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8/5/2010 7:08:23 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Ok people...we are Christians here so lets keep this clean please!!! I am not posting this to be rude in anyway...I am wanting to hear your opinion on this. I know we are suppose to save ourselves until marriage but what happens after divorce. Are we suppose to wait until we are married again before having sex? And is it a sin to take care of oneself (masturbasion)?
I can only speak for myself....I have lots of desires and get very lonely. I have had sex since my divorce but felt very guilty about it...so that tells me I am suppose to wait...this is a very difficult topic for me. HELP!!!!
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8/5/2010 7:31:12 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |


Dade City, FL
61, joined Jun. 2010
Hello justbones,
The Old Values 
Hold on to the old values,
Don't let them slip away;
If there's no one to keep them.
They'll disappear for aye,
Old values have been proven,
They have a sense of worth;
Replace them not with new ones
Which have been given birth,
Hold on to the old values,
They're true and very sound,
Lest you begin to seek them
And find them not around.
Prove all things;hold
fast that which is good....
8/5/2010 7:36:13 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Mesa, AZ
52, joined Aug. 2009
I have felt the same way I am very unsure what god thinks on that subject. Sorry I cant help you with this. It is a very good question.
8/5/2010 7:38:30 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Well Tina maybe we will both get some peace from this post! =)
8/5/2010 7:39:24 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Thank you Lex! =)
8/5/2010 7:51:30 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Mesa, AZ
52, joined Aug. 2009
 I dont get the desire like I used too. I guess my prime is over! Darn it. But I do have to take care of myself once in awhile. I dont feel guilty after. I dont feel I am comiting a sin. After all its just me all by myself! I cant wait to hear other thoughts on this subject. After all we are all single and have desires. Com on men we reallly want your input! 
8/5/2010 7:58:17 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
As a man, the scriptures tell me that even to look at a woman in a lustful way is adultery. So I feel like I am going to be struggling with the issue of sex no matter what I do.
Many are proud of their ability to be chaste. So while they have done well in one part of life, they have failed in another. Pride of course comes before a fall and a haunty spirit comes before destruction.....
I have read profiles of Christian gals or read their posts and frankly, they lead me to think they would rather have a root canal than to have sex.
I feel that God is very forgiving and loving. He knows we are locked into a body of flesh and the battle between our spirits and our flesh will continue until we are set free from this body of sin by the grave.
Personally, I am not into feeling guilty.
I am a few pounds over weight. That is another area of my life that I have not been successful over my flesh.
I am grateful to our Lord that I am not much of a drinker, I pretty much gave up gambling several years ago, I don't smoke, I can budget my money well, and tithe..... But those things have always been easier for me than other things.
Other areas, like sex, are much much harder......
I think it is really important to realize that anything we do that is not "in faith" is sin... And I am not sure that God gives us any more brownie points for being faithful in sex than he does for being faithful in visiting the sick, feeding the poor, not being boastful, etc.
[Edited 8/5/2010 8:02:02 PM ]
8/5/2010 8:01:14 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Lehigh Acres, FL
29, joined Dec. 2009
what guy doesn't masturbate? I think that divorce, first of all is not taught by Christ. Once married, always married. So divorce and then remarriage is scandalous, but I'm not God obviously so I really don't judge anybody. Like, I go to strip clubs all the time, I'm not personally condemning anybody to hell here. I'm just not in denial like some. Do I think that masturbation is sinful, I think it is, but we all have desires, urges, human weaknesses etc. I would much rather prefer a woman over my hand though ANY DAY!!!
8/5/2010 8:11:17 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Sugar Grove, VA
64, joined Jul. 2010
If we would learn to live in the Spirit and not in the flesh, we wouldn't be thinking about sex.
8/5/2010 8:17:48 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Lehigh Acres, FL
29, joined Dec. 2009
He knows we are locked into a body of flesh and the battle between our spirits and our flesh will continue until we are set free from this body of sin by the grave
This is a very gnostic idea. Body vs. Spirit, light vs. darness, material vs. spiritual.
Material i.e. Flesh is good!! God created matter and said it was good!!! Christ was incarnated in flesh! The Word became Flesh!! Flesh is good!! We are not enslaved to this body and held captive until the time that we will be liberated from this incarceration. Don't forget that we will be ressurrected on the Last Day! Our souls will be reunited with our ressurrected bodies.
Back on topic, sex is tough to overcome, because the urge is tremendous. I'd say the best thing would be to get married and have sex all day every day nonstop!!
8/5/2010 8:23:50 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Carson, very good point. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. =)
qualities...you are saying that divorce is not approved by God? There are reasons spoken in the Bible of when it is ok for divorce...like when adultery occurs. And so are you saying that if you divorce you cant ever remarry? Just curious on your thoughts on this!
thank you =)
in gods service, I think your completely right...I struggle with fleshly needs. I will diffently be praying about that. Thank you for sharing! =)
8/5/2010 8:37:05 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Kerrville, TX
55, joined Jun. 2010
Wow, someone with the gall and the audacity to finally ask a question over a very relevant matter.
I am not gonna point any fingers nor will I judge anyoone for anything they say. I want the same consideration for me as well. I would have to say that thats why we block and post things in these forums . We all want to know and Share. and in this forum we try to stay level headed and cordial!!!
Yes I have done it. I can say that yes it relieves a part of you that the flesh needs. A yearning that the body has need of. And these are Normal desires for each of us as Humans. However, and I am sepeaking of my self only here. as children of God we are supposed to strive for things that are not carnally minded.
