3/11/2015 4:02:32 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
Now I'm on more prescriptions than I can count, especially with my panic-disorder crap.
It's now official.
Any advice for me out there??? 
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3/11/2015 4:03:05 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
(I think I would have rather not known about it)
3/16/2015 9:04:30 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Lebanon, MO
45, joined Oct. 2014
Live life to the fullest extent possible
Be patient(no pun intended)
Learn new hobbies/pastimes
Don't allow things you can't do,to hold you down
Learn ways around your problems
Avoid the negative people
3/16/2015 9:11:53 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Oxon Hill, MD
97, joined Jun. 2014
I have 4 herniated discs in my neck and back..I started steroid treatment last Thursday on my neck.. This morning my neck feels better than it has since I broke it
3/17/2015 2:56:31 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
I have 4 herniated discs in my neck and back..I started steroid treatment last Thursday on my neck.. This morning my neck feels better than it has since I broke it
Honestly, the thought of STEROID TREATMENT scares the hell out of me...
3/18/2015 2:47:51 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Oxon Hill, MD
97, joined Jun. 2014
Honestly, the thought of STEROID TREATMENT scares the hell out of me...
I'm the same way..I'm willing to try almost anything to avoid being cut on anymore though..I'm having them in my back this Friday..
3/18/2015 2:51:44 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Oxon Hill, MD
97, joined Jun. 2014
Also if it will reduce the morphine and percocet I take..I'm cool with it..I take all these pills and they don't do sh¡t..
3/18/2015 6:58:43 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Litchfield, OH
65, joined Jul. 2010
3/19/2015 12:55:54 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
Also if it will reduce the morphine and percocet I take..I'm cool with it..I take all these pills and they don't do sh¡t..
You're probably immune to them...
3/19/2015 12:56:19 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
I can't get this to open. 
3/19/2015 5:21:40 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Oxon Hill, MD
97, joined Jun. 2014
You're probably immune to them...
You'd think my pain management Dr. would take that into consideration, instead of just increasing the dosage of the same old sh¡t.
3/19/2015 8:11:19 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
You'd think my pain management Dr. would take that into consideration, instead of just increasing the dosage of the same old sh¡t.
He's going to fry your damned brain.
3/19/2015 11:59:19 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Oxon Hill, MD
97, joined Jun. 2014
He might try...That's why I had the injections, and trying alternative methods of pain relief..
3/20/2015 1:08:41 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
He might try...That's why I had the injections, and trying alternative methods of pain relief..
Okay. Right now they have me on Soma, oxy-something-or-other, and Flexaril.
Now they are talking about something stronger. I have to go back to the dork-ter next week.
...and what the hell is Vicadin??
3/20/2015 5:15:42 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
I personally would opt for surgery... as in fact I did in 94'... had a crushed disc L5 in my back... after months of steroids that really did nothing at all... I finally got a referral for an MRI and then surgery...
It took 3 weeks to heal form this tiny cut they made but was well worth the time... I'm very happy I had this procedure done... oh ya... I was scared to death to go under the knife... but once again it was well worth it...
The above being said... I must cation you... be certain of your surgeons credentials... do your homework and ask many questions... I have seen first hand the nightmare a surgeon can cause that not qualified for the job...
3/21/2015 11:30:17 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
I personally would opt for surgery... as in fact I did in 94'... had a crushed disc L5 in my back... after months of steroids that really did nothing at all... I finally got a referral for an MRI and then surgery...
It took 3 weeks to heal form this tiny cut they made but was well worth the time... I'm very happy I had this procedure done... oh ya... I was scared to death to go under the knife... but once again it was well worth it...
The above being said... I must cation you... be certain of your surgeons credentials... do your homework and ask many questions... I have seen first hand the nightmare a surgeon can cause that not qualified for the job...
Man, I am scared to death of shots in the arm.... I would NEVER want to go under the knife.
3/22/2015 7:04:14 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
I have herniated discs in neck and lower back. I am now taking prescription strength ibuprofen or naproxen depends. I also take ultram. I have had three back surgeries over the past 10 years or so.
Have they prescribed physical therapy?
