1/12/2015 6:36:57 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
This year has started pretty well for me.
My back has been livable and my finances a little better than usual.
Not only has a very nice friend sent me more bird feeders, but I was finally able to get a new motor for my rear tine rototiller!  
As much as I know I shouldn't, I have been using it a little at a time...and already been into the chiropractor because of it! 
Almost every bit of what I have been tilling was tilled a couple of times before.
It's just that it has been years since it was last done. Where I live the weeds never die Tilling the areas that were already done went pretty fast and easy.
I am pretty excited about being able to replant these beds like I had them years ago.
I have been slowly pruning stuff. Took down a patch of rose bushes, 5 or 6 of them that had not been done in years. Trimmed a couple of my smaller pomegranates and an apple or two.
I'm also tearing out the wooden beds in the main garden area. They have finally rotted to where it's easier to just get rid of them. I'm gonna till the whole area up, mainly just to level it and chop the weeds down. My plan is to then cover the area with straw and plant through the straw and above it.
Plan to add a modified hydroponic system for some of my plants.
Anyway, have fun...
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1/12/2015 11:55:56 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
not muuch to do around here it won't stop raining long enough
1/12/2015 2:30:34 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
Already suffering for this today...

1/14/2015 6:57:35 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
and i am still
not able to do anything
because of the tilling...
1/14/2015 12:26:16 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
looks like good soil do you ever plant cover crops to enrich thhe soil
1/15/2015 7:08:56 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
Most of the time when I am doing a real garden I replant stuff over and over...
Square foot method...
But, do too problems, when I let it go as it has been - the crab grass takes over and creates a thick mass of roots. I just till them up - rake what I can over the hill and I plan on spreading black plastic and solarizing the whole area this year.
Some years I have been able to afford straw and I just grow stuff in the straw and mulch the heck out of the area with it too. The first 3 years of my garden I mulched with new straw, took 32 bales just to mulch once!
When you do stuff like that all by yourself and with a bad back - it gets old.
As much as I love it all, my body and having to do it just for myself gets harder and harder to do...

1/17/2015 9:02:27 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
Since I did the tiling on Monday I have not touched the gardens...

If I had seed I would have planted the wildflower beds already and they would be close to sprouting! We have been getting the perfect weather for getting those kinds of seeds going - damp, partly cloudy and with patches of light rain...
Monday we are going to be back in the high 60's!!!