As for me. I really don't like it. I would far rather have a partner. and then theres another Problem, If we have any kind of sexual activity with someone and we are not married then that is fornication. if Married and we have sex with anyone other than our spouses, then we have committed adultry.
Jesus made it so clear when he said that if we lust in our minds then we have already done it in our hearts. Meaning were just as Guilty as if we had done the actual act.
Lets think in theses terms and mind you only speaking for myself here. But in order for me to Mastuabte , then that requires me thinking of someone and a specifc act. Now to me that means that I have lusted in my heart. so for me yes it is a sin. and according to the word of God if we don't think it ids a sin than it isn't but if you are like me and the Holy spirit has convicted you of it. then yes it is very much a sin. and if I was to do and I felt bad for it then it tells me nbot to be doing it anymore.
Alas, I am a human too. and I have those same desires that everyone else does too. We have that inept ability to Give Love so freely at times and we also want to be loved. It How God has made us. But we always have remember at the end of the day. Was it Glorifying to God. and if not then I owe HHim an apology and ask for his forgiveness. and then Move on and allow God's spirit to cleanse us and to get another step closer to god in Jesus name.
Now here is what I would like to ask? being a man and have been on a few dating sites I would have to say that it is definitely not a good experience to be a Christian and be on a dating Site. Believe it or not a lot of things happen. For example, Most that I have noticed say that they are christians. and some have said explicitely. that they will in no way have sex until after the 3rd date. and then theres the ones that say, it's all about Chemistry and the moment. Well I got news for you. in this day and age anything goes so I have been suprised.
and I have even heard the new term for me Lets be (friends) which simply means friends with benifits and the whole time they see others and they are their friends too. well after a week of that .I decided it was not for me. AN dthen there is the I want aLTR that ends in Marriage. and we will remain pure until we get married. Well then Why is that they tell you So if your going to buy the car don't you want to test drive it first. or will you simply purchasse it and havere tha faith that it suits you or will you find out later that it was not you at all? so if your going to wait until after marriage. will you have the faith that God will send the one mate that will fit you perfectly. or will you test druive it first so you can see for yourself. and then if it is not to your approval then you find another and the cycle continues. and it doesn't have to be that way. when you find someone and ask God about them and He says yes then have the faith and wait.
What do you think!
8/5/2010 8:37:39 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Yuma, AZ
69, joined May. 2007
Yes,, WE ALL love to make LOVE,no matter what the stage of your life is,,, being SINGLE,does NOT give a license to do it with anyone,UNLESS you are married.
That being said,masterbation is between you & GOD.. .... IF you feel it is WRONG,,,do not do it.( There is such a thing thats called a wet dream..in the middle of the nite when you are sleeping.....WHAT ...do we do we that>>....? )
Being married more than once,,, i never had SEX,,, with the person i planned on marrying until we were married.
yes,we all fall into temptation,, & ESPECIALLY if we are not close to the LORD, BUT that is were 1ST.JOHN 1 : 9 comes in ...CONFESSING OUR SINS
NOTE: It seems like when you are dating...& one of you are pressing the point of having SEX... the other person ...loses respect for the other.... because if he/she is asking me all the time....is he asking others tooooooooooooooooo..?
something to think about.
[Edited 8/5/2010 8:43:39 PM ]
8/5/2010 9:30:58 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
,, being SINGLE,does NOT give a license to do it with anyone,UNLESS you are married.
Not sure anyone even remotely suggested they had a license.
8/5/2010 10:14:28 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Dallas, TX
46, joined Jul. 2010
Ok people...we are Christians here so lets keep this clean please!!! I am not posting this to be rude in anyway...I am wanting to hear your opinion on this. I know we are suppose to save ourselves until marriage but what happens after divorce. Are we suppose to wait until we are married again before having sex? And is it a sin to take care of oneself (masturbasion)?
I can only speak for myself....I have lots of desires and get very lonely. I have had sex since my divorce but felt very guilty about it...so that tells me I am suppose to wait...this is a very difficult topic for me. HELP!!!!
The oldest idea of masturbation being sinful is rooted in a single Bible verse that talks about a man that "poured his seed into the ground". The belief was that what made a baby was in the sperm, so it was like murder to spill it with no chance that it would "live". Sex that didn't result in pregnancy was God-willed (often veiwed as a punishment against the woman), but the verse is about a man who had married his dead brother's wife, in accordance with the law at the time. He didn't like his brother and was intentially withholding the heir (& the woman's future caretaker) he was supposed to be providing.
God gave me this body and the feelings that go with it. I see nothing sinful in masturbating. However, if what you are thinking about is sinful, then I think that's a problem. Like, if you always fantasize about the same person. The "lusting" verse referred to above (and frequently, in general) is not talking about a momentary lusty thought - that's temptation, not sin. The greek word used there is conjugated to mean "continual lust". It's talking about repeatedly lusting after a person. I use memories instead and that helps ease the struggle a little.
Sexual apetite is like spiritual apetite - the more you get, the more you want - the less you get, the less you want. It gets easier with time to refrain.
Do let God take your guilt until you figure this out. He still loves ya! I know I could be very wrong, just trying to justify something that's wrong, and would be lying to say I never doubt that I am, but just do your best (to figure it out and then to do what you believe is right according to God's word) and give God the rest!
8/5/2010 10:57:59 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |


Clearfield, UT
60, joined Jan. 2010
Ok people...we are Christians here so lets keep this clean please!!! I am not posting this to be rude in anyway...I am wanting to hear your opinion on this. I know we are suppose to save ourselves until marriage but what happens after divorce. Are we suppose to wait until we are married again before having sex? And is it a sin to take care of oneself (masturbasion)?
