Coalinga, CA
28, joined Mar. 2011
Here is how the post began.
"Have you read the bible lately???"
"So recently someone commented on my profile thinking it was going to be about how good a Christian I am and they were somewhat offended to find something different. Just wondering how many folks have read the old testament about Kind David and his concubines? Do you think all those girls were there just to rub his feet and polish his armor? Do you think all those girls just laid around waiting on him to get back from the battlefield to have his way with them? So in todays world, am I the only girl who thinks it is okay to have a loving committed relationship with a man and include another girl?"
Ok, what I find funny.... People "interpret" the bible to their likings. Then they're told that it is a sin, what they have "interpreted", to "follow" how they have bent the bible... I have been to church, do you know how many times I have heard "The bible IS up to interpretation, sometimes you will "be shown" many different meanings from the same passage."
This is someone who responded to another guy- about not being able to touch the buybull. (The main reason for this post)
the only thing I could tell you is make sure you learn how to take the pain because when you die, I or any other person will not be held accountable your salvation. That is something you should really be worried about. We will all face the final judgement in Gods great white throne. Not one of us is perfect. But you have the chance to choose now that you are alive. Eternal life in heaven or eternal life in hell, I hear its pretty hot in hell forever. Can you handle a few hot days in a dessert over 100 degrees of scorching heat? Hell is far more hotter. Well its your salvation so hope you pick Heaven. I wouldn't even wish Hell for my enemies. Once you are in, there is no way out.
.... Really!? It makes NO sense! These people confuse me and make me   
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Grand Junction, CO
54, joined Aug. 2010
Especially since the bible does not mention (at least from what I have found) that hell is hot. That came from Dante writing about hell.
Prior to the late 1800's, the bible was thought of as a story, or a group of stories. Some scholars (I don't have their names right now, but the article is in this months Utne Reader) got together and decided to declare the bible the word of god is it's written, not an interpretation of what was said. Up until then, it was viewed as something to interpret.
I guess Science was coming into it's own at this time and providing the real answers for most of what was guessed at by the nomads 3000 years ago. This scared the religous folks as the bible was no longer the source of answers to why the world is what it is.

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
not only that but how many times has it been rewritten to fit the dominate churches of the current era or translated from one language to another .
this accounts for all the different versions each time it is made to fit what the new auther believes is best for the flock

Big Beaver, SK
56, joined Apr. 2011
the only thing I could tell you is make sure you learn how to take the pain because when you die, I or any other person will not be held accountable your salvation. That is something you should really be worried about. We will all face the final judgement in Gods great white throne. Not one of us is perfect. But you have the chance to choose now that you are alive. Eternal life in heaven or eternal life in hell, I hear its pretty hot in hell forever. Can you handle a few hot days in a dessert over 100 degrees of scorching heat? Hell is far more hotter. Well its your salvation so hope you pick Heaven. I wouldn't even wish Hell for my enemies. Once you are in, there is no way out.
Oh man, I hope not many people listen to this clown, can you imagine spending your entire life believing this crap 
I feel sorry for all of them, what a waste of life 

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
Oh man, I hope not many people listen to this clown, can you imagine spending your entire life believing this crap
I feel sorry for all of them, what a waste of life 
you just know hes driving a lincoln or a caddy yhat his church paid for
Do you think theres an oxymoron there (eternallife)
just an other spreader of fertilizer like all preachers