1/24/2015 9:32:07 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
It's too cold here in Vermont to start anything. I am however, doing some reading on lawn care. My dad died in November, and I have inherited the yard work. I need to re-seed the lawn early in the spring. Not sure what type of seeds to use.
I also want to start a small vegetable garden for my mom. She likes tomatoes and squash.
1/28/2015 9:18:39 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Arlington, TX
98, joined Sep. 2012
Cleared mine the past two weeks with this spring weather. Ready to get onion sets and spinach in the ground in a couple of weeks.
1/29/2015 5:40:51 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Syracuse, NY
48, joined Jul. 2014
yes I watered and put grow light on plants in kitchen my African violets shud do nicely
1/29/2015 8:45:42 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
raked 4 wheelbarrow loads of weed and grass out of the tilled garden area
so i can till it again to get rid of more of the weeds...
after the first i'm gonna get seed and sets and start planting and building new beds
it never fails - when the weather is perfect for this
i am broke
as soon as i have money
the weather will turn totally miserable! 
2/2/2015 3:00:56 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
looks like you are the only one out of the whole group getting any garden work done must be lonely at the top
2/2/2015 6:26:05 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
It's raining today! Living in the middle of this drought every drop helps!
I have all of my orchard trees on drip lines. I put low flow fan and circle emitters above my fence line so they cover my wildflower beds. Right now I have roughly 400 feet by 12 feet of beds set aside just for wild and cut flowers! I should also say - they are ready to be seeded right now...hoping to have that done by the end of the week too!!!
I've only been able to do a little farting around these last few days because of my back...but I get to see the chiropractor this week so I'll be back killing myself before long!!!  
2/6/2015 9:35:43 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Roseville, CA
54, joined Nov. 2014
got one chore on my agenda started, a small duck pond for our duck. since, mom won't let us get a girl duck for ducky, we are hoping some nice, girl duck may want to hang out with ducky, if he has a small pond to work with.
2/18/2015 2:52:32 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
found a close source for horse manure think i will put 3 or 4 pickup loads on my garden when it warms up some
2/18/2015 7:23:56 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
Ask if they spray their pasture with weed killer, or if they buy hay/feed from someone who does. I got a load of manure from Cleveland Ga. that hurt my tomatoes for a long time.
This ice storm is keeping me inside this week, but I have most of my seeds started. Pruned peach trees last week and got one section of my garden turned.
2/19/2015 9:41:46 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I don't have the luxury of a greenhouse for starts so I have to be patient for my zone temps to arrive.
2/19/2015 11:41:27 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
I wish I had a greenhouse too. Right now I have been lucky getting cabbage and broccoli to sprout in my 50*F basement using a fluorescent shop light. I'm trying to get eggplants, peppers and tomatoes to germinate in my spare bathroom. Maybe by next year I can buy a heat mat, not sure 70*F room temp is enough for them, certainly 50*F is too cold. Normally I buy plants and direct seed after frost, but I'm trying to get an earlier start, save money, and grow stuff I can't just buy at the big box store.
Hopefully the weather will warm back up in a couple weeks and I can turn part of my garden again, and then another week or two can set out the cabbages etc. I'll probably wait for mid April to put out everything else and direct seed squash.
BTW, I've had the best luck this year with my seedlings and using a fish based fertilizer in the water.
2/19/2015 11:58:33 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
I've been concentrating on preparing areas for certain things.
I am working on a seating area that overlooks the main garden for instance.
I've tilled it, raked it a little, and planted 3 gardenia bushes, 3 rhubarb roots, a wisteria vine and a hummingbird vine, along with running the drip irrigation line around the area too.
I decided that I have at least a year to get a heavy trellis of some sort built for the wisteria and hummingbird vines to climb on...but between the gardenias and vines it should end up a very nice and private and fragrant seating area eventually...

2/20/2015 11:29:24 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Pardeeville, WI
50, joined Dec. 2013
There is about 7 inches of snow on the ground and it's snowing today.
I can't get anything planted till the very end of May. Even then the nights are sometimes to cold.

Must be nice living in CA.
2/20/2015 1:40:32 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
It's not bad now!
But in a month or two I'll be worried about the place burning up in a fire!!!

