9/10/2011 7:42:51 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Please line up here to either kick me in the azz for almost being so stupid or to hug me and tell me you are glad I decided not to....
Approx 4 or 5 weeks ago a man in my area (within 50 miles) send me a wink followed by a message. I read his profile...even thou he seemed OK....I didn't respond. The next day he sent another message....I decided to say hello. We started sending messages back and forth. Then all of a sudden I was blocked and could not message him. With in a day or so he reappeared with a new profile. He contacted me and we started talking again.
Since he first contacted me he has deleted and started up a new profile with a new user name....same pic and same info about 6 times. I asked him about it and he said he could not find a user name that fit him.
About 3 weeks ago on a Monday morning he asked me if I would like to meet that evening...I said ok and gave him my number in case something came up during the day. About 3:30 that afternoon he called to say he would have to take a raincheck cause he had to work over. I did not hear from him for a few days....when I did he had another new user name and nothing was said about trying to meet up again.
The Friday before Labor Day he contacted me and said he would still like to meet. That was the last I heard from him until this morning. He was on bright and early and said that he was at work. We send messages back and forth most of the morning. We decided to meet this evening. The last I heard from him was about 11:45 he said he would be in touch later about meeting. I never heard from him until a few minute till 7 this evening. He wanted to know why I stood him up....I said I did not stand him up because we had never decided where and when we would meet. He asked me how far away I was from a certain area. He said that he was at a lounge in that area and could I meet him. I told him that my son and I were just sitting down to dinner. He wanted me to meet him after I had dinner. After finishing dinner I checked to see if he was still on line...he had sent a message entitled "Descent Man" asking what time I could be there. When I tried answering him ....I was blocked and could not send anything.
You hear stories every day on the news about things happening...not to say that is where this would have ended...but I think it's time that I block him if he tries to contact me again.
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9/10/2011 7:49:07 PM |
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Stuarts Draft, VA
65, joined Jan. 2011
DeeDee, bend over i hate to do this but.....KICK!!!......
He's playing games and he's probably married......block him,and tell him to leave you alone... the guy sounds like a sicko...
PS.....a hug for doing what you need to do...
[Edited 9/10/2011 7:50:38 PM ]
9/10/2011 7:52:49 PM |
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Beulah, MI
65, joined Aug. 2011
That's too weird. Way too weird. I would steer clear of that. If it looks like unstable... and quacks like unstable... it's probably not stable. Let's be careful out there... 
9/10/2011 7:56:36 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Thanks...I do try to be careful...but almost made a big mistake tonight.
9/10/2011 8:01:06 PM |
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Stuarts Draft, VA
65, joined Jan. 2011
I thank God you did not,,,
9/10/2011 8:02:28 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Thanks again Grace...I thank him also.
9/10/2011 8:03:24 PM |
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Beulah, MI
65, joined Aug. 2011
It's hard. We start to forget what a reasonable, rational situation looks like. We begin to lose our bearings - making allowances for warning signs.
9/10/2011 8:03:37 PM |
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Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
i'm coming out of retirement for this thread...he blocked you--screw him with dh charm...if he made you start a thread because you don't have a guilty conscious/ he has one...
another thing you post on threads as that allows you to learn of someone that way better/ if he keeps deleting is because he's playing more then one woman at a time and/ or he's married or he's a drunk or you're too smart
i suggest a 1st meeting happen in public and during the day with advance planning too from any dater...you should have met him but only if your son came too because it was to be at a lounge/ he was probably drunk already
well back to my bat cave
9/10/2011 8:06:04 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Thanks Sorp...I greatly appreciate you coming out for me....
9/10/2011 8:14:15 PM |
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Jefferson City, MO
68, joined Jul. 2010
I'm glad you used your head and stepped back for a moment; you deserve better
9/10/2011 8:14:16 PM |
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Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
it does sound very odd and strange. Im glad you chose to not go and are safe here with us. 
9/10/2011 8:22:06 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Thanks bella and fishin....I have been sitting here thinking of "what ifs"
9/10/2011 8:26:56 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
Smart move deedee . Idiot like that could be dangerous. If per chance you are going to meet someone , do it in a public place and not a bar. My hat is off to you for making the right decision to block him.  
9/10/2011 8:29:16 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Thanks once...from our talk earlier we were to meet at a public place...not really sure why he said he was at the lounge...he said he wasn't drinking just watching football...it's just to strange.
9/10/2011 8:30:59 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
Sounds to me like a game. As others have said he has something to hide. Probably other women or a wife.
9/10/2011 8:32:04 PM |
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Homeland, CA
68, joined Apr. 2008
The first time he changed his profile should have been a "Red Flag". You Ladies trust your instincts and be careful. Please? 
