2/5/2015 8:38:15 PM |
I was dumped... |


Amarillo, TX
47, joined May. 2014
So yea.. I was dumped... Have you ever been dumped an how did you cope??
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

2/5/2015 8:41:09 PM |
I was dumped... |

Salem, OR
63, joined Nov. 2013
OP - Forget it, and move on. Find someone better who appreciates you.
2/5/2015 8:56:15 PM |
I was dumped... |


Jacksonville, FL
27, joined Mar. 2012
2/5/2015 8:56:40 PM |
I was dumped... |


Kansas City, KS
27, joined Feb. 2013
life happens.
2/5/2015 9:09:07 PM |
I was dumped... |


Phelan, CA
44, joined Sep. 2011
Everyone gets dumped. Time heals most wounds. Stay busy. Move on.
I did as mentioned above.
2/5/2015 9:10:35 PM |
I was dumped... |


Amarillo, TX
47, joined May. 2014
Hey picky... .. It's hard..
2/5/2015 9:19:11 PM |
I was dumped... |


40, joined Jul. 2011
Op... I will share my cookies with you 
2/5/2015 9:21:13 PM |
I was dumped... |


Amarillo, TX
47, joined May. 2014
2/5/2015 9:21:19 PM |
I was dumped... |

White, GA
30, joined Nov. 2014
Yes but love spell brought him back
2/5/2015 9:24:24 PM |
I was dumped... |


Amarillo, TX
47, joined May. 2014
Your lucky plan
2/5/2015 9:27:59 PM |
I was dumped... |


40, joined Jul. 2011
Yes but love spell brought him back
Witchy woman 
2/5/2015 9:29:02 PM |
I was dumped... |

White, GA
30, joined Nov. 2014
No. You want real love
2/5/2015 9:29:02 PM |
I was dumped... |


El Paso, TX
40, joined Feb. 2014
That's what one turd said to another in the toilet.
2/5/2015 9:29:20 PM |
I was dumped... |


Amarillo, TX
47, joined May. 2014
Hey .. I need those witchy powers 
2/5/2015 9:31:58 PM |
I was dumped... |

White, GA
30, joined Nov. 2014
No powers hun. Tell lucifer what you want and he does it
2/5/2015 9:32:43 PM |
I was dumped... |


Amarillo, TX
47, joined May. 2014

2/5/2015 9:43:08 PM |
I was dumped... |


Saint Paul, MN
63, joined Oct. 2009
Sure, everyone has. Michele cheated on me and dumped me for an IRS investigator and wonders why SHE isn't the "Belle of Tampa"! 
Joan dumped me for a former Catholic priest she'd been chasing for 20 years!
Eventually you realize they weren't a good match and you move on, but the scars remain.
2/5/2015 9:44:05 PM |
I was dumped... |


Amarillo, TX
47, joined May. 2014
Hey driver
2/5/2015 9:50:58 PM |
I was dumped... |


El Paso, TX
40, joined Feb. 2014
No powers hun. Tell lucifer what you want and he does it

2/5/2015 9:51:07 PM |
I was dumped... |


40, joined Jul. 2011
No powers hun. Tell lucifer what you want and he does it
Devil woman 
2/5/2015 10:03:21 PM |
I was dumped... |


Johnston, IA
46, joined Sep. 2014
Your lucky plan 
No she's not....
Ex con read her thread.....
2/5/2015 10:04:45 PM |
I was dumped... |


Sacramento, CA
47, joined Aug. 2013
Of course who hasn't been dumped at least once in their life. I lived & so will you & then you will realize one day that it was probably all for the best. Sorry OP
2/5/2015 10:06:21 PM |
I was dumped... |


Amarillo, TX
47, joined May. 2014
Hey grneyes 
2/5/2015 10:23:16 PM |
I was dumped... |

White, GA
30, joined Nov. 2014
Now you are lying miss piggy. I have a lifer as a pen pal only
2/5/2015 10:30:11 PM |
I was dumped... |

Miami, FL
51, joined Aug. 2011
online now!
Ah Yes...
Surrounded myself with as many toys as I could possibly buy...
Also a surplus of friends is Beneficial and helpful...
2/5/2015 10:49:02 PM |
I was dumped... |


