9/8/2011 1:17:31 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |
Winter Park, FL
33, joined Apr. 2009
hey friend i dont know how much money you have but for example if you had 250k
hesible for repairs and you will also get rwhale your house is leased
4 houses for 50k each = 200k
50k for repairs = 50
investment 250k
return on investment
4 house leased rent money 500 each =2000 a month =24k in one year=120k in a 5 year lease
balloon payment for each house on or before thats the 5 years thats 220k profit you made in 5 years with a investment of 250k so after 5 years you will have 470k to reinfun
Not yet. We need to get a government in power that has the balls to let the housing market bottom out... Then ppl will be able to find money to buy said property and let and the housing market rebuild from scratch, not on a bubble..
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9/10/2011 2:06:37 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |
Brooklyn, NY
33, joined Sep. 2011
Invest I'm cash value life insurance. If u have questions contact me.
9/10/2011 11:13:44 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |
Frankfort, KY
26, joined Sep. 2011
you can gladly pay my college tuition 
9/10/2011 6:39:30 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |
Highland, IN
27, joined Sep. 2011
Invest in gold and keep it in a secure location in a safe best way to go right now or pump some of your money into the economy and that would be a start to recovery if other wealthy people did the same
9/20/2011 2:09:28 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |

Newport, TN
61, joined Jul. 2011
Investing in this economic times is a good move right now, if you invest in the slow movers stocks. ones that have a high risk, but low return, as they are the ones that are re-investing in the business in order to grow the business. Also in small business start ups that can create more jobs for the lower class. Pay a decent wage to any employees you may have, so they can afford to earn a decent living, and also listen to your employees if you have any, many of them have more ideas and knowledge than you may realize. When employers keep their employees in the loop and ask for ideas on how to better the business, you make them feel important to the business, and help them to feel appreciated. Sounds like you have come along way and will go even farther. Most small business don't even get A chance to start, much less have the opportunity to ever say what you have said. I was looking into starting a lease purchase business in the trucking industry that will not only get drivers to be able to work for themselves, but not be cheated out of everything that they have worked so hard to build. But the only lease purchases out there are nothing more than a way to steal from hard working drivers and then leave them hanging without jobs, and broke. My idea is to start one with a small amount of trucks and trailers, and show them how to maintain their business from the bookkeeping to the maintainance, to the finding of their own loads. But due to the trucking companies I have dealt with over the years, my credit has been destroyed to the point I can't even get a loan to get started.
Good luck in finding investments that will earn you a good return and make you feel like you have accomplished alot.
9/25/2011 10:43:22 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |

Chalfont, PA
53, joined Feb. 2011
Still think you have too much money in the bank? Hope you left it there.
10/11/2011 2:15:24 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |
Canoga Park, CA
32, joined Jan. 2011
The best thing to do is invest in a business that will make you more money. The more disposable income you have the more you are able to give to the good causes and people who need and deserve it. One way is to invest in property and help house some of the homeless. Some of our veterans that suffer from post tramatic stress syndrome are eligible for SSDI and the government will guarantee their rent is paid by monthly check. This is just one form of giving back,if you have a charitable soul. Also there are small business owners like myself that need funds to get started or expand that provides much needed services in the community. My project provides an herbal remedy for many diseases that todays doctors claim there are no cures for, yet I have over a thousand testimonials from people that have been cured from cancer, diabetes, .arthritis, high blood pressure, .chronic. pain, ulcers, chrohns disease,........ graves disease, lyme
disease, and hundreds of people that
have benefited from the use of my
herbal remedy for treating AIDS, HIV,
Hepititus-C, and herpes. After years
of battling the FDA I have finally won
the right to sell my miraculous
remedy on the commercial market. I
have been trying to save enough money
to start a brewery and bottling
plant for my herbal remedy for years
but have not been successful enough
at it to move beyond the boundries of
brewing my remedy at home.I am
currently applying for grants from
the government and private
foundations and investors from
individuals like yourself. Any source of
help will be appreciated not only by
me but the millions of people it will
eventually cure from lifes debilitating
diseases.I am not doing this to make
myself rich. 50% of my profits go to
donating my remedy to people that
need my remedy but cannot afford it.
Such as senior citizens on fixed
incomes, people in recovery programs
for drug and alcohol abuse,and people
that have been financially drained by
doctors and hospitals for
operations and overpriced medications
that only treat the symtoms and not
the disease, and cause numerous side
effects that the medical community
just prescribes more drugs