9/10/2011 8:34:21 PM |
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Fairchance, PA
68, joined Sep. 2006
i hear these stories all the time here i am average man looking to meet some one i get passed by because of these people, the way i do things is e-mail someone then chat either on the hone or e-mail then meet in a public place i am not hiding any thing just trying to find some to do things with always check profiles out because there are lots of scamers out there they post one age on profile and other locations are real young in 20-30's also lts of married people on the sites
9/10/2011 8:35:13 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Truthfully once I was thinking worst thinks then that.
9/10/2011 8:38:29 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
Tell ya what deedee make a date with him , tell me where he is gonna mett you , and I'll got give him a personality adjustment   
9/10/2011 8:40:36 PM |
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Cuyahoga Falls, OH
61, joined Jan. 2011
good on ya deedee. follow your gut for no kick in the butt. a little poem for ya. 
9/10/2011 8:41:17 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Once..your my hero....
9/10/2011 8:44:00 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Thanks bones and huggable...I do read profiles...what really gets me are guys that say they have a masters degree and when you read the profile ...you wonder how the got out of 3rd grade.
Thanks knock...I can think of another place I would like to kick him...it also starts with a b....
9/10/2011 8:44:58 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
9/10/2011 8:47:03 PM |
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Little River, SC
65, joined Oct. 2009
i hear these stories all the time here i am average man looking to meet some one i get passed by because of these people, the way i do things is e-mail someone then chat either on the hone or e-mail then meet in a public place i am not hiding any thing just trying to find some to do things with always check profiles out because there are lots of scamers out there they post one age on profile and other locations are real young in 20-30's also lts of married people on the sites
true as you sy...many man and woman should read what happened here because many will or should judge what happened in this situation and the outcome of this can effect the next guy or woman if they are pursued as a negative ...my point is why should the OP (dee) trust the next guy that pursues her after what happened here or should any woman as this is a warning to everyone to be security minded first...in this situation the 1st meeting didn't take place which may be a blessing in disguised
9/10/2011 8:49:50 PM |
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Lewiston, MI
57, joined Jun. 2011
ANYBODY, that takes that much bullchit from ANYBODY on the net deserves my size 9 upside there back side.
Gesh, why put yourself thru that crap, I'll never understand that concept. 
9/10/2011 8:52:05 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Ping...I wish I know...I'm not that desperate for a date.
9/10/2011 8:54:58 PM |
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Lewiston, MI
57, joined Jun. 2011
You know, every few days I see a new thread close to this, and it just reassures me that me NOT looking to date from the net is the RIGHT thing to do.
I for one DON'T need the BS from complete strangers. Bad enough I take BS from people I know. 
9/10/2011 8:56:30 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
You know, every few days I see a new thread close to this, and it just reassures me that me NOT looking to date from the net is the RIGHT thing to do.
I for one DON'T need the BS from complete strangers. Bad enough I take BS from people I know. 
But but ponger I thought we were building up to a date   
9/10/2011 8:59:05 PM |
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Lewiston, MI
57, joined Jun. 2011
 You havent been paying attention have you. My new truck has a 37 gal tank, let me repeat that word TANK!
Tanks dont travel. 
9/10/2011 8:59:53 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Once...behave yourself on this thread...this is a serious subject....
9/10/2011 9:00:49 PM |
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Lewiston, MI
57, joined Jun. 2011
Was that a for real warning Dee?
9/10/2011 9:02:12 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Dec. 2007
Hi deedee, this is why I never trust anyone because everyone I come across plays games. I've come across the situation that you described numberous times, I hate to say.
If someone says they want to meet me, I say, prove it!
9/10/2011 9:02:30 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Yes that's about as mean as I get....
9/10/2011 9:04:41 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009

9/10/2011 9:07:00 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
9/10/2011 9:10:02 PM |
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Erie, PA
68, joined Dec. 2007
DeeDee, th first time he blocked you, you should have too bad, so sad, see ya.
I would not have had anymore contact with him. There are many guys out there that are decent and wouldn't do what he did to you.
ALWAYS, ALWAYS meet during the day where there are lots of people. Have a friend, male or female standing by just in case.
9/10/2011 9:11:30 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
Decient guys like me AKA/ The mad raper   
9/10/2011 9:12:47 PM |
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Lewiston, MI
57, joined Jun. 2011
Careful waaaaaaaaaaaay to many fruits on the net, they just might take that kind of comment for real and get your azz in alot of trouble. 
9/10/2011 9:14:48 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
laffs , at least something would happen on a Saturday night   
9/10/2011 9:15:23 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Thanks trisha.....yea I know I should have blocked him...but I didn't...but believe me...if he tries contacting me again.....the Big B for him.
9/10/2011 9:17:13 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
Thanks trisha.....yea I know I should have blocked him...but I didn't...but believe me...if he tries contacting me again.....the Big B for him.
OH no you are gonna block me ?    
9/10/2011 9:19:13 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
NOT you once....I you....I would block the a-hole
9/10/2011 9:19:30 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Dec. 2007
Never know who you are talking to. You have to be extremely carefull(I also tell that to those I meet)!
