Thread |
Starter |
Replies |
Last Post |
Posting Rules & FAQ, Read Before Posting |
dustin |
0 |
10/5/2007 2:32:10 PM
by dustin |
If you aren't religious don't post here |
dustin |
0 |
10/5/2007 2:31:38 PM
by dustin |
Is the atheist's creed " if it feels good do it" ? |
armourinrepair |
25 |
10/27/2012 11:52:13 PM
by mrgatorman |
Why do they come here? Page: 1 2 |
begbear1952 |
78 |
10/27/2012 11:45:43 PM
by mrgatorman |
evolutional question |
nutsinsuits |
14 |
10/27/2012 11:45:10 PM
by mrgatorman |
Bus Ads Offer Protection to Muslims Leaving Their Faith |
jim_a49 |
1 |
10/27/2012 11:43:00 PM
by mrgatorman |
Encouragement |
mamba334 |
25 |
10/27/2012 11:42:38 PM
by mrgatorman |
oversees ministering Page: 1 2 |
iceraven77 |
70 |
10/27/2012 11:42:00 PM
by mrgatorman |
I am A Christian Page: 1 2 |
prettyallpink39 |
60 |
10/27/2012 11:41:43 PM
by mrgatorman |
Why would a poster make threads targeting another poster? |
begbear1952 |
10 |
10/27/2012 11:40:11 PM
by mrgatorman |
the UB faith and fritz |
mr_majestic2u |
8 |
10/27/2012 11:39:49 PM
by mrgatorman |
scientists are responsible of the earthquakes |
nutsinsuits |
8 |
10/25/2012 10:41:02 PM
by chrisbrz |
Atheists suck! But enough of da compliments. Atheists say babies r? |
not_a_pariah |
14 |
10/25/2012 3:08:29 PM
by allen281 |
Can science prove that God doesn't exist ? Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
armourinrepair |
255 |
10/25/2012 12:36:58 PM
by begbear1952 |
Good Old Fashion Tent Revival |
blesdby5 |
1 |
10/25/2012 4:26:15 AM
by noahbahdee |
How would society change... |
brother_icey |
41 |
10/24/2012 9:55:41 PM
by what2b |
What do you believe happens at the point of death and after? |
armourinrepair |
54 |
10/24/2012 8:03:56 AM
by jim_a49 |
Does Biology Truly Exist? |
begbear1952 |
49 |
10/24/2012 2:13:26 AM
by begbear1952 |
well, that was fun, but im leaving now completely tuesday late |
mr_majestic2u |
40 |
10/24/2012 1:42:25 AM
by mr_majestic2u |
Would you like to believe? |
brother_icey |
8 |
10/23/2012 8:25:15 PM
by chrisbrz |
If it were empirically proved that there is no GOD Page: 1 2 |
fuzy_wuzy |
60 |
10/23/2012 10:45:25 AM
by begbear1952 |
Islam and Satan (full) |
brandon348 |
8 |
10/23/2012 5:08:33 AM
by jim_a49 |
What do you think the result would be if ... ? |
sail_dancer |
20 |
10/22/2012 11:11:58 PM
by furchizedek |
Did you know?! |
bombasticone |
37 |
10/22/2012 7:42:30 PM
by bombasticone |
Simon of Peraea "The First Jesus"? |
heymisterchris |
2 |
10/22/2012 1:59:15 PM
by yochanan49 |
Kill vs be killed? Faith vs fear |
1g00d1left |
35 |
10/22/2012 1:05:25 PM
by xashax |
Israel, child sacrifice, animal sacrifice not ordained by God |
funwithmusic |
41 |
10/22/2012 12:59:10 PM
by longbobby |
Has any had a Ram in the Bush experience |
realtalk120 |
21 |
10/22/2012 12:19:26 PM
by xashax |
Pagan Folk Music vs Folk Music for Non-Pagans Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
shilli |
943 |