I can only speak for myself....I have lots of desires and get very lonely. I have had sex since my divorce but felt very guilty about it...so that tells me I am suppose to wait...this is a very difficult topic for me. HELP!!!!
It's my opinion that it's not the masturbation that gets someone in trouble; it's what goes on in the mind that constitutes sin.
As for celibacy, that's the reason for my current state of insanity, it's been three years, one month, two days, three hours, twenty-one minutes, and seventeen point three-four-zero-one-five seconds. I'm kidding of course about the specificity after the thirty-seven months. 
8/5/2010 11:08:50 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Wow..all of you have amazed me with this discussion.
Michael, as always you have the finest words to say. I can tell you are speaking from your heart and thank you for being so open and honest.
sunnyday, thank you! I have gathered from most of you that its basically between the person and God. If you feel guilty than there must be a problem somewhere.
d lady, wow girl...you hit that one out of the park..I loved what you had to say and I agree. I think that masturbasion is ok as long as your not thinking bad thoughts or lusting after someone during or even watching porn...wow thats another whole topic..lets not even go there...lol Yes I think that you have to be thinking of someone while your doing that, but like you said if its more of a memory...I dont know, ummm now I am confusing myself..because I dont wanna think about my ex that way..turn off!! And if I think of someone I have been with that was considered a sin, is it ok to have that memory of them and take care of myself? Wow I think I am making this way more complicated than it is....
Anyways, I am going to have to pray about that and seek God! My apologizes if I have made this more difficult, not my intentions. Goodnight all...I will check back tomorrow =)
8/5/2010 11:12:08 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
LOL Lloyd!!! I hear ya!! =)Proud of you..way too go!! woot woot I am supporting you...is it helping? God is being honored by you being committed to him..thats so awesome!! =)
8/6/2010 8:35:16 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Brandenburg, KY
44, joined Mar. 2010
The bible is pretty plain in what it says.....Sin is born when we give into the temptations that play on our desires or "lusts"....but the bible says God has made a way of escape for every temptation....and it does say EVERY.....as far as masturbation, as a divorced man I pretty much would have to think about sex with a woman Im not married to....called fornication in scripture....I dont think I find myself sexy enough to lust after myself to accomplish that act without the thoughts of a woman involved.....and once again Im let down by the "christian" forums that are not much more than a bunch of greasy grace that is slipped into the churches pretty much everywhere....... if every one who claimed to be christians were... the churches would empty based on one verse 1 corinthians 5:11
8/6/2010 10:39:08 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
The bible is pretty plain in what it says.....Sin is born when we give into the temptations that play on our desires or "lusts"....but the bible says God has made a way of escape for every temptation....and it does say EVERY.....as far as masturbation, as a divorced man I pretty much would have to think about sex with a woman Im not married to....called fornication in scripture....I dont think I find myself sexy enough to lust after myself to accomplish that act without the thoughts of a woman involved.....and once again Im let down by the "christian" forums that are not much more than a bunch of greasy grace that is slipped into the churches pretty much everywhere....... if every one who claimed to be christians were... the churches would empty based on one verse 1 corinthians 5:11
You know that I would never judge anyone and don't expect anyone to judge me either...Not sure what your implying about the greasy grace, but I do know that I am a Christian and I do have struggles...I am not perfect and neither are you. I apologize if I offended you with my topic and will close it out if that is what you feel I should do. I would never won't to hurt my fellow Christians with something like this....but you did reply, you had an opinion...so if you were so against this post, why did you even give your two cents worth?
8/6/2010 11:34:34 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Yuma, AZ
69, joined May. 2007
just.....what is your summation to this point....re; THOSE who posted....?
8/6/2010 1:39:24 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Altamonte Springs, FL
25, joined Jul. 2010
No Patti, do not apologize to him. Part of being a Christian is understanding that everybody is a sinner, EVEN Christians. You are simply curious about something and went to your fellow Christians to get some answers. He talks about "fake" Christians, well in my opinion he was not acting very Christian like. There, there is my two cents! Love ya Patti!
8/6/2010 3:01:54 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Valley Park, MO
46, joined Jun. 2010
Hello Justbones25 . The bottom line to me is that we are human. This is not an excuse either. It is just the truth. God knows our hearts inside and out and installed in us passion. I personally feel, if I need to be with myself every now and then so be it. Being passionate in a pysical realm is just part of our being. God knows this I'm torn some too Justbones, but I try not to get worked up over it. Sex can be a beautiful thing and I don't think anyone can make that call for someone else. I say, go for what feels right to you We all have different needs and desires. Just pay attention to the check in your Spirit It's part, to me, what makes all of God's creation so wonderful . I do think there is a dark place to go though because I have been there. I think if the passion/desire comes from just an honest place, why would it feel wrong I happen to think it was really brave and admirable for you to put this out here! We are Christians not Saints and if I ever think I have it all figured out, then I'm knowhere near the truth........
[Edited 8/6/2010 3:06:25 PM ]
8/6/2010 4:14:38 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Melbourne, FL
75, joined Jun. 2009
We don't have to live in fear that we will sin. If we do find out we have slipped and committed a sin, we have an advocate with the Father and we can repent of the sin and turn from the sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins.
Our bodies are a Temple of the Holy Ghost and God will not live in an unclean vessel.
The Bible says, it is better to marry than to burn.
Any one of us can slip and fall into a pig pen, we climb out, clean ourselves off and avoid the pig pin. We don't stay in the pig pen and wallow in it.
8/6/2010 4:24:47 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Melbourne, FL
75, joined Jun. 2009
We don't have to live in fear that we will sin. If we do find out we have slipped and committed a sin, we have an advocate with the Father and we can repent of the sin and turn from the sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins.
