5/26/2013 5:39:45 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
Lets talk about something everyone can relate to. Making money. More specific creating wealth. And by legal means. There are people in this world who can help and actually enjoy helping others with their dreams. Scam filters are onboard so lets talk about some things that can and will be helpful.
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5/27/2013 5:21:52 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Salt Lake City, UT
31, joined Jan. 2012

5/28/2013 4:02:24 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
Success. in anything requires work. I teach properly directed work in order to assure a better result.
5/28/2013 8:01:06 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Oswego, IL
53, joined Jul. 2009
I have a pretty simple formula that has worked for me all these years. I spend less than what I make. Quite an old concept. But then again, I am an old guy. 
5/28/2013 11:05:35 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |
Royal Oak, MI
51, joined Dec. 2012
Get educated in a profession or trade that actual is in demand and makes money. I see way too many people getting expensive college educations that don't lead to anything. Really, what do you actually do with a BS in psychology or Renaissance French history?
I have a cousin-in-law who is pissed because she has a PhD in that above listed history but can't make as much in a year as her husband's Christmas BONUS even though he only has a BS (but it is in Computer Science).
Electricians make more than teachers...just a fact of life. That BS means nothing if you are working at Walmart.
(PS...if you want a job, major in social work and not psychology...but don't expect to get rich either way. My silly psychology instructor obviously hadn't done her homework when she followed her "passion" because she was finding out a Master's Degree in psychology wasn't enough to get a job...and I kind of expect she might be disappointed that she is still not getting rich after finishing her PhD program.)
5/29/2013 1:03:00 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
The professions we choose often have nothing to do with building wealth. Some people are just happy to have a job. Some follow others into a career unsuited for them. But following someone who sounds like they have the right idea is too easy. People are quick to pick the easy path. Success comes from following your passion. When you love what you do its easy for you to do it. Regardless what you make, being happy is important. Many highly paid people commit suicide. Lets find your passion and then learn how to create wealth by doing that which you love. If you love teaching lets find a way to create your own academies of learning. Very possible and easier than you might think. I helped a friend go from prison to create very profitable lawn care and landscaping company. Next his income allowed him to learn how to invest in stocks. SiriusXM went from prison .08 to 3.50 in a little over 4 years. Turning $8,000 into $350,000. Sprint moved from $3.97 to over $7.00 recently. This in not a pie in the sky story. Research and balls to move are important ingredients to this method. But there are others.
5/30/2013 9:41:44 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |
Royal Oak, MI
51, joined Dec. 2012
Education is important...but it does not need to be a "formal" one. And passion will help you be successful and happy...but it does not necessarily lead to wealth.
My example is education. If you passion is "teaching" then do not expect to become wealthy except in a few specialized areas. Even if you say, you find the resources to open your own school...if your passion is truly teaching, then either you won't be happy because the person running a school seldom is teaching anymore...or is investing a large amount of the profits back into the kids instead of the bank. Fact of life.
And if your passion is fixing cars...you will make a lot more money if you get specialized training in fixing expensive cars than if you just start in a garage learning on the job...cars are no longer "learn as you go", but rather they are very complicated computers on wheels. Yes, you can learn the basics enough to do the basics, but don't expect a Corvette to pull into your shop. The person with the money to own a Corvette is taking it to the shop that has the certified Corvette specialist at it...maybe even the shop that ONLY does Corvettes.
And if you passion is "medical"...trust me, there are people who make minimum wage in the hospital and ones who churn out the big bucks...and the main difference between them all is the amount of education they have...not the smarts or the passion. There are some very smart, caring people that work as patient aids but will never make more money without increasing their education.
Not everyone is into entrepreneurship. Yes, if you are successful you can make some money...but you often have to work the kind of hours that mean you never hardly see your family or have the time to do the "fun" things that are also your passions. On the flip side, I have seen many families fall apart because dad (usually) is never home because he is trying to "get rich". So define "wealth building". Is it just the money?