10/22/2012 4:51:19 AM
by mr_majestic2u |
Christians' ignorance piss me off... Page: 1 2 3 |
duchessa |
135 |
10/21/2012 11:36:29 PM
by jim_a49 |
How do you deal with rejection or rudeness? |
brother_icey |
24 |
10/21/2012 11:23:23 PM
by sassygal4jesus |
A world without "religion" |
brother_icey |
34 |
10/21/2012 10:06:06 PM
by furchizedek |
I wonder when science will be able to do this? |
furchizedek |
5 |
10/21/2012 2:16:58 PM
by furchizedek |
Are atheists afraid of a book or a building ? |
armourinrepair |
52 |
10/21/2012 10:52:41 AM
by longbobby |
antiscience and politics |
jrbogie1949 |
13 |
10/21/2012 8:28:33 AM
by asanb |
What are true Christians ? |
armourinrepair |
42 |
10/21/2012 2:51:20 AM
by furchizedek |
blockers by the dozens, sad |
mr_majestic2u |
21 |
10/20/2012 7:26:44 PM
by mr_majestic2u |
What's better: The Bible or the Movies |
fuzy_wuzy |
19 |
10/20/2012 7:24:15 PM
by mr_majestic2u |
Evil doesn't really exist. |
ludlowlowell |
52 |
10/20/2012 3:44:44 PM
by longbobby |
What language did Jesus speak? Page: 1 2 |
xman7900 |
87 |
10/20/2012 2:51:12 PM
by longbobby |
The Anti Christ And New World Order |
freebillz |
47 |
10/20/2012 2:23:45 PM
by mr_crowley |
"Science" according to Atheism |
begbear1952 |
1 |
10/20/2012 1:58:17 PM
by longbobby |
British Israel: The Hidden Hand Behind the "End Of Days" Deception |
longbobby |
1 |
10/20/2012 1:04:40 PM
by longbobby |
Is Jesus Christ and God one and the same ? Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
armourinrepair |
245 |
10/20/2012 11:50:34 AM
by ludlowlowell |
evolution vs god Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
1magicdust |
295 |
10/20/2012 8:47:50 AM
by rmk13 |
oh dutchless, cant take what you sish eh? figures! |
mr_majestic2u |
16 |
10/19/2012 9:47:38 PM
by mr_majestic2u |
Can to different. Faith work in a relationship |
ladybugxxxx68 |
5 |
10/19/2012 7:20:56 PM
by mr_majestic2u |
Can to different. Kind of Faith work in a relationship |
ladybugxxxx68 |
12 |
10/19/2012 6:44:46 PM
by mr_majestic2u |
Some of the best videos with music you can find man! |
mr_majestic2u |
18 |
10/19/2012 7:54:22 AM
by mr_majestic2u |
what you think of the pains |
nutsinsuits |
17 |
10/19/2012 6:54:57 AM
by mr_majestic2u |
Planets in the Centauri system right next door to us? Who knew? |
furchizedek |
7 |
10/19/2012 1:08:58 AM
by furchizedek |
This Angel Dust |
shawnteesmo |
19 |
10/18/2012 9:58:58 PM
by shawnteesmo |
Worship in Spirit and Truth! |
needu6969 |
6 |
10/18/2012 8:53:25 PM
by asanb |
My Goodness! Religion Trumps Science! |
begbear1952 |
34 |
10/18/2012 1:48:23 PM
by begbear1952 |
An explanation of atheism |
brother_icey |
42 |
10/18/2012 1:06:34 PM
by begbear1952 |
Welcome, New Atheist Fake Psychiatrists! |
begbear1952 |
4 |
10/18/2012 12:50:24 PM
by begbear1952 |
Kol Nidre: Judaism's License To Lie |
longbobby |
4 |
10/18/2012 9:20:44 AM
by longbobby |
Is the internet a religion? |
devindrake8 |
29 |
