2/17/2009 3:37:55 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
I was recently asked if I wanted a friend with benifits ...Hummmmmm ,,I did not know what to say cause I had not given it much thought ..
I am thinking about it now ...what are your thoughts ?
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2/17/2009 6:26:09 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
Is that supposed to mean what we called a f**k buddy a few years ago? It would not work for me personally, as I
want companionship and commitment. I have had two girlfriends, make that three, over the years who could handle
one night stands and f**k buddies, but I know I cannot. Why? I had my wild years in my youth, and they brought
me nothing but boredom and grief.
PS I grew up in Alexandria, Ky.
[Edited 2/17/2009 6:30:11 AM ]
2/17/2009 6:35:00 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
Is that supposed to mean what we called a f**k buddy a few years ago? It would not work for me personally, as I
want companionship and commitment. I have had two girlfriends, make that three, over the years who could handle
one night stands and f**k buddies, but I know I cannot. Why? I had my wild years in my youth, and they brought
me nothing but boredom and grief.
Alice I just knew you would have some word to share ...
I got married when I was 16 met the guy when I was 14 and was married to him for 43 years sooooooo I am in my youth at 60 ...Never been with another man ! and I am horney as hell !  
I was thinking it would really have to be a great friend and one I was attracted to and one that was trust worthy and one you was not a womenizer and OH did I hear you say " he does not exsist "   
I'll keep thinking about it ... 
2/17/2009 7:16:10 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Cleveland, OH
age: 45
There's nothing wrong with friends w/benefits as long as you both know what you're in it for. But when you or he finds a partner the benefits have to stop, but not the friendship. I've had one for almost 2 years, but now that I have a boyfriend I don't need outside benefits!! JMO
BTW....FWB and one night stands are definately two different things.
2/17/2009 11:58:52 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

age: 50
I was asked and considered a FWB relationship but decided it wasn't for me. I want more than sex. I want someone to hold me and tell me that things are ok and that they love me. If I were to try a FWB relationship, I would get hurt because I would break the rules and fall in love.
2/17/2009 12:46:25 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
Rather than "friends", how about a sexual encounter??? I was very interested in this a few years ago and sorry I did
not meet the guy. There is a telephone group where you can listen to the messages, they are on the line, and you
can talk to them. Now, that I would do if I were unattached. I found the group in our alternative newspaper here
in Northern California, and there are men and women from all the cities around. If you have ever had a fantasy
-black man, young guy, fat guy, now is the time to give it a try! Why not? But as far as a "relationship" goes, no,
that way leads to madness! Me, I always wanted to have sex with an Asian guy, so I ran an ad in our "spicy personals"
and met the man I am now with!
[Edited 2/17/2009 12:56:32 PM ]
2/17/2009 5:04:48 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


North Little Rock, AR
age: 38
Alice, I heart you, woman. If a thought enters my mind, I come here to read your wisdom before I even start typing. Wise beyond your years, dear one.
OP<--->Do what makes YOU happy. Alot of people can't deal with the drama associated with a FWB. Alot more could be said, but not by myself. Good luck, chica!
2/17/2009 5:08:47 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Sacramento, CA
age: 65
Dear beautiful woman from the beautiful state of Arkansas, you are very kind.
2/18/2009 5:16:39 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Palmetto, GA
age: 54
No, nada... It's just another way of saying let's get layed.....
2/19/2009 3:17:38 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
Well I have been thinking about this :
If he was my best friend and I was strongly attrected to him and he was the most trustworthy , then I would marry him .He does exsist some where out there ..
2/20/2009 5:22:00 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Palm Beach, FL
age: 37
If i was like in my 80's then i wouldn't care but not at my age.
2/20/2009 10:15:25 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
American Canyon, CA
age: 50
I don't see a problem with friends with benefits; however, there may come a time when you feel empty afterwards and begin to feel that this isn't what you really want. I'm 49 and yet we are at our prime sexually (40+) and it can really drive you mad not having some affection every now and then, but I have problems with friends with benefits for even if the sex is great and I'm satisfied afterwards, I'm not sure if I want to see him the next time around cuz I really feel strongly about having a spiritual connection with someone.
