5/25/2009 5:07:18 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
Elizabeth Edwards was interviewed on TV and in People and Oprah Magazine. She asked a brilliant and thought provoking question.
Why do some women see a man that is successful, powerful, has a family and thinks, "I WANT THAT?" Elizabeth Edwards suggests that the "other woman" go build her OWN instead of acting like a thief in the night.
From a personal perspective, I was DEVASTATED when I learned my ex had someone. Why do some women allow themselves to get involved with a married man? Granted there are some bad women who don't respect boundries but there are others where the affair was not planned.
Most men NEVER leave their spouse. They will ALWAYS have another excuse, the kids, his wife is unstable, won't divorce him, it's a bad time, financial, etc. The REALITY is they are NOT divorcing their kids, they can remain nearby, if his wife is unstable she won't be MORE stable in 6 months, money is always going to be an issue. Do you see a pattern?
Many of these "other women" listen to the plight of the unhappily married man. Often this starts out innocently, they are co-workers or go to the same gym. The other woman becomes a sounding board and hears the stories of this guys wife who doesn't "put out", the house is a mess, the wife has gained weight and all she does is "nag".
Eventually and often innocently, the other woman empathizes with the married man and things start to heat up.****
If you heard the wife's story she might say he isn't stepping up to the plate helping around the house and if she didn't make the doctors appts and play dates for the kids nothing would ever happen.
Once the husband and other woman start sneaking around he claims that he is leaving and they will be together.....etc....We know all the lines. Of course once he realizes the other woman will continue to sleep with him there is NO rush to leave. He now has his cake and is eating it too.
What eventually happens is the other women gives the husband an ultimatum and the relationship ends. If the other woman contacts the wife or the wife finds out about the affair the husband, in most cases the affair will cease. The affair can be the catalyst for the husband and wife to obtain counseling to repair their marriage. Everyone is devastated.
I tell my friends NEVER be the sounding board for an unhappily married man. It can be a recipe for heartache. Listen a time or two and tell him that you understand he is unhappy but he should consider getting counseling with his wife. Then they can both decide if they can "fix" their relationship or how they can "leave it".
Would anyone like to share their own personal stories and experience and what they have learned?
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5/25/2009 6:49:31 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Cosby, TN
62, joined Mar. 2009
I will NEVER do that!
I was on the receiving end of that kind of a scenario,I will never hurt a woman like I was hurt..........
Even when I was a young woman and dating I met a guy he was handsome and sweet,on our second meeting we went to breakfast and he admitted he was married,I politely said,"I will not continue to see you,you need to go home to your family and work it all out",
I never saw him again,till one year later he called me on the phone and asked me IF I remembered him,
He wanted to see me again,he told me he and his wife divorced,but it was too late for us,
He called me on my Wedding Day!
I just told him I was married.
I have met a couple guys online who admitted they were still home but in separate rooms,even though their profile said,divorced.
I said,go home to your family.
They emailed me a couple times wanting to see me,I say and will always say NO!
IF they did it to there wife,they'll do it again.....
I know there must be some who change,but I lived with a cheater for 34 yrs.till death did part,I am not doing it again......NO WAY.
[Edited 5/25/2009 6:50:41 PM ]
5/25/2009 8:09:21 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Sacramento, CA
71, joined May. 2008
No. Period.
5/28/2009 7:45:56 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |


Shelton, WA
58, joined Sep. 2008
i would never sleep with a married man i wouldnt want someone to sleep with my husband if i were married
5/28/2009 8:23:52 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Pleasanton, CA
50, joined Nov. 2007
I've seen this happen right before my eyes but the other way around.
It was a married female coworker with 2 teenage daughters.
She never left her husband nor her husband wanted to leave her either even after she confessed to him of cheating on him almost daily for 4 yrs.
She kept saying her husband lacked communication and bedroom activities, so all she wanted was those two things from other men and then she would go home to her husband as if nothing's happened.
