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7/21/2011 6:03:41 AM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
This appeared in the LA Times yesterday. Neurological aspect is very interesting.
In recent years scientists specializing in the mind have begun to
unravel religion's "DNA." They have produced robust theories, backed
by empirical evidence (including "imaging" studies of the brain at
work), that support the conclusion that it was humans who created God,
not the other way around. And the better we understand the science,
the closer we can come to "no heaven … no hell … and no religion too."
Like our physiological DNA, the psychological mechanisms behind faith
evolved over the eons through natural selection. They helped our
ancestors work effectively in small groups and survive and reproduce,
traits developed long before recorded history, from foundations deep
in our mammalian, primate and African hunter-gatherer past.
For example, we are born with a powerful need for attachment,
identified as long ago as the 1940s by psychiatrist John Bowlby and
expanded on by psychologist Mary Ainsworth. Individual survival was
enhanced by protectors, beginning with our mothers. Attachment is
reinforced physiologically through brain chemistry, and we evolved and
retain neural networks completely dedicated to it. We easily expand
that inborn need for protectors to authority figures of any sort,
including religious leaders and, more saliently, gods. God becomes a
super parent, able to protect us and care for us even when our more
corporeal support systems disappear, through death or distance.
Scientists have so far identified about 20 hard-wired, evolved
"adaptations" as the building blocks of religion. Like attachment,
they are mechanisms that underlie human interactions: Brain-imaging
studies at the National Institutes of Health showed that when test
subjects were read statements about religion and asked to agree or
disagree, the same brain networks that process human social behavior —
our ability to negotiate relationships with others — were engaged.
Among the psychological adaptations related to religion are our need
for reciprocity, our tendency to attribute unknown events to human
agency, our capacity for romantic love, our fierce "out-group" hatreds
and just as fierce loyalties to the in groups of kin and allies.
Religion hijacks these traits. The rivalry between Sunni and Shiite
Muslims, for example, or the doctrinal battles between Protestant and
Catholic reflect our "groupish" tendencies.
In addition to these adaptations, humans have developed the remarkable
ability to think about what goes on in other people's minds and create
and rehearse complex interactions with an unseen other. In our minds
we can de-couple cognition from time, place and circumstance. We
consider what someone else might do in our place; we project future
scenarios; we replay past events. It's an easy jump to say, conversing
with the dead or to conjuring gods and praying to them.
Morality, which some see as imposed by gods or religion on savage
humans, science sees as yet another adaptive strategy handed down to
us by natural selection.
Yale psychology professor Paul Bloom notes that "it is often
beneficial for humans to work together … which means it would have
been adaptive to evaluate the niceness and nastiness of other
individuals." In groundbreaking research, he and his team found that
infants in their first year of life demonstrate aspects of an innate
sense of right and wrong, good and bad, even fair and unfair. When
shown a puppet climbing a mountain, either helped or hindered by a
second puppet, the babies oriented toward the helpful puppet. They
were able to make an evaluative social judgment, in a sense a moral
Michael Tomasello, a developmental psychologist who co-directs the Max
Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany,
has also done work related to morality and very young children. He and
his colleagues have produced a wealth of research that demonstrates
children's capacities for altruism. He argues that we are born
altruists who then have to learn strategic self-interest.
Beyond psychological adaptations and mechanisms, scientists have
discovered neurological explanations for what many interpret as
evidence of divine existence. Canadian psychologist Michael Persinger,
who developed what he calls a "god helmet" that blocks sight and sound
but stimulates the brain's temporal lobe, notes that many of his
helmeted research subjects reported feeling the presence of "another."
Depending on their personal and cultural history, they then
interpreted the sensed presence as either a supernatural or religious
figure. It is conceivable that St. Paul's dramatic conversion on the
road to Damascus was, in reality, a seizure caused by temporal lobe
The better we understand human psychology and neurology, the more we
will uncover the underpinnings of religion. Some of them, like the
attachment system, push us toward a belief in gods and make departing
from it extraordinarily difficult. But it is possible.
We can be better as a species if we recognize religion as a man-made
construct. We owe it to ourselves to at least consider the real roots
of religious belief, so we can deal with life as it is, taking
advantage of perhaps our mind's greatest adaptation: our ability to
use reason.
Imagine that.
J. Anderson Thomson is a psychiatrist at the University of Virginia.
He serves as a trustee of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason
and Science. Clare Aukofer is a medical writer. They are the authors
of "Why We Believe in God(s): A Concise Guide to the Science of
Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times
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7/21/2011 10:30:27 AM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
This appeared in the LA Times yesterday. Neurological aspect is very interesting.