I would rather be alone and take care of my needs than continue to be with a man that means nothing to me except sex. Also keep in mind that the man may get serious and you don't feel that way, then what??? I have been there and I'm so honest that I end up hurting them - this happened to me not long ago and I believe in karma; therefore, I do not want to have any misunderstandings like that again. Be careful of friends with benefits!
2/21/2009 2:44:13 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
I would rather be alone and take care of my needs than continue to be with a man that means nothing to me except sex. Also keep in mind that the man may get serious and you don't feel that way, then what??? I have been there and I'm so honest that I end up hurting them - this happened to me not long ago and I believe in karma; therefore, I do not want to have any misunderstandings like that again. Be careful of friends with benefits!
YOU are soooo right !
It may be ok for the really young or the ones who really do not want a healthy relationship ..But as for me ,,NO, thinking about and doing it is all toghther a differant thing ...I want a lasting relationship ..not just a hop in bed ..
2/21/2009 6:47:01 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Sherbrooke, NS
age: 42
If all your looking for is sex,then FWB is great.I think it would be hard to keep the emotional part out of it though,for me anyway..
2/21/2009 7:40:39 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Vancouver, WA
age: 53
When it comes to FwB doesn't it make you wonder how may other FWB's he has? And what about deseases? No thanks I watched my kids go thru it and it's just not for me.
2/22/2009 4:34:49 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
When it comes to FwB doesn't it make you wonder how may other FWB's he has? And what about deseases? No thanks I watched my kids go thru it and it's just not for me.
Yes it may be fun to think about but I would not venture there ....
2/22/2009 12:29:02 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Virginia Beach, VA
age: 51
No self respected woman would partake in such unlady like behaviors.
2/22/2009 12:41:43 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
No self respected woman would partake in such unlady like behaviors. 
Yes respect that is the key word ...and you got it right ...
2/22/2009 10:07:57 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Hale, MO
age: 49
right now at this stage in life my idea of a fwb is this.... i have been single for 3 years now and i miss having a man in my life. i have met a couplle of men that are nice and i do so enjoy them. they have treated me with respect and we enjoy each others company. these are men that have devotion to their children and are in my age group. maybe through the discoveries we will bond and if not then we both had a need filled. cheap is how you feel about yourself when you do something you do not want to do but do it out of pity. jmo
2/22/2009 10:51:38 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Pell City, AL
age: 63
I learned my lesson well..Never again..Once was enough.. I found this quote some where and I try to live by it now..Don't let someone become a Priority in your life, when you are just an Option in theirs. I've found out from talking to other gals this is usually what happens in a FWB relationship. We fall in love they don't!
2/23/2009 4:48:09 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Palmetto, GA
age: 54
No, no and no... Tried it and wound up without that friend... My FWB lasted 6 months and there were a lot of confused emotions on both sides.. I think we were both just afraid of another relationship. It put a strain on what was truly a beautiful friendship in the beginning.. I dated no one he dated no one but when the subject of dating others came up he would get upset and whine about him being left alone.. The sad part is that he had a six year old little girl that I loved dearly and to be able to have her in my life I had to click with him as he so nicely informed me.. So needless to say I don't click with either as I don't take well to ultimatums...
[Edited 2/23/2009 4:57:21 AM ]
2/23/2009 4:26:45 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Crawfordville, GA
age: 31
No not at all because first of all that person is disrespecting you and asking you to lower your standards. If you did it for the pleasure it may seem great at first but I think eventually you will find that you feel like an object and thats something not very gratifying or complimentry to any woman. I would slap them if you are good enough for his bed then you are good enough for his heart and if not he is not good enough for you
2/24/2009 4:54:19 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
No not at all because first of all that person is disrespecting you and asking you to lower your standards. If you did it for the pleasure it may seem great at first but I think eventually you will find that you feel like an object and thats something not very gratifying or complimentry to any woman. I would slap them if you are good enough for his bed then you are good enough for his heart and if not he is not good enough for you 
You hit the nail on the head ...low standards ..being good enough ...he will have to meet my standards and be good enough ....
2/24/2009 6:38:55 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Pell City, AL
age: 63
kylady3 you are so right I loss all respect for myself after trying the FWB thing only once, never again.. He made me feel like a tramp in my own sight. Had to bring myself to the knowledge that my mistake was a learning experience, thank God for forgiveness.