Lucerne, CA
62, joined Oct. 2010
Hey picky...  .. It's hard..
Dearest OP ...
You have to do the work of healing your Duck Disease as well as your Toddler Tantrum mentality that is stuck in your muscle memory.
That is why it is so hard on you .. your body is not able to cope with it and thus your mind and emotions are f**ked because of that prison of fear you live in.
Want to know more about the Duck Disease every one has ... watch the video.
As for the hurt and pain you have ... oddly enough it is love that will do the healing on that.
It is very similar to some one you love that dies on you and goes to the other side ... same hurt just more so.
You have love for this guy ... (and you are f**ked up with Mom and Dad at the same time out of the issues with your Defense Structure) ... so ask for MORE LOVE.
I ask it from God .. as God gave me this person to love and God took it away ... for healing reasons.
Really it was your Defense Structure that did it all ... but let's blame God as it is more romantic.
So ask God for more love ... to take away the hurt and pain .. and then be open and willing to take that love in.
In about three days or so .. that love will come in .. and it will sting a bit until you get used to it.
These water bags humans live in when the spirit gets to big for it they just naturally weep.
So let the rain fall and wind blow .. boo hoo tears and snot ... and then your garden will grow.
As for your Emotional IQ ... and this is the same for Bristol Palin and Ah-Nold 'Taco Sauce' Swartzn**ger.
If you hate your Dad you are going to have divorces, affairs and dead children.
If you hate your Mom you are going to be an addict.
Your relationships are crashing and will continue to do so .. until you fix up your Duck Disease and the issues you have with your sick prick of a father ... who truth be told ... any one would hate.
Me .. I am a healthy prick, gentle, loving and kind.
But I am still a prick .. can not get out of it ... Genetic Destiny and all.
Again .. watch the video and learn up babe.
Best thing you can do for you, your family and your future.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
[Edited 2/5/2015 10:49:43 PM ]
2/5/2015 11:25:29 PM |
I was dumped... |

Pewaukee, WI
48, joined Jun. 2013
I don't think that I've been dumped per se... But I've had men do a slow fade out of the relationship. I've had men cheat on me. And I've had men behave so poorly that I've had to end things.
It's sad to see a relationship that you once valued end whether you are the one ending things or the one being dumped. You can still like the person very much... but know that things aren't going to work out for the long run.
My experience has been that the next relationship usually is better than the last relationship. So, I look forward to the next learning experience.

I've also had the long on and off relationship, which is worse than being dumped. This I will never do again. 
2/5/2015 11:49:09 PM |
I was dumped... |


40, joined Jul. 2011
@ cub..
How is the videos going?
I thought you did a good job on them..and after hearing about duck disease and toddler tantrum for years from you on the forums. .
Of course I had to hear it 1st hand.
Tossing virgins in the volcano always makes me snicker lol
2/6/2015 12:56:13 AM |
I was dumped... |

Durand, WI
50, joined Nov. 2014
Yes. I've been dumped. How did I cope? Peed in her sisters butt. 
2/6/2015 1:35:17 AM |
I was dumped... |

Shakopee, MN
37, joined Oct. 2012
Dumped it depends on attachment level cry and pout, and next day go back to the things I did without a spouse around.
2/6/2015 1:37:08 AM |
I was dumped... |


Oklahoma City, OK
40, joined Feb. 2011
I was dumped on once.
But only once.
But I wiped myself off and told that filthy skank it costs extra.
2/6/2015 3:35:58 AM |
I was dumped... |

San Antonio, TX
48, joined Dec. 2014
So yea.. I was dumped... Have you ever been dumped an how did you cope?? 
From the man who didn't call himself your boyfriend? You will find better & a man who cares about you as much as you care about him.
2/6/2015 3:44:09 AM |
I was dumped... |


Williamsburg, OH
51, joined Oct. 2013
It happens to the best of us..you are not alone.I always look at these kind of situations, as it was not to be.There is someone meant for you...he wasn't it.
2/6/2015 6:35:42 AM |
I was dumped... |


Springfield, VA
62, joined Sep. 2009
Everyone here got dumped, or at least "preemptively" dumped.
When it happens to me, I have a simple plan of response:
1: I get depressed and wail to myself that all hope is lost;
2: I sit at home and try to drink, but I'm lousy at it, and it's too expensive, so then I stop doing that.
3: I think about why I got dumped until I realize that it's the same reason yet again...which is that relative to what she imagines her mate should be, I'm defective.
4: that leads as usual directly to realizing that relative to what I want in a mate, she's defective, because she dumped me.
5: I remember that I have a choice between going on or dying, and decide I still don't want to die.
6: I work on myself and my surroundings until I like myself again, then I go back to the Great Hunt.
2/6/2015 6:42:44 AM |
I was dumped... |


Buffalo, MO
59, joined Sep. 2011
The more I drink the more I know she's just a memory,open the cooler and one more cause ur just a memory. The Lacs. don't worry ur young keep on truckin
2/6/2015 7:21:35 AM |
I was dumped... |


