem with that. The War was NOT fought to free the slaves, but to reunite the Union.
The Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in states that were in rebellion. No slaves were freed in MO or KY or MD or NJ or Del. The Union had little authority in the states that were in rebellion except those that had been conquered already. Lincoln said he would free the slaves if that's what it took to save the Union. But he said he'd free SOME of the slaves (Which is what he did) if that's what it took to save the Union. Or he would free NONE of the slaves if that's what it took to fee the Union. Some "great emancipator" he was, but folks feel the need to rewrite history in order to appease blacks and so they can trash whites and trash the President and trash the country and trash our way of life and trash capitalism and trash the flag! You CANNOT appease these people.
Today they called for eliminating the National Anthem before sporting vents because blacks find it offensive. Get rid of that and you have to get rid of the flag too. Will this make anyone more likely to sign Colin Kapernick? NO! No team wants to sign a troublemaker who hates the country that pays him millions of dollars a year to play a game! He also did not have to opt out of his 49ers contract. He should go back to Sierra Leone and see how much better life is there.
8/21/2017 1:10:29 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Grand Prairie, TX
99, joined May. 2016
online now!
People are who they are...it doesn't make them better or worse...they're still gonna operate the same.....
8/21/2017 1:21:38 AM |
Does social media make people better |

United Kingdom
43, joined May. 2016
I think it brings out the worst in people. Arrogance mostly.
Makes people competitive and lie about their life. Especially on this site. It just brings out the worst of people.
8/21/2017 3:34:31 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
I think it brings out the worst in people. Arrogance mostly.
Makes people competitive and lie about their life. Especially on this site. It just brings out the worst of people.
8/21/2017 3:38:24 AM |
Does social media make people better |


51, joined May. 2017
Nope it turns people into idiots
8/21/2017 3:50:45 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
Ink that too I just can't believe it sometimes andddddddd they're smart
8/21/2017 4:59:13 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Bremen, GA
45, joined Sep. 2014
It makes communication easier. Maybe magnifies who people are. Cheaters cheat but some people just post receipies. Some post everytime they go to dinner. Some are selfie queens. Some of it can be important. We have a group here that discuss what's going on in our county. Good info and discussions. Our millage rate dropped because our community stood up for ourselves. Because of Facebook we were all informed of what was going on.
8/21/2017 6:58:37 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
Now the good stuff
It let's u stay in people's business
It allows u to be phony fake and down right funky
People are more real to a machine than to a person

Good job SM
8/21/2017 7:57:44 AM |
Does social media make people better |

Houston, TX
50, joined Apr. 2017
No, It's a big contributor to the decline of western civilization.
8/21/2017 7:58:06 AM |
Does social media make people better |
59, joined Jul. 2017
better than what? 
8/21/2017 8:24:00 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
better than what?  than their real life
8/21/2017 8:32:03 AM |
Does social media make people better |

Houston, TX
50, joined Apr. 2017
Social media is a part of real life for those that spend their real time accessing it, conducting business through it etc.
All those instagram and youtube wh*res make $$$ off the advertising revenue etc.
[Edited 8/21/2017 8:33:07 AM ]
8/21/2017 8:38:01 AM |
Does social media make people better |
59, joined Jul. 2017
I have no idea. The people in my real life are nothing like the people on DH ~ diametrically opposed. They are themselves on FB, I don't know how they'd behave on here ~ probably the same as me with the same provocations 
8/21/2017 8:42:31 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012

I'm the same
8/21/2017 9:07:53 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Saint Louis, MO
63, joined Jun. 2007
Nope it turns people into idiots
  Does not!  
8/21/2017 9:08:47 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Louisville, KY
51, joined Apr. 2014
8/21/2017 9:27:55 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
It made me hateful 
8/21/2017 11:13:29 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
But it is fun and dangerous
8/21/2017 11:21:43 AM |
Does social media make people better |

Houston, TX
50, joined Apr. 2017
It made me hateful 
Unsociable media
8/21/2017 11:34:59 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
Good tracking skills
8/21/2017 11:35:34 AM |
Does social media make people better |

Houston, TX
50, joined Apr. 2017
8/21/2017 11:37:18 AM |
Does social media make people better |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012