See? You come out with very interesting topics...but the racism that engulfs your life and that I have detected in many of your threads makes very difficult to "converse" with you.
7/21/2011 12:53:11 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
See? You come out with very interesting topics...but the racism that engulfs your life and that I have detected in many of your threads makes very difficult to "converse" with you.
I too have this problem
7/21/2011 1:50:41 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
I am first and foremost a realist. All these platitudes, good wished, good intents, etc.
fail to obscure the fact that America is saddled with a group of people of very low IQ.
The question is what, if anything, can be done about it? No jobs for the unskilled. America would have been better off subsidizing heavy industries that gave good paying jobs to Blacks. To exacerbate the problem is the arrival of up to 20 million low IQ mestizos happily encouraged to migrate north. Our international competitors are not saddled with
such a gigantic problem. (Nation of Islam communities are islands where family values are stressed as is the non-use of drugs) A strong Black leader has yet to arise and call
for the restructing of Black values and community.
Just yesterday Mayor Bloomberg, need I mention he is a Jew, claimed that immigration is
good for our economy. Typical sleazebag concerned only with profits in the moment.
7/21/2011 2:17:21 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
Who's up in your family tree???
do you really think that intelligence is only pressent in your race ? and can you prove that assumption?
show me you are right in your thinking please.
7/21/2011 2:54:37 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
Of course intelligence is not just in the White and Asian races. What I am talking about is the distribution of said intelligence within a population group. I don't make up numbers, I just quote from the best accepted sources. There are Blacks of very high IQ.
But they are so few in number compared to other races. The Black IQ stands at 85 average.
Over 20% of Blacks have an IQ of 75 or less. Five percent of Whites share that disability. Fact is that there are simply smaller numbers of Blacks with IQ's sufficient
to compete in a hi-tech environment. This presents a tremendous social challenge. What are we to do with these folks? A complex matter that will not be addressed by shouting and crys of "racism".
7/21/2011 3:17:10 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
Assume that your numbers are correct for the time being how much of that is due to environment and how much is genetic?
how much is it because of no oppertunity?
do you think closing the nations borders will cure this mess?
or do we allow only people in who have an I.Q. of 85 points or better in?
should we take mentally impaired and sterilize them as germany did?
should we follow the Islamic lead and behead drug users and theives?
Lobotamies for those who do not conform to the norm?
7/21/2011 4:05:24 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2011
i think some people confuse IQ,education and common sense.i might be one of them lol
i know a lot of educated idiots and i also know a few that has no education to speak of
that have loads of common sense. i also know of some with very high IQs that know a lot about one particular thing but dumb as a stump on other things.
i think my IQ is somewhere between 19 and 23. but i can figure shit out that others can't.. take religion for example, i figured that shit out and there's some smart people
out there that still don't get it.
and as far as being racist, my dad was as racist as they come. he was in the kkk
i even went to a few cross burning with him (but i wasn't allowed to wear a sheet and hood) when i was a kid. he was also a highly
religious man.. i overcome both of these things. now i'm a atheist that respects all
mankind as long as they respect me. i know some good black people and i also know some sorryass white people.
well,,,,thats my 2 cents worth, who's gonna pay me???? LMAO
7/21/2011 4:43:29 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
I am first and foremost a realist. All these platitudes, good wished, good intents, etc.
fail to obscure the fact that America is saddled with a group of people of very low IQ.
Perfect example of the racism you suffer from. You don't have way to know about these people IQ. If you search among the illegals, I can assure you will find people with degrees, people who finished their HS...people as average as yourself and as low brained as many allover the world. I know. You will tell me "Why, then, they come here and work the fields? " Because, unfortunately, most Latin American authorities don't give a rat a** about anything but their pockets.
7/21/2011 4:45:15 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
I too have this problem
I have exchanged e/mails on this topic with this gentleman...and the conversation was intelligent and respectful in all senses. Why he spill such racism is beyond my brains...
7/21/2011 5:02:05 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
i think some people confuse IQ,education and common sense.i might be one of them  lol
i know a lot of educated idiots and i also know a few that has no education to speak of
that have loads of common sense. i also know of some with very high IQs that know a lot about one particular thing but dumb as a stump on other things.
i think my IQ is somewhere between 19 and 23. but i can figure shit out that others can't.. take religion for example, i figured that shit out and there's some smart people
out there that still don't get it.
and as far as being racist, my dad was as racist as they come. he was in the kkk
i even went to a few cross burning with him (but i wasn't allowed to wear a sheet and hood) when i was a kid. he was also a highly
religious man.. i overcome both of these things. now i'm a atheist that respects all
mankind as long as they respect me. i know some good black people and i also know some sorryass white people.
well,,,,thats my 2 cents worth, who's gonna pay me???? LMAO
guess I'll have to owe ya
I.O.U. $.02
7/21/2011 7:14:42 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |
Union Grove, AL
68, joined Jun. 2011
guess I'll have to owe ya
I.O.U. $.02
LMAO,, i'd rather for you to owe me than to beat me out of it..