This went on for many many years and I think they're still together 
I remember her husband always wanted to work things out and get professional help and they both did, but apparently it didn't work for them.
So sad.
5/29/2009 4:11:49 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Walled Lake, MI
44, joined Mar. 2008
That would make me a pretty sick and selfish woman to knowingly
get involved with a married man.
I agree don't let a man cry on your shoulder. He will use that as
a way to put his hands in your pants. HE's being selfish too!
He could care less about his family if he spends his time, money and
energy f**king you. Besides if they do it with you they do it TO you.
Knowing the pain that the kids and I have been though I agree I just
couldn't do that to another woman and her children too.
It's an evil thing, it really is. So no it's a lie if I said
I could do something like that and be a "good" woman.
Everything evil started with a lie. Always has always will.
Cheating makes you a LIAR.
5/29/2009 6:57:44 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Walton, KY
56, joined Dec. 2008
On a recent tv show (can't remember which one) a psychiatrist stated that men who are in a high position of power . . . be it a politician, etc. believe they are entitled to "other woman" - that it's within their rights - it comes with "their" status.
When I saw the Oprah interview with Elizabeth, I had a good laugh when Oprah walked towards John Edwards and stated, "I would like to talk with you too," the weazel ran for the hills in split seconds. so much so that I bet their floor had screech marks from his shoe heels.
Just the other night Jay Leno made light of that scenario in his start up sketch . . . I was pleased to see that a man noticed it/acknowledged it - even if Jay was trying to make a big joke about it.
At any rate, I thought that psychiatrists comment was very interesting.

[Edited 5/29/2009 7:07:02 AM ]
5/31/2009 2:32:28 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Port Saint Lucie, FL
40, joined May. 2009
On this subject (what if the man is lieing to the woman), and it takes her years to figure out she is being used. I no some women go for the money and flattery that it brings, but a man taken is not worth the time of day. They care about there needs and not your heart. This is something I have chosen to be unexceptiable in my eyes from the fact that I would be heart broken if it happened to me with-in a marrage.
6/2/2009 5:59:16 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Williamsburg, OH
53, joined Mar. 2009
I believe in the golden rule... DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO UNTO YOU..
I would not mess around with a married man,and I don't care much for women that do.
6/2/2009 8:15:47 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
Gina, with all due respect, how can this go on for years? Does the man have a second home the "other woman" visits? Is she EVER invited to family gatherings or business functions. I do think in RARE occasions this can happen but in the majority of cases...no. How can most reasonable intelligent women not "know"? This gives more creedence to taking things slow before getting intimate. Today we live in an instant gratification society. Too many people are sleeping with one another way too soon without knowing enough about their partner. When people are caught up in the heat of the moment they don't want to "know" that anything is amiss.
Again, I do understand that sometimes a real player can hide the truth.
6/3/2009 8:09:14 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Reston, VA
60, joined Jul. 2008
Any woman that wants to sleep with a married man belongs with the scumbag because she is one,too!
My husband left me for another woman after only 14 months of marraige when our baby was only 2 months old, this woman knew he was married and I was pregnant, but still did not care!! When I finally confronted her and told her she was a homewrecker, she said to me" It is not my fault you are not woman enough to keep your man!"
They are now married and if you ask me it is a match made in heaven, and if he did it to me, he will do it to her.What comes around goes around
6/3/2009 11:26:12 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
Barbaraajo, I agree. My ex husband had a girlfriend, Penelope CHEATham(her real name). I didn't know about her until after our divorce. I was devastated. He married her and SUPRISE...he cheats on her too. Like you, I feel they deserve each other. They both profess to be "good Christians".
6/3/2009 11:39:14 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Williamsburg, OH
53, joined Mar. 2009
It's called karma...These women who mess with married men need to watch out, it will come back to bite them in the A--- one day.
