2/10/2015 7:45:41 AM |
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Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
So what are you up to if anything in your gardens?
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2/10/2015 7:46:22 AM |
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Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
We have just come off of a few days of heavy rains here which we have needed...
My place has not had any hard rain in a day now and hopefully it will be at least workable enough to do a little planting without being a total mudfest...
The weatherman just now said today is going to be 70 for a high...
Then up to 75 through the rest of the weekend - including Valentines day...
Time to get started putting onion sets around my fruit trees again!
It's one of those companion planting things I try to do when I can, planting onions under my fruit trees supposedly helps with bugs that attack the trees.
I have a raspberry and another blackberry plant that I have to get in the ground.
Also, 2 more blueberry plants that I am going to try growing again! I've tried 3 different times to get blueberrys to grow here and have not had any luck. I'm gonna try a different area and see if they make it this time.
I also have 3 other vines that I am trying to figure out where to plant them.
There are a wisteria, a rose of sharon and a hummingbird vine...
I'm thinking about putting them along my fence line and using the fence as the support for them to grow on.
There are also 3 gardenias that are in 1 gallon pots that I have to get planted. I am thinking about planting at least 2 of them up near one of my sitting areas to the west of the garden.
Guess I'll see if I get any of that done today...
2/11/2015 9:00:10 PM |
Plans for the day? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Whale .. Both the Rose of Sharon and Hummingbird bush are self-supporting but I would steer away from weighting down a fence line with the wisteria. That aggressive, twiner could bring down a new split rail in about five years or a barbed wire fence in a little over three years.
Last wisteria I set was supported on an iron trellis.
Good luck.
2/12/2015 5:48:20 AM |
Plans for the day? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
You hit exactly the point I am pondering and have been!
The Wisteria! 
I am well aware of the way they end up and have been trying to plan what and where because of it! I have certain places that I had planned to set a gazebo and grow something up and over it, like wisteria...problem is that I don't have a gazebo built yet! Now I have to decide just what I'm going to do about this.
I've been toying with just planting it on the top of one of my banks and let it grow along the hillside.
2/18/2015 10:27:19 PM |
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Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
33 days and 33 minutes till Spring !
Let's get busy 
2/25/2015 1:43:32 PM |
Plans for the day? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
No plans
2/25/2015 1:43:44 PM |
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Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
2/26/2015 5:53:24 PM |
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Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
I had been hiking and found an old homestead with wisteria climbing up in a huge old tree. I made some cuttings and got them rooted, and later planted them along an old chain link fence. It was beautiful but a lot of pruning every year and still took over. It destroyed the fence so after about 10 years the fence and wisteria all got removed and I wouldn't grow it again.
I'm in Ga so my soil is different, but I've had the best luck planting blueberries in wide holes filled with sand, chicken manure and pine bark. They need acidic soil, they are shallow rooted and heavy feeders. I use the red clay dirt dug from the hole as fill in other places in the yard.
2/28/2015 6:32:42 AM |
Plans for the day? |