So pick your career wisely being aware of the opportunities and who you are...get the appropriate amount of education necessary to be successful. Yes, one man might get rich mowing lawns...but most never will...even if they are passionate about it. The woman with the PhD in history is passionate about it but is lucky to find an adjunct professor's job. Her husband loves computers, got the minimal amount of education necessary to enter that field, is very good at his job, and makes more on his Christmas bonus than most people make in a year. In his field, he is not the exception...but you have to the right education to get that first job. They are not hiring high school grads just out of prison. It takes more than just passion and hard work much of the time.
5/30/2013 9:50:48 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |
Royal Oak, MI
51, joined Dec. 2012
And yes, the stock market is a way to get rich...but it is also a way to fail just as fast. I had a friend who was very good at it...making a lot of money very young. However, an unexpected turn meant he lost $50,000 in a single day. Most of us can't handle losing that kind of money overnight. Luckily, he was able to survive it...and no invests a lot more conservatively, and chooses to make most of his wealth more traditionally...he went to law school after that and is working in corporate law dealing with and protecting really big money(money is his passion, lol, even if it doesn't belong to him).
5/30/2013 3:40:40 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |
New Lebanon, NY
38, joined May. 2013
Scam filters are on board? LOL Does that mean I can't talk about the next great hyip? Aww man and here I was so ready to rob you of your house... and all you had to do was invest....... and watch the passive income grow *rolls eyes*
Wealth does not come from hard work, nor does it come from passion. It doesn't take money to make money nor is there some secret formula. It doesn't matter if you follow the most successful person or the least successful person. EVERYONE who achieves wealth... has the exact same story of what it takes.... and its only after you start to achieve real success that you understand what it really means.
Success comes from one and only one thing - and wealth comes from one and only one thing.... determination. If you are determined to be wealthy, you will find wealth. If you are determined to make excuses why you are not weathly you will find excuses. Whereever your determination lies (not your passion), that is what you will be successful doing and that is the level of success you will receive.
5/30/2013 3:51:14 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |
New Lebanon, NY
38, joined May. 2013
the bank tellers here in NY are making $40+ an hour. If thats the case thats not so bad.... however the A+ certified comp repair shops (very few are actually A+ certified in my area anymore) generally are making $120+ an hour... perhaps a relocation of your life is in order? (not being sarcastic or anything... I am serious)
6/14/2013 10:56:59 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
acquiring wealth has never been difficult for me. hard work, discipline, shit like that. what's tough is preserving wealth and having owned airplanes, sailboats and been married twice i live by this simple wealth preserving creed;
if it

6/15/2013 5:59:42 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


United Kingdom
43, joined Jun. 2013
I work because working is right. I inherited dad's money, so I guess I don't really need to. But I enjoy hard work, getting a sweat on all day, and it keeps me fit. I couldn't imagine not working, that just wouldn't feel right. Ok, I wouldn't do a shit job like McDonalds, but only cos there's no challenge.
I dunno how much I trust a guy who's not prepared to work every day to support himself.

6/15/2013 6:49:12 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Houston, TX
61, joined Jun. 2013
One of the first things one must have inside of them for wealth building and power from money is to learn to not be a part of system in which makes richer more so richer. Ill explain. Such as never rent things like furniture or electronics (a smaller example of a mass list) because then you are owned by what makes money for actual wealth builders which puts you on the other side of the fence.
You must be another type of thinker to not be the victim of economy but rather use the economy to your benefit!!
Here's a part of my life when I was only around age 24 in 1980. People panicked when lines were at stations during the gas shortage and they zoomed to buy these hatchback little pieces of junk for cars. Behind the scenes I did the opposite and was buying big 4dr Buicks Oldsmobile's and Cadillac's that were around 7 years old for as little as 400 each!! While eggheads that purchased these little retarded cars made finance companies and investors RICH.
See who the victims were because of their mental verses us others??