Fort Payne, AL
60, joined Apr. 2011
online now!
Sure, we all have been dumped before.... can't you tell? ....
all you can do, is eventually get over it, and try not to let it make you jaded...or have issues.
And sometimes its not a who is at fault thing....but, it just didn't work out...
Sorry this happened, but its part of life...
2/6/2015 8:16:59 AM |
I was dumped... |


Arvada, CO
47, joined May. 2014
No powers hun. Tell lucifer what you want and he does it
Finally! Some common sense!
2/6/2015 8:21:55 AM |
I was dumped... |


Roseville, CA
52, joined Nov. 2014
So yea.. I was dumped... Have you ever been dumped an how did you cope?? 
Yes, she dumped me for the other one while still harassing me for a serious relationship after she started doing me. Women are all the same.
And, i would try to cope by getting used by all of her girl friends; but it isn't that simple for guys.
2/6/2015 8:28:40 AM |
I was dumped... |

Jessieville, AR
57, joined Jul. 2010
Better than
being duped, eh? 
2/6/2015 9:14:36 AM |
I was dumped... |

Malibu, CA
22, joined Jan. 2015
No powers hun. Tell lucifer what you want and he does it
you are a creep ! first you do voodoo on your ex and now you want her to pray lucifer ?
2/6/2015 9:37:26 AM |
I was dumped... |

Punxsutawney, PA
52, joined Oct. 2013
Of course I have been dumped, many times, sometimes it hurt, sometimes it felt good to be free of it all.
I never did anything special to cope, I just sulked for a while and then kept going.
I'm sure you will be fine, just hang in there and good luck to you!
2/6/2015 9:42:35 AM |
I was dumped... |

Phoenix, AZ
43, joined Oct. 2014
I didn't tell myself I was being dumped, I told myself I had an opportunity to meet new women, which I did.
Good luck!
2/6/2015 10:01:02 AM |
I was dumped... |


Lucerne, CA
62, joined Oct. 2010
I just did a new one for Combat Veterans and the PTSD they have which on a scale of 10 they are about a 12 cause of what they did to get there in combat and the length of time in combat.
It works for Rape ... as that is a combat situation as well.
I want to do Dr. Phil type shows now with brave people who want to talk about their problems to solve and then have a chat just about their case ... so the people watching can get a more well rounded presentation of how the Duck Disease works and fixing it in their case.
See what happens ... some people are just not interested in fixing them selves as their Duck Disease is so stuck they they will drink the kool aid at their Jim Town God that f**ks his daughters and it is a miracle, good, and holy.
They have a psychotic break with reality .. and are monsters who don't cry .. so they keep on the path of casualties, sadness and regrets never learning.
Pity ...
You are a rare bird to grasp it with the IQ you have.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
@ cub..
How is the videos going?
I thought you did a good job on them..and after hearing about duck disease and toddler tantrum for years from you on the forums. .
Of course I had to hear it 1st hand.
Tossing virgins in the volcano always makes me snicker lol
2/6/2015 10:18:33 AM |
I was dumped... |

Durand, WI
50, joined Nov. 2014
You have no idea how grateful I was to be dumped in some of the relationships. I thanked them. Thank you b*tch. I can have my life back. No more of your neurotic insecurities, and Self perpetuated drama. No more of your completely clueless vaginal aptitude, and your never ending miserable unhappiness. Thank you! 
2/6/2015 10:22:31 AM |
I was dumped... |


Tehachapi, CA
59, joined Jan. 2013
.....by text. I don't know if I was more upset over THAT or because he went back to his ex..
2/6/2015 10:24:38 AM |
I was dumped... |


Henderson, NV
56, joined May. 2009
From the man who didn't call himself your boyfriend? You will find better & a man who cares about you as much as you care about him.
This. He may have done you a favor. He must not have been in the same place as you in regards to the relationship, and rather than lead you on he let you go so you could find someone who could be as into you as you are to him.
2/6/2015 10:40:07 AM |
I was dumped... |

Durand, WI
50, joined Nov. 2014
I enjoy being dumped.
2/6/2015 10:43:17 AM |
I was dumped... |

Jessieville, AR
57, joined Jul. 2010
The price you pay for enabling text.
I prefer they leave a hate strewn message on me machine.
"Das, you sorry sack o' shite. How I evah wasted my time w/you is inconceivable. Whilst on that thought you'll nevah get a crack at conception here again unless 'ell freezes over and I make it to the end of the line. You're a cheapskate, rude bastard and bawdy bounder that must have made a deal w/devil to con me into spending any time w/your sorry arse.
Oh yeah, I hope you drop dead after slowly suffering long term excruciating pain that's a cross twixt having your fingernails pulled out w/rusty pliers and the shingles.
Have a nice life Major D*ck as I bid adieu w/one finger salute." 
2/6/2015 11:40:31 AM |
I was dumped... |


