6/8/2015 7:13:04 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
With all the negative energy lately I thought I'd inject some positive thought. I do volunteer work when I can by going to the goodwill and hanging up clothes. I at least try to be patient with the senior citizens in rush hour traffic and I say thank you when I leave the check out lines no matter how long it took.
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6/8/2015 12:07:08 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Harrodsburg, KY
37, joined Aug. 2014
online now!
I have done volunteer work at my local library and food bank in the past. It has been about a year since I have and need to start again.
6/8/2015 3:12:18 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Monroe, WI
60, joined Apr. 2006
Everyday of the last 10 to 11 yrs,I help people daily,or do a favor with in reason.And I tend to get caught up in unreasonable requests also. 21/2 month of moving someone,that didn't hardly help.I did slap my self and say STUPID ...STUPID.lol
Since 6 AM just today.
1/ Took a senior out for coffee because they can't drive for 2 weeks.
2/Piggy wiggle let 3 people go a head of me in line,just because I didn't put my debit card back in billfold.And if any of you know a woman with big purse,it takes us hours if we lost something in bottom of purse.
3/Picked up boxes for neighbor moving,I was at store anyways.
4/Offered free pernials to neighbors if they would thin them out,some were great they took a few weeds too.
5/ Middle age woman was dog sitting, and taking 2 med sz dogs for a walk,was in flower bed and saw her sweating.Took a bucket of water for dogs, and bottle of water for woman.She even sat for 30 mins, they all got a good rest.And I have a new neighbor friend.Heck I needed a break also.
So this in 6 hours of waking this AM. No one should ever let a day go by with out helping someone.Because it not always all about you and the reward of a thank you,or a smile is priceless.
6/8/2015 4:55:00 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Green Bay, WI
52, joined Jul. 2013
I sometimes help out at my son school, he has autism, so it's really cool to help out others, kids are really smart
6/8/2015 7:12:31 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Johnston, IA
48, joined Sep. 2014
When i come here an offer my advise.
6/9/2015 10:38:41 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
When i come here an offer my advise.
Actually, being a self absorbed, narsasistic "selfie" addict doesn't "pay it forward". It just shows that you never matured past being a teenager.
And IF you ever have "any" advice (much less "good"), you be sure & let us know!!!
Me? I volunteer at the food pantry & the Humane Society & the DFL Committee & a few other places when I can.
Several years ago I was the Project Manager on a house built solely by women for a woman & her children through Habitat for Humanity.
Just being a polite & courteous human being is just something that I do daily (babysitting, bringing a friend for cancer treatments, horse/dog sitting, giving rides, pulling people out of the ditch, etc.) Being kind to others just makes me feel good - even if the person on the receiving end ends up being a royal b*tch.....

6/9/2015 12:37:04 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
I worked in a nursing facility and one of the residents daughters would have "Oldies Night" on Sunday evening. We all looked forward to sing along and dancing after supper. Also their was an older couple that sometimes would bring their dogs in to visit. I had a pet whatchamichalit dog that the bedridden people would save bacon for on the days we visited. Volunteers usually are given approval to visit so just be sure to check with the facility first.
6/9/2015 4:16:21 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Johnston, IA
48, joined Sep. 2014
Actually, being a self absorbed, narsasistic "selfie" addict doesn't "pay it forward". It just shows that you never matured past being a teenager.
And IF you ever have "any" advice (much less "good"), you be sure & let us know!!!
Me? I volunteer at the food pantry & the Humane Society & the DFL Committee & a few other places when I can.
Several years ago I was the Project Manager on a house built solely by women for a woman & her children through Habitat for Humanity.
Just being a polite & courteous human being is just something that I do daily (babysitting, bringing a friend for cancer treatments, horse/dog sitting, giving rides, pulling people out of the ditch, etc.) Being kind to others just makes me feel good - even if the person on the receiving end ends up being a royal b*tch.....