NEXT...any investment is only GOOD depending on the time frame per practicality and realism!!! This speaks of annuities verses stocks and Gov investments. Such as when auto insurance companies buffaloed people on sr22 and such which was evil on their part BUT I actually bought an annuity that payed 6% interest the first 3 years as long a ago as 1998
I could go on all day but these are the ice berg tips
6/20/2013 9:54:50 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Port Saint Lucie, FL
53, joined Oct. 2011
The professions we choose often have nothing to do with building wealth. Some people are just happy to have a job. Some follow others into a career unsuited for them. But following someone who sounds like they have the right idea is too easy. People are quick to pick the easy path. Success comes from following your passion. When you love what you do its easy for you to do it. Regardless what you make, being happy is important. Many highly paid people commit suicide. Lets find your passion and then learn how to create wealth by doing that which you love. If you love teaching lets find a way to create your own academies of learning. Very possible and easier than you might think. I helped a friend go from prison to create very profitable lawn care and landscaping company. Next his income allowed him to learn how to invest in stocks. SiriusXM went from prison .08 to 3.50 in a little over 4 years. Turning $8,000 into $350,000. Sprint moved from $3.97 to over $7.00 recently. This in not a pie in the sky story. Research and balls to move are important ingredients to this method. But there are others.
That sounds good OP, what's your net worth right now? I think there are a lot of scammers online too. I attended a seminar- real estate investing. Could be very profitable, but I prefer the way they handle their business instead of learning what they're teaching. A 3 day course would cost a person $2000.00 . In that room alone, there is about 84 people. More than 10 people enrolled. So even if only 10 people get into the 3 day course, the company already earned $20,000.00. They're selling software, tax lien information , lifetime membership to access their database. On top of that, the company gets commission, and percentage to any properties sold, interest on borrowed money, legal fees, etc. It's a win-win situation for the company itself.
7/23/2013 1:41:38 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Souderton, PA
58, joined Apr. 2009
I like this thread. Let's look at what we expect wealth to be.
For myself, wealth is NOT a specific dollar amount. Wealth is knowledge, security, and what we do with OUR TIME. Our time slaving away at something, in balance with our time doing what is of interest to each of us. Each of us have different priorities, skills, and interests. Chasing a paycheck is NOT wealth to me. That's slavery!
Prior to divorce, my wealth was pretty balanced in my own defined way. All bills were paid. I owned everything I had acquired. I had more than I needed and wasn't wanting of anything. Life was offering me interesting options for opportunities. I only acted on 10% of the opportunities that were offered. The rest were great, just NOT for me. I passed them on to other entrepruenerial types that I personally knew. I had the amount of wealth that worked for me, and only increased it in the areas I chose were right for me.
Then divorce, lawyers, and judges. I had no idea they could take tangible and intangible things and ruin every aspect of life. Funny how all the opportunities came to a hault. How did that happen?
So my new question is "how to start over"? I know how I did it before, but now what do we do, after loosing everything of "cash" value, AND, even our good credit, which made things easier to achieve before? I think this could be the correct audience to get the correct perspective, without sharing the negative horror stories. We each have our own.
What creative ways have we discovered to create wealth once again? My first thought is to surround ourselves with positive and like-minded people. People that can see potential.
7/26/2013 4:26:49 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
I agree 100% with your sentiments. But alas we can rebuild him and even better than before. Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy more times than a man should be allowed. However after each bad spin he has recovered and been better than before. This story has been repeated many times over and by many people. The first and the most import step is realization of your abilities. Anyone can do anything but everyone won't. That's why there is so much room at the top. Few accept the challenge. Its truly like a piramid with the greatest number of blocks at the bottom. With our minds properly focused and in belief, we can do anything. Whatever your situation was or is you have more control than you know. Some people are trained from a very young age to expect the best and then they get on the right track in order to collide with their destiny. When we believe that lack is our just desert then we follow the necessary steps to assure our successful accumulation of our lack. Lets begin by having doubt and fear evicted from our belief systems. Then replace them with the knowledge that we are successful everyday in achieving our goals. Its just that our goals are some terrible goals to have. (I just want to get through the day.) We succeed because we do that which we must do to just get through. People spend more time and effort planning a once a year vacation than they do planning a lifelong goal. Check out some of the information on this site as to what a person is looking for in a lifelong mate. So wealth truly does start in our minds with the belief we need. Then the planning stages involve finding our passions that pay well. Next is the organization of our thoughts in order to put the plans first to pen and paper then on to reality.