7/21/2011 7:25:24 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Just yesterday Mayor Bloomberg, need I mention he is a Jew, claimed that immigration is
good for our economy. Typical sleazebag concerned only with profits in the moment.
Guess what? I am a USA Naturalized Citizen...that makes me an immigrant...and I can assure I have given a lot to this country and everything I gave has been the best of my mind, heart and soul. I broke my a** during 20 years teaching YOUR brothers and sisters and, for the most part, what I got were many "Shut the f**k up, you f**king b*tch." So, dear, close your big racist crapper because in USA there are many immigrants like me....and no, I will not go back to Argentina, I love USA.
Shut up.
7/21/2011 8:57:57 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |

Booneville, AR
71, joined Jun. 2011
if you think about it there are no people that didn't get here except through immigration even with my partial native american bloodline can't have been here if some distant relation had not crossed the ice over the bearing sea.
immigration made this country great.Immigrants come here to better their lives in so doing they better this country.
JMHO without regard to race sex or origin
[Edited 7/21/2011 8:59:15 PM ]
7/22/2011 6:16:52 AM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
Please, don't muddy the waters talking about how you are an immigrant. If you cannot detect the difference between a hispanic and a mestizo you have a problem. Look at the senator from Fla, White as he can be complete with hispanic surname. What I am talkng about are the squatty, leaf-blower operating, baby-dropping, scouring that many countries are happy to see leave. Apparently some persons who are not religious still drag around a host of cliches and platitudes that indicates their minds still have questionable wiring!
7/22/2011 7:15:44 AM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Please, don't muddy the waters talking about how you are an immigrant. If you cannot detect the difference between a hispanic and a mestizo you have a problem.
The one with a problem here is you.
FYI. Hispanic is a nationality. The adjective "Hispanic" comes from the word "Hispania" which was -in Latin- the name of today Spain while it was a province of the Roman Empire. HISPANIC is a person BORN IN SPAIN. Mestizo is a race. If you call me Hispanic I will feel insulted and my reaction will not be a nice one.
We, Latin Americans, have nationalities and for you and USA to group us under the same umbrella is an insult of Lesa Humanity.
Only Americans can say that Roberto Fujimori is Hispanic while he is a Peruvian national of 100% Japanese blood...or that Carlos Sims, a full blooded Lebanese born in Mexico is a Hispanic as well. My and my sister heritage is French, my nationality is Argentinean and her's is French because she was born in France. Can you see the difference now? Put it through your head, guys....each Latin American has his/her own nationality. To speak the same language doesn't make us "one".
How would you feel if a person says that you...SINCE YOU SPEAK ENGLISH...you are Singaporean, Thai or from Belize...? I can hear you and your con-nationals screaming "I am an American"
Stop mixing nationalities with races.
No, the information you may find in google doesn't even get close to reality. To speak a given language doesn't mean this is a given person's heritage.
7/22/2011 10:35:10 AM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
You made my point exactly. America's problem is with the mestizo. It is claimed that these people's DNA is appx. 80% central American Indian, 10% Black, 10% White. We, and the economy, have managed to get rid of almost all of them in my town. The hispanics here are relieved as they don't like them either. And of course we have to separate races from nationalities. I believe Arg. was about 90% european divided among Spanish, English, and German's. Makes it easy as there are only 5 major racial groups in
all of Europe.
7/22/2011 11:40:07 AM |
Religion's "DNA" |
68, joined May. 2011
The claim and belief, that the pigmentation of the skin or other externally observable physical traits indicate a person's potential and innate talents at birth, is as irrational and absurd as believing in a deity.
True skeptics and atheists cannot believe in sorting people by whatever they define as 'race'. If someone has discarded the religion of his culture but still believes in other irrational, non-scientific claims, then I consider his atheism as only skin deep.
[Edited 7/22/2011 11:40:32 AM ]
7/22/2011 12:10:20 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
1. Argentina is white and your remark about Germans is wrong since they kept to themselves and were kicked out pretty fast. You forgot to mention the Italians, Polish, Russians, Irish,Armenians, French, Scottish...and many more.