2/25/2009 2:42:52 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Lewiston, MI
age: 50
Well I for one could do the FWB, and have. It lasts as long as you want it to, or as long as both minds are open enough to accept the concept.
I went 10yrs. 11 mths without sex. In what was supposed to be the prime of my life, but due to medications I was on at the time, the drive just left. It took me a looooooong time to accept, (with lots of tears I might add,) the thought that this was just the way life will be for me. I was to young to feel that old.
But as things would turn out, I found out I didn't need all the meds that were being cramed down my thoat, so I dumped them, and low and behold appx. 2, maybe 3 mths later, life started to return. You talk about being horny, OMG, almost 11yrs backed up, I was ready for anything. lol
I started out just talking about the idea with one gent. We met face to face once, I will admit, I was and wasn't attracted to him, it was more my self esteem that was holding me back. And it did, I didn't do anything for appx. 4 mths.Then one day we were IM ing and I said screw it, invited him over, what a hoot, we had a blast, I haven't regretted our encounter one bit. It lasted appx. 6mths.
He was what I NEEDED at the time to help me regain my self esteem, and my sexual side of myself and I had thanked him many times over.
Would I do it again? You bet. It's now going on close to a yr for me again,  I differently pick and choose who I am with, there have been several occ. where I could have just gotten laid, but I have to have that connection, I have to have the open mind, and yes, the partner has to be worth it for me to consider jumpin in the sack.
By worth I mean, the SEX and his ability to have sex has to be worth it, if thats not there then I am better off playing with myself then being disappointed over another who doesn't have a clue about sex.
2/25/2009 5:33:57 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
Claypotted : very interesting reading .. all I can say is HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ,I would really have to think about this long and hard , I would think if he were worth having then marry him ...but then that comes with a price too ..
2/25/2009 5:52:44 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Lewiston, MI
age: 50
LOL, marriage, no thank you, but that doesn't mean he wasn't a descent guy, he was. Two people can share many things in life, and sharing intimate times can be include in that. We ALL need the human touch, yes I did say ALL. Human touch reminds us we are still alive and kicking, no matter how long it's been. I for one could live without it,(already proved that by going almost 11yrs.) but why should I?
The big thing to remember with FWB, is the FRIENDS part, the friendship has to be there first for it to be some what rewarding to both. Other wise a lay is just a lay without the friends. 
2/25/2009 4:09:36 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Redlands, CA
age: 46
It is a double edged sword - a few years back, my best friends 21 year old baby brother pursued me. I gave in, it was the best sex i have ever had, i fell in love, had my heart ripped in two, and he passed away about 5 years ago. Would i do it again? Absolutely - but proceed with caution, you can never predict how your heart is going to react once your body has fallen in lust!!!
2/25/2009 4:48:41 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Durham, NC
age: 35
no. It never works out well.
2/25/2009 6:32:53 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Xenia, OH
age: 50
When it comes to FwB doesn't it make you wonder how many other FWB's he has? And what about deseases?
Very good point. If someone isn't careful and there are multiple people involved, who knows what is being passed around.
I personally want much more from someone than just plain sex. I can take care of myself much better than most men can anyway. I prefer the men in my life to be just my friends with whom I can talk to and hang out with from time to time.
2/25/2009 7:18:40 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Roanoke, VA
age: 54
I have tried it and it can work. The sex was unbelievable and we were just friends for 5 years. I knew we would never make it as a couple but I enjoyed talking to him and again, the sex was GREAT!!!! We would get together a couple times a month. That kept me from wandering in the wrong direction because of being horny when meeting other men. He also would advise me on meeting other men from his perspective which was invaluable.....so, it can work, but you have to be really lucky to find that FRIEND!
2/25/2009 8:01:51 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Mundelein, IL
age: 33
Sorry not for me. I want to be with a boyfriend not a toy
2/25/2009 9:53:56 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Pell City, AL
age: 63
Said this once before can't remember where. I Don't want a man just in my bed, I want one in my life!!
2/26/2009 6:28:38 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Lewiston, MI
age: 50
Said this once before can't remember where. I Don't want a man just in my bed, I want one in my life!!
But if he was in your bed, doesn't that mean he is in your life? Even if it was a temperary time.  
Sorry, just teasin.