Quoted from woman outraged.
(((I campaigned locally - door to door for Obama & the other liberals - supporter". Trust me, Sista, I was the one person in my district who volunteered to be arrested to protest the racist running against my local state)))
You forgot to list this^^^^^
6/9/2015 4:33:28 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Johnston, IA
48, joined Sep. 2014
I would have gone on&on...as i have seen others with long list...but because of the fact that it only matters what God sees...really holds no value to list here...trust me though i do plenty.
Narcissistic is what im called for my first statement, which was a joke.
I believe that with one particular post..."women outraged"..would show narcissistic tendency.
6/9/2015 6:30:43 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Pittsburgh, PA
64, joined Dec. 2013
I did my best to gently nudge our thoughts into happy ones so that we can prove that we can all get along, Boy what a MISTAKE that was. Thanks Cinn but some "People dont fit in even if it is only social media. Young lady, Get help. Everyone else Nanu,Nanu or whatever. Peace and love.
6/9/2015 7:59:41 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Johnston, IA
48, joined Sep. 2014
I did my best to gently nudge our thoughts into happy ones so that we can prove that we can all get along, Boy what a MISTAKE that was. Thanks Cinn but some "People dont fit in even if it is only social media. Young lady, Get help. Everyone else Nanu,Nanu or whatever. Peace and love.
It was happy thoughts...
However...which young lady are you saying needs help...thagurl? shes the youngest one that responded.
What did she say that would require needing help?.
Or are you talking about the one that took my comment and made some slide sarcastic remarks?
I think you would need to look closely at what she said...because she to me would be the one needing help.
My first comment was a joke..but looks like only a couple took it wrong and couldn't find humor.
I guess we cant all get along.
And your positive energy got turned into negative when my comment was quoted with a negative response.
Yes..peace love and happiness.
[Edited 6/9/2015 8:01:21 PM ]
6/10/2015 5:30:16 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Monroe, WI
60, joined Apr. 2006
Janet and Cinn even tho many people know you both pay forward daily.It's only takes one
person to try and disrupt the intent of the topic.
There is good in all people.Some can't be tactful tho, to just shut up.
Even tho there are people we don't see eye to eye with.We all have to fund the grace of giving a lending ear.I found mine at Spencer's gag store. at 2 cents.
My 2 cents worth.
6/10/2015 7:52:11 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Johnston, IA
48, joined Sep. 2014
even tho many people know you both pay forward daily.It's only takes one
person to try and disrupt the intent of the topic.
There is good in all people.Some can't be tactful tho, to just shut up.
Actually, being a self absorbed, narsasistic "selfie" addict doesn't "pay it forward". It just shows that you never matured past being a teenager.
Y'all are blind...^^^^^^^
See the quote cinn took from my comment?
Naw ya didn't.
If she would have been "tactful and shut up" there wouldnt have been any reason for me to say a word.
All in a womans world...alrighty then.

[Edited 6/10/2015 7:53:27 PM ]
6/11/2015 8:46:10 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Kansas City, KS
28, joined Feb. 2013
I adopted a cat from the pound. Unfortunately I'm too busy just trying to take care of myself I don't have time to pay it forward. Soon I hope to be in a little more comfortable spot with work where I can tho.
6/12/2015 3:22:55 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Dixie, you pay it forward all the time! You're just too kind of a person to notice it.
I've been reading your posts for at least a year & you always inspire me to try harder & do better - especially when it comes to taking care of myself!!!
The kitty adoption is nothing to sneeze at - unless you're alergic! lol. That's such a cool thing. Cats are especially hard to place in a good home.
Congrats to you!
Now would you be interested in adopting a 1967 Ford 3/4 ton with only 2500 miles on the rebuilt engine.....?

6/15/2015 11:27:09 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |

Lincoln, NE
45, joined Jun. 2010
Speaking of kitties... I have volunteered every Sunday morning for the last 5 1/2 years at a no-kill cat shelter. I love it! I also work adoption days for them at the pet store and we take the cats to nursing homes. Please get your pets spayed and neutered!!
6/15/2015 2:05:47 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Kansas City, KS
28, joined Feb. 2013
Dixie, you pay it forward all the time! You're just too kind of a person to notice it.
I've been reading your posts for at least a year & you always inspire me to try harder & do better - especially when it comes to taking care of myself!!!
The kitty adoption is nothing to sneeze at - unless you're alergic! lol. That's such a cool thing. Cats are especially hard to place in a good home.
Congrats to you!
Now would you be interested in adopting a 1967 Ford 3/4 ton with only 2500 miles on the rebuilt engine.....?

