2/8/2014 1:37:24 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |
Las Vegas, NV
23, joined Nov. 2013
I've had a few guys stop talking to me because I was Supposably too clingy. Doesn't a man want a women to only want them and no one else? I'm not saying I'm all up in his shit. I'm just those type of women who show affection a lot when I get the attention I been wanting from that guy. Should I start being a b*tch and give him a challenge?
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2/8/2014 1:43:57 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Van Buren, AR
46, joined Oct. 2013
Don't know the answer.....but I do know every girlfriend I have ever had ....that was clingy....I broke up with....of course this is just myself I'm talking about....can't speak for other men.....everyone is different ....
[Edited 2/8/2014 1:44:35 AM ]
2/8/2014 1:51:42 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Van Buren, AR
46, joined Oct. 2013
Bad ..No one wants a leach ... There is a big diffrence in being close and wanting to be with and near each other than No space or Air to breath
2/8/2014 2:04:46 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Crestline, CA
56, joined Jan. 2013
There's a healthy balance that one has to maintain. You know if your going to far.
2/8/2014 2:18:17 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |
Las Vegas, NV
23, joined Nov. 2013
Don't know the answer.....but I do know every girlfriend I have ever had ....that was clingy....I broke up with....of course this is just myself I'm talking about....can't speak for other men.....everyone is different ....
Ok. Well either I'm after the wrong guys or I'm doing something wrong. Because they hate when idgaf and I'm a b*tch so when I start showing I care they start hating that too so I'm stuck in the middle of being a total b*tch to being a sweetheart.
2/8/2014 2:21:13 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Van Buren, AR
46, joined Oct. 2013
Ok. Well either I'm after the wrong guys or I'm doing something wrong. Because they hate when idgaf and I'm a b*tch so when I start showing I care they start hating that too so I'm stuck in the middle of being a total b*tch to being a sweetheart.
Find a middle ground .....&....good luck
2/8/2014 2:47:59 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


