4/4/2009 10:41:10 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Fort Morgan, CO
58, joined Jun. 2008
What should I do?
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4/4/2009 12:35:53 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Fort Morgan, CO
58, joined Jun. 2008
What should I do?
Invest? Spend?
4/6/2009 6:59:38 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Miamisburg, OH
46, joined Mar. 2009
nows the time to buy stocks, cd interest rates are way to low , buy a house, rent it out.
[Edited 4/6/2009 7:00:48 PM ]
4/8/2009 7:48:51 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Crossville, TN
70, joined Dec. 2008
did he mean you exceed the fdic limit? can not imagine a bank telling you too much of your money is under their care.
4/9/2009 2:01:56 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Madisonville, TN
69, joined Sep. 2008
man i have never heard of any body having to much money in the bank.if that is true i sure could use it. i am alone and have no one to help me out.
4/18/2009 11:16:40 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Winston Salem, NC
39, joined Feb. 2009
give to charity or the needy. speaking of which lol
4/19/2009 12:41:12 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Austin, TX
56, joined Jul. 2008
The best thing to do is invest in a business that will make you more money. The more disposable income you have the more you are able to give to the good causes and people who need and deserve it. One way is to invest in property and help house some of the homeless. Some of our veterans that suffer from post tramatic stress syndrome are eligible for SSDI and the government will guarantee their rent is paid by monthly check. This is just one form of giving back,if you have a charitable soul. Also there are small business owners like myself that need funds to get started or expand that provides much needed services in the community. My project provides an herbal remedy for many diseases that todays doctors claim there are no cures for, yet I have over a thousand testimonials from people that have been cured from cancer, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, chronic pain, ulcers, chrohns disease, graves disease, lyme disease, and hundreds of people that have benefited from the use of my herbal remedy for treating AIDS, HIV, Hepititus-C, and herpes. After years of battling the FDA I have finally won the right to sell my miraculous remedy on the commercial market. I have been trying to save enough money to start a brewery and bottling plant for my herbal remedy for years but have not been successful enough at it to move beyond the boundries of brewing my remedy at home.I am currently applying for grants from the government and private foundations and investors from individuals like yourself. Any source of help will be appreciated not only by me but the millions of people it will eventually cure from lifes debilitating diseases.I am not doing this to make myself rich. 50% of my profits go to donating my remedy to people that need my remedy but cannot afford it. Such as senior citizens on fixed incomes, people in recovery programs for drug and alcohol abuse,and people that have been financially drained by doctors and hospitals for unessasary operations and overpriced medications that only treat the symtoms and not the disease, and cause numerous side effects that the medical community just prescribes more drugs for! 
5/2/2009 12:22:57 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Nottingham, MD
59, joined Aug. 2008
find another banker!!
5/3/2009 3:57:05 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Tomball, TX
61, joined Apr. 2008
Hi bunny,
I'd say look long and hard at your investments before sticking your hard-earned money into one, and even then don't invest more than you can afford to loose. With the economy as it is, even seasoned companies are folding now. There's always somebody looking for a handout for something, I've found that I've rarely been recompensed for a loan. For now, I'd just find another bank until we get through this recession, or invest in bearer, municipal, and US Treasury bonds. 
5/30/2009 8:54:47 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Montgomery, AL
61, joined May. 2009
If you have more than 250K in that bank, move any excess over that amount to another bank. FDIC insurance only covers amounts up to 250K. If the bank is foreclosed on, you could lose any amount over 250K if you don't.
6/6/2009 3:23:32 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Mobile, AL
43, joined May. 2009
Well hell give me some and share the LOVE!
6/16/2009 11:49:45 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Seal Beach, CA
58, joined May. 2009
I have a non-profit tax exempt company that provides theatre experience to people with developmental delay. We are always looking for tax exempt donations or people to help us with our wish list. Thanks for reading-Stephen
7/10/2009 2:46:51 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Morris Chapel, TN
59, joined Jan. 2008
Take it from a little old Hungarians, immigrants, mamas daughter.
That would be me. Hiya. Stocks and bonds always a risk.
They don`t make land anymore. Perhaps a place u enjoy when u have
the time. Belize, Las Vegas, Timbucktwo.
Never, ever entrust your money to anyone or anything. Look at
what Madoff got away with. Get yourself a safety deposit box put
a bunch of cash in it or perhaps gold bouillion.
REAL ESTATE especially now. Good luck my friend...jude...
8/10/2009 6:57:46 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Indianapolis, IN
37, joined Aug. 2009
9/4/2009 11:06:59 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Orlando, FL
29, joined Aug. 2009
email me the company i work with could possibly help you [email protected]
9/5/2009 11:34:25 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

West Point, GA
68, joined Jan. 2008
Ask someone you trust who their investor is or do your own research. My bank has an investment officer who will direct you according to your intersts. Banks only can replace so much. You could also use more than one bank.
