3/7/2010 10:56:06 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Brick, NJ
50, joined Sep. 2009
Just out of curiosity...because they came through my neighborhood on Friday...and came back to my house on Saturday....
Friday I was at work...and my daughter (18) answered the door ...with her Wiccan Bible in hand. They started talking about the Bilble...and she said no thanks...I already have one and held up her book...title facing out.
She says they looked like deer in the headlights....and then they turned and hustled themselves off the property.
Yesterday they came back...three of them this time.
I met them at the door.
I politely asked if there was a reason they came back...they got all nervous and left...I think they were back to confront my daughter.
If they come back again I am considering calling the police
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3/8/2010 2:59:47 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Nov. 2009
i tell them,,, i have a sister thats a jw, and shes been trying for 20 years to convert me. if she couldn't do it in 20 years what makes them think that they can do it in a few minutes?
3/8/2010 5:13:37 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Yes, they went back to confront your daughter...They are trespassing and you should call the cops as soon as you see them steping in your property. I remember telling the JW who came to my home, at 7am, on a Sunday, to leave and never come back...These idiots, in their arrogance, decide to ignore my warnings. Well, I was prepared. Before they even finished ringing the doorbell, I opened the door and "blessed" them with ice water. They never returned.
3/9/2010 4:34:03 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Beaverton, OR
56, joined Mar. 2009
"You must be looking for my friends "Smith and Wesson", I will go and get them." That will usualy do the trick.
3/9/2010 6:19:14 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Lexington, KY
46, joined Feb. 2010
Its simpler than that dont show no interest. When you let one in the door or discuss things with them you are put on a list to come back. You showed interest. If you tell them that not only your not interested but you wish for them to not return they put you on a do not return list for at least a couple of years(you might have moved and someone new might be there). I know because I grew up one. Good luck.
3/9/2010 8:08:54 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Nov. 2009
Its simpler than that dont show no interest. When you let one in the door or discuss things with them you are put on a list to come back. You showed interest. If you tell them that not only your not interested but you wish for them to not return they put you on a do not return list for at least a couple of years(you might have moved and someone new might be there). I know because I grew up one. Good luck.
i know your right about that Gene, never give them a chance to get started.
3/10/2010 5:29:55 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Brick, NJ
50, joined Sep. 2009
Its simpler than that dont show no interest. When you let one in the door or discuss things with them you are put on a list to come back. You showed interest. If you tell them that not only your not interested but you wish for them to not return they put you on a do not return list for at least a couple of years(you might have moved and someone new might be there). I know because I grew up one. Good luck.
Thank you for your insight ...I didn't know there is a do not return list. I have been telling them no thank you for years.... but I still get an annual visit (sometimes in the Summer I get a visit from the Mormons too... )
3/12/2010 7:46:26 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Oceanside, CA
28, joined Feb. 2010
Honestly, I have a mean way of telling them no thanks...I just tell them I read the Salman of Rashdie, daily...It shoo's them away, also being in boxers answering the door helps.
3/13/2010 11:13:21 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Seymour, IN
72, joined Mar. 2007
I always let them know the first time they come that I am disfellowshiped and they put me on their do not call list. I really should thank them though because they were the beginning of my questioning. Thanks to their god I do not believe in any god anymore.
3/14/2010 5:08:28 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Glendale, CA
46, joined Feb. 2009
Just out of curiosity...because they came through my neighborhood on Friday...and came back to my house on Saturday....
Friday I was at work...and my daughter (18) answered the door ...with her Wiccan Bible in hand. They started talking about the Bilble...and she said no thanks...I already have one and held up her book...title facing out.
She says they looked like deer in the headlights....and then they turned and hustled themselves off the property.
Yesterday they came back...three of them this time.
I met them at the door.
I politely asked if there was a reason they came back...they got all nervous and left...I think they were back to confront my daughter.
If they come back again I am considering calling the police
I usually just stare @ them and laugh. Or, i say I like satan, and think he's a swell guy. Or,(the best), I shut the foor on them. People who come to your door to preach any kind of religion, or walk up to you on the street doing so, are trying to force their beliefs onto another person. Rest assured, they wouldnt like it one bit, if someone did that to them? They'd get all kind of butt hurt.
3/19/2010 11:02:34 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Brick, NJ
50, joined Sep. 2009
update...they came back AGAIN this week... of course while I was at work....and my other daughter (who is home from college for Spring Break) answered the door....told them no thank you...and shut the door in their faces.