2/26/2009 3:22:19 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Pell City, AL
age: 63
Thats okay claypot needed a laugh...He was in my life but never meant to be more than just TOPIC (FWB) even if he made me think he had other ideas. Still feel the same way.
2/26/2009 4:13:53 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
State Center, IA
age: 46
mmmm no not for me ...but an interesting idea ... 
2/28/2009 12:56:29 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Murrayville, GA
age: 52
I would not be interested in this arrangement. When the time is right I want a relationship that satisfies me in various areas of my life. I understand that FWB's can work and I've also had friends who "thought" they could deal with situation but SOMETIMES feelings change once you're sleeping with someone. You may want more and he may not. I think you're much more vulnerable when you've been intimate.
2/28/2009 4:35:13 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Desert Hot Springs, CA
age: 22
thats all i pretty much seem to get these days 
3/10/2009 3:29:28 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Willow, AK
age: 29
I have been there and done that,,,im am trying to get over one,,,,,,,,my advice to you is only if there is no way of an emotional attachtment then heck yeah go for it
but if there is even a chance of an emotional thing developing then stay away,,,cause you will just end up hurt and in pain,,,just from my experience
3/10/2009 7:40:37 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Eden, NC
age: 50
i have a friend like that.felt strange at first...to have that kind of relationship.but i love it! not really ready to settle down yet it works out great! i can leave when iwant and not feel guilty and tell him to leave and he doesn't get an attitude. i get mine he gets his...everyone wins!   
3/10/2009 7:26:31 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Ansonia, CT
age: 45
I would not be interested in this arrangement. When the time is right I want a relationship that satisfies me in various areas of my life. I understand that FWB's can work and I've also had friends who "thought" they could deal with situation but SOMETIMES feelings change once you're sleeping with someone. You may want more and he may not. I think you're much more vulnerable when you've been intimate.
I agree. Once you sleep with a person feelings can change and it isn't always just the woman. Sometimes men go into like that and realize that they have fallen in love and she is not there.
Unless we are animals and make no connection (however, some animals seem to stroke and cuddle each other so who's to say they don't either) then why run the risk of getting hurt or hurting someone.
3/12/2009 12:25:50 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Palm Beach, FL
age: 37
Yes i think i might if its a great guy
3/23/2009 1:01:12 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Colorado Springs, CO
age: 49
I belive there is a place for it, but watch out you do not fall in love. That is the risk because we are different that way than men. For me, I am very busy with career and all and have NO time for a full blown relationship, clingy or jealous men, etc (of course that would be different if I met 'THE ONE") But in the interim, a friend who I enjoy very much and trust would be great. I am afraid if I dont use it, I may loose it. But, funniest thing! I Cant even find that. sigh
3/23/2009 7:17:21 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Savannah, GA
age: 20
I've done the friends with benifits thing and we fell in love. It ended badly. So, if you do decide to do that please be careful.
3/23/2009 3:53:54 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

West Bloomfield, MI
age: 53
Depends on the 'benefits'. LOL. I would be up for:
A nice dinner out, and an excursion to the theatre!
How about he stops by your house, and fixes......EVERYTHING?
Brings you great stuff from Home Depot...AND assembles it?
Cuts your grass? Repairs your car?
I suppose they WOULD still be wanting sex after all that, darn it.
3/23/2009 5:16:09 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Virginia Beach, VA
age: 51
I would suggest a lot of you (ladies) and I use this term with caution, pick up a book and read a bit on morals and etiquette. JMO 
3/26/2009 11:47:18 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
age: 45
Yes, very selectively.
3/30/2009 6:33:15 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Clarksville, AR
age: 69
Well I met a man on here and married him and divorced him within two months all because Of my """Middle class hang ups called""" Morals,"" and Now I am thinking that maybe marriage at my age is not that important but Odds would have to be in my favor, smiles
3/31/2009 4:05:20 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Salisbury, NC
age: 51
FWB...takes two very strong and independant people ...no jealousy and no explainations. If you can handle it it can be great but if one or the other gets those feelings can ruin a good friendship.... so guess it depends on how important the friendship is to you, and if you are willing to risk it if things don't work out.
4/1/2009 11:24:47 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Henderson, KY
age: 69
I was recently asked if I wanted a friend with benifits ...Hummmmmm ,,I did not know what to say cause I had not given it much thought ..
I am thinking about it now ...what are your thoughts ?