I could be greedy and ask you to please help rescued dogs, but how YOU spend money you earned is your choice.
Please don't fall for anyones' scams. 
9/8/2009 9:44:14 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
53, joined Aug. 2009
wont you lend it to me, you oh, charitable soul. i would like to put up a real estate business, build homes and sell it. i need a capital. i dont know when to pay you, but definitely pay you back.....w/o interest though. 
God bless you more, big brother in Christ Jesus.
9/9/2009 11:34:51 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
San Diego, CA
60, joined Jan. 2009
Send any excess funds to the noob_online Tahiti Vacation Fund. 
9/17/2009 12:27:18 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Tacoma, WA
49, joined Mar. 2007
Feel free to adopt me...
9/26/2009 6:19:54 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Colorado Springs, CO
67, joined Jul. 2009
Invest? Spend?
You really haven't spelled out your position so it is hard to give constructive advice. If your source of income and retirement are both secure, then it might be time to step out of your comfort zone a bit. Either stocks or foreclosed properties.
Some people do good on stocks, other don't. Foreclosed properties can be very lucrative IF you can find someone that can do the work renovating them for a share of the profits. But if you hook up with the wrong person, you could get in over your head very quickly. And make sure you have a home inspector take a look at it before buying so you have a general idea of what it will take to get it back into resellable or rental shape.
10/5/2009 11:10:46 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Meridian, MS
36, joined Apr. 2008
Put some into another bank BUT make sure ALL of it is covered by FDIC or ELSE, risk losing it.
11/15/2009 9:34:44 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Colorado Springs, CO
53, joined Oct. 2009
I think you are joking. It's incredible to me how many seemingly self-sufficient people become such beggars. Their greed is showing!
11/30/2009 7:58:23 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Tucson, AZ
61, joined Nov. 2009
He'll get more winks from money lovers
12/7/2009 7:41:08 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Evensville, TN
53, joined Jan. 2009
I would deffinitely be looking for another bank to deal with! my understanding of the FDIC
insurance is the $250,000 limit is per account not per bank but I would be looking to diversify anyway.
My personal beliefs are that just leaving money in a bank account that pays very little interest if any is foolish. If you don't try to invest and continue to make it work for you what's the point. trust me the banks are using your money on deposit with them very aggressively to make them money. CD's are a horrible way to invest, very low ROI and keeps your funds tied up. I would look to invest for the long term in Mutual funds and short term in Money Market funds with a reasonable interest rate.
One other thing, Its really a cool thing to be able to help others with your good fortune. it dosen't have to be a lot and mabey not so much monetairy as giving some of your time to help those less fortunate, help those that are looking for a hand up not a hand out!
Check out Daveramsey.com there is a lot of good information there. Wishing you the best of success and a safe and happy holiday season.
2/22/2010 10:44:44 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Avoca, WI
61, joined Jan. 2008
Buy silver and put it in a safe deposit box or a safe if you have one at home.
2/24/2010 5:36:00 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Hesperia, CA
51, joined Nov. 2009
I am starting a business if you would like to invest.
2/26/2010 3:03:35 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Chicago, IL
60, joined Feb. 2010
exchange traded fund. $100,000 would give you about $330 a month. now your banker is going to be dissapointed you didn't invest in their morgage backed securities. also single payment endowments you will receive monthly payments for the term of the endowment and get your money back at the end of the term.
2/28/2010 10:30:32 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Philadelphia, PA
41, joined Feb. 2010
Your banker's nuts if he didn't suggest ways to use this money. Most banks have some type of division where they offer CDs or other investments.
My thought is real estate AND a property manager to take care of it. Good luck.
3/1/2010 10:44:46 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Vacaville, CA
72, joined Dec. 2008
Hmmm, two comments. Your bank probably offers brokerage services and wants to generate business for the financial consultant the bank hire...maybe Bank of America? if not, most if not all banks do that now. The real question is: how do you plan to use that money and within what time frame.
If you have plans in the next five years for that money, you need to invest conservatively with most of it. CD rates are way too low, and fixed, so look for money market funds which should have increasing interest rates, no penalties for withdrawal of funds, and a better return than CDs (some MMFunds are tax-free). If your time horizon is longer, but you don't feel comfortable with putting money in individual stocks, buy into top quality index funds that reflect the moves of the stock market as a whole. I would suggest a NASDAQ index fund, a Dow-Jones Index fund, an S&P 500 fund to cover most of the US market action. The stock market is poised to rise dramatically over the next 5+ years and that's where the best returns should be. I expect bonds to drop in value over the several years due to the recovery in the US and global markets from the so-called Great Recession. The economic recovery will inevitably cause a rise in interest rates and thus a drop in value for current bond holdings).