I am waiting to see if they come back again tomorrow....and I am thinking about putting the "NO Proselytizing" sign back up...
They ran like scared biddies from me...but they come back and harrass my daughters....NOT COOL!
3/19/2010 11:19:07 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Redford, MI
55, joined Feb. 2007
They were in my neighborhood today; I heard the dogs barking and looked out the window to see several at neighbors' doors and in the street, I am not sure if they knocked on my door, maybe I didn't hear it, but I did find a pamplet on my door knob. I think maybe the sight of the Rott barking, and the Shepherd growling, and me shirtless (I may have been barking or growling or laughing) in the window scared them.
3/29/2010 6:45:39 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Brick, NJ
50, joined Sep. 2009
Maybe I should think about getting another big dog (I had to have my Rottie put to sleep March 8...he was very sick.... and I couldn't let him suffer anymore)
Ski.... barking and growling in the window.... Hmmmm - interesting visual..lol
3/29/2010 10:26:01 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Woodville, AL
41, joined Mar. 2010
Never had one come up to my door. If one did show, I would probably offer them something to drink. If they wanted to talk to me about their thoughts. I would agree to listen as long as they agree to listen to me in return. The conversation would most likely end when I start talking about the possibilities of Jesus being a mushroom ( Amanita Muscaria ), that was consumed by the Essenes. And more discussions about the famous translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls by John Allegro.
4/3/2010 4:55:19 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Bryan, TX
75, joined Feb. 2008
I stop them as soon as they get out of their vehicle and I see that watchtower in their hands.
"Stop, turn around, get into your vehicle, drive away, never come back and tell your friends."
They haven't been back.
4/4/2010 11:26:38 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Pittsburgh, PA
42, joined Apr. 2010
I answer the door with my gun holsterd on my waist. That usually does the trick!
4/5/2010 1:55:08 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Columbus, OH
36, joined Dec. 2009
They don't come around often, I had neighbors that were jehovahs they always tried to convert me, I repsected them though it is what they worshiped so more power to them.
I try to be nice and hear them out, tell them my view on things then they just move on.
4/5/2010 7:11:33 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Let me as you this: Why to respect those who don't respect your desire NO to be converted?
4/6/2010 2:41:29 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Columbus, OH
36, joined Dec. 2009
Let me as you this: Why to respect those who don't respect your desire NO to be converted?
Just did no reason really I showed them respect, and in return they showed me respect as well. They were just doing what they felt was a need for them, they stopped eventually, I didn't mind it I liked to debate and was intriged on their views.
4/6/2010 6:09:19 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Just did no reason really I showed them respect, and in return they showed me respect as well. They were just doing what they felt was a need for them, they stopped eventually, I didn't mind it I liked to debate and was intriged on their views.
Each person is different. I am polite when saying NO for the first time...after that, I see all attempts on their part as an abuse of my rights.
4/6/2010 8:09:40 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Green Bay, WI
55, joined May. 2008
I ask them to borrow me some money.
4/6/2010 1:18:01 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
I ask them to borrow me some money.
I guess you meant "to lend you..."
4/7/2010 4:00:33 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Donna, TX
27, joined Feb. 2009
well the first time they came over i told them i dnt believe in god so dnt try. the next time they came they talked about jesus walking on water n some other stuff and i told them so did leonardo davinchi and there is proof he was a real person so they left. then they came back but this time they made it half way cuz they saw the sitanic cross
4/7/2010 3:16:42 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Cordova, TN
73, joined Nov. 2009
The first time I encountered them, I actually tried being polite and using reason to counter their specious 'argument'. Ummm ... no. Wrong tactic with these people. They see any display of politeness or willingness to have a logical debate (you know, using critical thinking skills and rational analysis) to be a sign of weakness. They then proceed to go for the jugular. Since the 'lessons learned' file entry after that initial conversation, I have handled all subsequent interaction with them in the following manner: Me: Hello. Them: Hello. Me (seeing their style of dress and literature): I bet you have something to tell me, don't you? Them: Why, yes, we DO! (excited voices) Me: Does this thing you have to tell me by any chance have something to do with Jesus? Them (eyes lighting up): Why YES!, it DOES! Me: I thought so. Convert my door. (Shut door here). It works every time. No argument, no discussion - just questions, anticipation, and an ending. On my terms, not theirs. Life really IS too short to not have fun while we're here ...