7/31/2013 11:51:17 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Reno, NV
27, joined Apr. 2013
As simple as most of you try and make it sounds, your over thinking it tremendously. And I am purposefully being vague because It's not up to anyone to hold your hand to success. This is just to get you thinking in what may be the right direction...
Key things for me are:
-a SPECIFIC perception of money/wealth
-unhinged motivation
-ensuring ZERO complacency in specific life aspects
-god-like confidence/arrogance/complex
-the constant search for more knowledge/experiences
If you really are that curious feel free to pm me. I may or may not decide to unveil, its all up to you really
8/9/2013 3:29:44 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Mooresville, NC
71, joined Apr. 2011
Wealth building starts with knowing the difference between wants and needs.
Too many confuse the two and then spend on the wasteful want,then have to spend on the needs leaving precious little,if anything ,towards building wealth.
Very few are ready or willing to make sacrifices to reach the goal.
What kind of sacrifices? Do you really need a new car very three years,or do you just want it?
One well known personal financial advisor states. Take two people at age 21 ,one buys a new car every three years,the other buys a new car every 10 years. The 10 year buyer will have spent over $300,000 less on cars by the age of 65 than the one buying every three years.
My Dad used to say "Never spend more than you have."
A good lesson folks,I have no debt and live comfortably by following that one rule.
8/9/2013 8:13:18 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Goldsboro, NC
78, joined Apr. 2008
*smile* But its nice to get a *want* once in a while..
8/10/2013 8:29:36 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Wealth building starts with knowing the difference between wants and needs.
Too many confuse the two and then spend on the wasteful want,then have to spend on the needs leaving precious little,if anything ,towards building wealth.
Very few are ready or willing to make sacrifices to reach the goal.
What kind of sacrifices? Do you really need a new car very three years,or do you just want it?
One well known personal financial advisor states. Take two people at age 21 ,one buys a new car every three years,the other buys a new car every 10 years. The 10 year buyer will have spent over $300,000 less on cars by the age of 65 than the one buying every three years.
My Dad used to say "Never spend more than you have."
A good lesson folks,I have no debt and live comfortably by following that one rule.
i never would have lived the life i lived, enjoyed the things i enjoyed without going into debt. sure, if you don't possess the discipline required to intelligently manage debt you shouldn't spend more than you have. of course you'll likely never own your own home and will always rent never realizing the real wealth that comes with increasing equity and you'll leave the tax break on mortgage interest to your landlord. i'm retired today in large part because of stocks i purchased on margine because i simply didn't have the money to buy a quality stock at a depressed price. nothing in the least wrong with well managed debt. oh yeah, and then there's the toys.
8/10/2013 8:32:03 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
oh yeah, forgot. after a life of borrowing and living and playing with other people's money, today in retirement i'm entirely debt free. 
8/11/2013 5:44:31 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Mooresville, NC
71, joined Apr. 2011
True ,properly managed debt is not necessarily bad.
Buying a house is truly one of the best ways,but again,setting expectations realistically is key.
It fits to buy a house that you can afford,buying a million dollar house on a low salary makes no sense,hence the recent real estate debacle.
Too many people want what others have worked years for,yet they themselves ,don't want to work for the same things.
Apparently ,my risk tolerance is not what some others possess. I probably could not sleep at night buying stock on margin,but that's just me. Slow and steady suits my style and has allowed me to reach my goal of having my house paid for and no debt.

9/28/2013 5:45:00 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Aurora, IL
51, joined Aug. 2012
I work because working is right. I inherited dad's money, so I guess I don't really need to. But I enjoy hard work, getting a sweat on all day, and it keeps me fit. I couldn't imagine not working, that just wouldn't feel right. Ok, I wouldn't do a shit job like McDonalds, but only cos there's no challenge.
I dunno how much I trust a guy who's not prepared to work every day to support himself.