If you're a bolder investor, there are many many choices right now for investing your extra funds. Depending on the amount available, you may consider investing in real estate right now (especially income producing) since the prices are still quite depressed from the highs of just 3 years ago. However, I like stocks and many are still depressed from the market drop of the last couple years. My favorite is Google, the most brilliant and diversified company I know of, but I also like apple, microsoft (both always winners), perhaps amd, intel, and some others in the high tech business. In cyclical markets, choose blue chip unless you know something specific about an industry or company. I don't follow biotech at all, so don't ask me...LOL
hope this helps. I've invested for years and done well. but
Hey, just my modest advice

3/30/2010 2:25:07 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Layton, UT
31, joined Mar. 2010
I'd put half in another bank and keep on saving =P there are a few charities that I support myself...but at the same time, as much as it sux to say this, money is very important these days, and with the economy the way it has been ...I would just keep saving and saving in case of a worst case scenario.
3/30/2010 4:51:27 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Long Beach, CA
31, joined Mar. 2010
hummmmm...... i can cum up wit a couple of things to invest in
4/12/2010 6:04:48 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Cleveland, OH
66, joined Sep. 2008
Buy delinquent accounts and collect on them.
This sucks but hey, you have to make a living, too.
5/22/2010 3:14:03 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Harrison, MI
63, joined May. 2010
You have a investor n you want us to
tell you what to do????? Invest in a
new investor.
5/25/2010 3:10:43 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Elmhurst, NY
44, joined May. 2010
#1 Hire me. I have a very good plan for you.
#2 Your health
#3 Pay it forward
10/18/2010 9:23:31 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Asheboro, NC
31, joined Oct. 2010
hey friend i dont know how much money you have but for example if you had 250k
here in nc what i would do is buy houses, mobile homes that have land that are 50k and under that the tax value is worth more then what you are paying u buy a house for 50k but the arp value is or could be 75k to 85k and believe me there a lot of them out there this is how i would spend that money .
buy 4 houses for 50k and under use the other 5ok thats left over for some repairs then put the houses for lease option for what its worth for 3 to 5 years with a balloon payment ask for 2 or 3k down the house will still be yours but their responsible for repairs and you will also get rent thought the years whale your house is leased
4 houses for 50k each = 200k
50k for repairs = 50
investment 250k
return on investment
4 house leased rent money 500 each =2000 a month =24k in one year=120k in a 5 year lease
balloon payment for each house on or before thats say each house was worth 75k arp value thats 25k profit on each house times 4 thats 100k plus the 120k on rent for the 5 years thats 220k profit you made in 5 years with a investment of 250k so after 5 years you will have 470k to reinvest again have fun
10/31/2010 3:51:25 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Salem, OR
65, joined Dec. 2009
Your banker is not thinking of you, but of himself. He wants to stop paying you interest, and start getting fees/interest from you. If he can con you into using your money as the down for a loan on a home you can't afford, he will get a commision for selling you that, and he will get your money, and he will then be able to foreclose once you miss a payment, or two...so he can sell the same over priced home to someone else and get more fees/commission/interest from them. Anything a banker wants you to do will be good for him, and ultimately bad for you. Leave your money in savings. Do NOT buy: Mutual Funds, stocks, bonds, homes, etc, from your banker. If you want to invest a bit, YOU choose the penny stocks to buy, find a broker outside your bank, buy some shares, and see what happens.
11/26/2010 2:31:23 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Port Charlotte, FL
29, joined Nov. 2010
i'm curious if you took any of these peoples' advice?
12/20/2010 1:01:01 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Salem, OR
65, joined Dec. 2009
Never listen to your banker. He/she works for the bank's board of directors...not you. He/she is out to screw you to help him/herself, and his/her employers.
[Edited 12/20/2010 1:03:45 AM ]
12/21/2010 5:30:21 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Galion, OH
62, joined Oct. 2010
Been there got that but maybe they will start paying interest again
12/27/2010 5:16:49 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
North Miami Beach, FL
60, joined Nov. 2009
I suggest you invest a portion in my organization and help some of the less fortunate people of the world visit them here www.club-asteria.com/index?refid=5847, You will be happy you did. Pedroprune, No Miami Beach, Fl.  
4/2/2011 10:27:00 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Fort Lauderdale, FL
54, joined Jun. 2009
First of all banks will never really complain if you have too much money in your account, unless you are closely related to the banker. They love it, they use that money on investment if you're not using it.
If it is more than the FDIC's insured amount of $250,000.00, then you can split the money and put it on a different bank to avail of the FDIC. It would not really matter though if the bank where you have the account is strong and has solid fiscal years.
Plus they usually let you fill out a paper for beneficiary just in case something happens to you.