Our bodies are a Temple of the Holy Ghost and God will not live in an unclean vessel.
The Bible says, it is better to marry than to burn.
Any one of us can slip and fall into a pig pen, we climb out, clean ourselves off and avoid the pig pin. We don't stay in the pig pen and wallow in it.
8/6/2010 4:27:32 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
OK, lets put the rubber to the road for a minute with a real life situation.
Lets say John is retired and lives on a pension. John meets Jane who also lives on a pension.
If they marry, Jane's pension evaporates. Zip.... Gone.... Her husband, now deceased, worked all his life for the money but if she marries, it is gone.
John's pension or social security et al is not enough for both to live on....John was just barely getting by before they met and so was Jane.
What do the keepers of the law say that this nice God fearing Christian couple is supposed to do?
They aren't sleeping around.... They are not promiscuous... They are not looking for easy comfort.....
They simply cannot afford to get married in this society.
8/6/2010 6:18:54 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
One that feels guilty; is already feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. You know satan ain't going to make you feel guilty. I think we got a lot more hot mammas than just your self on this site. But let's take me for example. I use to pleasure my self. But I always felt guilty afterwards and just felt like beating my self up for it. I finally got to the point of telling God what ever it takes, do it! I needed help. That's it! One must admit their weakness to the LORD and he will send you help. It's called great grace. As time went on, I gained more control over my flesh and was sustained from desire. When I hear it, see it in some way forced on me, I just say NO! And run the other way! God gives us away of escape. Take a walk, pray, read the bible, call a friend to agree with you through your struggle. Main point here is that we are to be God pleasers. When we belong to God, it's not about our self will.... but His will be done. I caan stand and say I have been pure for years now.
2 Corinthians 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.(KJV)
2 Timothy 3:2 For men shall be "lovers of their own selves", covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,(KJV)
8/6/2010 6:41:15 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
carsonguy, Quote: They simply cannot afford to get married in this society.
That's hockey pock...
I once was told that if I wait to have a baby till I could afford it, I would never have a child. That goes for the same for a marriage.
To not marry and be a couple because of finances say little about ones faith and trust in God. Money can help in a marriage, but it can't buy you love. How many times I have heard through my life couples quote the phrase.... we can live off of love.... Those were the real troupers!
Maybe you will marry some one who can help with finances. Maybe you will marry some one some one on SS that would be willing to take a cut in finances to be happy with a partner. Maybe you will marry a person on disability. The government can't touch that.
Father, I pray in Jesus name that you show us all the way to happiness in a partner. Mke it happen, bring all my DH friends a partner in life.
8/6/2010 8:36:15 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Valley Park, MO
46, joined Jun. 2010
"Father, I pray in Jesus name that you show us all the way to happiness in a partner. Mke it happen, bring all my DH friends a partner in life." Thank you for that prayer Rcsyoungerdays . That was awsome!
I believe in purity too, but I also believe whatever a person does in any matter, is between God and them. I'm waiting only by my own choice, not because I think its a sinful act. The sin to me is if you have no love in the matter at all. In my heart I have to be completely comfortable with my decisions basing them on converstation/prayers with God. He will without hesitation let me know in my heart what to do Thank goodness for that one ... But if I were to slip up(not with a man, but myself) and I did get convicted by it, I simply would ask God to forgive me and try hard not to make the same mistake again
8/6/2010 8:42:17 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Melbourne, FL
75, joined Jun. 2009
In the state of Fl. you do not loose anything, SS, husband's retirement, or military retirement.
I went to the base with my sister and heard for myself, you do not loose your husband's retirement after his death.
8/6/2010 8:58:13 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |


Vina, AL
61, joined Jan. 2010
One that feels guilty; is already feeling the conviction of the Holy Spirit. You know satan ain't going to make you feel guilty. I think we got a lot more hot mammas than just your self on this site. But let's take me for example. I use to pleasure my self. But I always felt guilty afterwards and just felt like beating my self up for it. I finally got to the point of telling God what ever it takes, do it! I needed help. That's it! One must admit their weakness to the LORD and he will send you help. It's called great grace. As time went on, I gained more control over my flesh and was sustained from desire. When I hear it, see it in some way forced on me, I just say NO! And run the other way! God gives us away of escape. Take a walk, pray, read the bible, call a friend to agree with you through your struggle. Main point here is that we are to be God pleasers. When we belong to God, it's not about our self will.... but His will be done. I caan stand and say I have been pure for years now.
2 Corinthians 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.(KJV)
2 Timothy 3:2 For men shall be "lovers of their own selves", covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,(KJV)
Thank you r.c.,, when we turned to Christ for our salvation most of us was healed instantly of some of our sinful ways and desires. The ones that we didn't receive help with instantly,, that is where our relationship and growth with the Holy Spirit in our lives comes in. If our daily lives start with,, continue in,, and end with praise, prayer and communicating with God,, we will receive what we need to overcome the wrong that still exist and eventually it will be gone. If we don't seek and allow the Holy Spirit to lead,, therein lies our problem which will get worse. To me masterbation can easily lead to porn and deprivity of the heart and mind.
love in Jesus
8/6/2010 9:50:45 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Quote: To me masterbation can easily lead to porn and deprivity of the heart and mind.
It is also a known fact that one that practice masterbation will be hard to please when they do get a partner.
8/6/2010 10:07:46 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Blanchard, OK
54, joined Jun. 2010
The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2000.
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the
Dead to Sin but Alive in Christ
1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Col. 2.12
5 ¶ For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:
6 knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.
7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.
8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:
9 knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him.