6/3/2009 9:28:42 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Yellowstone National Park, WY
32, joined Feb. 2009
I slept with a married man once, however I did not know he was married, due to the fact he didn't have a wedding ring on, and I had only known him for a little while. Once I found out he was married I felt awful and cut of all contact with him. I see him around once in a while and don't look at him. I feel ashamed at myself for having a sexual relationship with him, even though I didn't know he was married.
6/3/2009 10:13:26 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Louisa, KY
29, joined Feb. 2009
I slept with a married man once, however I did not know he was married, due to the fact he didn't have a wedding ring on, and I had only known him for a little while. Once I found out he was married I felt awful and cut of all contact with him. I see him around once in a while and don't look at him. I feel ashamed at myself for having a sexual relationship with him, even though I didn't know he was married.
Acire the same thing happened to me. Twice..oops, lol. I didn't feel bad at all. I didn't know they were married. The 2nd guys wife tried to place all the blame on me. I think she should have looked a little closer to home.
6/3/2009 10:34:50 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Yellowstone National Park, WY
32, joined Feb. 2009
Acire the same thing happened to me. Twice..oops, lol. I didn't feel bad at all. I didn't know they were married. The 2nd guys wife tried to place all the blame on me. I think she should have looked a little closer to home.
guess it's kind of like brad angie and jen, but not really
6/3/2009 11:22:11 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Schertz, TX
46, joined May. 2009
What is going on with Brad,Angie and Jen? Well, I admit I did sleep with a married man. I was 18 and he was 28. I really fell in love with him and he talked so long and hard about all the things wrong with his wife. I was gullible and fell hard for him. I never expected him to leave his wife and I tried to stay away but he was always able to rope me in. His wife found out of course and really torn into me which of course I dont blame her. I was already in a diffrent state at this time and never saw him again thank god. But what gets me is he contacted me again and of course same old complaints about his wife and of course he was still cheating on her with someone else. Years later I found out he had three kids with her! And he still claimed to be miserable in his relationship according to mutal friends! Why do men do that! Of course older, wiser I would never do that again and what makes me sick mostly is why men complain so much and stay? They are so unhappy why did they get married in the first place if they didn't want to keep their vows and work at their relationship.
Just glad I learned from that experince even though it was painful for more then just me.
6/3/2009 11:46:13 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Talladega, AL
52, joined Sep. 2008
It's wrong! KARMA will bite your ass!
6/4/2009 5:47:18 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
turtledove, I understand that it's very easy to listen to a man complain about his situation at home. The more we listen the more we start to empathize with them. I've been the "ear" of someone I cared a great deal about. I eventually had to stop listening because it was obvious he wasn't going to do anything. If they divorced there was enough money for he and his wife to be comfortatable. These guys can be in positions of authority at work but sometimes the wife is wearing the pants at home. Some of these guys like play "the victim". Often when we look back upon these situations we realize many of these men were very weak and cowardly.
I appreciate the ladies who were brave enough to share their experiences. I understand you would never have been involved with these guys if you knew they were married.
I also go back to my belief that we live in an instant gratification society. Personally I think it would be much better to get to know someone before sleeping with them. Does anyone have a similar or different thought?
6/10/2009 2:34:34 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Georgetown, KY
29, joined Mar. 2009
Speaking for myself, I've known this guy for 6 years and we used to fool around a lot but never had sex, then I got pregnant and he got married and we lost touch. We recently started talking again and he's constantly telling me he hates his wife and wants to be with me, but I've already promised myself I will never mess with him until he is divorced. It just feels so wrong to do that to another girl because I know it would kill me if I were her. We talk a lot and see each other sometimes, but that's as far as I will let it go.
6/11/2009 2:36:05 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
New Orleans, LA
31, joined Jun. 2009
I've done it.
6/11/2009 3:12:36 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Rochester, NY
58, joined Apr. 2009
I think some women do that because they have low self esteem and don't feel
that they deserve better. Its not a real relationship when someone does that.
Both parties are usually just deceiving themselves.