10/11/2011 2:44:02 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |

Green Mountain, NC
79, joined Sep. 2011
12/2/2011 1:49:02 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |
Las Vegas, NV
46, joined Mar. 2011
Stash away as much as you can beneath you mattress,
it makes for a much more comfortable night rest.
12/23/2011 7:57:05 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |

Westminster, CA
26, joined Dec. 2011
Help pay for
My collage degree
12/26/2011 6:11:15 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |

Florence, CO
52, joined Jul. 2011
12/31/2011 7:23:04 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |

Greensboro, NC
42, joined Oct. 2011
If the Banker stated you have too much money b/c it is not FDIC insured, you need to see if that bank or another bank has a product called CDARS. This account is a CD; however, it is FDIC insured up to $50,000,000.
If that is not the reason, then you need a new banker. Bankers at small community banks tend to assist folks with business decisions a lot better than Bankers at the Big Banks.
12/31/2011 1:57:48 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |

Hammond, IN
46, joined Dec. 2011
buy puts on the Euro...you'll be going long the dollar...keep rolling it...if the U.S. finds it's way back to a Gold backed dollar it will be really strong in the next 10yrs.
Sell Short term put spreads on Gold...Gold has seen a 5yr surge from about 400-1800..it's due for a correction but what percent is unknown. If you sell puts...you collect money if Gold goes higher..If you're wrong you will be long gold around the current price...Win Win.
1/1/2012 8:17:40 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |


Galion, OH
63, joined Oct. 2010
Not sure how safe it is but tdameritrade seems to be paying 3% interest
1/7/2012 1:23:41 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |

Atlanta, GA
42, joined Nov. 2011
Typically, only major companies or industrial titans like John D. Rockefeller can buy these types of rare assets. But with this investment, investors like you and me can own them directly. The "Rockefeller" Stock I want to Own Forever
He is the richest person in the history.
Warren Buffett? At his peak, Buffett's wealth is less than one-fifth this man's fortune.
Bill Gates doesn't even come close. Neither does Walmart founder Sam Walton or telecom magnate -- and current richest man in the world -- Carlos Slim.
None of these men can hold a candle to the $336 BILLION fortune (adjusted for inflation) amassed by a name synonymous with wealth... John D. Rockefeller.
This stock owns a rare breed of assets that are nearly impossible for small investors like you and me to purchase directly. Typically, only major companies or industrial titans like Rockefeller can buy them.
Most people know Rockefeller became rich via his company, Standard Oil. And while I want to invest in the same sort of business that he did, my "Rockefeller" pick has nothing to do with oil.
But that's fine by me, because when you look closely at exactly WHY Rockefeller got rich, you realize Standard Oil didn't turn Rockefeller into a billionaire simply because it was in the oil business.
No. Standard Oil made Rockefeller the richest man in history because the company held a monopoly in its market... while also paying a fat dividend on the shares he held.
And now, I've found an investment -- Brookfield Infrastructure (NYSE: BIP) -- that lets you own stakes in dozens of infrastructure monopolies across the entire world. And in addition to capital gains, it pays investors a 5.4% dividend each year to own it.
In total, about 80% of the partnership's revenues are under contracts or are regulated. Meanwhile, those practically guaranteed revenues are coming from one of the most compelling portfolios I've ever seen.
The partnership has a stake in electric grids in Chile. It holds railroads in Australia... ports all over Europe... coal facilities in Australia... toll roads in South America... and timberland in the United States and Canada. These are assets that no one can compete with. A competitor isn't going to build another electric grid or a new port.
I can only think of one, maybe two, other places where you can invest in a stable group of monopolistic holdings this broad from all over the planet.
But any "Rockefeller" idea would be incomplete if it ignored dividends. After all, it was Rockefeller who once quipped, "Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in."
2/8/2012 11:10:33 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |
Orange, NJ
33, joined Feb. 2012
Hi Bunny,
I have some very good Hollywood connections in terms of Film, TV, and Music, so if you would like to explore that industry and put some of your funds to work let me know.
2/18/2012 9:56:00 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... | Page 2 |


Galion, OH
63, joined Oct. 2010
Lol if you were closer I would spend $100 for the room and you.