Corning, CA
60, joined Oct. 2014
I had been hiking and found an old homestead with wisteria climbing up in a huge old tree. I made some cuttings and got them rooted, and later planted them along an old chain link fence. It was beautiful but a lot of pruning every year and still took over. It destroyed the fence so after about 10 years the fence and wisteria all got removed and I wouldn't grow it again.
I'm in Ga so my soil is different, but I've had the best luck planting blueberries in wide holes filled with sand, chicken manure and pine bark. They need acidic soil, they are shallow rooted and heavy feeders. I use the red clay dirt dug from the hole as fill in other places in the yard.
I hear you about the wisteria!
My plan is to build an arbor to support it. 6 by 6 posts and 2 by 6 purlins...
If you ever get to gold country out here, and go to Sutters Mill, they have a picnic area that is set into a bank with a huge chunk of the area covered with a wisteria arbor over the seating and picnic tables. Been there for years and years and it is so shady and cool in our CA heat! That is what I plan for this vine - which I planted over 150' from the house.
My soil is a combination of centuries of oak pine manzanita star thistle which is about 8 inches thick do to the sun burning and drying the crap out of it and it blowing away as useless...Just under that is clay, and under that is calcite type frickin concrete ground!
I bought this ground with the specific intent of building a partially buried house, greenhouse and bird house, along with a root cellar that we would dig into the bank behind this place. Turns out that when I had the cat work done to create the place - he BROKE OFF one of his 6" square steel ripper bars on my ground! It will take a jackhammer to cut into the hillside!!! And me with a bad back...
I have to dig and prep every hole I make for a tree up here...
Fortunately, the clay is apparently deep enough for the trees!!!
Over the years I have hauled in plenty of cow manure - which i compost - we have a cattle feed lot about 5 miles away. Plus things like straw and bagged manures all of which have been added to the soil around here.
One of my friends out here says this place is amazing...laughs and says I could stick a broomstick in my ground and it would grow! 
15 yrs of tinkering and planting and mulching and i am not even close to done with any of it...
3/1/2015 4:57:46 PM |
Plans for the day? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
Thinking  i can hear the gears turning
3/1/2015 10:18:14 PM |
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Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
OK, I like the sound of your arbor idea and I would certainly grow it again if I had a spot to build exactly what you describe. I actually really like wisteria but just don't have the room to dedicate an area to let it go.
3/3/2015 9:42:21 PM |
Plans for the day? |


Granite Bay, CA
46, joined Jul. 2010
This what I had planned today. Plan accomplished. Terrarium

3/4/2015 12:29:55 PM |
Plans for the day? |


Parrott, GA
67, joined Apr. 2011
Missed the spring planting, it's already in the mid 80's here guess I better plant the okra & black eyed peas for summer

3/9/2015 8:55:16 AM |
Plans for the day? |


Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Get the tiller on the work bench
And remember to never let anyone borrow it again. 
3/10/2015 5:42:10 PM |
Plans for the day? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Plans for the day? Stay in the house and not go out in the rain.
3/11/2015 4:13:39 PM |
Plans for the day? |


Hendersonville, NC
55, joined Apr. 2013
Start getting part of the shop set up for starting beds ,
Have the lamps ,need to use them!
3/12/2015 11:16:35 PM |
Plans for the day? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Nothing outdoorsy. Too much rain and thawing ground.
3/13/2015 5:12:35 AM |
Plans for the day? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
Nothing outdoorsy. Too much rain and thawing ground.
nothing its monsoon season in Georgia seems like
3/13/2015 10:53:49 AM |
Plans for the day? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Really? Maybe the state will not complain over state lines this year and recreation can get back to normal.
3/13/2015 12:14:28 PM |
Plans for the day? |


Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
Howdy y'all...
This is me!!! Whalemstrsback! I am using this account until CS figures out or tells me what has happened to me!!!
I've been pretty busy these last two weeks.
I rebuilt my chicken coop and built two pens for my girls.
Since I am doing gardens this year I had to re-pen the girls up - they tear the crap out of everything in a garden right quick!
I have already planted a chunk of the wildflower seeds and I am working on a new area in my main garden that I am changing over to wildflower, hummingbird and butterfly plantings!
I should have that area done and planted today if I make it...
I've been mowing and watering and planting and feeding birds etc. almost non stop for months already!!!
Cup...I have Day lilies, Cana lilies, Calla lilies, Tiger lilies, purple, white, and yellow(?) irises, I had a ton of gladiolas until the gophers got them!
Just thought I would let y'all know what's happening in my world...
3/18/2015 6:36:15 PM |
Plans for the day? |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Dan ... Sorry to hear about your account problem. I had the same thing happen to me when my account was hacked a while back. Took CS a while to get everything straightened back out. I had to start an alternate profile, but identifiable to myself, in order to access DH. CS permitted it until my account was cleared and then the alternate profile was deleted when my actual profile came back online. Hope you have the same success as I did. CS is good to work with the members when they have legitimate problems.
On the bulbs ... I used to plant all those and more: hyacinthe, tulips, and the like. Had some wonderful specimens. I had to give up on a lot of my planting when I became widowed and moved to smaller quarters. Now I only tag along a few Iris and Day Lily roots, along with my bleeding hearts (born in February, you know) And have taken up to planting hosta with my roses and as borders around the footing. They can pretty much take care of themselves so I don't have to work so hard with them anymore. I love working in my yard but I am doing everything a little slower, and more carefully now that I am an old lady.
Hope you have some wonderful flowering gardens this year. Please continue to post pics. I do enjoy looking at them.
3/22/2015 3:36:12 AM |
Plans for the day? |


Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
Thanks Cup...still screwed up so I am stuck with this one for awhile longer I guess?
Hostas are something that I miss. I had them on various properties up in WA, but so far I have not even tried here. I do not have enough reliable shade in any area that I would feel comfortable planting it and knowing it would survive. So damn hot and dry here that you have to plan for sunburnttodeath!!! 
The onions I planted under the golden delicious apple tree are up and growing!
I still can't post a picture but will later.
My wildflower beds are starting to germinate and some of them, instead of looking brown, are starting to look green! Can't tell if it's mostly good plants or weeds yet! Except for certain areas - like the onions! I have to weed them with scissors in the next few days...
Lately I have been doing my best just to keep even with the purple vetch and other grasses and weeds that take over my orchard every year!  
I sure wish I could afford a couple of 23 yard loads of mulch!
Waiting on the next three days of possible rain! If it doesn't that's okay, it gives me cooler time to get ahead of the weeds and it helps the tender new plants to grow without being scorched by the blazing suns of this place!
Anyway, things are blooming and the place smells awesome right now!
Slowly but surely moving forward!
Have fun folks...
3/28/2015 10:28:53 PM |
Plans for the day? |


Ringgold, GA
63, joined Aug. 2014
if we don't start getting something done soon this thread going caputtttt
3/29/2015 9:13:56 AM |
Plans for the day? |


Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
I'm hurting from all the work I've been doing
almost non-stop for weeks now...
Between weeding and mowing and planting and tilling and watering...
It's not easy being all alone to get all of it done...

3/31/2015 4:24:49 AM |
Plans for the day? |


Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015

4/1/2015 2:40:47 PM |
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Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
Your flowers look great.
Busy here too. Got my veggie garden done with cool weather stuff, will wait about a week to start laying in a thick layer of grass clipping mulch between the plants. I usually put a layer of newspaper and cardboard underneath to compost in place. Today I am prepping my thornless blackberry rows for trellises, should have been done when planted a couple years ago but every spring gets really busy. My peach trees are at the end of the bloom cycle, so next couple weeks I'll be thinning the baby peaches so the rest will get extra sweet. Blueberries need one more thin application of manure and pine bark as they finish blooming and set fruit.
I'm going to keep my tomato, pepper and eggplant seedlings in pots for another month until the soil warms. Should be time to harvest some of the onions and leeks planted there. Every year in the past I have planted promptly after frost, yet the plants always sit about a month before they start to grow. Mayb e this will work better, maybe not. Fun to try anyway.
4/2/2015 7:05:40 AM |
Plans for the day? |


Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
Sounds great!
I am so buried - almost literally - in weeds right now...purple vetch to be specific!
I really like the stuff because it's a legume so the roots of it are fertilizing my soil. What I don't like is how it smothers my fruit trees and shrubs or flowers with total abandon and joy!!!  I've made it through a chunk of the orchard, but I still have well over 20 trees to unbury! We are starting to get our almost usual spring again in the next few days - chance of rain...  
I guess you hear in the news how bad it is out here?
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my well stays alive again for another year!!!
as to your soil warming - since you've decided to wait - why not go ahead and put plastic down and solarize the ground - which will also help it warm up?
anyway, have fun!!!
4/2/2015 8:16:00 PM |
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Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
I can't solarize my veggie garden because I keep it planted all year.(Except when I added 2 dumptruck loads of sand). We have a short spring and fall which makes it hard to get heirloom broccoli etc to mature. Winter is short too, but can have hard freezes. We get drought and water restrictions in the summer, but nothing like what you have out there.
I have few weed problems because I mulch around my peaches (and everything else), but I still have to handpick weeds out of the lawn all year long to keep them and their seeds out of my future mulch. In my opinion, I get better moisture retention, temperature modulation, and soil nutrient control with mulch than a 'cover crop" like vetch. Unless I am turning the vegetative mass back into the soil or using it for compost, I prefer to keep all growth gone from the root zone of my plants. Seems to be working for me so far.
5/21/2015 1:41:39 PM |
Plans for the day? |