10/18/2012 2:44:28 AM
by mr_majestic2u |
Anyone seen Uniquecover and ToeJam |
jim_a49 |
0 |
10/17/2012 9:33:50 PM
by jim_a49 |
What is Evolution ? Page: 1 2 |
casheyesblond |
96 |
10/17/2012 8:07:50 PM
by xashax |
German court backs Catholic decree |
elmsap |
4 |
10/17/2012 12:50:18 PM
by woodsmamma |
Im having troubles, looking for advice |
bry990 |
33 |
10/17/2012 9:56:26 AM
by heymisterchris |
Robert Spencer: The real lesson of Benghazi |
jim_a49 |
0 |
10/17/2012 6:27:36 AM
by jim_a49 |
Does Obama Qualify to be the Future False Prophet of 666?? |
prophetic774 |
19 |
10/16/2012 10:39:25 PM
by prophetic774 |
Christianity is the religion of the Israelites.. Page: 1 2 |
funwithmusic |
67 |
10/16/2012 9:22:15 PM
by mr_crowley |
My goodness, science kicks the crap out of religion |
mr_crowley |
7 |
10/16/2012 6:26:39 PM
by mr_crowley |
Atheists, what will you do if you are wrong ? Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
armourinrepair |
260 |
10/16/2012 4:48:14 PM
by longbobby |
How many times have you heard the good news? |
hellifino51 |
10 |
10/16/2012 12:38:25 PM
by sail_dancer |
Assembly objects prohibiting sex trafficking, violence against women |
jim_a49 |
12 |
10/16/2012 11:50:55 AM
by woodsmamma |
After God, Who Should Come First in Your Life? |
dreamdare |
51 |
10/15/2012 4:28:27 PM
by dreamdare |
The Devil Is At Work Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
bombasticone |
486 |
10/15/2012 4:23:58 PM
by mr_crowley |
Christianity aka Polythestist |
neokirby |
4 |
10/15/2012 11:59:56 AM
by mr_crowley |
christian porn |
mr_crowley |
33 |
10/14/2012 10:10:49 PM
by heymisterchris |
Israeli settlers increase their attacks on Palestinian Christian sites Page: 1 2 |
longbobby |
99 |
10/14/2012 7:01:12 PM
by longbobby |
"Walk Like an Egyptoligist" Page: 1 2 |
chrisbrz |
61 |
10/14/2012 6:00:28 PM
by chrisbrz |
arranged marraige of a 6 yr old |
katieshope |
52 |
10/14/2012 8:10:32 AM
by jim_a49 |
No-one knows the day nor the hour save God..but we do know the era. |
not_a_pariah |
17 |
10/13/2012 9:49:43 PM
by puddleofmud |
Is "God" a deadbeat? |
xman7900 |
57 |
10/13/2012 8:49:18 PM
by mrgatorman |
GOD gave us ROCK Page: 1 2 |
toddsperfect |
69 |
10/13/2012 8:45:01 PM
by mrgatorman |
Black Masses Prove the Truth of the Catholic Religion |
ludlowlowell |
8 |
10/13/2012 8:39:14 PM
by mrgatorman |
Abraham Hicks - Angels and Spirit Guides |
naturebiy |
9 |
10/13/2012 8:38:23 PM
by mrgatorman |
Standing in need of prayer. Are you? |
shebanprincess |
10 |
10/13/2012 8:35:45 PM
by mrgatorman |
New Faith, it's real! |
jcosbymca |
6 |
10/13/2012 8:29:00 PM
by mrgatorman |
what did jesus wank to? |
mr_crowley |
13 |
10/11/2012 3:50:14 PM
by mr_crowley |
Atheists and living . Do they deny Page: 1 2 |
armourinrepair |
73 |
10/11/2012 2:12:37 PM
by cupocheer |
is suicide considered murder? Page: 1 2 3 Last Page |
cshannon798 |
256 |
10/11/2012 9:20:55 AM
by cshannon798 |
Do you follow God/ Christ or Paul? |