10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God.
11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
12 ¶ Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.
13 Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
Servants of Righteousness
15 ¶ What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.
16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
17 But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.
18 Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.
19 I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness.
20 ¶ For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.
21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.
22 But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Published by The American Bible Society
In my opinion condoning the act is enabling and you therefore promote, endorse such behavior, To be carnally minded is death just as Adam and Eve sinned in the garden They DIED that day spiritually speaking. Cut off from God in the manner that they knew.
However, who knows how many years followed until we where restored to God and only
through Jesus did we arrive. so then, each time we sin we place Jesus back up on that
8/6/2010 10:10:36 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Kerrville, TX
55, joined Jun. 2010
I really don't know if this has any bearing on this subject at all but, Last Night, I was reading a posting and the Question was this.
Do you find Love? Or should it find you? Psychics are always saying this.... Do they know something that we don't?
Well as soon as I read this I quickly commented with this: I believe that if we walk, the path that God has for us, then we will cross theirs, and then there we will be. God in the middle makes it 3, which like unto God's Holy Trinity, Is really one complete entity. Haveing three sides like that of a Triangle. in every way the same and equal. The perfect Love Triangle. Cool Huh?
Anyhow All day long I have thought about this. I guess it is because when it has come to realtionships and Love . I am not really Patient and I do things I choose. and I have made some really poor choices! Believe me. Very sad actually cause When something goes wrong I sure run to Him, but in the beginning when I should have just waited on Him and followed Him then I would not had all the heartaches I have had.
To tell you the truth. I was suprised to have seen what I wrote. cause it sure has hit me like a ton of Bricks. and I guess it is Spirit trying to guide me. Another thing is. Having premarital sex. I have never waited. and I know I should have but I guess, I'm on a dating site and looking for true Love. God's just trying to make me aware of what I should be doing and if I want His best for me, Then I have to be able to be more patient and follow closely to where he leads. and I believe that if we do follow His path, then we will find true Love!!!
8/7/2010 11:14:52 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
Quote: They simply cannot afford to get married in this society. That's hockey pock...
Pretty easy to criticise someone else when you are not in their shoes.....
The example of having a child when you can afford one is comparing apples to oranges.
I know or have met dozens of retired couples who cannot support themselves and a spouse on one pension.... Even with 2 pensions they are struggling to pay their utilities, copay on Medicare, eat a balanced diet....
Afford a computer and the internet? Not a chance.
Jesus made it clear that only those who are without sin are entitled to to throw the first stone.....
8/7/2010 11:33:59 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Quote: Even with 2 pensions they are struggling to pay their utilities, copay on Medicare, eat a balanced diet....
Who is willing to pay the price for love? As it stands, I don't have a large income. One may as well be married together as a couple and be poor, then to be alone and be poor. Just my thoughts any way. That is unless there is a reason a partner would make it worse in some way.
What do y'all say about that? 
8/7/2010 11:59:26 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Sweetie, I'm only delivering truth. I know what it's like to be poor and disabled and on a small check. Maybe you will marry a rich woman, maybe you will marry a poor woman who is willing to put her money toward needs of the family. I'm sorry if the word offends you. Premarital sex is out in any satiation for the Christian. If one is having an issue with their flesh, they need to seek Jesus for sastaining Grace.
8/7/2010 12:14:48 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Brandenburg, KY
44, joined Mar. 2010
Pretty easy to criticise someone else when you are not in their shoes.....
The example of having a child when you can afford one is comparing apples to oranges.
I know or have met dozens of retired couples who cannot support themselves and a spouse on one pension.... Even with 2 pensions they are struggling to pay their utilities, copay on Medicare, eat a balanced diet....
Afford a computer and the internet? Not a chance.
Jesus made it clear that only those who are without sin are entitled to to throw the first stone.....
Jesus also told the disciples to leave everything,,, and the rich young ruler to sell all that he had and give it to the poor.........we have become a nation that mostly loves the world and the things in the world.....and the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil
8/7/2010 2:38:57 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
True: and the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil
But the necessity of it's use is not evil if not heaped up upon your self. Money is a Blessing.
8/7/2010 8:36:46 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Albion, IL
56, joined Feb. 2009
If we would learn to live in the Spirit and not in the flesh, we wouldn't be thinking about sex.
Well, I have about 100 things to say about the above post, but all I will say is this:
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the Saints.
Now as far as the OP:
Marriage is a Great thing. Divorce sucks.
If everyone was going by God's Word, then there would be no divorce.
As far as the masturbation thing goes...doesn't it say somewhere that it is 'better to put your seed into the belly of a wh*re than to spill it on the ground?'
I figure that if a person does not have sexual desires, then there is something seriously wrong with them.
And as the old saying goes...
...BEER, letting ugly people have sex for 1000 years!

8/7/2010 8:49:41 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Lehigh Acres, FL
29, joined Dec. 2009
Well, I have about 100 things to say about the above post, but all I will say is this:
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the Saints.
Now as far as the OP:
Marriage is a Great thing. Divorce sucks.
If everyone was going by God's Word, then there would be no divorce.
As far as the masturbation thing goes...doesn't it say somewhere that it is 'better to put your seed into the belly of a wh*re than to spill it on the ground?'
I figure that if a person does not have sexual desires, then there is something seriously wrong with them.
And as the old saying goes...
...BEER, letting ugly people have sex for 1000 years!
 lol!!!...I like wh*res, i've never really met one that was mean to me but alot of ladies have been...
8/7/2010 8:53:24 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Albion, IL
56, joined Feb. 2009
lol!!!...I like wh*res, i've never really met one that was mean to me but alot of ladies have been...