6/15/2009 2:45:33 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
decia, May I ask "why"? Was this knowingly or UNknowingly?
6/15/2009 6:54:22 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
San Jose, CA
56, joined Jun. 2009
I've read all of your comments and I agree to get involved with a married man is wrong, but it can happen to anyone unexpectedly. Especially when things are stressful in your life. I hope you can appreciate my story and learn from it and best of all PROTECT YOUR SELF and others in your life.
Has anyone read the book, "The Emotional Affair" by Ronald T. Potter-Efron, MSW, PH.D. and Patricia S. Potter-Efron, MS? It warns about online affairs that do not involve sexual infidelity but emotional ones. This just happened to me very innocently with a Classmates friend who I knew back in High School. It's been 30 years later and before I knew it, I got hooked on daily chats and the talking almost led to touching. There is a fine line between platonic intimacy and emotional infidelity. In my case, there was no easy way to end it. I confessed to my husband and he ended it. I still think of my online lover to this day. The sad part is everyone got hurt and his wife does not know to this day what he almost did. This book is really helping me to understand what happened. This online communication can be very addicting if you are not careful.
I hope my story will help you or you can relate even though you may not admit it to our other sisters here. Share it with a friend. I'd love to hear your confession without criticism.
Lucky for me, my husband and I have found our shortcomings and it has increased our intimacy level. I share everything with him now, even my online chats with others.
[Edited 6/15/2009 6:59:40 PM ]
6/15/2009 7:07:21 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Lakeland, FL
31, joined Jun. 2009
ladys.I thought I would post to put my 2 cents in.I was in high school and I found out from another friend that the girl I was close to had been sleeping with a married man.I was so shocked I never thought she would do something like this.She did not tell me because for one she knew what kind of female I am.I dont belive in do things like that.She finally told me and I jumped her ass.I told her what kind of women are you to sit here and do something.It made me really upset because it got to the point were she would brag on how good his sex was and all that.I to this day do not respect her.For one thing she knew he was married he told her and she did it anyway.She had been pregnant 2 times form him and lost the children.Just a sad situation.After 5 yrs she stop seeing him.But like I tell people Karma is a B*tch.You have to becareful of what you do to people.I told her someone was going to came in her life that she really cared for and the same Will happen to you.IT DID And to the women on here saying they didnt know the men were married.If you look hard enough there will be some clue that the man is married
6/17/2009 10:01:45 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Virginia Beach, VA
58, joined May. 2008
Need their a** beat.
6/23/2009 11:10:30 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Tulare, SD
60, joined Sep. 2007
Women who sleep with married men have their own demons to fight and do not need further negative judgement from others who do not know them. Seems to me, the married person, regardless if it is male or female, is more to blame than whom they might sleep with. I will not accept the idea that the man "can't help himself" if a woman is willing. In my opinion, the "other person" probably needs more sympathy than criticism. Obviously, they have some sort of problem that the married person is preying on like a monster. IMO married people have made a commitment that the other person has not made to the family. Although I have no desire to try to break up even an unwed couple, why not throw stones at the person who knowingly breaks vows/commitments AND is knowingly selfish rather than one who might be only lied to, stupid, OR selfish?
7/5/2009 7:55:47 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Alpharetta, GA
31, joined Jun. 2009
I think it is sad that some women would be shallow enough to sleep with someone else's husband. And not only that, shame on the guy for doing it as well! It only causes grief and heartache for the woman who believes her husband is so faithful and great. If there is a ring on his finger, he is off limits to me. And in my eyes, if a guy is in a relationship with someone else, he also should be off limits. I had a friend who deemed it "okay" to sleep with another woman's husband. Needless to say, she spent two years of her life chasing after him and he repeatedly told her he was "going to leave his wife." The classic answer. I find it hard to believe that any man or woman couldn't have the guts to just come out and say it's not working out. If my boyfriend/husband had the urge to cheat on me, I would rather him break up/separate/whatever with me before doing that. We give men all the reason in the world to treat us as door mats. We wonder why men don't respect us.....Geesh....