armourinrepair |
4 |
10/11/2012 12:18:58 AM
by furchizedek |
I hope i'm not the only one here interested in mysticism ;) |
psychonaut420 |
17 |
10/10/2012 11:59:36 PM
by furchizedek |
Have You Ever Had a Religious Experience |
heymisterchris |
22 |
10/10/2012 4:48:40 PM
by woodsmamma |
Rotten inside and out. |
shebanprincess |
9 |
10/10/2012 4:16:13 PM
by heymisterchris |
At last: Robert Spencer, the enemy of Allah, exposed! |
jim_a49 |
1 |
10/10/2012 9:53:43 AM
by jim_a49 |
A question for Moslems. |
ludlowlowell |
58 |
10/10/2012 8:58:53 AM
by woodsmamma |
63% of the atheist are religious |
nutsinsuits |
3 |
10/10/2012 12:21:07 AM
by naturebiy |
Are You an Old Soul? |
naturebiy |
1 |
10/9/2012 11:19:35 PM
by naturebiy |
Jehovah's Witnesses: Mind Control Cult, Parallels Catholicism |
furchizedek |
50 |
10/9/2012 10:07:40 PM
by furchizedek |
How 'Religious Defamation' Laws Would Ban Islam |
jim_a49 |
13 |
10/9/2012 9:44:23 PM
by jim_a49 |
Da Ga Da Ga Da Ga Da Ga |
heymisterchris |
19 |
10/9/2012 9:41:36 PM
by heymisterchris |
Post your beliefs without the writings ! |
allen283 |
12 |
10/9/2012 4:39:14 PM
by allen283 |
hey stop coming to church in club clothes! |
safteydance |
29 |
10/9/2012 10:42:24 AM
by woodsmamma |
Response (Was I There?) |
iisam614 |
12 |
10/9/2012 1:15:04 AM
by iisam614 |
Creation VS evolution or big bang fallacy Page: 1 2 |
armourinrepair |
105 |
10/8/2012 9:37:24 PM
by heymisterchris |
Someone sent this to me and it uplifted my spirits.. |
kathysmith |
0 |
10/8/2012 8:35:57 PM
by kathysmith |
This is absolutely hilarious |
begbear1952 |
8 |
10/8/2012 2:38:08 PM
by begbear1952 |
We Call Him Abba |
iisam614 |
0 |
10/8/2012 11:13:35 AM
by iisam614 |
Congressman calls evolution lie from 'pit of hell' |
sail_dancer |
35 |
10/8/2012 6:09:26 AM
by sail_dancer |
Alan Watts - On The Book of Eli |
naturebiy |
46 |
10/7/2012 11:21:25 PM
by mr_majestic2u |
Is murder a sin? I mean a big deal sin? |
fuzy_wuzy |
16 |
10/7/2012 4:36:46 PM
by asanb |
(Some) Christian Clichés (Watch for them, add to the list!) |
furchizedek |
49 |
10/7/2012 12:28:28 PM
by woodsmamma |
Shaking the dirt-off as a testamony against them. |
writer1776 |
0 |
10/7/2012 12:21:27 AM
by writer1776 |
A prophecy from God referring to Muslims. |
armourinrepair |
15 |
10/6/2012 9:32:34 PM
by furchizedek |
As you begin to face your own mortality. |
heymisterchris |
29 |
10/6/2012 1:51:16 AM
by mr_majestic2u |
Yes, a rapture is coming. But it won't be Christians leaving the earth |
not_a_pariah |
0 |
10/5/2012 10:46:32 PM
by not_a_pariah |
Who does the Bible say are the 144,000? |
funwithmusic |
39 |
10/5/2012 5:38:37 PM
by rocketmanvs38 |
Let's discuss the ELOHIM Page: 1 2 |
xman7900 |
74 |
10/4/2012 8:44:42 PM
by heymisterchris |
The Secrets Of Scientology |
naturebiy |
15 |
10/4/2012 5:51:32 PM
by mountaintopman5 |
Please email regarding DNA tests |
writer1776 |
1 |
10/4/2012 11:54:58 AM
by writer1776 |