Tell me what you think about this: I don't work every day to support myself because there are other things I consider to be higher priority. I have three children and three grandchildren. I home schooled my youngest from 8th grade through high school, kept my grandchildren for weeks at a stretch while their parents were having medical problems, etc.
To me, it's more important to be free to do those things. So, I've kept a flexible schedule and tried not to commit to working more than 20-25 hours/week. That's enough to pay my bills, pay for music lessons, buy my grandkids the things their parents can't, travel with the one I still have at home, etc. Income just hasn't been high on my priority list for the past several years. Probably, when my youngest goes to college, that will change--but today, I don't consider working the best use of my time.
10/6/2013 5:24:08 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Let's talk about unconditional love in a committed relationship before we talk about wealth building.
10/9/2013 10:02:39 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Seattle, WA
37, joined Sep. 2011
Wealth building. .... )
10/20/2013 5:46:15 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Mishawaka, IN
56, joined Mar. 2008

11/13/2013 6:37:06 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Denver, CO
48, joined Sep. 2013
this is called Date Hookup dude why would you discuss your finances on a dateline can anyone give one good reason to do that I will surely wait. You are not serious about discussing wealth on a dateline are you. Man cause if you are I wouldn't trust you with the dime I found on the ground today let alone anything serious about money you must be in your arrogance think people are stupid on this line 
11/16/2013 3:49:59 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Winnipeg, MB
64, joined Sep. 2008
Some of us are stupid.
I however are not stupid enough to recognize what real wealth is.
Money it is not.
Integrity, discipline, character, are just a few components that build one's wealth.
1/21/2014 10:53:12 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Newark, DE
57, joined Dec. 2007
That is awesome and congrads to you. I'm working toward that goal.
1/21/2014 10:56:50 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Newark, DE
57, joined Dec. 2007
I think it is awesome that the Brother wants to enlighten us with intelligent conversation. Money is truely important and he appears to have the knowledge that he wants to share.
I did not see where he asked for anything, but he is offerring knowledge that we are not taught in the acedemic system. I had to self learn myself. Millionare in the making.

1/21/2014 11:00:19 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Newark, DE
57, joined Dec. 2007
BANKSON4806....Please continue to express your thought and Ideas. This leads me to one question....
At the end of the day, and wealth has been acquired, example 1.5 Million in 401k funds,
how does one pay themselves a salary in retirement?
2/12/2014 1:59:04 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Maywood, IL
39, joined Mar. 2013
this is called Date Hookup dude why would you discuss your finances on a dateline can anyone give one good reason to do that I will surely wait. You are not serious about discussing wealth on a dateline are you. Man cause if you are I wouldn't trust you with the dime I found on the ground today let alone anything serious about money  you must be in your arrogance think people are stupid on this line  [/quote
I would rather discuss something of substance like finance,systemic change, or anything else intellecual rather than the meaningless junk that permeates social media, Vines will get 100 likes and shares, but content regarding education, unfair treatment, and ways to better ones self goes barely noticed, l find this conversation refreshing.
2/12/2014 8:10:35 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
this is called Date Hookup dude why would you discuss your finances on a dateline can anyone give one good reason to do that I will surely wait. You are not serious about discussing wealth on a dateline are you. Man cause if you are I wouldn't trust you with the dime I found on the ground today let alone anything serious about money  you must be in your arrogance think people are stupid on this line 
uh, ahem, the forum is 'single professionals.' any professional who is not savvy with financial and investment decisions will soon find themselves working at macdonalds. i'm sure you know all there is to be known about such things but the rest of us, 'single professionals' enjoy kicking the topic around.
2/17/2014 3:24:10 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
I think that some people take themselves entirely too serious. No on is soliciting for investments or investors so just chill. Its ok to talk about any subject on the internet. I think people are so into tearing others down that they can't see when its really not necessary.
2/18/2014 4:33:09 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |
Spokane, WA
53, joined Dec. 2011
Heck, I'm working on another factory certification for cellular products to add to a list of services. More some one can do to have some to stuff away. It's all working to a goal. One of the things I'm looking at this area for interesting reading. It's nice to know who may have some brains about something from time to time...... lol
Guess that is one way to look at it. It can be refreshing from so many other subjects I have seen around this place.
