4/4/2008 12:49:00 AM |
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Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Why did you register on DateHookup.dating? Looking for that special someone? To find a casual date? Just to 'connect' with others thr' Forums? Some other reason?

Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/7/2008 9:33:32 AM |
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Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Wow, tough question. First, it was just to see 'who or what is out there'. Two of my gf's did meet
men they had significant (2-3yr) relationships with.
I am quite outgoing in some situations, and shy in others - such as meeting men, so I thought
maybe this way, I could get to know someone first before even meeting.
And lastly, I pretty much go from home, to my van, to whereever I am going, and with not working,
I don't meet people. Also my circles are around kids (work) so the men I meet are married!
Also, I am not sure yet how much I would compromise to be with a partner. Some days I would love
to have a man in my life, other days it seems like too much trouble to reconcile all parts of my life.
4/9/2008 7:17:57 PM |
What are you looking for? |
Calgary, AB
55, joined Mar. 2008
I am looking for a relationship. I don't have time for men who play head games. That is highschool. Too many men just wanna play games.I thought this would be the best way to meet men, maybe I was wrong.
4/10/2008 10:25:00 PM |
What are you looking for? |
Calgary, AB
62, joined Mar. 2008
The Midlife Dating Game... It is difficult to know how/where to meet people when you are out of the loop for so long. Men my age mostly seem to be interested in 25 and 30 year olds... here and in real life. LOL! Living in hope of meeting "the one", but willing to accept that I may be alone in my life. Testing the waters, checking things out but not having much luck. C'est la vie!
4/11/2008 4:55:35 PM |
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Red Deer, AB
51, joined Dec. 2007
Well some of us have an unhappy homelife and are stuck. But must do with what we can. Always nice to meet new friends on here as I am new to Alberta. I guess I like to chat withj new friends on here if I ever meet any?
4/11/2008 5:26:48 PM |
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Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
albertarose, Midlife Dating Game ... that's a good way to put it. I don't hold out much hope for meeting THE ONE here but what's the harm in 'testing the waters'? I also think that if there was some way to get more Albertans to participate in Alberta Chat, we'd all have a greater chance of meeting that someone special. I hope that it does work for you.
4/11/2008 5:32:31 PM |
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Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
gman, where in Canada did you come from? And what makes you "stuck"?
4/11/2008 5:39:27 PM |
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Red Deer, AB
51, joined Dec. 2007
Moved here from Toronto so a big change for me. Unhappy is ongoing issues that I have to deal with and I haven't been on here long enough to discuss it yet, but in time.
4/11/2008 5:47:02 PM |
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Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Sorry .... I didn't mean to appear nosy, gman. Red Deer is a lot different than Toronto. All Alberta is different from Ont. I guess every prov. has it's differences ... & similarities. I hope you learn to love AB as much as I do. (I'm a BC transplant from years ago)
4/11/2008 5:56:13 PM |
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Red Deer, AB
51, joined Dec. 2007
No your not being nosey, no worries
4/11/2008 6:03:42 PM |
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Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008

4/11/2008 7:22:07 PM |
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Calgary, AB
62, joined Mar. 2008
I guess time will tell - we never know what will happen.
Who ever thought we would end up here?
4/11/2008 10:09:13 PM |
What are you looking for? |
Daysland, AB
67, joined Dec. 2007
not much luck... hmm to some that would be a hurting vomment...lol but to those that know something of you I can understand what you mean.. and no we are ALL not out looking for 25 and 30 year olds here or in real life... It is a misconception that becasue many do all are... who wants to be with a person that really hasn't lived the life and has the experience of success and failure.. everythign seems rosey at those ages and it is hard to develop something serious in most cases I assume. Not that i know its been many years since I dated a 30 year ald.. well almost 30 actually.... but please do not judge us all by the actions of a few... the silent ones are the ones oyu bever notice....really Me I am looking for my last fiorst kiss and when I get that I will be set for life. and then some... really!
4/11/2008 10:25:40 PM |
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Daysland, AB
67, joined Dec. 2007
sorry about the spelling guess I should have the lights on so I can see the proper keys...lol
4/14/2008 8:59:32 AM |
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Red Deer, AB
51, joined Dec. 2007
o did everyone have a great warm weekend, wasn't that a great weekedn, I spent the whole weekend outside
4/14/2008 12:57:36 PM |
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Red Deer, AB
51, joined Dec. 2007
Albertarose, we all end up somewhere so being here I guess is where we should be
4/14/2008 3:33:36 PM |
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Red Deer, AB
52, joined Jan. 2008
I am looking for that special someone and figured this is a good way to do it.I know i am not here to read the forms,man they bore the hell out of me,but i guess it was kind of fun at first.I suspose i do like being a smart a** in the forms now and seeing what kind of responce i can get from the yanks.Have to make it fun as i can i guess.
4/17/2008 12:11:45 AM |
What are you looking for? |