3/22/2015 4:40:55 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
I have herniated discs in neck and lower back. I am now taking prescription strength ibuprofen or naproxen depends. I also take ultram. I have had three back surgeries over the past 10 years or so.
Have they prescribed physical therapy?
Yes. It sucks. I don't go half the time.
3/22/2015 9:13:01 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |

Cincinnati, OH
56, joined Sep. 2012
I went to PT but it was useless.
3/22/2015 9:20:41 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
I went to PT but it was useless.
I have heard that from more than one person.
3/23/2015 1:14:31 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Oxon Hill, MD
97, joined Jun. 2014
Okay. Right now they have me on Soma, oxy-something-or-other, and Flexaril.
Now they are talking about something stronger. I have to go back to the dork-ter next week.
...and what the hell is Vicadin??
vicodin is hydrocodone..Yeah I'm on pretty much the same thing MS Contin which is time released morphine, percocet, Lyrica and flexeril..You might wanna talk to your Dr. about Lyrica it's for nerve pain..I've been taking it for a few months, It seems to be working pretty good.
For every favorable story I hear about surgery, I hear 50 unfavorable stories..I'm gonna exhaust every possible option, before I consider getting cut on..
[Edited 3/23/2015 1:15:39 AM ]
3/23/2015 2:21:31 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
For every favorable story I hear about surgery, I hear 50 unfavorable stories..I'm gonna exhaust every possible option, before I consider getting cut on..
I agree.
3/23/2015 4:51:01 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Red Bluff, CA
60, joined Feb. 2015
I have been dealing with the very same stuff since i was 45 and i will be 58 in a few months... The doctors pumped me full of drugs and then want to pump more in. I was on vicodin for over 3 years along with all the others mentioned. The last one they wanted to put me on was oxycontin and I said no more. I use a chiropractor and aspirin now... nothing else has worked and I am not getting cut up or have things put in me if I can help it...
3/24/2015 2:29:51 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008

3/25/2015 2:27:12 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
OUCH. This medication sucks.
3/31/2015 2:12:46 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |

Crivitz, WI
55, joined Jan. 2013
Be careful with steroids. After about 3 of them it is poisonous to your body and causes other problems Prescriptions cause problems too! IBS ill follow if you don't eat proper and drink plenty of water.
4/1/2015 7:35:05 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |
Myrtle Beach, SC
44, joined Jun. 2014
I'm on percocet neurotin and soma. It sucks pt didn't do anything for me. I'm currently going to the spinal institute of Charleston and hopefully they will be able to get me straightened out. Though the Dr said yesterday it didn't look good in still holding out hope.
4/3/2015 12:07:22 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
Be careful with steroids. After about 3 of them it is poisonous to your body and causes other problems Prescriptions cause problems too! IBS ill follow if you don't eat proper and drink plenty of water. 
I'm experiencing that now.
4/3/2015 12:34:11 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Litchfield, OH
65, joined Jul. 2010
I can't get this to open. 
DECEMBER 10, 1996
What Are RSIs?
Occupational RSIs, or repetitive stress injuries, comprise more than one hundred different types of job-induced injuries and illnesses resulting from wear and tear on the body. RSIs are one of the fastest growing workplace injuries, and can result any time there is a mismatch between the physical requirements of the job and the physical capacity of the human body. Specific risk factors that can cause RSIs include repetitive motion, force, awkward posture, heavy lifting, or a combination of these factors.
RSIs can be so severe that they inhibit the ability to accomplish many simple activities, or destroy a worker's ability to continue to perform the job. Among the most common causes of RSIs are:
Speeding Up the Line: The poultry processing workforce has almost doubled in size since 1980, in part to meet Americans' desire for lean and easy-to-cook meat. But the increase in demand for chicken has had a corresponding rise in RSIs in poultry workers. Over the past 15 years, line speeds in poultry plants have risen for a number of reasons to a maximum allowable rate of 91 chickens per minute, up from the high 50s. Automation, which generally has improved working conditions around the world, has also created in some cases work that is faster than ever, subject to electronic surveillance, and reduced to limited tasks that are numbingly repetitive and often resulting in crippling injuries, debilitating pain, and severe impairment of bodily capacity. At one poultry plant in Mississippi, workers' bathroom breaks are monitored and limited to three per week.