2/20/2015 6:11:30 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
this horse manure is from stalls in a barn should not be weed killer in it i hope
2/20/2015 8:07:17 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
it shouldn't...
horses are high strung and if fed bad feed will get sick quick...
usually they are given high quality feed...
you may still want to compost it...
I had a place in WA and the neighbor next to me had a barn he rented out...
the people that rented it from him boarded a horse and they had tons of manure and urine filled hay to get rid of and were extremely happy when i told them to just throw it over the fence! I took it and piled it into big piles and every two weeks turned them. In one year I had over 16 compost piles going and they cranked out lots of compost!
2/20/2015 10:30:51 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
.... Hope you added a few things when you turned those piles.
2/21/2015 7:53:27 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
you mean like bonemeal or blood meal
2/21/2015 12:16:35 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Yes ... Or food scraps etc.
2/21/2015 12:20:43 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
2/21/2015 1:46:58 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
They cleaned the place every other week...
Each pile started out fresh at around an 8 foot high peak and about 8 feet around too...
I ended up with 15 piles going at the same time and it was late fall and early winter and we got a layer of snow on everything. I was standing up in my kitchen looking down and watching which ones had steam coming out of them! The ones that were not steaming were the ones I went and turned! I actually turned them all once every two weeks. Just peel the outer layers and throw them down on the new pile and keep going until that pile was moved. Within a day I could see the steam starting to come back.
I always throw all my greens into the compostables...
Coffee grounds for the roses etc...
It's 70 on my porch right now...I picked 35 oranges to give to a couple of friends to take back down to San Fransisco with them...and I threw in a few lemons to take along too!
2/21/2015 2:30:49 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
having your own oranges and lemons such a luxury
2/21/2015 4:33:34 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
70+ fruit nut and citrus trees...
my latest which I planted about 3 weeks ago is a nectaplum...
2/21/2015 4:47:09 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
Hopefully the pasture the hay came from wasn't sprayed with grazon or other herbicide. It will not harm the horses, but will still be in the manure and last for several years.
Fresh manure should be composted to eliminate the pathogens that exist, but can be spread and plowed-in and composted in place for 2 months before planting. If you already compost food scraps and yard and garden debris, adding manure to this compost will help it work faster and end up with a better compost.
A steaming pile is a good sign. It will usually get hot enough to kill any weed seeds so you don't end up with pasture weeds growing in your garden.
2/21/2015 4:58:16 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
been composting since 1979...
2/25/2015 10:27:45 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
No...I did not. The ground is still frozen and another snow/ice event is on the way.
2/25/2015 11:00:25 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
I've been mowing and weeding and pruning and tilling - getting ready to spread seed and mulch at the full moon next week. Trying to get the beds raked and tilled and raked and tilled and hopefully the rain they say we are going to get this weekend will actually come along and wet the place and help the seeds germinate.
I'm getting ready to take my cordless drill and a spade bit and go up in my orchard and plant onions under as many trees as i can with the 240 sets i have right now...
2/25/2015 11:45:51 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Will you be planting any garlic in the orchard, too?
2/25/2015 1:14:55 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
if i get ahold of some yes - although now I should actually wait for a couple of weeks until the dark of the moon, but i just can't wait with the weather and my body etc. so that is why i am doing the onions now and waiting on the wild flowers till next week...I'd like to have been able to plant the onions last fall, but.....
2/25/2015 2:48:25 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
Okay, here's what I've got done since my last post.
The weeding is me pulling them by hand...
This was as far as my back would let me go for now...

2/26/2015 6:18:17 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
Let us know how the onions under the trees works out. I mulch under my peach trees about a 6 foot circle with grass clippings. My onions, leeks and garlic I plant in full sun and mulch around them to keep out weedy competition.
Today I started another compost barrel. Sun was melting all the snow and I wanted to let my other bins sit a month or so undisturbed.
My cabbage and broccoli look like they will be ready to set out in a couple weeks. I have eggplants and peppers just sprouting, and will start my tomatoes this weekend. Our last frost date is April 1st, so I envy your warmer Cali weather.
2/28/2015 3:44:10 AM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
I've been planting onions under my fruit trees for years and years.
As a matter of fact, when I weed around them even years later I still come across onions from past seasons that went to seed and are still growing. I will definitely take more pictures at the end of the year and let you know how they turn out.
3/14/2015 8:40:08 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
It might not be good for my karma, but ,downstairs youngin
decided she would claim a chunck of the garden,she forgot to ask I did tell her last year she could plant some ,not 12×12,,,,
Even though I was going to make it a putting green, not enough sun ,it was all Ivy before, I'll just look at her ,why your stuff isn't growing, rrrrrr
[Edited 3/14/2015 8:42:52 PM ]
3/18/2015 12:03:45 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Ready to put in cooler weather stuff later this week
Carrots n such
6/21/2015 10:18:07 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Kalamazoo, MI
59, joined Nov. 2014
Yup mowed around the gardens (veggie and flower). That alone is a 3 hour job on the rider.
6/21/2015 10:50:13 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |

Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
Hey whale/gothy, I harvested my baseball sized onions a little over a week ago, and my garlic a few days after. I could have been earlier on both. I built a 2'x8' drying rack under my deck and it is working perfectly. It is hinged to the support poles, so I can just swing it up out of the way until next year.
6/22/2015 2:19:57 PM |
Did you get anything garden related done lately? |


Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
i've been eating and using onions for awhile now...
also eating tomatoes - both of my cherry tomatoes are producing and the larger ones are almost there now too...
i also noticed i have at least one yellow banana pepper and one cayenne pepper filling out on a couple of the plants...
most of my corn is already knee high or higher which is what the old timers would always say - you want your corn knee high by the fourth of july...
anyway, hot and getting hotter this week!
100's coming again in a day or so...