40, joined Jul. 2011
Ok. Well either I'm after the wrong guys or I'm doing something wrong. Because they hate when idgaf and I'm a b*tch so when I start showing I care they start hating that too so I'm stuck in the middle of being a total b*tch to being a sweetheart.
If you are with the right person, they will want to spend the same amount of time with you. Some people are just recluse types and when they get their emotianal tank full, they no longer need you till they get thirsty. I bet at first this guy was all up on you 24/7... right?
2/8/2014 3:08:35 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Oxford, NJ
49, joined Jul. 2009
I figure if you're able to walk away after all the clingy stuff, you need alone time to recoup.
I wonder why some justify the overbearing clingy personality by saying it's 50/50 or it should be a give and take. If you're feeling awkward or emotionally drained after time spent clinging, why engage at all? Who said it needs to be a compromise? I will not compromise.
Cling to your pillow.
2/8/2014 5:00:20 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Columbus, OH
50, joined Nov. 2013
Give what you want to receive & look for the partner who wants the same attention.
2/8/2014 6:02:42 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Gainesville, FL
53, joined May. 2011
Ok. Well either I'm after the wrong guys or I'm doing something wrong. Because they hate when idgaf and I'm a b*tch so when I start showing I care they start hating that too so I'm stuck in the middle of being a total b*tch to being a sweetheart.
Being obsessed is a real emotional problem, you need to address the problem, not
cover it up by second guessing how to act around different guys.
Start here: How to Be Less Clingy
and then read as much as possible on the subject and then start practicing some of
the techniques suggested.
2/8/2014 6:17:57 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Grove City, OH
38, joined Feb. 2012
Its all subjective. I had an ex who was upset that I wasn't clingy. He said it made him feel like I didn't care. Kinda makes sense.
[Edited 2/8/2014 6:18:36 AM ]
2/8/2014 7:27:24 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
I've had a few guys stop talking to me because I was Supposably too clingy. Doesn't a man want a women to only want them and no one else? I'm not saying I'm all up in his shit. I'm just those type of women who show affection a lot when I get the attention I been wanting from that guy. Should I start being a b*tch and give him a challenge?
I don't call what you describe as clingy....a lot of affection, making him feel you only want them.
a lot of men only get that in the first month or so....then she acts differently.
Unless you are not telling all....your just with the wrong person.
no matter what you are....seek compatibility in this area.
Many people who are clingy are insecure, they get attracted to the opposite....someone stronger and etc.
but in the long run, its a bad mix....because they don't get the same attention back and the more you press it, the further away they move.
2/8/2014 9:11:39 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Owings Mills, MD
40, joined Dec. 2013
I've had a few guys stop talking to me because I was Supposably too clingy. Doesn't a man want a women to only want them and no one else? I'm not saying I'm all up in his shit. I'm just those type of women who show affection a lot when I get the attention I been wanting from that guy. Should I start being a b*tch and give him a challenge?
Just be yourself your find the man for you when your not looking keep your head up a boy will not understand a Man thang 
2/8/2014 9:17:49 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |
Jersey City, NJ
27, joined Aug. 2012
DAte older men...or find you a mamas boy...they love attention...
2/8/2014 10:20:26 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Auburn, NY
27, joined Jan. 2014
Your just seeing the wrong type of person, find one that is that way or at least accepts it.
2/8/2014 10:27:18 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Baltimore, MD
34, joined Jun. 2013
Humm. Idk I've never tried it. Seems like it's a lot of work to cling to someone. 
2/8/2014 11:05:26 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |
Las Vegas, NV
23, joined Nov. 2013
Thank you guys for your advice. I'm going to make some adjustments here and there and find a person who accepts me as me lol.
2/8/2014 1:13:01 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Carlsbad, CA
44, joined May. 2013
I don't see the problem OP
I mean...doesn't a man like a woman to call him every 5 minutes to know where he is and what he's doing?
2/8/2014 2:33:02 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Henderson, NV
56, joined May. 2009
Because all men are different and do not share the same brain, different men will have different reactions to what they consider is too clingy or not clingy enough.
If what you are is not right for them, then it means that relationship is not right for you, either. You just have to find the man for whom your way of being with him is the right one for him, and you.
In other words, if you're not crazy and psychotic about being clingy, be who you are. Don't be something you think some particular man wants. Let him know who you are, truly.
On the other hand, if how you conduct yourself in a relationship is not how you want to be, then make the changes you need to do for you.
2/8/2014 4:52:31 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Madison, IL
29, joined Dec. 2013
I personally like clingy id rather havea clingy girl that i can feel wants me than a non clingy one that i feel might not want me......theres a ddifference between being clingy and being a leach
2/8/2014 5:16:44 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Clarksburg, WV
58, joined Jan. 2013
not sure what ur definitions is of clingy ? and if this is on the web or in you local area seeing these men but I know some men do not like to be asked what are you doing becouse i think that comes from their early yrs with their mothers asking them all the time or guardian ..so they take it negative... when its not really ...just a asking and your thinking nothing wrong with it ... bet some women have that same issues also ...
but most of the time when u really like someone seems you can not get enough of the other ... then comes the stand off of i need to breath now just a little I still like you but we don't' have to see each other every day or as many text as some do all day to each other ... you would think there could be a in between with you both happy about one another hearing there voice once or twice a day after the newness has worn off a little ... i believe you have to have met you S/O to be clingy and lovey dovey all the time ...people are different with some hang ups about certain things in their life ... good luck op ...
2/8/2014 5:53:47 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Miami Beach, FL
38, joined Oct. 2013
I personally don't like clingy people. .
A medium is ground is ideal.
2/8/2014 7:25:01 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |
Petersburg, VA
50, joined Jun. 2013
Clingy. Oooooooh . I can't stand a clingy man. I'm not a clingy person. I don't want to be up someone's azzzand I ddon't want someone up mine... but that's just my opinion. Everyone is different
2/8/2014 7:31:11 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Austin, TX
47, joined Nov. 2010
I don't mind clingy so much...
... as long as she knows how and when to STFU.
2/8/2014 7:54:36 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