Aww cinnamon your kind words have brightened my day.
I'm far from allergic to cats, but the boyfriend is. I have stock in allergy pills on hand just for him.
I already have a few adopted stray homeless vehicles. But what the heck. What's one more!? Lol what's the story behind the ford? I feel like there's a good story there.
6/17/2015 3:42:52 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Crete, IL
39, joined May. 2011
I pay it forward by running a website with my sister. What we do is set up donation pick ups and drop offs to family's in need in our county. We currently oversee almost 2,000 people helping us .
6/17/2015 8:40:05 PM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Monroe, WI
60, joined Apr. 2006
I pay it forward by running a website with my sister. What we do is set up donation pick ups and drop offs to family's in need in our county. We currently oversee almost 2,000 people helping us .
That's wonderful you take the time for others, that may be in need of clothing,food household etc.To many people now adays,tend to worry only about themself.I find it amazing we all could do with a little less when helping someone,that maybe in ruins,of a storm, fire,homeless etc etc.
Odd I can fine someone everyday that I can help, even if it's just a hello call to check if they are well.
6/19/2015 7:22:53 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Quoted from woman outraged.
(((I campaigned locally - door to door for Obama & the other liberals - supporter". Trust me, Sista, I was the one person in my district who volunteered to be arrested to protest the racist running against my local state)))
You forgot to list this^^^^^
No. You just need to learn how to read (DFL) & for heaven sakes, buy yourself a dictionary.
Actually, I feel bad for you. I hate when I'm having an occasional bad day & the "crabby" kicks in. It's seems like can't escape your "crabby". That must be lonely - living in your small world of hate & anger. Maybe some sort of therapy might help. You've got a lot of years left & it would be a pity if you spend the second half of your life being so full of venum. I know a few people like you & they just have a sad & lonely existance. That's no way to live.
Sometimes it's hard to think of how I "pay it forward" because it doesn't have to be some monumental event. I'm nice to people all day every day. When people cut me off in traffic, I wave. I always hold doors, let people go ahead of me in line (cuz I love my coupons!), & if there's someone in front of me that comes up a little short in cash I usually just tell the cashier to add it to my bill (as long as its not a huge amount).
I've gotten the reputation around here that I'm the next best thing to the animal shelter. People call me with strays all the time. I had to tell the Mayor to stop advertising for me. For a while there he was bringing me a dog & a cat per week. Then I guess people started to hear that & people were just leaving pets here for me to find. A few years ago the price of hay sky rocketed & I ended up with 8 miniature horses. They just ended up in my pasture (behind the barn) so I didn't even know they were there until my neighbor said, "So, I see you got some horses." My response, "I did?!?" So I went to find them, brought them in for water & immediately went to buy horse feed. lol. I called my husband to tell him about the horses. He said, "Don't you dare feed them." He hung up & later told me what his boss said - "You know she's out buying them food." My husband said, "Yeah, I know she is." (it only took him 2 hours to fall in love with them too & in the morning he was the one checking on them)
Tonight I'll be babysitting the ney's young 'uns, but I don't feel that I'm paying it forward because, you see, people pay it back forward to me. She helps me in so many ways. Giving her & her fiancé an occasional night out makes them happy, makes the kids happy & that makes me happy.
A simple kind gesture to anyone just might turn their crumby day into a day that turned out okay after all.....

6/19/2015 9:42:19 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Kansas City, KS
28, joined Feb. 2013
I wish there was a hugging booth at the mall. They would hire sweet motherly/grandmotherly types who would grasp you against her bosom in a bear hug, pat you on the back, and blather 'there there everything will be ok you'll see in time. When I was a child blah blah blah' then shed hand you a homemade cookie and send you in your way.
Sometimes I just need a hug.
6/19/2015 10:15:12 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Minneapolis, MN
53, joined Apr. 2014
Sometimes I just need a hug.
I hear ya there, Dixie!
Yesterday I had a frustrating issue. I was thinking it out, looking for solutions, & then thought "sometimes I wish I could have a good cry". I rarely cry (for me), but show me a sad news story, a pet (or any animal) in distress or dying & then I turn into a puddle.
Sometimes all ya need is a good hug!
So I'm sending you a "hug" from MN today! And I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!

6/20/2015 6:09:31 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Monroe, WI
60, joined Apr. 2006
Dixie your quite right,everyone needs a hug,some people are only takers and there are those who offer that listening skill,as part of a healing.Many times that's all that's needed.
Either jester shows you have interest,for that person to pay forward again.
No one says life is easy.but good friends,and family tend to help pave a weeded path again.
6/22/2015 2:29:05 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |


Pinon Hills, CA
46, joined Sep. 2011
Been volunteering for 5 years.
7/19/2015 6:33:36 AM |
How do you pay it forward? |
Shawnee, KS
53, joined Nov. 2014
I do for others (go places for them)even when I don't want to I just smile and say yea I can that for you.. Get in my car and be like wtf every time I visit its always something. Lol. But I like helping the elderly when they need help with anything when they're out shopping etc... I like helping children and playing with them some of the toys are fun.lol