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7/8/2011 12:31:39 PM |
Does anyone like Fat Chicks anymore? | Page 2 |

Monmouth, OR
27, joined Apr. 2011
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

7/8/2011 5:42:33 PM |
Does anyone like Fat Chicks anymore? | Page 2 |

Warrenton, OR
55, joined May. 2011
The plain fact of the matter is that fat is a self-inflicted injury. You can choose hot men or you can choose twinkies. It is your choice and it is just as simple as that. I have read a lot of threads in a lot of forums and blogs where the fat women rationalize their weight in one way or another and give each other reasons to stay fat and tell each other it is ok to be fat. Nonsense! There is NOTHING good about being fat. It will slowly break down and destroy your body, give you diabetes in time and cause you to spend your later years crippled up and unable to have fun. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Go to your refrigerator and throw out the twinkies, the ice cream and the leftover pizza.
Let me tell you how I have lost almost seventy pounds in the last year and a half. I met a gorgeous woman, ten years younger than me. We hit it off and got into a relationship. I looked in the mirror and with horror, I asked myself, how could anybody possibly love that. It was all it took. The fat had to go and that was that. I took up a regimen that I am still holding onto and still losing weight with. My girlfriend is gone now, but I am still doing it for myself. During the five-day work week, I eat no fat, only fruit, vegetables and absolutely lean small portions of fish or other extremely low-fat meats. On the weekends I let myself eat whatever I want in whatever amount I want. This causes me to gain back a bit of what I lost over the week, but it strengthens the ability to stay on the diet because I always have something to look forward to rather than just continuous and constant starvation. Do this and you will lose your weight and you will be happy and feel great. Men will flock to you like flies to spilled yogurt. Oh, I forgot the other part of my regiment. Every day during the five-day work week, I do 100 situps, 100 pushups and 100 arm curls with a heavy 4 ft 4x4. All the exercises are done in increments of 25.
Trust me. You can do this. You can change your life and be a real babe rather than sitting around wondering why men don't like fat chicks. You are young and pretty. If you do not do something, you are suddenly going to realize that you are 60 yrs old, still fat and still unhappy. Come on. Just do it! Keep a chart and weigh yourself every day and let us know how you are doing.
I know you mean well but just because that mad you happier doesnt mean its for everyone. I think variety is nice and I have a friend who would have died a few years back had she not been overweight so you cant always use that angle. We all have physical preferences. I find mine are often altered by personality.
To the guy who had to be nasty and thought it was cute? Lets see how hard you're laughing when you go bald.
To those who think weight means will do anything for love? Are YOU really that desperate you feel you can only get desperate people? Feel sorry for you.
7/9/2011 1:59:27 AM |
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Rockaway Beach, OR
37, joined Jun. 2011
I'm a fat chick, I'm not picky and still can't find anyone...lol...best of luck
7/9/2011 2:00:50 AM |
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Molalla, OR
42, joined Jul. 2011
Curvy women are the best in my book. So sexy!
7/9/2011 9:53:46 AM |
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Eugene, OR
51, joined Mar. 2011
Curvy is fine, which you are.
But throw in tattoos all over, piercings all over, and not one pic with a smile in it?
Well, you are bound to limit yourself to a much smaller percentage of guys.
Some guys may like tats.
Some guys may like piercings.
Some guys may like fluffy chicks.
Some guys may like the Goth thing.
But finding a guy who is into EVERYTHING that stands out about you is going to be rough.
I'm not trying to be mean at all, just pointing out that you are really narrowing your choices down.
9/9/2011 10:49:36 PM |
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Salem, OR
57, joined Sep. 2011
wish i was 22 again , id ask u out. its whats on the inside. 
9/9/2011 11:14:19 PM |
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Sublimity, OR
64, joined Aug. 2010
Been a BBW all my life...
and still breaking hearts...LOL
its all in how you present yourself and take care of yourself...
Be honest...loyal.....keep yourself clean and well dressed (fat or skinny)...
Stand tall....shoulders back and you will have the world at your feet....
by the way...I am totally attracted to big men.....it just part of your make up to
what you are attracted too....
9/15/2011 7:19:15 PM |
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Gresham, OR
69, joined Jul. 2008
I noticed that one of the advertising windows above this DateHookup site asked the question "Interested in BBW?" It seems to me that since there is (at least) one site dedicated to that specifically it would be a good place to investigate.
9/28/2011 7:08:39 PM |
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Springfield, OR
60, joined Aug. 2011
Myself and my mates like a gal with a little extra, were out here hon, don't give up!