2/28/2014 11:25:02 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Winnipeg, MB
64, joined Sep. 2008
Perhaps I will take up drinking again.
I will save the empties and when I retire I can cash them in.
The combination of liver failure and the amount of cash I will have from the empties will likely match well.
Donald Trump is the least likely 'hero' in my estimation of success.
3/30/2014 6:20:21 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
I see way too many people getting expensive college educations that don't lead to anything. Really, what do you actually do with a BS in psychology or Renaissance French history?
Agreed. If you have a passion for something you have to ask yourself, "WHO is going to want what I have to offer?" If you cannot come up with a reasonable market, you're barking up the wrong tree. An old acquaintance of mine went to a very expensive Jesuit university for a degree in, "Medieval Philosophy". He's great at argument & rhetoric but not much use in anything else. Now he hauls Amish work crews around in his van for $700/wk.
However not to downplay psychology, there are some professional sales organizations like Xerox & 3M who will talk to someone with a BA in Psychology because sales is about people, not numbers. People have problems and sales reps help them sort them out and if you have a degree or any training in psychology that can help you make money.
Electricians make more than teachers...just a fact of life.
Not always. Electricians who are union make a killing but those jobs seem to be drying up what with the anti-union right to work states and all. Depending on the school system, some teachers make $50k/yr but it's in their benefits where they can really do well. In Ohio for example the state has a killer savings program for educational professionals that you can sock away a buttload of cash and do far better than most 401k's can.
...a Master's Degree in psychology wasn't enough to get a job
Again depending on the state she lives in, she could go into business for herself doing therapy, counseling, and so on for individuals, family, group, corporate, etc. There's little to no money in working for someone else - all you're doing there is making THEM wealthier. Best to find what you like to do and find a way to put it to good use and make some $$$$ on your own.
3/30/2014 6:33:42 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
Tell me what you think about this: I don't work every day to support myself because there are other things I consider to be higher priority. I have three children and three grandchildren. I home schooled my youngest from 8th grade through high school, kept my grandchildren for weeks at a stretch while their parents were having medical problems, etc.
To me, it's more important to be free to do those things. So, I've kept a flexible schedule and tried not to commit to working more than 20-25 hours/week. That's enough to pay my bills, pay for music lessons, buy my grandkids the things their parents can't, travel with the one I still have at home, etc. Income just hasn't been high on my priority list for the past several years. Probably, when my youngest goes to college, that will change--but today, I don't consider working the best use of my time.
Agreed. What is important to you may not be important to others. Time is a resource too many ignore at their own peril feeling it's 'free' or they have 'all the time in the world' which is just foolish thinking. Time is not free especially one's free time which most have very little of.
When I was younger and got married, I worked a LOT of idiot temp jobs to pay the bills. I did whatever the temp agency had me do from being a collection specialist to skip tracer to telemarketer to phone answerer. I worked for a lot of companies and when my kids came along I got tired of the long hours and low pay so I went to school and took up Marketing and focused on professional selling. Then I found a company I could work for whose products & services I believed in and used and stayed home with the kids during the day while the wife worked and then I went out at 5 pm on appointments.
I'd see 1 maybe 2 clients in one night and usually I'd sell something. I was p/t but I made good money at it and I asked my customers for referrals. The wife hated it because she wanted consistency - the exact same dollar amount every month - and I told her some months like back to school & Santa Claus you just can't fight and other months we did extremely well but it all worked out in the end.
But that's why I chose sales: set your own hours, work for yourself and make as little or as much as you care to work hard for. It's not for everyone and I see your desire to do things YOUR way. Corporate America typically doesn't like that as they too want consistency but some corporations are changing their thinking about this with professionals where they allow people to set their own hours & days as a side perk to a job.
5/19/2014 11:06:52 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Detroit, MI
49, joined Oct. 2013
So what about wealth building do you have going on at this time? Anything?
5/19/2014 11:12:41 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Detroit, MI
49, joined Oct. 2013
Thanks for the positive replies in the thread - but are you into dating -is the question?