If the bank is in a shaky financial situation, then I would consider pulling out most of the money -- INGdirect is a pretty much stable online bank and have used them for years. Again they are FDIC insured.
On the other hand, at your age, if you have not retired and have been working, it is time to take a break, go around the world, on a cruise, enjoy life and spend the excess money. You can hire me to take care of travel plans just a suggestion!
4/3/2011 1:36:58 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Galion, OH
62, joined Oct. 2010
Yes I have too much there they are being d*cks. Not sure where to put it though. !% interest is a joke.
4/4/2011 3:06:57 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Salt Lake City, UT
39, joined Feb. 2011
You would get this advice from a financial planner perhaps but hardly from a banker unless it's your personal banker. Mine is always telling me to invest in their bank's products which is what they're paid to do. At this point, hire an independent financial planner and map out your financial goals.
Then follow the plan, usually by diversifying investments and reducing your taxable base by taking advantage of tax incentives.
Good luck.
4/28/2011 5:58:34 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Chicago, IL
27, joined Apr. 2011
Well I do not have non so can someone give me some
5/13/2011 8:57:58 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Blytheville, AR
40, joined May. 2011
Meet yourself a nice woman ,If your not married,

5/13/2011 9:01:23 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Blytheville, AR
40, joined May. 2011
invest it into something you really love,Im going to school right now for business management...
5/14/2011 3:23:55 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Galion, OH
62, joined Oct. 2010
Cool goldman sachs got busted for fraud. Have to pay 550 million which is nothing to them. Hope it gets more of them.
6/2/2011 2:33:51 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Hoffman Estates, IL
26, joined Jun. 2011
I'd help u send it LOL. 
6/4/2011 1:20:43 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Fontana, CA
28, joined May. 2011
I think its funny how most people just want this guys money or want them to hire them lol
You can never do enough traveling. Cruises are always nice.
I'm a personal banker at a bank and yea the economy is bad but that's every individuals fault for not taking the responsibly of how to manage their money. So don't give to anyone what's so ever.
If you decide you want to invest just message me. I'll tell you for free.
6/10/2011 5:15:49 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Orlando, FL
25, joined Jun. 2011
Spoil me lol jkjk
6/21/2011 11:18:37 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Taft, CA
33, joined Mar. 2011
Hi dear, I never hear that before. I just wants to let you know I am not American, but I have a small business and I need a little help to do my dream. I am trying to do it but is hard in my life, because I don't have anyone who can helps me. Here is my email [email protected] let me know if you can helps me with something. Thank you.
7/31/2011 10:38:12 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Las Vegas, NV
33, joined Jul. 2011
First I want to say nothing in life is free so stop making urself look thirsty in front of the sound of money nothings worth more than ur self respect. I'm a marijuana grower who grown it for medical purposes it's considered to be the number 1 cash crop in AMERICA besides black men I would love to show u a buisness plan where u can easily see a 200% return in 6 mths. MEDICAL DISPENSORIES are not only profitable but they help people in pain and it'll show the myth that money don't grow on trees to be FALSE.
8/1/2011 1:06:10 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Saint Petersburg, FL
71, joined May. 2011
I'm looking for investor & I'm paying 15% interest in return for short time loan. Pay back in one year. If interested, contact me at [email protected]
8/5/2011 12:00:07 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Milwaukee, WI
28, joined Jul. 2011
Buy gold and silver and or a duplex and rent it
8/13/2011 11:45:59 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Corona, CA
26, joined Mar. 2011
8/13/2011 2:01:31 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
Invest in what? The market is too chaotic for me. Dumped out 2 weeks and saved much. Frankly, our economy will a downward slide as we are not competitive in the global market.
1. Weapons-grade plutonium
2. 1000 pill lots of oxycotin, 80mg.
3. Weapons of mass destruction.
No, I don't know where you can buy this stuff!
8/19/2011 9:02:30 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |


Galion, OH
62, joined Oct. 2010
Like what the pope said don`t be a pig let some of the workers have some money. Why the hell do you need billions when the guy down the street will kill you for a $. Just a fantasy but if the market goes we are in trouble. Wish I had everything on gold but know someone that lost a fortune on silver. Still seems to be tied down no reason it shouldn`t be up with gold prices. Holding my stocks what the hell if they destroy the world it won`t make a difference. Wish I had 1000 pills but wouldn`t know who to sell them to.
8/29/2011 12:37:44 PM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Chalfont, PA
52, joined Feb. 2011
Get a different banker. Stay in cash!
9/5/2011 4:19:39 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |

Hurst, TX
57, joined Oct. 2010
I have a house for sale.
It would be a good investment.
9/8/2011 1:11:18 AM |
My banker says I hhave too much money in the bank... |
Winter Park, FL
33, joined Apr. 2009
Carlyle group is going public.. Jump in on a reasonable IPO then dump it all in 3 months