Qual, I guess that having one that is "being mean" to ya would cost more!

8/7/2010 9:46:24 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Lehigh Acres, FL
29, joined Dec. 2009
Qual, I guess that having one that is "being mean" to ya would cost more!

Exactly! You have to pay more for chains, whips, pliers and a blowtorch...
8/8/2010 12:08:54 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
just.....what is your summation to this point....re; THOSE who posted....? 
Well I have appreciated everyones input..we all basically have the same thoughts on this matter. I think its between the individual and God. If your doing something and it makes you feel guilty than something is obviously wrong. We all have desires because we are human, and we all sin...but God is loving and forgiving and He already knows our mistakes and will forgive us if we ask. So yea I think if we all are seeking God first and following Him that He will guide us thru this and so many more struggles that we will face in our lives. =)
8/8/2010 12:16:29 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Hello Justbones25  . The bottom line to me is that we are human. This is not an excuse either. It is just the truth. God knows our hearts inside and out and installed in us passion. I personally feel, if I need to be with myself every now and then so be it. Being passionate in a pysical realm is just part of our being. God knows this  I'm torn some too Justbones, but I try not to get worked up over it. Sex can be a beautiful thing and I don't think anyone can make that call for someone else. I say, go for what feels right to you  We all have different needs and desires. Just pay attention to the check in your Spirit  It's part, to me, what makes all of God's creation so wonderful  . I do think there is a dark place to go though because I have been there. I think if the passion/desire comes from just an honest place, why would it feel wrong  I happen to think it was really brave and admirable for you to put this out here! We are Christians not Saints and if I ever think I have it all figured out, then I'm knowhere near the truth........
thank you for sharing and the support!! I agree with everything you said. =)
8/8/2010 12:48:08 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Quote: I figure that if a person does not have sexual desires, then there is something seriously wrong with them.
Nuttin wrong with my sexuality, all my desires have just been put on hold till I marry.
The wh*re phrase was if you got to do it.... rather than spilling on the ground and insulting God, it's just better to sin than to insult God. It's like that if you can't contain, marry; scripture. Folks just misconstrue the scriptures for lack of understanding; or just plain twist the word to line up with their life style. Why in the world does one think premarital sex is ok when the scripture plainly tells us that it will keep you out of heaven?
1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.(NKJ)
1 Thessalonians 4:3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;(NKJ)
Acts 15:20 "but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.(NKJ)
Acts 21:25 "But concerning the Gentiles who believe, we have written and decided that they should observe no such thing, except that they should keep themselves from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality."(NKJ)
1 Corinthians 7:2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.(NKJ)
Time after time in Gods word we are told to abstain from sexual immorality. If anyone don't want to live by gods word, rip it out of your Bible so you can walk in your own will.... making yourself your own God.
Jesus is about to come for a church. I am concern that some of you need to check what spirit you are listening to that tells you that sexual immorality is ok.
[Edited 8/8/2010 12:51:08 AM ]
8/8/2010 1:00:40 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |


Vina, AL
61, joined Jan. 2010
Quote: I figure that if a person does not have sexual desires, then there is something seriously wrong with them.
Nuttin wrong with my sexuality, all my desires have just been put on hold till I marry.
The wh*re phrase was if you got to do it.... rather than spilling on the ground and insulting God, it's just better to sin than to insult God. It's like that if you can't contain, marry; scripture. Folks just misconstrue the scriptures for lack of understanding; or just plain twist the word to line up with their life style. Why in the world does one think premarital sex is ok when the scripture plainly tells us that it will keep you out of heaven?
1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.(NKJ)
1 Thessalonians 4:3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;(NKJ)
Acts 15:20 "but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.(NKJ)
Acts 21:25 "But concerning the Gentiles who believe, we have written and decided that they should observe no such thing, except that they should keep themselves from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality."(NKJ)
1 Corinthians 7:2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.(NKJ)
Time after time in Gods word we are told to abstain from sexual immorality. If anyone don't want to live by gods word, rip it out of your Bible so you can walk in your own will.... making yourself your own God.
Jesus is about to come for a church. I am concern that some of you need to check what spirit you are listening to that tells you that sexual immorality is ok.

8/8/2010 3:00:39 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Kerrville, TX
55, joined Jun. 2010
Well I have appreciated everyones input..we all basically have the same thoughts on this matter. I think its between the individual and God. If your doing something and it makes you feel guilty than something is obviously wrong. We all have desires because we are human, and we all sin...but God is loving and forgiving and He already knows our mistakes and will forgive us if we ask. So yea I think if we all are seeking God first and following Him that He will guide us thru this and so many more struggles that we will face in our lives. =)
Miss Patti, Now that you have gathered more info and had time to takein and digest your thoughts .
Was it any different than you had already believed?
Will you change or modify your future behavior?
Has your goals and approach to getting them altered?
Has this experience and the consequent reflection of it given you growth in your walk with the Lord?
I want to commend you for having the faith and the Openeness to share with all of us. Were all here to Find a mate and to Find Love. and in the process we also have a chance to fellowship. ask questions and share as brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. We are able to encourage and lift up others While glorifying God. We are Humans and being Human also allows us the opportunity to give back a little of that love that is given to us freely from Our Heavenly father!!!! Amen and Amen!!!
God Bless you Miss Patti!!!
8/8/2010 9:56:43 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Valley Park, MO
46, joined Jun. 2010
You are very welcome Justbones
8/8/2010 3:14:23 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Miss Patti, Now that you have gathered more info and had time to takein and digest your thoughts .
Was it any different than you had already believed?
Will you change or modify your future behavior?