I keep wondering, why to nice women find the crazies and I'm a nice honest guy and women seem afraid of me?
I honestly wish I was in the shoes of the guy who is playing games with you, dede, I'd show you what honesty is about(you don't need him).
You don't need a kick, you need an honest guy.
9/10/2011 9:20:32 PM |
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Stuarts Draft, VA
65, joined Jan. 2011
Dee, i would hope you let us ladies know when he is around , so that we can block him....
9/10/2011 9:22:43 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
That's a great idea Grace...I'm sure if he shows up again..he will have a new name.
9/10/2011 9:22:51 PM |
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Nescopeck, PA
67, joined Feb. 2009
I remember when I first joined DHU , talked to a lady for about two months , we decided to meet, Needless to say I get there , a woman ansered the door , thought I was at the wrong place , here the picture she put on DHU was about 15 years old. She said if she had posted a recient picture , i would have never showed up. ** She was a pretty smart lady*** LMAO
9/10/2011 9:26:56 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Why can't people be honest?
9/10/2011 9:41:22 PM |
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Lexington, KY
66, joined May. 2011
Best thing you could have done Dee..
someone that switches names that often has
something to hide. Or more likely,,SOMEONE!

9/10/2011 9:44:35 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
thanks alicia
thanks everyone for your postings....I appreciate all your suggestions/opinions.
God Bless you all...Good night.
9/10/2011 9:57:06 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
61, joined Dec. 2007
I'm nice!!! But either women don't care, or want to ignore me(like dede), for whatever reason. Maybe I'm waisting my time here::idontknow(locals don't seem to think I exist)::
9/10/2011 10:53:03 PM |
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Westminster, MD
60, joined Jul. 2011
Please be careful. If he keeps deleting his profile and returning as someone else he'll continue to contact you. Can he be reported? Please be careful Dee.
9/10/2011 11:43:13 PM |
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Cheney, WA
61, joined Mar. 2009
Sounds like this guy keeps changing his profile becuz he is sooooo scared his 'wife' or someone he knows will recognize him. Most likely this man has been married for years, has grown bored with his life, probably has been getting no sex and is looking for a little cyber fun with a nice gal. Perhaps he is decent, but running scared about being caught.
His behavior spells a deeper problem, so stay away from men like him. The guy just wants sex and some female attention, but not enough to divorce his wife. JMO.
9/11/2011 5:41:06 AM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
As I laid in bed last night before falling asleep..I thanked God that I wised up before something may have happened. I also thanked him for each and everyone of you in the 50+ group that are real and caring ...... 
9/11/2011 6:23:29 AM |
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Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
Once? Why not ask Deedee for a date, show her what a real kind, caring and gentle man is like.
And I dont want to hear anything about distance ... just go and have fun. easy peasy 
9/11/2011 8:16:42 AM |
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Harlingen, TX
65, joined Mar. 2011
Once? Why not ask Deedee for a date, show her what a real kind, caring and gentle man is like.
And I dont want to hear anything about distance  ... just go and have fun. easy peasy 
I 2nd the motion. PA just isn't that big.
9/11/2011 8:20:59 AM |
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Cuyahoga Falls, OH
61, joined Jan. 2011
all those in favor...say AYE!
9/11/2011 11:44:21 AM |
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Branson, MO
66, joined Oct. 2010
Deedee, after reading your story, I just wanted to say, the most important decision is the final decision, and in that regard you've made the best one.
9/11/2011 12:03:59 PM |
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Mount Ephraim, NJ
67, joined Feb. 2008
hey deedee I must give you a (((HUG)))) first for being safe
Then tell you that ---always have phone conversations ---emphasis on plural here before meeting anyone---Usually 1st time for coffee or lunch is good idea----
Give friends your ph no---I have had friends call or txt me from the ladies room to let me know they are OK
You can never be too careful 
Had a friend took airplane from west coast to meet someone in the deep south/she called & I talked to both of them when she got there She had a wonderful time & started a relationship
Another time did not work out so well--a friend from NJ went to NY had booked hotel for 2 nights & was stood up--she called crying what am I to do now here by myself--she stayed the 2 nights & saw the sights He called later to say he was stuck away on business
Don't give 2nd chances unless you have talked on the phone & gotten to know the person & feel it in your gut---this person is sincere
As for my friend Mr Once yes this is serious
I was trying & still trying to get a get together here this fall at my house---Once knows the way---maybe he could pick you up on the way Deedee
Again/look for the signs that someone is not being totally honest with you---Sooooooo glad you are safe hugs
9/11/2011 12:09:37 PM |
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Irwin, PA
66, joined Jul. 2007
Thanks elly and sunshine....I appreciate your thoughts.
I would have to pick once up....he would have to back track to come to Pittsburgh...
9/11/2011 12:16:48 PM |
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Harlingen, TX
65, joined Mar. 2011
Deedee, if you lived in S. TX you would not whine about distance. Local here is 40 miles.