Gwynn Oak, MD
49, joined Jun. 2014
So yea.. I was dumped... Have you ever been dumped an how did you cope?? 
What I find funny is... I sent you a msg once after reading one of your post, just to say hi and that I thought you were cute. Nothing disrespectful. 
But you thought you was TOO GOOD to say "hi" or "thanks for the compliment" You just deleted it. Cool, no problem. 
Just a few days ago I saw you posted that you were relocating to NY to be with your man. Congratulations!!! 
And just like THAT! You were DUMPED! Kicked to the curb, rejected, thrown back, used and then dismissed!  
Damn! The universe is something isn't it?  
2/6/2015 3:24:02 PM |
I was dumped... |


Lucerne, CA
62, joined Oct. 2010
.....by text. I don't know if I was more upset over THAT or because he went back to his ex..
he was a boy and not a man ... a sex addict with a taco sauce on the swartzn**ger problem.
boys lie, cheat, steal ...
boys make a mess ...
boys are greedy and stingy ...
boys argue, quibble and fight ...
boys jerk off every day and will not give them selves to their woman or partner.
boy sluts who are c*ck suckers always are pulling fast ones.
men are different sweetie .. learning curve goes up after awhile.
2/6/2015 7:43:04 PM |
I was dumped... |


Roseville, CA
52, joined Nov. 2014
... i guess i need to just get used to it. if only, i could find nice girls who are willing to be friends.
[Edited 2/6/2015 7:43:18 PM ]
2/6/2015 8:13:08 PM |
I was dumped... |
Tiffin, OH
42, joined Jan. 2015
So yea.. I was dumped... Have you ever been dumped an how did you cope?? 
You are way too pretty...his loss... ive coped with being used and dumped by being absolutely miserable and writing excellent poetry....
2/6/2015 8:31:38 PM |
I was dumped... |


Litchfield, OH
64, joined Jul. 2010
My last wife cheated and was thrown out the day I found out. The process seems simple to me, if you can't follow the guidelines you set for me, if you can't be happy with me? You are welcome to leave or be ejected and are no longer my problem.
I apply that train of thought to everyone, family, friends, and guests, no hassles, no drama, or you might be gone. If a lady wasn't happy dating or in a relationship with me? No problem, I could find another when I bothered to look.
2/6/2015 9:37:06 PM |
I was dumped... |


Lucerne, CA
62, joined Oct. 2010
I have had a LOT of wives for sex buddies ... and I asked them why they were cheating on their husband.
Every one of them said .. he was cold ... he was distant ... he was emotionally a cripple ... always in his head.
She married a dumb f**k .. and discovered that he was really dumb and just a f**k.
I can tell you the sex was great ... best sex is a married woman and a catholic one at that.
Virgin Mary cheated on her husband ... incest is best in that crowd.
No condoms however ... so that was a big silver lining as she was not going to get pregnant.
It has been really good for me to have married women ... I grew up and I gave my self to them something that their husbands were not inclined to do.
Oh well .. such is the pity.
sumbuddie wear blind sea
2/7/2015 9:34:36 PM |
I was dumped... |


Phelan, CA
44, joined Sep. 2011
Hey picky...  .. It's hard..

2/8/2015 5:51:15 AM |
I was dumped... |

Enid, OK
56, joined Feb. 2010
So yea.. I was dumped... Have you ever been dumped an how did you cope?? 
Sorry to hear that you got dumped, but guess what it happens.
I have been dumped so often, I no longer try. I already know how it will end.
2/8/2015 8:32:30 AM |
I was dumped... |

Aurora, CO
54, joined Aug. 2014
So yea.. I was dumped... Have you ever been dumped an how did you cope?? 
I have used various methods from alcohol to f**king her girlfriends and younger sister.
2/8/2015 9:37:09 AM |
I was dumped... |

Hobe Sound, FL
46, joined Apr. 2013
Perplexed that at 46 you even have to ask such a question!
2/8/2015 1:28:55 PM |
I was dumped... |


Lucerne, CA
62, joined Oct. 2010
Perplexed that at 46 you even have to ask such a question! 
They are stuck in their Toddler Tantrum mentality from the Duck Disease issues with mom and dad.
One lick taco sauce off the swartzn**ger ...
the other ...
gets taco sauce on the swartzn**ger.
Now .. who is the sick one ???
Who is blind to real life ???
2/16/2015 9:04:59 AM |
I was dumped... |


San Benito, TX
43, joined Jul. 2014