4/7/2010 7:56:38 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Convert my door. (Shut door here).
Sorry, i still prefer to empty ice water (no more than one glass & right after opening the door) on their faces.
[Edited 4/7/2010 7:56:55 PM ]
4/10/2010 6:27:02 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Donna, TX
27, joined Feb. 2009
i dnt get it. we tell them no in a nice way or in a mean way and they still come.
4/16/2010 4:27:02 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Holland, MI
56, joined Mar. 2010
I usaly tell them to get the hell off my porch then let the dog loose
4/17/2010 11:25:34 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Seymour, IN
72, joined Mar. 2007
I am telling you all as an ex-jehovah witness I can tell you that if you tell them you are disfellowshipped, which I am, they will never bother you again. They are not even allowed to talk to anyone disfellowshipped.
5/7/2010 7:19:39 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Scotts, MI
63, joined Aug. 2008
I always answer the door for 7th Day Adventists -- I educate them about our gods. 
5/7/2010 10:27:45 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Delta, CO
46, joined Apr. 2010
I show them my pentagram tattoo and tell them I'm going to load my gun so we can start the war, they leave pretty quick, last time all I saw was a dust trail going down the road!
5/8/2010 7:02:52 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Laceys Spring, AL
65, joined May. 2010
i sic my dog on um...i raised him to be an atheist too..lol
5/8/2010 7:13:50 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Seymour, IN
72, joined Mar. 2007
Like everything up ^^^ there. I am talking the answers to the question,
6/16/2010 12:52:03 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Harpersfield, NY
40, joined May. 2010
A couple of the guys in previous posts suggested answering the door shirtless. This is actually quite effective. I had just gotten out of the shower when the last JW came to my door. I answered the door in loose pajamma bottoms and a towel around my neck. I got stunned silence for about 10 seconds, and she half turned to leave. When she could begin her schtick, she still wouldn't look directly at me. I politely told her I wasn't interested and took her pamphlet. She left and hasn't been back. If I do see her coming again, she will get to see my boxers. 
[Edited 6/16/2010 12:52:31 AM ]
6/20/2010 2:30:42 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
i sic my dog on um...i raised him to be an atheist too..lol

6/20/2010 9:11:14 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Gainesville, FL
30, joined Jun. 2010
A group of them used to wait outside my apartment to catch me after work. At first I tried to be polite and humor them, but after a while it started to get out of hand. They were getting pushy, so I stopped humoring them and made it clear that they didn't stand a chance. Then they gave up and moved on to some other poor damned soul.
6/21/2010 4:42:44 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Threatening to call the cops usually works very well.
7/18/2010 10:29:14 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Winfield, IL
41, joined Jul. 2010
Here is the most effective way I found to deterr anyone peddeling their religion. First smear your face with red food coloring and put 2 alkseltzer tablets in your mouth. Step 2 grab large kitchen knife and do the same with food coloring. Step 3 grab defrosted beef roast from kitchen. Step 4 answer door and make sure someone is moaning extreamly loud in the background. Step 5 put crazy smile on face. Step 6 sit back and laugh your a** off. 
7/20/2010 2:47:11 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Fort Mohave, AZ
34, joined Jul. 2010
These one guys would not stop knocking on my door back in Texas. I told them every week to please leave me alone. They decided to once again return so I had it. I took some of my left over fake blood from Halloween and stripped down nude. I covered myself in fake blood and answered the door screaming that the devil took my soul. Needless to say I never saw them again 
7/24/2010 8:28:09 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Houston, TX
29, joined May. 2010
Just out of curiosity...because they came through my neighborhood on Friday...and came back to my house on Saturday....
Friday I was at work...and my daughter (18) answered the door ...with her Wiccan Bible in hand. They started talking about the Bilble...and she said no thanks...I already have one and held up her book...title facing out.
She says they looked like deer in the headlights....and then they turned and hustled themselves off the property.
Yesterday they came back...three of them this time.
I met them at the door.
I politely asked if there was a reason they came back...they got all nervous and left...I think they were back to confront my daughter.
If they come back again I am considering calling the police
I love to tell them I have a strong relationship with Odin and Thor. If they tell me those are mythological characters, I applaud them and ask when they will realize their beloved bible is full of fictional characters & big fish stories too? 