[Edited 7/5/2009 7:57:44 PM ]
7/5/2009 11:54:05 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Dallas, TX
64, joined Apr. 2008
Dear Rocket,
I agree with everything you have said. We live in an instant gratification society. Not many people are willing to wait and get to know someone, you should be willing to do the work, before you get involved with someone. The foundation, like in a house, is the most important part of a relationship. I think everyone should go slow, ask a lot of questions and "listen" to what the men are saying. Admit it when the flags go up. Don't settle for less. I don't want to be anything but number 1.
It is bad Karma to date a married man. What goes around, comes around. You shouldn't cross the boundaries when a man is married. Regarding the Edwards scandal, she knew he was married, she deliberately went after a married man, she had no self respect. Now, she is "demanding" a dna test, it's so pathetic, why doesn't she just stand up and say, she wants his money. Clearly she has no conscience, no morals, no self esteem, no integrity, but the men are not blameless either. Men are turned on by sight and they seem weak for these type of "scheming" Jezebel women.
What hurts me the most are 2 thing - what it does to our children number 1 and how it will effect their future relationships. No. 2 - it hurts so bad to know we live in a disposable society. We have throw away razors, throw away water bottles and yes, when the going gets rough, some men would rather throw the relationship away, along with the children, the stress of the bills, the house and start a new relationship with someone else, where they can be the center of attention and no kids.
Yes, my husband cheated on me. The other woman knew he was married, yet went after him. She said I had "handed him to her on a silver platter" and silly me, I thought I was working as a real estate agent 14 hours a day to be a "help mate", I thought we were a team. Honestly, I feel everything happens for the best, and as for my family, we are all better off without the man that came home occasionally and screamed a lot. Look around. The children of single mothers and a few wonderful single dads are turning out great because we stepped up to the plate and took our responsibility seriously. Even a b*tch dog won't leave it's puppies. The children are being raised with less materially, but a lot of love and compassion, sensitivity.
People sometimes make mistakes and the decisions they make will effect the rest of their lives, it can never be changed. If they learn by their mistakes, give them a chance. No one is perfect.
Word to the wise, an acquaintance of mine, a woman, broke up a marriage of one of her friends, married the guy and had a miserable life. She told a mutual friend not to ever marry a guy you had to "steal" from someone. She spent her whole life wondering who he would cheat on while married to her. She was so paranoid of her friends and everyone around them. He died recently and honestly, she looked relieved. They were probably married 30 years, she was never happy. Ladies, don't get caught in this trap, you will never be happy.
7/6/2009 9:54:20 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Scottsburg, IN
62, joined Oct. 2008
I have never been in that situation like many others have,so I guess I really have no right to post....but would like to share some thoughts. 1. Who am I to judge? I have learned a lot of compassion since William died, I'm not saying that it is right,because it not, just that there are always two sides. And I work daily trying not to judge people because I know I am far from perfect 2.And probably the most important is that God instituted marriage, "what God has joined together, let no man put asunder". 3. I don't live my life using other people's standards, my standard is Papa (God)...I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror and be able to go to Papa at any time, for He literally saved my life after William died. 4.Just a question...how do they respect each other knowing that innocent lives will be forever changed....if you can't respect someone, how could you even want them to be part of you? 5. I know that there are a lot of people who only think of themselves, but God will judge and I pity them more than anything. I know I for one do not want to be on the receiving end of His chastisement. Sorry to the OP, know is a little off topic...to all have a good day and may Papa watch over you all and help heal your pain. Blessings, Thelma.
7/6/2009 4:32:16 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Durham, NC
60, joined Apr. 2009
Okay everyone seems to be coming down pretty hard on the woman.. What about the man??!
Did she even know he was married?? A lot of men remove their wedding rings before entering into the bar or club. I once had a man tell me he was separated.. later found out he wasn't. He even had his own little apartment away from the wife.. bet wife didn't know that either.