2. You wish the DNA of those you call "mestizos" was Central American Native since they were the ones developing one of the most advanced civilizations.
3. "Indian" is the wrong denomination since Columbus didn't land in India.
7/22/2011 12:11:57 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
The claim and belief, that the pigmentation of the skin or other externally observable physical traits indicate a person's potential and innate talents at birth, is as irrational and absurd as believing in a deity.
True skeptics and atheists cannot believe in sorting people by whatever they define as 'race'. If someone has discarded the religion of his culture but still believes in other irrational, non-scientific claims, then I consider his atheism as only skin deep.
And whys fits in your definition perfectly.
7/22/2011 1:55:05 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
Idiots who don't research a topic such as genetics and humane performance are
as laughable as folks promoting new age crystals as a healing aid. Do the research or sit back munch another bon-bon. Kumbayah mo'fo's!!!!!!!
7/22/2011 2:05:48 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Yonkers, NY
64, joined Aug. 2008
Idiots who don't research a topic such as genetics and humane performance are
as laughable as folks promoting new age crystals as a healing aid. Do the research or sit back munch another bon-bon. Kumbayah mo'fo's!!!!!!!
You do the research and find out -for your convenience- about the Central American Natives...the rest of the world knows them as The Mayan Civilization.
Here the only one who shouldn't be talking (typing) is you.
I had it with you and your insults. You are blocked.
7/22/2011 2:22:54 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |
68, joined May. 2011
Since idiots cannot ask good questions, I do it on their behalf:
I would be very curious to be pointed out any serious, replicated, peer reviewed study giving evidence, that the pigmentation of the skin or other externally visible trait indicate the potential for intelligence and talents of a newborn at the moment of birth. Not as an indicator for the future, which depends on external influences and not only on genetic dispositions.
Jenkins, Murray/Hermstein and whoever studied differences at a later age cannot eliminate the problem of which differences are the cause, and which are the consequence of discrimination.
7/22/2011 3:36:32 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
First, I apologize for my rough lanquage. My mistake is that I think people on these sites have come from backgrounds where facts are facts and research is the norm. (None of us are immune to emotion as I demonstrated in my previous comment.) To free one's mind for new ideas is an ongoing task. For those who are interested there is so much material available re: genes and performance, that I lack the sheer energy needed to bring if forward. The chap from Germany is sequestered in a stable society lacking minority problems of the USA's magnitude. Hence, he is probably not aware of the terrible public school performance problems culminating with the current wave of test score scandals. These cheating episodes are due to unfair pressures put on minority-populated school systems. They are
always trying to equal White performance. The beat goes on and will not change. Thanks.
7/22/2011 4:02:57 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Mesa, AZ
39, joined Mar. 2009
Perfect example of the racism you suffer from. You don't have way to know about these people IQ. If you search among the illegals, I can assure you will find people with degrees, people who finished their HS...people as average as yourself and as low brained as many allover the world. I know. You will tell me "Why, then, they come here and work the fields? " Because, unfortunately, most Latin American authorities don't give a rat a** about anything but their pockets.
His hatred towards other races is comparable to your hatred of religion in any form and sense of need to eradicate them.
Personally I think it is nonsense to follow any religion, but have no need or wish to "cleanse" the world of it. Nor do I wish to "cleanse" the world of any race(s) of people. I simply wish people would use their brains for logic and reason as opposed to forcing thought or beliefs of any certain way other than to open your eyes to reality and open your mind to possibilities.
Just my view on things.
7/22/2011 4:24:01 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |
68, joined May. 2011
The chap from Germany is sequestered in a stable society lacking minority problems of the USA's magnitude. Hence, he is probably not aware of the terrible public school performance problems culminating with the current wave of test score scandals. These cheating episodes are due to unfair pressures put on minority-populated school systems.
This is not scientific. It is personal frustration expressed as anecdotal evidence. As long as there are no scientific studies, that proof at birth and not later a direct connection between externally visible differences and mental differences, the concept of race is not more than optical and not more significant than the shoe size.
7/22/2011 5:53:49 PM |
Religion's "DNA" |


Payson, AZ
74, joined Nov. 2008
Kind and tolerant readers, visit the ladies profile. Very interesting. Has an obivous orientation. The lady, a self-confessed egalitarian, continues to spout shopworn cliches which mostly vanished under the impact of reality, circ 1980's.
Olso and all of the world learned a lesson today re: multiculturalism.
I must say goodbye to this topic; always looking for though-provoking material.