Edmonton, AB
60, joined Apr. 2008
This is new for me here - writing in one of these -- hmmm
What are we all looking for ? On here or out there in real life -- guess the same thing -
someone to be with and spend time with and grow old together and enjoy everything around us with that special someone else. Its hard for people who have the empty nest syndrome too . Kids dont want us around any more - and you can only do so much with friends and and its to dam boring to do anything alone. YA its not like when we were all young and carefree and did and seen any one we wanted to back then - now its like --- Woooo tred softly here - have to check this or that person out before you even say HI to them . ( are you bored yet? ) lol
okkkkkkkkk so lifes to short to sweat the small stuff - go out and meet people if it doesnt work out at least you can be friends or just move on . Wait a sec let me check my crystal ball here heheheh sorry its to dark out .
thxx for letting me throw my toonie in here 
6/26/2008 11:04:41 PM |
What are you looking for? |
Edson, AB
60, joined Apr. 2008
Hi Everyone,
Right now, I am trying to sell my place, and I am very busy. I have a teenage son still home, and a married daughter that lives in town here, that has a baby, so I find it interesting to read some post,when I find a little bit of time and learn, and maybe reply. But I wouldn't mind meeting some people, saying hi to people, it seems like there are some nice people here. 
6/27/2008 2:35:25 PM |
What are you looking for? |
Calgary, AB
51, joined Apr. 2008
Well I'm NOT looking for fairy tales..
I like the web since I don't drink and don't like smoky clubs- which means I don't like women, who like.... smoky clubs.. The web seems like a good alternative.
I am looking to meet women of very similar intrests.. That is to say, almost EXACT..
and as someone else said, I have decided that if I don't meet HER, I am ok with being alone.. Do not need to find someone just to avoid 'alone'. See me and my cat, we're tight...
She needs to be a cyclist, cat lover, sushi / chocolate lover, responsible ex-driver, as a minimum. These basics are , non-negotiable.
She also needs to like short guys, having not already judged me by the size of my 'feet'. oh, and she needs to be in touch with her sexual self..( I'd like someone to teach ME something, for a change...)
The web seems good for such broad -spectrum approaches to searches... But I am resolved to the fact that if she is out there, she has probably already gone and shacked up with some piece of waste with more appealing superficial qualities than I...
and far be it, for me or anyone like me, to alter such things......
7/18/2008 11:04:24 PM |
What are you looking for? |

Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
Well for me, it's a place to start or so I thought, but maybe thats partly my own fault. Maybe I need to get more involved in this site & get to know people more. Mid-life start over, How do you do that... I'm lost in the process & hoped an on-line site with local connections could help me. Our friends were his friends so I don't have that anymore, & I live in a small town where almost everyone is already married or wayyy to young for me. I work wit much younger guys or thier married so thats not an option even though thats not a good idea anyway. Most of my kids are grown & gone, raising there own kids or living there own lives... So where else would I start... I don't even have anyone to go out with just for some fun, male or female...I would even love to just have a girlfriend to hang out with... Who I could go out to meet people with...I feel too out of the loop to do it alone...So thats why I joined here, I found at other sites I just found guys who wanted to hook-up, & while thats fine, I would feel too awkward to do that right off the bat, I would like to get to know someone first just a little. So am I way off base or is my situation typical.
7/19/2008 12:00:15 AM |
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Calgary, AB
66, joined Feb. 2008
Hi there, wisediva. I certainly wish you luck at finding someone on-line. Seems like any of the interesting fellas live in the States. Or at least that's the way it appears if you look at the forums. Just seems like almost all the AB guys shun the Alberta Chat. I find it hard to get enthused about just a picture (or worse yet, an outline!) & nothing entered as a profile. But I do hope YOU find someone. 
7/19/2008 1:42:33 AM |
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Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
Thanks, Not expecting to find anyone though...Just wanting to connect with people...Mostly
I would love to meet up with members from the area... Anyone interested, lets do it...
7/21/2008 10:58:13 PM |
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Morinville, AB
57, joined Mar. 2008
Lets do it... Who wants get together this weekend & where???