The point I'm making is if your man is cheating on you it is just as much his fault
as the other womans. A lot of lies and betrayal goes down so one does not know the entire story.
I think the woman who messed with John Edwards had to have known he was
married.. how could she not?? Wonder what kind of story he told her to bed her?
"Oh my wife is ill with breast cncer and is no longer affectionate.. we haven't had
sex in months." whatever... but ladies please put some of the blame on the lowdown
7/11/2009 8:27:25 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
I think most women are touched by infidelity at some point in their lives whether by their mate or someone they know. I understand that many men hide their marital status. However, I still believe that too many people don't take the time to get to know one another before becoming intimate. I think this is a big mistake.
As I posted earlier in this thread it's very dangerous to listen to the woes of an unhappily married man. You can listen a time or two but it's too easy to get sucked into his story and empathize with him. Suggest he see a counselor with his wife to get their marriage back on track or to figure out "how" to disengage from the marriage.
Here are some of the most common line the married man gives his mistress:
I'm going to leave WHEN, my wife is more stable, the kids go to school,my finances improve.
For those who are foolish enough to believe a married man's nonsense, keep in mind that once you sleep with him he has his cake and can eat it too. He now has the best of both worlds.
Should his wife "find out" about you he'll drop you as fast as a hot potato!
7/12/2009 1:24:17 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Middlesboro, KY
61, joined Jun. 2009
The only married men I have ever slept with were married to me!  
7/12/2009 10:04:27 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Oviedo, FL
26, joined Jul. 2009
well,lol even tho i never messed with a married man.im a lesbian,been in the situation with sleeping with someones girl.eh,i didnt know she was involved.or else,i wouldnt of done it.=/
7/16/2009 3:25:35 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Las Vegas, NV
53, joined Jul. 2009
been there done that, both ways. first time, my ex slept with his coworker when our son was 6 weeks old. they went to phuket, thailand. i found out a year later. i forgave him, and we continued. second time, again, it was a coworker of his. This time I filed for divorce. In the proceedings, I met a guy, and when the divorce was final, we hooked up. I found out two hours after the deed that he was married. Can you say "felt sick to my stomach"? I somehow felt like I was no better than the 2 ladies that slept with my ex. I mean, the guy had no ring, no obvious telltale signs, no nothing. I eventually left Hawaii- I felt so used. I realize now that I was a guppy who was too trusting, and the guy just preyed on me like so much fresh meat. So now, here I am, single, looking a relationship in the eye, and wondering what the heck I'm doing, and if it's right. Talk about getting 3rd degree burns... But hey, I'm more aware now, than I was then...
7/21/2009 3:24:45 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |


San Diego, CA
98, joined Jan. 2008
I worked with two professional successful women that only dated married executives, always out of town. These women were mothers that could not bring men home and did not have time for a full time relationship. They said the married men wined and dined them, had a nice private place for a romantic evening and they( men)never asked for more.
7/22/2009 9:44:58 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Houston, TX
34, joined Jul. 2009
I always said I would never sleep with a married man. But I have unknowingly slept with one. We met, talked, got to know each other. Found out he had a kid from a previous marriage. He said they were divorced, and I believed him: he didn't wear a ring, he was always with me, and if he wasn't with me I knew where he was. We only slept together one time because he was horrible in bed lol. That was a dealbreaker for me, and I didn't really want to continue what we had, although he wanted to. I considered giving him a second chance, but one day I received a vicious email from this woman saying that she was his wife and that I should be ashamed of myself messing with a married man and she hopes I am cursed and die horribly blah blah blah...I never responded to her. I didn't know he was married and I didn't see the point in arguing with her. I just ceased all contact with her hubby and moved on. Everything happens for a reason, and I consider that my blessing in disguise. Nowadays, you can google a person to find out if they're married or not. Thank goodness for google, lol!
