
Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
I can't remember any details but a dozen or so familys and indivduals all were conned into signing all their earthly belongings to the church because the world was comming to an end?
they gave cars and houses and emptied their bank accounts and gave it all to the church!
guess what the founder skipped town the day before the worlds end date(surprize-surprize)
all the sheep who had been sheared were on T.V. begging for food & shelter for weeks        
that a prime example of BLIND FAITH if you ask me
true christianity at its best
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Grand Junction, CO
54, joined Aug. 2010
Anyone who gives money to religon deserves what they get in return. Nothing.
Note: There are faith based organizations that do good work for folks (Salvation Army is just one example) and they are deserving of donations and helping out. I don't diss a group that does good things, even if some of their reasons for doing it are based on superstition. However like any charity, check out what they do with the money and donations before you give.

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
Anyone who gives money to religon deserves what they get in return. Nothing.
Note: There are faith based organizations that do good work for folks (Salvation Army is just one example) and they are deserving of donations and helping out. I don't diss a group that does good things, even if some of their reasons for doing it are based on superstition. However like any charity, check out what they do with the money and donations before you give.
I agree with you that some causes do real things too help people and thats fine I will support that effort and I realize that not all churches are clip-joints in the monitary arena.
but I also recognize the potental for fraud in turning over responsibility for thinking to other so called wiser people( the pope,the baptist minister,or the sundayschool teacher)

[Edited 7/20/2011 4:26:44 PM ]
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2011
i don't donate to any charity. if i see someone in need i go straight to them and help them. that way i know my money went where i wanted it to go.