5/19/2014 11:16:13 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Detroit, MI
49, joined Oct. 2013
I agree 100% with your sentiments. But alas we can rebuild him and even better than before. Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy more times than a man should be allowed. However after each bad spin he has recovered and been better than before. This story has been repeated many times over and by many people. The first and the most import step is realization of your abilities. Anyone can do anything but everyone won't. That's why there is so much room at the top. Few accept the challenge. Its truly like a piramid with the greatest number of blocks at the bottom. With our minds properly focused and in belief, we can do anything. Whatever your situation was or is you have more control than you know. Some people are trained from a very young age to expect the best and then they get on the right track in order to collide with their destiny. When we believe that lack is our just desert then we follow the necessary steps to assure our successful accumulation of our lack. Lets begin by having doubt and fear evicted from our belief systems. Then replace them with the knowledge that we are successful everyday in achieving our goals. Its just that our goals are some terrible goals to have. (I just want to get through the day.) We succeed because we do that which we must do to just get through. People spend more time and effort planning a once a year vacation than they do planning a lifelong goal. Check out some of the information on this site as to what a person is looking for in a lifelong mate. So wealth truly does start in our minds with the belief we need. Then the planning stages involve finding our passions that pay well. Next is the organization of our thoughts in order to put the plans first to pen and paper then on to reality.
7/26/2014 7:04:22 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
It was early morning, about 6am…
And I received a really great question through meditation. It was something that needed to be answered.
It’s a question I’ve actually received before, in some form or another.
The question was:
“BE as if you’ve already achieved your goal – feel that feeling and get really in touch with it.” --- I don't understand how I can feel something that I'm not. I've been this way ever since I was a child, so how do I be something different?
Great question! In fact, this is a very common barrier people come up against when trying to apply success strategies to their lives.
I wanted to share my answer here, in case you too have ever wondered how to slip into a ‘new’ state of being, when you’re so use to your ‘current’ state of being.
So… when stepping into a new state of ‘Being’, you have to act and think as if you’re already ‘the person’ you’re working toward becoming.
For example…
To 'Be' Love, you must love yourself first for that love to then be reflected back to you.
To 'Be' Wealthy, you must act abundantly with money. For example, round up your tip at a restaurant, leave extra coins in the parking meter, pay more than the minimum on your credit cards and take away any negative emotions you have around money.
To 'Be' Healthy, you must start making healthier food choices and ask yourself “What would a fit person do/think?”
Put simply ~ step into acting like the person you desire to ‘Be’ and you’ll soon be vibrating on that level, and ultimately attracting all that you want.
P.S. More happiness, increased energy, the ability to overcome challenges, the secret to moving in and business and career success…is waiting for you. It's always been there. Right there in your own mind.
7/26/2014 7:19:33 AM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
Ok, back to that list I promised you! I now it's been a while since we talked about this but here they are.
The Top 10 Self-Limiting Beliefs:
1. I’m too old
2. I’m not smart enough
3. I’m not educated enough
4. I’m afraid of trying and failing
5. You have to have money to make money
6. I've already tried everything
7. It's selfish of me to want more
8. I don’t feel that I really deserve it
9. I don't have the willpower
10. All the good ones are taken
There are actually many more. Like:
11. If it were that easy to be done someone else would have already done it.
12. My parents didn't believe in that stuff and they did fine in life.
12. I just don't have time for that kind of stuff.
13. I'm not into that. I'm happy to be behind the scene helping out. You know the hands on stuff.
14. God said that a camel would pass through the eye of a needle before a rich man would make it into the kingdom of heaven. (I've read the book several times and it never said that we must remain broke and poor.)
15. Need I go on. We just can't get out of our own way. And it's because of our belief systems.  
7/30/2014 4:00:16 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |


Sacramento, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
Think you do have to define wealth and what that means to you and not just everyone else.
To me spending a lifetime chasing wealth is still spending a lifetime chasing and is NOT my definition of living.