NO, I definately would not!! Ladies, think about it; we have become farrrrrr to promiscious, then wonder why we don't meet 'the one'. It's because we're to busy with FWD! Hell, 'the one' probably walked right by. Guess why? Hmmmmm.
4/1/2009 12:42:09 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Silver Creek, GA
age: 39
I have had a friend with benifits before. I think it is hard for one person, generally women, to stay detached and not want more.
I've been without for 4 months now and I want someone to hold me and make love to me. I'd love to have a relationship but I'm so busy that its hard to have the time to devote to one.
I think if I had a friend with benifits I'd at least have that physical release, but I don't think I'd be that much happier overall...
4/16/2009 8:34:50 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Kent, WA
age: 60
I had a FWB relationship for 2 1/2 years. The problem was, I feel in love with him. He knew it and was constantly reminding me we'd agreed to a FWB relationship only. We stopped that relationship a year ago (April 28th) and now are very good friends. We've gone out to lunch several times and he calls me a couple of times a month. He travels a lot and calls to let me know he's leaving, then calls me from the airport while he's waiting, and calls me when he gets back. I was the first person he called to let me know his daughter had had a baby. Then he asked me to go shopping and help him get a baby gift. We both have beautiful gardens and he called today to tell me about the 400 daffodils that are blooming. Then invited me to come over and see them. I think he misses me, I know he hasn't had another woman in his life, but I won't go back to what we had. It was to emotionally damaging to me. I can't make him my priority when I'm just a convenience for him. 
4/16/2009 10:20:39 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |
Austin, TX
age: 50
yes a teacher that I know ask for some help getting ready for a new school year one thing led to another and we had a great relationship,but after a while I had to break it off,I wanted a man not another woman it was nice to have the benefits but I wanted the whole enchilada so to speak,any way she got all mad I guess she decided I wasn't being fair,but oh well
4/17/2009 4:41:51 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Lancaster, CA
age: 35
Ive actually had friends with benefits and some I developed an emotional attachment to and others I did not. It depends on what you can handle and what you want. Goodluck on your decision. 
4/18/2009 12:53:03 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Lewisville, TX
age: 60
The whole key is to pick someone much, much, much, younger!!!!  
4/18/2009 7:52:49 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

Homosassa, FL
age: 64
It would never work for me. I need love
& caring.I do NOT share, When I make love, it's a total involvement
of ALL the senses, Otherwise I'd just be FWB with BOB. 
4/18/2009 8:05:37 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Tucson, AZ
age: 78

I wouldn't try it. You don't know how many friends with benifits he has.
You can end up with whatever all his friends have. 
4/22/2009 8:30:46 PM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |


Rockmart, GA
age: 44
I am seriosly thinking about fwb, just met a man, and well i wanna have sex but...
It just seems wrong! i have never even considered this kind of behavior!
4/23/2009 8:49:12 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

South Richmond Hill, NY
age: 46
Hi, Alice, I'm Blanca, this is my first time I got registered in this web site. I agree with you in part,seven years ago a had the best relation ship I ever had with a man that I loved so much, but, he was never married,have no kids, for three years we were dating, he was the best lover, he will take me to the best restaurants, to the opera, we enjoyed walking holding hands,he will give me presents, any time we need intimacy, he will come to my house or I'll go to his house, it was a great relation ship we had, but,I wanted more than that,I was set up mentally only to be married if I was going to be in a relation ship like that, I didn't wanted to have that....A friend with benefits, I wanted to get marriage, so, we got engaged, and three months later everything went wrong and our relation ship was over. So time past, and I meet some else and a cup of all months later I got married but you know? when we are and a marriage is like a compromise everything you do you know; some times you fell like not having sex, because what ever, and any way you are in a MARRIAGE and you don't want your husband to be up set, or to be looking out for that sex is not getting at home; I don,t know what really works for as a women, I don't know if at our age we can get in love again, some times I think it's just a chance that we have, to love some one, when ever that chance come to our life and nothing is a long term relation ship.
4/23/2009 9:00:32 AM |
Friends with benifits ...would you try it ? |

South Richmond Hill, NY
age: 46
Yes, I thing this kind of relations FWB works the way you want them to go.
[Edited 4/23/2009 9:09:37 AM ]