7/25/2010 12:42:06 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Atascadero, CA
26, joined Jun. 2010
These one guys would not stop knocking on my door back in Texas. I told them every week to please leave me alone. They decided to once again return so I had it. I took some of my left over fake blood from Halloween and stripped down nude. I covered myself in fake blood and answered the door screaming that the devil took my soul. Needless to say I never saw them again 
You are freaking brilliant
7/25/2010 12:54:03 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Atascadero, CA
26, joined Jun. 2010
The first time a JW came to my door I took one of their pamphlets wiped my a** with it, gave it back to them, and said "heres what I think about your god". The next day 4 of them arrived and I owned a certain amount of property before I moved to ca and when they asked me if I wanted to learn about god I pumped my .12 g. shotgun and told them to go back the way they came.
That night I have been contemplating what I could do in case they came back again, I had a great idea, I went to the store bought a bible went outside to wait for them to arrive.
When they finally arived the next morning I lit the bible on fire took out a stick and a marshmellow and when they came to my door they asked me if I wanted to learn about god and I said, "marshmellow?" when they saw what I was using I never saw them again. And now I'm in sunny california. 
8/1/2010 1:19:14 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Suttons Bay, MI
68, joined Jan. 2010
Well, I apparently have a grand daughter that is a JW. She's a beautiful blond haired blue eyed 16 year old now. They came to our door and my son answered and ended up doing their daughter for nearly a year. I haven't heard or seen anything of them since. I'd like to meet my granddaughter someday, though. 
8/1/2010 9:07:38 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Corcoran, CA
26, joined Jul. 2010
Maybe I should think about getting another big dog
Ski.... barking and growling in the window.... Hmmmm - interesting visual..lol
i suggest putting the meanest one right next to the front door hat way they cant knock
8/1/2010 9:12:08 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Corcoran, CA
26, joined Jul. 2010
These one guys would not stop knocking on my door back in Texas. I told them every week to please leave me alone. They decided to once again return so I had it. I took some of my left over fake blood from Halloween and stripped down nude. I covered myself in fake blood and answered the door screaming that the devil took my soul. Needless to say I never saw them again 
that would have made me stay longer

8/1/2010 9:36:54 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Brick, NJ
50, joined Sep. 2009
well...after the last time that they came back to visit (I mentioned this previously) I haven't had them stop back for visits anymore. I am thinking that they moved on to other neighborhoods...and I can "look forward" to the next rounds of visits next year.
It's almost time for the Mormons to visit now... they usually stop by in August...but they don't come back...they just hand out literature.
[Edited 8/1/2010 9:37:28 PM ]
8/4/2010 8:20:19 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
It's almost time for the Mormons to visit now... they usually stop by in August...but they don't come back...they just hand out literature.
I don't get annoyed very easy...but these people's arrogance
pisses me off. You tell them, politely, you are not interested
in their blah blah...but they keep insisting in telling you
"the word". Some, even, said "You are mistaken; let me tell you why."
8/9/2010 4:21:09 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Ann Arbor, MI
48, joined Feb. 2010
I ask for their address when they are done with their speil and assure them I will stop over soon to impose MY beliefs on THEM. (preferably @ around the dinner hour...cuz it will be much food for thought 
8/11/2010 8:52:38 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Nunnelly, TN
36, joined Apr. 2006
Copy and paste this , then give it to them
Jerusalem's Destruction: 607 BCE or 587 BCE?
Will need Watchtower library, paper , pen, and calculator.
We are looking for the "absolute" date for a starting point reference.
In your watchtower library look up,
Watchtower 55 2/1 pg.95 Qustions from readers. ( on paragraph 14 )
It states:
It is well to understand that all Bible chronology dates for events prior to 539 B.C. must be figured backward from the Absolute date of 539 B.C. In the sure date of 607 B.C. for the fall of Jerusalem we have an anchor for the chronology establishment of the important year of 1914. By an overwhelming number of physical facts occurring since 1914, this great turning-point year in man’s history, 1914, has been abundantly confirmed.
We now have a starting point. Use your pen and paper for any notes, we will need to recall these dates later.
In your Watchtower library look up "Last supreme monarch of babylonian", ( or, it-2 pg 458 )
First Paragraph states:
(Nab·o·ni´dus) [from Babylonian meaning “Nebo [a Babylonian god] Is Exalted”]. Last supreme monarch of the Babylonian Empire; father of Belshazzar. On the basis of cuneiform texts he is believed to have ruled some 17 years (556-539 B.C.E.). He was given to literature, art, and religion.