9/30/2011 3:03:09 PM |
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Portland, OR
51, joined Aug. 2010
Bella in the eye of the beholder...
10/1/2011 1:33:36 AM |
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Springfield, OR
60, joined Aug. 2011
Yes, I do!
10/1/2011 10:36:56 AM |
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Hillsboro, OR
38, joined Sep. 2011
I agree with if the guy doesn't accept you for whom you are they aren't worth having. There are guys out there who will go for a BBw and love you for whom you are. I can understand how it is. Don't settle for anything less then what you deserve. I'm not small by any chance either.
10/1/2011 10:41:46 PM |
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Milton Freewater, OR
30, joined Sep. 2011
girl, i have the same problem. its irritating.
10/10/2011 3:58:36 PM |
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Newport, OR
45, joined Oct. 2011
I started asking myself that same question, why is it that 6 years ago, Id walk down the street in NYC and have several men stop and want to talk to me and ask me for my number, and since I've put on a little (well, a lot) of weight, I feel so unwanted. But the fact of the matter is, a "real" man really doesn't care about the outside but the inside. Its what you put out (and I don't mean that in a perverse way) what you get in. I noticed that the more I downed myself, others would perceive that and Id get nothing. Now that I feel I want to live life again, I see a glimpse of hope around the corner. And, I'm losing that weight I put on. We all come in different shapes/sizes/colors etc....If a person doesn't like YOU for YOU then why waste your time beating yourself up about it?? It will only make that noose around your neck tighter, and pretty soon you wont be able to breath anymore...You know who you are, and what you have to offer, if they don't want it, then they weren't worth your time in the first place. Keep your head up girls....Life is way to short to worry about the superficial aspects of life...Smile, laugh, and love... that's my motto! (hope this helped someone, anyways!!!) Peace and love!!! 
10/12/2011 2:39:23 PM |
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Dayton, OH
46, joined May. 2011
let me put this as simple as I can. AL women have beauty it takes a REAL man to know were to look for it!
[Edited 10/12/2011 2:39:53 PM ]
10/12/2011 3:13:39 PM |
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Dayton, OH
46, joined May. 2011
Girl, I don't think it has anything to do with weight. That might be their excuse...but I am beginning to think men have forgotten the art of pursuing and fear rejection so badly that they set the chain of events in motion so it comes to an end before it ever begins.
And then there are the women (not all because I don't) who are demanding, overbearing and emasculating to their men making them feel worthless. Men mistakenly think we all must be like that. Why not? It's played out to death in TV sitcoms where the wife bullies the husband who always acts like a snivling little boy.
THOSE types of women mixed with men that fear rejection so badly they wont even send a simple hello email (or don't know HOW to approach a woman) ....leave you and I wondering what the hells wrong with us. When in fact, nothing is.
hold on a second, i dont drink but I do like going to clubs that have karaoke. I was noticing the women that would come in ,and this one female, I figured was out of my league walked up to the bar beside me to get a drink , all I did was smile and say hello she looked at me said "NO" and poured a drink on top of my head ,so im sitting there with cold liquid running down my face and the lady bar keep asked me "what did you do?" I told her "all I said was hello" so whats next? kicking us in the NUTS?!
Its actions like this that shy me away from making contact with women. Remember ladys if you have a son at home would you want your son to be treated like this by women when they get older? think about it.
[Edited 10/12/2011 3:16:10 PM ]
11/6/2011 9:55:41 AM |
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Portland, OR
52, joined Oct. 2011
There aren't too many guys that can look past the weight. I've received some really rude comments on here. I don't let the comments bother me, but it makes me wonder. Why can some guys think it is ok to be so shallow and rude. I wonder if they say the same face to face. 
To be honest, everyone wants to find someone they are attracted to. Even fat chicks (I'm just big boned, lol!) I guess I'd rather the guy be honest that they aren't attracted up front, than to start a relationship with someone and it to be an issue.
Best of luck to everyone looking for thier soul mate.
11/9/2011 8:51:32 PM |
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Union City, GA
32, joined Oct. 2011
Listen you are not fat.... you are thick and always has to do wit the otheirs persons comfortably in there own skin..... big girls to me are sexy as all hell...... but one thing I can say from bbw to bbw is that as long as you own it.... you'll have it..... no that LOL, I am always being told I got major swagger and its cuz I own what I got and what one man can't love another man will...... but own what you got....
