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4/27/2008 8:38:40 AM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |

Grande Prairie, AB
35, joined Mar. 2008
i'm new to gp and looking to make new friends and see what happends from there   
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/1/2008 1:14:01 AM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |
Edson, AB
60, joined Apr. 2008
Hi Ash, Hope you meet some people from your area. 
5/1/2008 9:20:28 AM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
I have a friend who lives there, she is about 45 yrs old though.
Would you care about such an age difference? If not, I will show her
your post.
Personally, I have friends 20 years either way of my age, but some
people are more comfortable within a smaller perimeter.
I hope you find someone to be your friend. Life is just a little more pleasant with a friend.
5/21/2008 12:35:33 PM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |

Grande Prairie, AB
44, joined Mar. 2008
Maybe its time for some sort of get together event ? I've been to one event before from an other site. I know it doesn't always work out, as people would like, but an event would only strengthen peoples contacts into finding what they are looking for.
It becomes a safe place to meet new people as well. The problem I see here is that no one seems to be the lets call him/her the "orginizers". Sure a few people have ideas, but no one has yet to say this is one be here, or miss out sorta thing. No matter how one looks at it, there well never be an event where everyone shows up, how ever much we'd like that.
But I was thinking theres so many sites out there and no real gateway, besides for ones luck at a search engine. Which I thought was actually pretty good luck till a few days ago. I'm sure many others have noticed this too. What I'm talking about is things like joining a what seems to be new site, yet has been out for years. Its all luck of the search engine.
I'm thinking we need to improve this. Theres probably ways I haven't thought about also, and I'm sure people are willing to help develop something and either share their ideas or be one of the organizers.
This well take a few threads I'm sure, as well as I'm also sure others well do the same for their areas, once they hear about it. Maybe we can give a whole new definition to dating, or finding relationships ?
I have a lot of time on my hands, and I'm willing to help develop and organize, if others are willing too also. It's to much for one person and 2 or more heads are better then one.
So I guess to start off with I'd like to find out who's willing for this city and area ? As well as who would like to for other areas, since I know a few well check this out, and eventually we can expand the ideas into other areas for others, once a few things are in place via other threads.
5/21/2008 5:37:05 PM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |

Grande Prairie, AB
44, joined Mar. 2008
I just sent a message to the staff, to see if members can help DH evolve. I asked about a place for sujestions, that staff can follow instead of a bunch of threads that they won't want to waiste their time on. As well as made one for now with a long explenation of why it would be a good idea. After all talk between members would just only go so far, without staff participation there just wouldn't be any changes to the actual site, and really if they wanna keep us here then they too have to have an open mind .
Here's how I sorta see things . . .
- There has to be better ways to meet people, the world its self has evolved and always well. Threw the evolvement, many things have change which created solutions as well as more needs. ei. population, transportation, communications and extra. These evolvements also cause more selections because we can not be everything.
- Dateing is like an open door of opertunaties, but what if there were steps and say an elivator to skip steps to get to that open door ? Steps isn't that what the difference is between Dating and online dating ? Sorta like teen dating (school), to young adult dating (say within a communty)
Wouldn't this also change long distance relationships ? In the way that life really does evolve ? I mean think of it a male/female from a Hamlet, grows up, moves to say a small town, because the hamelt really didn't have what they needed ? Happens all the time right ? Then say gets a college degree so they move to the city, or what ever the reasons may be for the moves, they happen. The more people realize this the more they think about dating and when the right moment might be, and it eventually becomes easier to accept.
Like getting a pair of glasses you could see before but it just wasn't clear ? Online dating could really improve the results of relationships also. The internet is a tool box, with new and improved tools all the time.
We are either going to live in the problems, and could very much end up as part of the problems or we can be part of the evolvement and solutions.
5/22/2008 12:42:35 PM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
Pick a meeting place, like a coffee shop, or mall food court, and a time. Post it here, then email people in GP to go the post for info. We tried this in Calgary, and out of about 60 people we emailed, 3 showed up.
I hope you have better luck. I think a lot of people are on here because they DON'T want to meet "live" people!
5/22/2008 1:58:41 PM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |

Grande Prairie, AB
44, joined Mar. 2008
We tried this in Calgary, and out of about 60 people we emailed, 3 showed up.
I hope you have better luck. I think a lot of people are on here because they DON'T want to meet "live" people!
Thanks Forestrose. I hope to have better luck too. Although at the other site we had a chatroom instead of a forum, the chatroom wasn't that good. I was also thinking about the quote before I seen it this morning last night. Having seen a different ad made me think, and I'm thinking again...lol
The chatroom we had didn't show who the text was going to, so it was a bit of a pain. Specially when it got busy, but I am thinking it did have one advantage which should be here but it doesn't seem to be as much of an advatage or maybe attraction ? Point being that theres more people here then just G.P. or even Alberta which I have already seen here in just a few days, so it does have it, just not as active yet.
So that brings me to the second though, many rather use a chatroom since the text actually disappears faster and with no effort in doing so. Maybe we could get a link that would delete an entire thread ? Or options to go private or semi-private ?
Anyways, unlike this thread, which seems more directed to G.P. which the search button does pretty good for, it does check to see who is really even activly checking the forums sort of. All though it doesn't show how many times a post has been read by different people, if someone like you has replied it does show your more open to the topic as well as active forum member.
I also wasn't one of the organizers for the other site, which I know had a few of them. I also know they had better luck in different ways. Wish I knew all the tricks they used just in case we aren't using them.
Yes, seems that theres at least a few with major walls up, afraid to meet new people. As mentioned above the ad I seen last night, stated that they didn't want to post a pic because someone would spot them some where in the city, which they claimed had already happend and it spooked them because they didn't know them from the site. Yet their setting was couldn't message them without a pic ?.....lol
Thing is the way I see things is even though this is a small city, thats still like finding a needle in a hay stack almost. Second personely I'd rather hear it was someone from a site, which would be better then being approached by people who don't even have a clue, it happens all the time. Someone begg'n on the street, or someone trying to sell sexual favours, or even worse walking by a vehicle that jumped an other pedistrian and having them come after you too, and extra. Sadly it isn't a perfect world.
Also going as a group from a site, doesn't mean you can't bring anyone who's not from the site, or that there won't be anyone else at the meeting place. One thing I did notice when I went to one, is that many others acted the way I did. Upon first entering, I looked around, being that I didn't really know anyone. Eventually I approached the head table marked by an item choosen by the organizers. Threw out the evening I noticed others doing the same thing, as well as some just leaving and who knows how many were really from the site or not. Because a few also just came to find out what was going on in that section of the bar.
The main thing was that part of the site and local group were out together (people with common interests) looking out for each other. Way better then walking into a place where I know no one and just sitting around checking people out and really not getting any where. Even though I didn't really achieve anything, I did have more fun then I normally do, as well as stayed longer.
I know for some that doesn't seem good enough, or too risky still. Sadly those people usually end up depressed or even worse. I'm not saying this is a perfect system either, how ever they choose to go about it, their is no such thing. But theres a difference between running down a path in life with thorns on both sides ver one them on the corner of every block.
5/22/2008 8:00:44 PM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |

Grande Prairie, AB
44, joined Mar. 2008
We tried this in Calgary, and out of about 60 people we emailed, 3 showed up.
I hope you have better luck. I think a lot of people are on here because they DON'T want to meet "live" people!
Yes, seems that theres at least a few with major walls up, afraid to meet new people. As mentioned above the ad I seen last night, stated that they didn't want to post a pic because someone would spot them some where in the city, which they claimed had already happend and it spooked them because they didn't know them from the site. Yet their setting was couldn't message them without a pic ?.....lol
Thing is the way I see things is even though this is a small city, thats still like finding a needle in a hay stack almost. Second personely I'd rather hear it was someone from a site, which would be better then being approached by people who don't even have a clue, it happens all the time. Someone begg'n on the street, or someone trying to sell sexual favours, or even worse walking by a vehicle that jumped an other pedistrian and having them come after you too, and extra. Sadly it isn't a perfect world.
I know for some that doesn't seem good enough, or too risky still. Sadly those people usually end up depressed or even worse. I'm not saying this is a perfect system either, how ever they choose to go about it, their is no such thing. But theres a difference between running down a path in life with thorns on both sides ver one them on the corner of every block.
" You can't clean the fish before you catch it. " I just found this quote, and it made me think of the ad mentioned above, where what seems fair for the goose is fair for the Gander (an other). Not Quite the exact of that quote but I know it goes something like that.
Anyways, what I was thinking is that is right it doesn't matter if your a fish in someones tank (DH) and people have seen you, in one way the tank is safer and in an other way it means your more available at least to those who might be in the tank or have seen it. 
By no means does not posting a pic totally prevent say an out of the blue situation. What I mean by that is something like a murder or rapest, won't stop because you didn't have a pic. If your at the wrong place at the wrong time it would still happen. Yes there are stories in the news where someone was say asked to meet some where be it because they were under age or their looks, extra. How ever we look at it were not safe in bed and it only gets riskier when we get out of bed. 
But that is something we all have to do every day. The term OVER Protective comes to my mind, and that really also causes more problems sadly. Yes, I agree we all need to be some what protective. Not that I have a for sure way, but that I'm sure the pic isn't the main target. I'm also not going to get into it and spook more people either.
I just wanna say if this was really the case, celebrities would be dropping like flies. Really when one thinks of things for example a few other female ads talk about their rack as some call it. Yes, I don't denie that attracts a lot of people to at least to look for some reason which I'll never really know why but have heard a few sujestions. My point is though most girls have one again so that wouldn't be the main target.
Sadly like an RCMP officer once told me after being robbed that often its those we know that did it because those who don't know whats there and where it is, wouldn't really go looking for it. Be it the bad person or good person.
Theres somethings that causes things like that to happen, but one can't just blame say the use of a site and/or posting of a pic. I mean come on stuff like that has happend way before there even was internet. People who wanna find an excuse well, that doesn't mean its the right one, or that the action against it, isn't actually against what they say their supposibly actually trying to work towards.
Life is like a swamp or quicksand, you drive threw it sometimes not even knowing its there, because it looks say normal. Yet all of a sudden one sinks into a rut. Now theres just a few things that can happen there.
1 Yeah either don't learn from it and keep trying, sinking your self even farther.
2 You lift your self out, move on and hope not to hit an other.
3 You get help to try and prevent it from happening again.
4 You accept those things happen and keep on trucking.
5 You stop living. 
5/23/2008 6:10:40 PM |
Anyone from grande praire looking to meet new friends |

Calgary, AB
64, joined Dec. 2007
You said a lot - I agree!
Aren't you super - energetic, motivated, determined, and do-er! I like you already.
You have a co-spirit in 2bluiz - she is also smart, and a do-er.