Sixth paragraph states:
Nabonidus’ ascension to the throne followed the assassination of Labashi-Marduk.
Using your paper and calculator add 539+17=(A)____. ( there is many more dates in this particular reading that will also be off with our shared outcome, namely paragraph 3 and 4 )
In your watchtower library look up Watchtower 65 1/1 pg.29 under the heading:
Evil-merodach reigned two years and was murdered by his brother-in-law Neriglissar, who reigned for four years, which time he spent mainly in building operations. His underage son Labashi-Marduk, a vicious boy, succeeded him, and was assassinated within nine months
Again with your paper and calculator (A)____+4=(B)____
Again (B)____+2=(C)____
In your watchtower bring up: it-1 pg 773 under EVIL-MERODACH, it states:
(E´vil-mer´o·dach) [from Babylonian, meaning “Worshiper of Marduk”].
The Babylonian king who succeeded Nebuchadnezzar to the throne in 581 B.C.E. ( notice the date )
In your watchtower look in Daniel's Prophecy chapter 4 pg.50 paragraph 9, it states:
Nebuchadnezzar, who reigned for 43 years, headed a dynasty that ruled over the Babylonian Empire. It included his son-in-law Nabonidus and his oldest son, Evil-merodach.
Add (C)____+43=(D)____ ( D would be the "starting" reign of Nebuchadnezzar )
Now we need to find out when Jerusalem was destroyed.
it-2 pg.481 it states:
Sometime later Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar, allying himself with Egypt for military protection. (Eze 17:15; compare Jer 27:11-14.) This brought the Babylonians back to Jerusalem, and on Tebeth (December-January) 10 in the ninth year of Zedekiah’s reign, Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem. (2Ki 24:20; 25:1; 2Ch 36:13) However, news that a military force of Pharaoh was coming out of Egypt caused the Babylonians to lift the siege temporarily. (Jer 37:5) Subsequently Pharaoh’s troops were forced to go back to Egypt, and the Babylonians resumed the siege against Jerusalem. (Jer 37:7-10) Finally, in 607 B.C.E., on Tammuz (June-July) 9 in the 11th year of Zedekiah’s reign (Nebuchadnezzar’s 19th year if counting from his accession year or his 18th regnal year), a breach was made in Jerusalem’s wall.
Lets double check and make sure we did not miss any rulers. With you watchtower library type in " Part 40 Your will be done on earth". It states:
had trouble copying and pasting this
(607-539 B.C.)
Nebuchadnezzar.... Jerusalem and temple destroyed,607 B.C.
582 B.C.
died 539 B.C.
The kings are all there, in order.
Now take Nebuchadnezzar's starting year and subtract 18. ( we would subtract being the number lines goes in the opposite direction )
(D)____-18=_____ ( Jerusalem's Destruction )
The reason this is important, is because JW's come to the date of 1914 and Christ return but calculating starting from the fall of Jerusalem in 607
8/20/2010 12:03:40 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Union, SC
35, joined Jul. 2010
i come to the door naked. and then ask them in to talk about it. but for the most part they dont accept the invit. and thats to bad cause i bet i could convert them.
8/23/2010 6:36:50 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Salt Lake City, UT
48, joined Jul. 2010
Was Raised a Jehovah Witness. They are a dangerous cult who shun people when they leave the. Pretty much destroyed by family. I'm merciless to them.
8/24/2010 10:28:12 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Seymour, IN
72, joined Mar. 2007
I too was Jehovah's Witness and I thank them for making me a non-believer. I think that is what they are best at. Though according to the latest medical reports they are right about blood transfusions. Glad I never would have one.
8/27/2010 2:10:14 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
"""Does disfellowshipped" have eight hairy legs?
8/27/2010 2:27:11 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
quote]The first time a JW came to my door I took
one of their pamphlets wiped my a** with it,
gave it back to them, and said "heres what I think
about your god".
8/29/2010 4:50:41 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Borrego Springs, CA
32, joined Jun. 2010
ha what a funny converstaion...this is a true story...
I looked out the window saw somw JW men walking up my driveway...
I immediately stripped down naked, grabbed my oakland Raiders football helmet, a baseball bat and a condom, put the helmet on placed the condom over the bat and answered the door naked.....
they just walked away...
