10/30/2014 11:15:34 PM |
Hunters in Wi close to montello | Page 2 |

Janesville, WI
56, joined Nov. 2013
Orz grow the f**k up. Janesville doesn't have any where near the crime Beloit or Madison.
I sent your photo to my DNR friend, he will be on the look out for you.
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10/31/2014 10:56:42 AM |
Hunters in Wi close to montello | Page 2 |


Portage, WI
67, joined Jul. 2010
Oh I am shivering in my boots. Mike already knows me dumbass.
11/1/2014 3:55:03 PM |
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Janesville, WI
56, joined Nov. 2013
His name isn't Mike you slut.
11/2/2014 12:46:01 AM |
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Pardeeville, WI
50, joined Dec. 2013
11/2/2014 12:11:25 PM |
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Portage, WI
67, joined Jul. 2010
You are right. Mike is not here anymore. But, I have talked to the warden as well as the DNR and the Army core of Engineers head honcho.In fact the DNR guys were just here last week. I presume you know all their names also. Even when you dont know where I live. I just am so perturbed by comments from an a** who is too cowardly to even post his picture. You are so laughable. But then, you can live in your la la land of thinking anyone gives a damn what you pretend.
11/3/2014 1:37:12 PM |
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Portage, WI
32, joined Jul. 2014
Was ignoring this thread and saw the response so thought to check it out. Hmmm...I get an impression immediately about someone who uses don johnson as a handle. Now..was his mother hung up on the actor? Or does he suffer from delusions of grandeur? I started deer hunting at 16 with my dad. And then with my husband. I grew up with a rifle in my hand. I gave it up except for coons in the coop or possums or other varmints. I have gotten soft hearted with old age. Hate to butcher my chickens even. But, do what I have to do. I don't miss starting at one end of my closet to dress for gun hunting and stopping when I can't fit anymore clothes on. Walking in the dark to stand and sit in a stand waiting for dawn. And listening to the rustlings with excitement to find out it is a dang squirrel up early. GRRR! And then the fun of dragging a deer through underbrush after gutting it. Driving into town to register and then back out of the truck to hang it and skin it. Then cut the meat up and package. Sausage is great but the price they charge to make, might as well buy. And I dont care for the taste of venison anymore. I have hunters on my farm. They keep the herd thinned. Because the stupid DNR wants license fees, they delude the people into thinking we are trampled out the door. Reality is there aren't herds anymore. But, there are more deer than there is browse anymore. Since we lack bear, wolves and cougars, they have out-bred the available food. My woods is browsed as high as a tall deer can reach standing on deep snow crust. And if you think a deer shot is terrible...wait til you see a small, young one dragging itself, in skin and bones, to eat a brush it normally wouldnt touch. Or the deer that get turning into a blot when a semi hits it and drags it for half a mile. Nature is the law of tooth and fang. We are lucky to be on the top of the food chain. Any predator is more than happy to eat human flesh. As long as humans have canine teeth, we will eat meat. We can feel sorry for the creature we kill, and thank it for it's sacrifice so we may live. But, whether wild kill in a responsible way, or tortured by living in confinement and never seeing the sun...there is little difference. So donny boy..go buy an Hawaiian shirt and sun glasses and move out of one of the most crime ridden cities in Wisconsin.
Your profile says raised on a farm and your post days raised to fit into a city. You're all kinds of hypocritical.  
11/3/2014 1:50:49 PM |
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Portage, WI
67, joined Jul. 2010
My parents were both raise in major cities..Europe and US. We went to the city regularly and I was taken for riding lessons and to museums and taught how to act when in the city. Mom was a concert pianist and taught me the arts. Both had gone to colleges. I also went to rural schools and learned how to act and live on farms. So I have duality. I can dance ballet and gut a deer. Depends on needs and what is needed. And as a survivalist..I will outlast all you young ones who live in a virtual reality and have no common nor street smarts.
11/3/2014 7:57:50 PM |
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Grise Fiord, NU
64, joined Nov. 2007
The DNR is a useless governmental agency. I have a friend that is a detective for the DNR. He has never held another job in his life. He makes over 125,000 a year plus benefits and expenses. He cried when Governor Walker made him contribute more to his health insurance and pension.
That guy sounds like a genuine a**hole.
That would explain why he's your friend!
11/4/2014 11:30:49 PM |
Hunters in Wi close to montello | Page 2 |

Pardeeville, WI
50, joined Dec. 2013
orz, you don't have to explain anything to these people. 
Some in the groups wonder why people would rather stick to playing the games and not get involved with these threads. Here is why.
11/5/2014 10:20:04 AM |
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Portage, WI
67, joined Jul. 2010
Hodog and 777=neighbors.
11/6/2014 12:58:11 AM |
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Pardeeville, WI
50, joined Dec. 2013

12/3/2014 4:47:13 PM |
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Janesville, WI
56, joined Nov. 2013
Hodag, everyone knows you are just a redneck, shit kicking a**hole.
12/13/2014 7:26:20 PM |
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Waupaca, WI
29, joined Jul. 2014
Lol dumbass
2/27/2015 4:16:23 AM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