Intensive Keying: Leslie S., 26, spent her days clicking details onto computer drawings of historic ruins for a part of the Federal government's American building survey. After 10 months on the job, Leslie could no longer hold the mouse, write with a pen or brush her teeth without experiencing a burning pain. She tried many solutions: physical therapy, wrist braces, and anti-inflammatory drugs, but nothing provided the relief she needed. Her doctor recommended Leslie leave her job, and, distraught, she did. After consulting with five doctors and undergoing a six-month program of physical and occupational therapy, Leslie has finally regained the use of her left hand, but must follow a regimen prescribed by her doctor of applying ice, heat and self-massage to her arm and upper body every evening.
Repetitive and Heavy Lifting: For more than 11 years Henry G. has been a driver for a large delivery service. In 1994, the company more than doubled the weight limit on boxes, raising it from 70 pounds to 150 pounds. After all of those years of picking up and delivering hundreds of packages a day under heavy time pressures, Henry's back finally snapped -- and on the day the new weight limit went into effect. It was his first on-the-job injury. He needed surgery to correct the damage and today keeps the two-and-one-half inch screws and steel clamps from his back in a small plastic container to remind him of the hazards of his job.
RSIs account for one in four lost-time injuries and illnesses reported by employers to the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- 615,000 in 1993. Of that number, 65 percent involved backs and 32 percent involved upper extremities. "
4/3/2015 12:56:01 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Litchfield, OH
65, joined Jul. 2010
I herniated my L-5 disc one day at work when I was around your age, 45 or so. All my years of working on truck docks also caused degenerative disc disease, repetitive stress injuries.
I missed 7 months of work due to sciatica, it felt like someone had stabbed me above my butt and ran all the way down to my left heel. The doctor I saw also did sports medicine for the Cleveland Indians, he thought I was a bit young to get started on surgery and put me on a physical therapy program, it took 7 months, but the pain went away.
That type of injury was common amongst dock workers and truck drivers, contrary to what a lot of people think? That freight didn't move itself off the truck, especially back when labor was cheaper than a fork lift.
4/7/2015 6:59:02 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
(at least the pain went away)
4/22/2015 2:42:31 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Sacramento, CA
63, joined Oct. 2010
My personal belief is to opt for the most healthy life style and least invasive treatment possible and I am still functioning at an acceptable level 30 years after doctors wanted to dose me up routinely with steroids and narcotics and started talking surgery when the field was light years behind where it is today or write me off.
Herniating disks is way easier than just working hard but definitely a common side effect of many job descriptions. I think women are particularly susceptible because we often take our "Jobs" of looking like a female (heels and push up bras that make for lousy body mechanics0 and the chores of homemaking and parenting (carrying ridiculous weights especially kids and grocery)and making repetitive motions a fact of life. Look at the primary occupations women do?
Short courses of medication to disrupt spasticity and pain so rest, and healing can occur and physical therapy can correct bad body mechanics and strengthen often grossly neglected tissue (muscle) development or re-development in supporting muscles (many in the opposing muscles of the belly) and bones is vital. If you really want to get well, and eventually the pain will give you no choice, it takes real commitment and hard often uncomfortable and frustrating sometimes expensive work. Often major dietary changes that have exacerbated the damage by dehydration and obesity even allergic reaction. (I hurt like hell when I eat certain foods no matter how much of my "stress gut" I have worked off and I get overheated and dehydrated because I am too hard headed to give up on a gardening job I pay for it in spastic muscles for sure. Is it hard not to pick up my grandbabies? Hell yea but it is harder on them seeing me miserable. I have found that half assed following medical advice and thinking just because I "live" in my body that I am always the expert is only going to prolong the agony. Did I have a love hate relationship with my physical terrorist? lol You bet. Did I have to do my homework and run not walk away from a few crack pot doctors that wanted to just pill me and bill me? You bet. It does pay to do your homework and look at the stats for their work. Some places I would not let touch me with a ten foot pole. If I had to have surgery I would travel where my odds are the bets and yes even go under the knife but to me living with a degree of pain is not worth the risk of infection, cost, and life disruption, and so forth until it is intolerable. So what I have a bad day now and then?