I laughed for 2 days after that 
9/6/2010 1:01:26 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Burlingame, CA
38, joined Sep. 2010
I invite them in.
Tell them I need saved. I love titties. Then, I ask them if they like breasts or if they've seen them before.
Then, I go in a little more and to keep them there, I go into the whole, I need saved thing again.
I pretty much make up whatever and keep going more and more in depth on whatever; drugs, drinking, sex... whatever it takes for them to leave.
12/22/2010 12:09:18 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Apple Valley, CA
27, joined Dec. 2010
well... the last time they came to my door a answered naked with a cup of coffee... lmao... it seemed to work pretty well because they havent came back in a few months
12/23/2010 1:25:27 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Salt Lake City, UT
41, joined Nov. 2010
I was raised Mormon and have since left the church. The Mormons don't outright teach that you should shun those who leave, but in many cases, it happens anyway.
I had an enounter with the JW's while I was still a believing Mormon. They came around and out of genuine curiosity, I let them in. They explained their beliefs and were very polite about it. They came back once a week and we had good discussions. Ultimately, I told them that I wasn't interested and they stopped coming by. I thought that they were very respectful.
I've got a step sister who is JW and she has NEVER tried to push it on me or anyone else in the family as far as I know.
12/24/2010 12:11:31 AM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Houston, TX
60, joined Dec. 2010
most of you people out here are not so nice, and i hope you children and family members didnt teach you to be rude, sic, unpolite to others that are only trying to save your lives by doing Gods will, what do you have to loose? you already know u will get old and die, and maybe die before your time, but if you put a little bit in being nice to others, and God is real, then they might say a good word for you all, but you say things and do things to us that normal people woulnd even do to there own familes, so sad your group is, so sad. Im not saying u must change, thats up to you all, just saying be kind to other humans.
I guess that's why the world is getting worse with people that act like most of you. i know one thing, if evolution was real, i can see the ape in you people, so just at least be kind, and if you dont want JW's coming to your door, just act nice and tell them put u on the dont bother me list, and for about 6 months or a year they come back just to see if you changed your mind about God or if you moved and some one else lives there. you now, it could be worse. people like u could come to your doors, or like the ones who blow up the towers in NY, or,.. well, look around lot of sic people out there could come to your doors,..God forbid. SO look in the mirror and ask your self? what happen to mysel? cant i play nice with others? this a rhetorical question by the way.
12/24/2010 5:50:24 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |
Nunnelly, TN
36, joined Apr. 2006
most of you people out here are not so nice, and i hope you children and family members didnt teach you to be rude, sic, unpolite to others that are only trying to save your lives by doing Gods will, what do you have to loose? you already know u will get old and die, and maybe die before your time, but if you put a little bit in being nice to others, and God is real, then they might say a good word for you all, but you say things and do things to us that normal people woulnd even do to there own familes, so sad your group is, so sad. Im not saying u must change, thats up to you all, just saying be kind to other humans.
I guess that's why the world is getting worse with people that act like most of you. i know one thing, if evolution was real, i can see the ape in you people, so just at least be kind, and if you dont want JW's coming to your door, just act nice and tell them put u on the dont bother me list, and for about 6 months or a year they come back just to see if you changed your mind about God or if you moved and some one else lives there. you now, it could be worse. people like u could come to your doors, or like the ones who blow up the towers in NY, or,.. well, look around lot of sic people out there could come to your doors,..God forbid. SO look in the mirror and ask your self? what happen to mysel? cant i play nice with others? this a rhetorical question by the way.
Evolution "is" a "FACT"
You are using the wrong definition for theory.
Einstein's theory of relativity
Music theory
Theory of Gravity
There is proof the earth is old. Most of the creatures that have been unearthed are now extinct ( may have to look it up but I believe it is 92% ). We have fossils of dinosaurs and preexisting humans. The faults around the earth tell a similar story. Just as the table of periodic elements with half lives of more than millions of years are now extinct.
Seriously do your research, the harm that religion DOES do it much more harmful than a person going to the door naked. Learning what a logical fallacy is will help you see the bullshit in religion.
1/15/2011 4:28:37 PM |
How do you handle it when Jehovah Witness come to your door? |

Hemet, CA
49, joined Nov. 2010
I had two christians tell me to tell them I'm catholic, I don't beleive in lying so I just don't answer the door