8/3/2009 8:10:39 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Tulsa, OK
27, joined Aug. 2009
guys...i have 11 siblings and i'm the third oldest. my mom has been living a double life with different men for 3 years and the last one has proposed to her 3 times. all of them know she's married. she's spends thousands of my dad's money because he still loves her and let's her. anyone who cheats on their spouse who still loves them is cruel. and it's hell for me and i have to look out for my siblings because i'm worried they'll be screwed up.it is very wrong and sad, and i have to watch my dad's heart break every time i see him. and i have to try to keep my little siblings from knowing too much.i still try to love her, but all i can do is pray because she will not listen to anyone. and she doesn't take care of the kids all the time...my sister who still lives at home does. the point is people who mess with married couples and married couples who cheat are messed up.If i ever meet that man he's going to have a rearranged face. What sort of stupid man would do that?
my siblings are so cool!how could she run away from them?
[Edited 8/3/2009 8:19:54 AM ]
8/4/2009 3:38:25 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |


Brenham, TX
53, joined Oct. 2008
Let's not forget the sorry SOB that she's sleeping with! I want him, not her! What goes around comes around and they always get theirs.... but HIS, is mine to DELIVER!!      
8/6/2009 4:27:34 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
glissgirl, your post broke my heart. Although I feel terrible for your dad he MUST get counseling. His self esteem is in the toilet and his PRIMARY concern should be HIS CHILDREN and his MENTAL and EMOTIONAL well being. Because your dad has tolerated this blatant abuse for years he has become mentally ill and lost all self esteem. Your mother has learned there is no consequence for her pathetic and disgusting behavior. Make no mistake...your siblings WILL be negatively by the actions of both your parents. Your dad needs counseling immediately.
I'm willing to bet that if your dad throws your mom out she'll promise to behave but that is because she doesn't want to be alone. Your dad should also go to his doctor and get checked for STD's every 6 months because of your mother's irresponsible behavior.
Good luck to you.
8/7/2009 9:04:59 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Brattleboro, VT
28, joined Jan. 2009
Just for the record, not all men tell the "other" woman that they are married, it happened to me. I found out weeks later that he was married, and was absolutely devestated. Not only did he decieve me, he cheated on her and made me "the other woman." Not a title I was proud to carry. Men can be very good at hiding and lying, obviously. I wouldn't knowingly cheat or help someone cheat, because I know how it feels.
8/7/2009 11:46:20 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
Yes, some men will intentionally deceive a woman. However, I still stand by thought that if women weren't so quick to jump into bed with a man much of this(but not all) could be avoided.
Nobody has yet addressed the other woman who knowingly sleeps with another man and doesn't care or is foolish enough to believe he'll eventually leave his wife and family.
Any thoughts?
8/7/2009 12:44:54 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Brattleboro, VT
28, joined Jan. 2009
Yes, some men will intentionally deceive a woman. However, I still stand by thought that if women weren't so quick to jump into bed with a man much of this(but not all) could be avoided.
Nobody has yet addressed the other woman who knowingly sleeps with another man and doesn't care or is foolish enough to believe he'll eventually leave his wife and family.
Any thoughts?
Okay, so that seems like a little but of a personal attack, and I don't appreciate it. For the record, I knew him for 3 months before I slept with him. Like I said, some men are just good at it. We didn't live in the same town, and cell phones are a beautiful thing. Women jumping into bed to soon isn't the only issue, and how can you say the woman? If the scum bag men could work out their marital issues, and not stick their d*ck in anything willing, it'd ELIMINATE the problem, but that's besides the point. Someone having sex is their choice. JMO.
8/7/2009 3:51:21 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |


Henderson, NV
58, joined May. 2009
You can't always blame the women for everything. She's too quick to jump in bed. She's too dumb to find out if the guy is married or not. She doesn't care cuz she's a homewrecking witch. And so on and so on. But let's place some of the blame on the married man. He's the one seeking. He's the one violating his vows. He's the one who should have a backbone. And he is more likely than not, the one who is manipulating a situation so that he can get what he wants. He's the one lying.