All that said I have seen hydro therapy, spending for good seating, sleeping furniture and good shoes work wonders but what you did to damage your body for years will not go away quickly and sometimes short courses of steroids or narcotics are the only way to interrupt the inflammation that often does as much harm as the original injury. Treating pain is critical because a painful angry body will turn on itself. Where you start out having a back problem can end up with addictions, social isolation (your friends and family will desert you is you get to be a big enough pain in the ass), anxiety disorder, depression, and as someone mention major stomach and bowel problems, or even liver failure.
Over the years I have seen so many miracle cures come and go I am not going to be anyone's lab rat or teaching experience for a new medication procedure. If the doctor will not dumb it down and make me understand what it is suppose to do and why forget it. While I have had a few doctors give me crap about refusing whatever is the newest and the latest I am still not waiting in line for some malpractice payout that will make the lawyers rich but not cover my side effects. Something that was particularly true of steroids when they first came on the market and were not fine tuned the way they are today. And even though I ended my child bearing "age" early I certainly would have major reservations what I had ingested or inserted in my body for a kid to have to "process".
Also living alone does NOT work well with many medical treatments and standing your ground about having the support you need to get through treatment is worth the effort. Sometimes the headache of getting that additional care is and effort but it can prevent serious "complications " it is worth it.
4/22/2015 10:42:56 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
I live alone... with a big-ass Rottweiler....
7/3/2015 11:20:54 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |
Shawnee, KS
53, joined Nov. 2014
Yes me to plus pinched nerves was taken so many different meds plus the steriod shot in my back that was until I goggled it your not suppose to have no more than 3 per year and they will deterate your muscle tissue as well as weaken your bones causing them to break very easy.in the long run you will need hip replacements, and all the meds will destroy your liver so I said the hell with my meds and the shots I now do water exercise it really helps piss on them damn doctors 
7/6/2015 8:05:36 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Woodlyn, PA
62, joined Dec. 2010
Man, I am scared to death of shots in the arm.... I would NEVER want to go under the knife.
For this, the shots go into your spine. I've had them. They have helped but I still have arthritis in my lower back. I have good days and bad.
7/16/2015 11:43:19 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Las Vegas, NV
47, joined Dec. 2008
OUCH!! (referring to shots in the spine)
10/30/2015 5:50:02 AM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |

Mount Vernon, IN
47, joined Feb. 2014
Yes I too have herniated disks from being a tech in nursing homes from 1996-2010. Add a tear in the tissue degenerative disk disease and osteo arthritis and I hurt 24/7/365(~366 for leap years). Utility ppl have back problems they tend to think we r faking!
11/21/2015 9:08:16 PM |
*Herniated disks from years of working hard? SERIOUSLY?* |


Mishawaka, IN
66, joined Dec. 2010
Whether a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease cortisone injections are, usually, a temporary fix. Once one has a spinal fusion the levels above and below have more pressure and stress and wear out faster. If one decides to live with it the root nerves can be permanently damaged and fusion won't do anything.
They do have artificial disc's now that allow for full mobility. Unfortunately I just had my eighth fusion since 1998. Two were redo's. One redo was caused by a car/truck accident (I was not driving) The other just didn't fuse. I wish they had artificial disc's back than.
No, my neurosurgeon is not knife happy. From the first time I see him until deciding to do surgery is typically five months. He prescribes every conservative avenue in the book until they've all been tried. We even try a pain management doctor. The last item on the list is surgery.
My last fusion was October 28, 2015. I was at work and the ladder shifted beneath me. I obtain copies of all MRI's, Cat Scans, x-rays, etc. This last one the disc tore away and lodged against the spinal cord. I could see a half circle indentation on the spinal cord. My right leg collapsing under me had me more concerned than the pain and the pain was from my hips down to my feet.
Wait until you can't take it anymore before doing surgery but remember narcotic pain killers are hiding an injury that can become permanent even if the cause is removed.