(Personally I would take family time and having a partner over a 401K any day. I don't regret one minute having kids or taking care of my parents. )
But neither is being so broke you can't put two nickels together to have the basics of life. Living in the ghetto in a overpriced rental bites. People who pooh pooh having money set aside for a rainy day (that by the way always comes along sometimes more than once) or marketable skills; including a college education; are just kidding themselves because both give credibility to your status, independence, intelligence, and follow through regardless if you apply that knowledge base to a vocation or general decision making. Sure the Lord does provide but sleeping in a manger is not my idea living up to my expectations. .
The only way I know to have wealth is face facts and get your behind up and show up to school then a job; even when you don't feel like it, and living below what you make long enough to BUY basic shelter as soon as you can. Preferably before you saddle yourself with a spouse, kids, and a car payment. Then keep your behind in the same location and add the luxuries with cash so you quit spending the money to do the same things over and over. Just because something is used does not mean it is used up. (Something that also applies to people.) The old saying cask talks and BS Walks is really true. All the great ideas and credit lines in the world won't buy supper or shelter .
One kind of wealth few people want to talk about is physical health and it is very easy to destroy and very hard to recover. Definitely where and ounce of prevention saves a pound of misery. Some of the stuff that sounds like so much fun is not so fun when it shuts down your health.
People who never had it find it harder to grasp but there is a quality of life that comes with having a little bit of the world (land/home) so you have a spot that is yours and nobody can reasonably take away from you.; especially when you get to an age that the moving along gets to be more of a struggle is definitely worth it. You rent then you have little or no rights. I don't see a real need for the over abundance I see in many homes. Being house poor really stinks as more than a fair amount of people have learned the hard way. Same with transportation.
What I have seen over and over is people failing to plan and having a failing plan being the biggest brick wall in their lives. They think it ( at least the appearance of wealth) suddenly needs to appear and they enjoy little of it because they are so in debt they can't stop working as hard as they can to enjoy it because it takes all their time to maintain it.
Cars are a classic example of many failed plans. They have way more status value than actual value and impoverish more people than almost any other purchase but possession of one almost seems to be essential. I promise you life does not end without owning a vehicle; especially one that devalues as only cars can. What is it 30 seconds thirty feet and it is a used car? Yikes. But it is the first thing people want o own and one of the last things they are willing to let go of.
8/4/2014 3:57:11 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
To the guy who has over a million dollars in his 401K
First, congratulations on amassing the sum that you have in your retirement. It took discipline to do it.
Now what you need to do is consult with a very good financial planner who can guide you through the best methods of using your money while keeping as much as possible away from the IRS..
I don't know how you set it up as far as being pretax or after taxation. Since you are retired your tax rate should be a lot less than it was while you were working. But your guy will know for sure and have your best interest at heart. Do not. And I repeat do not use the homeboy shopping network to find a planner. Get someone who does this for a living and has been for a long time. Also shop the better ones around. With your assets you are in a position of power. Don't settle for some character who earns more than he should on your money.
[Edited 8/4/2014 3:58:38 PM ]
8/7/2014 5:41:53 PM |
Lets talk about wealth building. |

Loganville, GA
56, joined May. 2013
OK. Now we have part 2 of the reasons that we don't acquire wealth. Fear of this or that. People have fears that they don't know they have. Most will say that they don't want to be without things. So they go through life struggling to keep their heads above water. In reality they have volunteered to take on an assignment that's far more difficult than being successful. Every day they struggle for the bare minimum when the same amount of struggling with proper direction can give you the life that you want with money to spare. It's amazing that we stay with what is familiar instead of branching off into the unknown wonders of life. We stay in the job that we hate because we're familiar. We stay in unhealthy relationships because we're familiar. We stay broke because we're familiar. We know how each of those conditions feel. Even though we say that were tired of being in each situation we still remain. So life stays the same. We must start by breaking the bond that holds us in despair. It's not familiar but it's necessary. Get out of your comfort zone. Stop going home everyday sitting in front of the TV. Find some source of mental advancement. Motivational classes are available. There are several on YouTube. Get involved in positive things that can move you out of the comfort zone. 