95, joined May. 2011
We all need space to breathe. Being together 24/7, people end up losing who they are and becoming the other person. We can love our significant others and want to be with them a lot, but we all need time to do things on our own.
And you NEED spanked!!!
2/8/2014 8:17:31 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


New York, NY
28, joined Apr. 2010
I've had a few guys stop talking to me because I was Supposably too clingy. Doesn't a man want a women to only want them and no one else? I'm not saying I'm all up in his shit. I'm just those type of women who show affection a lot when I get the attention I been wanting from that guy. Should I start being a b*tch and give him a challenge?
You should never compromise your character for nobody. You'll just end up regretting it in the long run because it isn't who you are truthfully. You show affection and as such you should show it. The only thing he wants is just time for himself from time to time. I'm certain if you sit down and talk to him about the matter and not have things lost in communication the situation should dissipate the relationship can benefit from it. Best of luck to you......gamer
2/8/2014 8:22:59 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |
Titusville, FL
60, joined Jan. 2013
I hate clingy, I am not a clingy type of woman, I need my space. Therefore, I back away from clingy type men...
2/8/2014 8:38:27 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Norcross, GA
26, joined Dec. 2012
If they're not really into you or not taking you seriously they call it being clingy. When im mean to a guy they seem to do more chasing. when you're nice it gets you know where,All you end up being is frustrated!
2/8/2014 10:31:50 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Portland, OR
35, joined Dec. 2012
Nice tits, some people are better off seen and not heard. Just don't speak unless spoken too and you'll be any guys dream girl.
2/8/2014 10:54:51 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Sacramento, CA
61, joined Oct. 2010
I've had a few guys stop talking to me because I was Supposably too clingy. Doesn't a man want a women to only want them and no one else? I'm not saying I'm all up in his shit. I'm just those type of women who show affection a lot when I get the attention I been wanting from that guy. Should I start being a b*tch and give him a challenge?
Guys want you to want only them but younger guys are sensitive about women who appear to be marking their territory and treating them like a lap dog or like they are their mother. you get a guy be a little more confident that they want to be with you and give them space to breath. Affection is cool it just can't be like you are starved for them to pay attention to you.
You are a really pretty girl that a lot of guys will go full tilt to capture but once they get you and satisfied their ego they are off to the next one. Especially if you give up the cookie before they are really in love with you.
2/9/2014 2:23:11 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Winchester, OH
51, joined Oct. 2013
Not the least bit clingy here!...Honestly I think when you cling to someone....it makes a person feels as though your will is being forced upon that person.Most people do not want to feel obligated in this....sure I like to be hugged and kissed on, but I also don't need or want someone to invade my space either with constant hanging on... hanging on shows signs of codependency to me...not a very attractive quality to most people....just saying.
2/9/2014 8:43:28 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Actually....the op did not say she was clingy...some guy did...maybe they just were not right for each other.
She basically said she likes to give attention and show him, he is the one in her life.
funny, thats the same thing I see in reponces and profiles with about all women.
They want someone to make them feel they are the only one on their life.
Op...ignore the banter and potential false allegations and assumptions.
There will those who apprecite you making them feel like this.
Trust me if more women treated their men, the way" they" want to be treated.
They wouldn't be on a dating site.
2/9/2014 3:08:59 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |

Columbus, OH
30, joined Jan. 2014
Personally I think it a good thing shows a man ur all about him but suffocating him is another story but all and all it depends on the man
2/9/2014 3:10:46 PM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |
Austell, GA
38, joined Jan. 2011
Give what you want to receive & look for the partner who wants the same attention.
2/10/2014 1:30:16 AM |
Is being clingy a good or bad thing? |


45, joined Mar. 2008
I love clingy girlfriends so each to their own.