11/12/2011 6:05:26 PM |
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Oklahoma City, OK
34, joined Apr. 2011
Your hot
11/15/2011 3:40:25 AM |
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Portland, OR
26, joined Jan. 2011
but one thing I can say from bbw to bbw is that as long as you own it.... you'll have it
It's true. Confidence is key. I've had tons of guys be insanely rude to me, and quite a few who are nice and want to get together. It just really depends on the guy and also how you carry yourself. At least in my opinion.
11/15/2011 5:42:01 AM |
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Juneau, AK
30, joined Nov. 2011
I'd rather have a girl with some meat. Too skinny is gross.
11/15/2011 12:51:52 PM |
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Albany, OR
61, joined Mar. 2011
I am not a small woman, am 55 years old, and if they
don't like me, too bad, I really do not care. I am
what I am. Love me or hate me, I am still gonna
be me, and NO one can take that away. JMO 
That being said, I have never had any problems in
the dating department. cheers.
11/29/2011 9:10:48 AM |
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Clackamas, OR
35, joined Nov. 2011
I love bbw that's all I ever go out with skinny girls don't do anything for me.....
12/8/2011 11:28:41 PM |
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Portland, OR
53, joined Apr. 2011
I've always been partial to BBW gals, they tend to be way more accepting of others than the more athletic body styles.
12/28/2011 12:21:20 AM |
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Bandon, OR
40, joined Dec. 2011
I get that alot too. Many people (guys & girls) assume that your overweight because you are lazy. I for one exercise quite a bit & still cannot lose the weigtht I gained 20 freaking years ago!!
I have gone to many dating sites & most of the guys will not talk to me any ome once I send a picture.
1/21/2012 5:36:26 PM |
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Newton Falls, OH
23, joined Jan. 2012
why do all guys run from us bigger women? big girls need love to
1/22/2012 1:08:56 AM |
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Portland, OR
51, joined Aug. 2010
Treating all as indiv iduals
1/27/2012 3:29:52 PM |
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Hillsboro, OR
54, joined Jan. 2012
when my self esteem was at its lowest,,i would do fatties,,they are easy,,they lack self esteem also,,then it dawned on me,,i decided i was done with fatties,,it was getting harder and harder to enjoy sex with them,,when inside,,i was disgusted with myself,,then i realised my worst fears,,a mans c*ck hardness is directly related to what hes sticking it into,,if the man struggles to maintain an erection even with his eyes closed,,its time to make some life decisions,,so i stopped dating fatties,,and made a list of requirements my next girl had to have,,athletic,,skinny,,shapely,,tall,,wanted to maintain a healthy lifestyle,,maybe she was fat at one time and now is skinny,,so this old, fat, balding crusty man landed just that babe,,if men just stopped doing fatties,,they would start to take a more active role in their appearance,,dont get me wrong,,fat,,doesnt mean ugly,,ive seen some beautiful fatties,,its just a shame their thighs are bigger around than mine,,
1/31/2012 11:04:55 PM |
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Portland, OR
58, joined Jun. 2010
wow / more to love
2/2/2012 5:55:07 PM |
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Long Island City, NY
41, joined Dec. 2011
I'd rather have a girl with some meat. Too skinny is gross.
2/12/2012 2:52:19 PM |
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Salem, OR
57, joined Sep. 2011
New here , I love BBW,s Lean more twords big breast , But to old for most women.    
3/22/2012 10:27:48 PM |
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Sandy, OR
23, joined Jan. 2011
I love your piercings and youre really pretty, no joke
3/23/2012 7:44:49 PM |
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Seaside, OR
32, joined Mar. 2012
Bbws are great!
3/24/2012 7:11:45 PM |
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Portland, OR
55, joined Feb. 2012
when my self esteem was at its lowest,,i would do fatties,,they are easy,,they lack self esteem also,,then it dawned on me,,i decided i was done with fatties,,it was getting harder and harder to enjoy sex with them,,when inside,,i was disgusted with myself,,then i realised my worst fears,,a mans c*ck hardness is directly related to what hes sticking it into,,if the man struggles to maintain an erection even with his eyes closed,,its time to make some life decisions,,so i stopped dating fatties,,and made a list of requirements my next girl had to have,,athletic,,skinny,,shapely,,tall,,wanted to maintain a healthy lifestyle,,maybe she was fat at one time and now is skinny,,so this old, fat, balding crusty man landed just that babe,,if men just stopped doing fatties,,they would start to take a more active role in their appearance,,dont get me wrong,,fat,,doesnt mean ugly,,ive seen some beautiful fatties,,its just a shame their thighs are bigger around than mine,,