Has your goals and approach to getting them altered?
Has this experience and the consequent reflection of it given you growth in your walk with the Lord?
I want to commend you for having the faith and the Openeness to share with all of us. Were all here to Find a mate and to Find Love. and in the process we also have a chance to fellowship. ask questions and share as brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. We are able to encourage and lift up others While glorifying God. We are Humans and being Human also allows us the opportunity to give back a little of that love that is given to us freely from Our Heavenly father!!!! Amen and Amen!!!
God Bless you Miss Patti!!!
To answer your questions, I have read everything posted here and appreciate everyones input. I have been thinking about what everyone has said and I guess I just needed to know that there were other people with the same struggles I had. I guess deep down inside I was second guessing myself on my relationship with God and thought if no one else had these struggles that maybe I was "messed up" somewhere. But, I have come to find out that its not just me that many of us have the same struggles. And that gave me comfort and peace. So to answer your first question, yes it was different because I didnt expect so many people to have the same struggles. And again appreciate everyone that posted something and opened up. For your second question, I know if something makes me feel guilty that I shouldnt be doing it...so if having premartial sex makes me feel guilty, and it has so far...yes I should stop that. If I am truely with the one I love and plan on spending the rest of my life with I dont think I will feel guilty being with him before marriage, but if I am and I do feel guilty..yes I would stop and ask for forgiveness!! As far as masturbasion goes...I have never really felt guilty for that soooo. lol Question three, I dont think so...I will continue to do what I have been doing and that is seeking God first in everything in my life and following His word. As for question number four...I think very much so...all you guys have shared so much and scriptures have really touched me. Today I was running late for church and after I get in and found a seat the next song was,"Turn your eyes upon Jesus...look full into His wonderful face...and the things of earth will grow strangely dim..in the light of His glory and grace" AMEN!!!! That was so awesome to hear...I havent heard that song in awhile and it is such a beautiful song and pretty much says it all. At church we are doing a series on "Baggage", last week was on "baggage of our past" and how we can not move forward with God carrying around all our past baggage. We can not change our past and need to give it over to God so we can be free!! Today our service was on "baggage of guilt"..WOW..if that is not God talking to me I dont know what it is!! It was perfect for this topic we are talking about here. One of the scriptures used was Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Well I continued on reading.Romans 8:2-11 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteous requirement of the law might according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. AMEN!!! I have been so blessed and God is such an AWESOME God!! I thank Him for bringing all you fellow Christians into my life...we have something called "small groups" at my church..and to me all you are like my small group. Like Michael said, its so awesome that we all can come together with topics and questions and share with one another and support and love each other.
I again want to thank all of you for supporting me on this topic, I wasnt sure what kind of response I would get and somethings that were said on here was not necessary and out of line for me...but that also is apart of life and we ignore those things and move on. I hope that I can continue to communicate with you guys, I do feel a connection and have made some awesome friends since I joined the Christian forums.
On a side note...My prayers go out to Michael and Shannon...may God lead you two and give you both the peace to know! =) And for my newest favorite friend ever..Ms Lindsi, I just love you girl. Your so awesome and I can see that God is going to use you in a mighty way. Just stay focused on Him and you will find all the answers!! And one last thing...there is a guy that I met on here that has touched my heart in a very special way. I dont know what to say except I am very very happy and smiling all the time!!! He is someone I could see myself with growing closer together to God and sharing Him with others. Your awesome.........just sayn' =)
8/8/2010 3:46:50 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Yuma, AZ
69, joined May. 2007
just....i have a daughter almost your age,,,hun,,,,just refrain from having sex until you get married.(then you can make LOVE INSTEAD).... men will respect you more that way.....& GOD WILL smile at you !
If YOU are easy....., men just tend to USE....women in that manner....
you c/not make good wine before its time.
p.s....what we all do in our wet dreams,,,is between YOU & GOD. 
This should answer all further questions..... 
[Edited 8/8/2010 3:50:25 PM ]
8/8/2010 6:21:11 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Republic, OH
67, joined Jun. 2010
Well, this is probably after-the-fact, but here goes.
I do not want to have sex randomly, because when I join with a man, I give away a part of myself (emotionally) and make poor decisions...decisions based on the feel good experience of sex, not rational ones that are important to a long term relationship. So if I'm going to bond my heart to someone on a physical and emotional level, it better be based on things that really matter. We all know that sex can make us a little crazy.
Now for the reason that I just wrote the above. I believe that (for me) masturbation is much better than bonding with someone (or even more than one) just for release.....and it's a lot safer, I know where I've been and who I've been with. With the many diseases out there, mistakes made in the heat of passion can be very deadly.
I'm lucky that I am not a man if your judgments are based on the many comments about spilling your seed....mine doesn't spill when I have sex...lol But joking aside, I also do not have to lust after or imagine anyone to get aroused....The physical contact is enough. And at my age it's a lot more fun than kegals.
Good luck with your decision, and remember, only you can decide what's right for you.

[Edited 8/8/2010 6:25:55 PM ]
8/9/2010 7:46:16 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
just....i have a daughter almost your age,,,hun,,,,just refrain from having sex until you get married.(then you can make LOVE INSTEAD).... men will respect you more that way.....& GOD WILL smile at you !
If YOU are easy....., men just tend to USE....women in that manner....
you c/not make good wine before its time.
p.s....what we all do in our wet dreams,,,is between YOU  & GOD.
This should answer all further questions.....  
Thank you Sunnyday....I agree totally and have already experienced that. Thanks again and God bless you! 
8/9/2010 7:49:00 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
Alabaster, AL
48, joined Jan. 2010
Well, this is probably after-the-fact, but here goes.