Now, with that being said, of course, there are women who want only married men. If only because they want no committment, want no questions, want nothing but sex. If they just want to test their powers, or get revenge on someone...lots of reasons.
But you can't forget the man who's cheating. If he's a manipulator or he's weak, he's still cheating.
OP, you are 100% right, both with your well thought out reasoning and your advice to friends.
For my story: He did leave for the other woman. She made him feel young and vibrant and oh so very witty. He told me that in all our years together that many women had come on to him (huh)and he was never interested. But then this woman came along and sparked an interest and he felt that he owed it to himself to see what it was all about. He had never been interested before so that must have meant that he loved me. Now that he was interested in someone, it must mean that he didn't love me anymore. So he must love her so off he went. What was hard was that I hadn't really suspected yet. I just knew things were strange. As I looked back, I realized I had seen signs.
8/7/2009 7:17:03 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
Rinnz, "where" in my post did you extract that I was pointing a finger at you? I stated that "some" but "not all" of the married men sleeping with another woman could be reduced "IF" a woman took their time getting to know them before hopping in the sack.
Personally, I think in today's world many women take sex too lightly. What's the harm in waiting more than 2-3 dates? We seem to be so busy saying "it's only sex" or "we're adults". I don't understand how someone can do something as intimate as having sex without feeling entitled to ask any question and be entitled to an answer. I'm not suggesting a puritanical mindset. I'm NOT saying that some men DON'T pull the wool over a woman's eyes EVEN if she has taken her time.
My last post asked for opinions about women who KNOWINGLY sleep with married men and don't care...NOT the one where it happened unintentionally.
8/8/2009 10:56:46 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Silver Springs, FL
49, joined Aug. 2009
im telling you the truth ladies, every married man that tried to sleep w/ me was the one who started the crap. either married or not ive had men ready to jump in bed without a second thought of their companion. i dont sleep w/ taken men either. i dont try to sleep w/ married men. they are always the ones who are ready. i beilieve in respect to my gender. and theres alot of women who will jump in bed w/ a taken man. it works both ways. and i do believe in th at ole karma too.
8/9/2009 11:03:13 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Elgin, IL
63, joined Aug. 2009
cheaters don't change...what makes them think that they won't cheat on you?
8/11/2009 8:47:32 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Silver Springs, FL
49, joined Aug. 2009
8/13/2009 3:14:22 PM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |
Carmichael, CA
28, joined May. 2009
I can definitely relate my mother and father seperated over just that some woman. I think its the worse thing you can do to someone and their families especailly with children, I have learned it only leads to broken homes and distance between a husband and wife, so I will NEVER get involved with a married man and I despise all the women out there who think its ok. People dont realize how much damage is done to the wives/husbands and children involved.
8/20/2009 11:51:11 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Warren, MI
70, joined Mar. 2009
My first husband cheated on me many times so I would never knowingly sleep with a married man. Men can be real dogs and I don't fault the women who were very young or didn't know the man was married. It can also be very difficult to tell if a man is married.
I do find fault with women who know the man is married but sleep with them anyway...for whatever the reason. The same holds true for men who sleep with married women when they know the true circumstances. I consider those in a committed relationship or living together to be the same as married. I think all these people (the cheaters and the cheatees) are wrong and wonder how they live with themselves. I too believe in Karma...what goes around, comes around and I believe they will receive their just punishment for their deeds.
It is unfortunate in our society today that so many have decided to forego the bonds of marriage or fidelity in a relationship....and it only seems to be getting worse. The children are the ones who suffer the most and what are the cheating parents teaching them? We live in a disposable society and I think it is too easy to get a divorce. What has happened to the moral code of home and family?

8/22/2009 7:28:20 AM |
Women Who Sleep with Married Men |

Suwanee, GA
59, joined Mar. 2007
Thank you mcxx and libra. You answered the actual question I posed. I agree.