Granite Bay, CA
46, joined Jul. 2010
I make terrariums small and large ones. So an indoor gardener.
I will be working on a large 40 gallon tank terrarium today. Eventually it will be a terrarium/coffee table.
Today I will be making a bunch of miniatures of these to have standing around the bottom.
Picture taken in Kyoto, Japan. Each statue is about knee high.

5/23/2015 12:24:37 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Tomorrow, I'll be putting my mom's tomato plants in a large flowerpot and planting some vegetables. Oh and weeding and weeding.
Whalemstrsback, can rhubarb be grown in your area?
5/26/2015 3:08:39 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
those are awesome statues! and making a terrarium with them in it sounds like a cool thing to do!
i planted two roots this spring - first time i remembered them and saw them when i had the money to buy them! they seem to be surviving - even with me fighting the gophers...

5/28/2015 2:07:32 PM |
Plans for the day? |


Bremen, GA
45, joined Sep. 2014
I have a tiny garden. Turning the soil with a shovel so im slow at building it. All this rain did my vegetables some good.
5/29/2015 9:21:48 AM |
Plans for the day? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
I heard rhubarb wouldn't thrive in hotter climates and could only be grown as annuals. I can't wait to see if yours will thrive. I wonder if they will eventually die back and return the following year.
The stalks here are usually as big as your thumb and we cannot pick them the first year.
Maybe there are different varieties for different climate zones?
5/29/2015 9:49:59 PM |
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Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
I too am in zone 7, but in Ga and not Cal. I tried rhubarb many years ago and it died out the second year. My understanding now is that rhubarb needs a colder winter than we have here to go dormant. Blocking afternoon sun can be a big help in the summer too to keep the crowns from getting hot. A new neighbor planted some this year, so I will watch to see if she has any luck.
5/29/2015 10:14:44 PM |
Plans for the day? |

Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Were you able to harvest any the first year, Tbirdracer?
If I decide to move south, I would like to grow some, if I could.
Please let me know if your neighbor has luck growing rhubarb, okay?
5/31/2015 11:23:08 PM |
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Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
My understanding is that rhubarb, like asparagus, is not supposed to be harvested until the 3rd year to allow the root crowns to get established. No, I didn't harvest any the first year, although they grew well. Only one came back up the second year and it wasn't nearly as healthy as the first year, so I didn't cut any stalks, hoping it would get better. It never came back up so I never tried again. I'll post back if I hear anything about anyone around me growing it and having success.
6/1/2015 2:19:31 PM |
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Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
I'm keeping my fingers crossed. They are still alive and appear to be growing. I live up at around 840 feet and i grow apples and peaches without a problem. That means I get at least 450 hours of temps below 45 degrees if I remember correctly.
Anyway, I'll try almost anything once and some things a couple of times if it works!
Or feels good!!!

6/2/2015 10:03:49 PM |
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Gainesville, GA
54, joined Nov. 2007
online now!
Well let us know how they work out long term.
I feel the same way, I'll try growing many different things.
Interesting, I am at about 1200ft and supposedly get 900-1000 chill hours. Your info makes a good comparison.
6/3/2015 5:02:54 PM |
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Burlington, VT
58, joined Dec. 2011
Here in Vermont, we can pick rhubarb on the second year.
How about red and black raspberries? (Not to be confused with black berries.)
Can they be grown there?