I do not want to have sex randomly, because when I join with a man, I give away a part of myself (emotionally) and make poor decisions...decisions based on the feel good experience of sex, not rational ones that are important to a long term relationship. So if I'm going to bond my heart to someone on a physical and emotional level, it better be based on things that really matter. We all know that sex can make us a little crazy.
Now for the reason that I just wrote the above. I believe that (for me) masturbation is much better than bonding with someone (or even more than one) just for release.....and it's a lot safer, I know
where I've been and who I've been
with. With the many diseases out
there, mistakes made in the heat of
passion can be very deadly.
Thank you Grace for sharing! Your so right.
I'm lucky that I am not a man if your judgments are based on the many comments about spilling your seed....mine doesn't spill when I have sex...lol But joking aside, I also do not have to lust after or imagine anyone to get aroused....The physical contact is enough. And at my age it's a lot more fun than kegals.
Good luck with your decision, and remember, only you can decide what's right for you.

8/9/2010 10:17:21 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Quote: I believe that (for me) masturbation is much better than bonding with someone (or even more than one) just for release.....and it's a lot safer,
Who told you that it was ok to release your self? When in fact the Bible tells us not to be a lover of self.
2 Timothy 3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,(NKJ)
Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die KJV)
Colossians 2:4 Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words.(NKJ)
We are tempted when we take care of our self through masturbation.
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.(NKJ)
James 1:14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.(NKJ)
Colossians 2:4 Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words.(NKJ)
One can not be in the Spirit if they are walking in their flesh.
For those who chose to walk in your flesh... You are weak and I up hold you in prayer for God to send you more grace to say no to your flesh. Holy Spirit... send your fire to burn out any thing in Spirit, mind or body that is not supose to be there. All that read this prayer that is weak in their flesh, I ask you to strengthen them with your resisting power in Jesus name.
8/9/2010 11:23:45 AM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
Who told you that it was ok to release your self? When in fact the Bible tells us not to be a lover of self.
2 Timothy 3:2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,(NKJ)
And who told rcsyoungerdays that God had appointed her to be one who decides and what is OK and what is not? I really think you have jumped off the turnip truck and gotten lost in the weeds.
First of all, Jesus accepted the fact we were to love ourselves....and used that desire to love ourselves as a yardstick for loving others:
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31.
And Paul tells us that in fact we are to nourish and cherish our flesh in Ephisians 5:29 that:
"for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church..."
If we don't understand that our flesh requires we cherish it, we will not understand how Christ cherishes his Church....
[Edited 8/9/2010 11:25:11 AM ]
8/9/2010 2:03:39 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |


Avondale, AZ
62, joined Feb. 2008
This may be slightly off topic, yet relevant.
I know many will have a problem with what I am about to say, and take issue with it, but I still feel it needs to be said.
A man and woman are not married by a wedding ceremony or by the words read by a priest or minister. The ceremony is a celebration about what has ALREADY taken place. The wedding ceremony is more for the guests, than the couple. A man and woman are not married when they exchange vows. These public vows are just a reiteration of the vows they already made when they recognized the providence and splendor of God having already brought them together, however long before that was. We can't control what God does, but oh! how some people like to have religion put it's finger on everything.
To illustrate my point, I refer to this story in Genesis 24: 61-67....
And Rebekah arose, and her damsels, and they rode upon the camels, and followed the man: and the servant took Rebekah, and went his way.
And Isaac came from the way of the well Lahairoi; for he dwelt in the south country.
And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming.
And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel.
For she had said unto the servant, What man is this that walketh in the field to meet us? And the servant had said, It is my master: therefore she took a vail, and covered herself.
And the servant told Isaac all things that he had done.
And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.
[Edited 8/9/2010 2:04:54 PM ]
8/9/2010 4:02:36 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Yes, that was then, this is now and we have civil laws to obey. Most states don't recognize shacking as marriage.
Really, all this is just about man justifying their sin. Don't shoot the messenger.... it's the word of God.
Quote: And who told rcsyoungerdays that God had appointed her to be one who decides and what is OK and what is not?
The word of God and my calling to teach and preach truth to educate. Loving one self has nothing to do with filling lust.
Adding: Some just don't read what I write cause they don't want to be convicted by the Holy Spirit.
[Edited 8/9/2010 4:06:06 PM ]
8/9/2010 4:05:54 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |

Carson City, NV
65, joined Sep. 2008
The Bible, as far as I know, does not say what constitutes marriage. The Catholic church claims only the approval of the church and the blessing of a priest makes for a genuine marriage.
Most protestant groups accept any governmentally approved civil or religious ceremony as a marriage.
My local community church will not marry to anyone living together. But if they go and get a quickie civil ceremony, they are happily accepted as a married couple.
Another local church in the area will not marry a couple who has lived together at any time in the last 6 months.
If a couple is living together and has relationship problems, my church will not counsel with them. Again, with quickie Nevada nuptials, then counseling as a married couple would be available.
Note: No civil government in this country requires anyone to marry.... so one is not obeying or disobeying any government law by marrying or not marrying.
[Edited 8/9/2010 4:08:38 PM ]
8/9/2010 4:17:22 PM |
Sexual desires after divorce and masturbasion.. |
North Fort Myers, FL
65, joined Mar. 2010
Do we have to obey the law of the land?
Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.
2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.(NKJ)
Which states recognize common law marriage?
Common law marriage is recognized only in the following states:
District of Columbia
New Hampshire (for inheritance purposes only)
Rhode Island
South Carolina
These Governments will have to answer to God.
[Edited 8/9/2010 4:23:34 PM ]