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Hey, Eddy, I'm not experienced in these matters and it will show with this comment. I thought for $200 you could get an all nighter, not just 1 hour. Again, I am not experinced. Actually I have only had sex with one lady in my life and that lasted 34 years (not the sex, the marriage). So what would it take to go all evening?

[Edited 9/24/2008 9:11:56 AM]

9/24/2008 7:48:12 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Ottawa, ON
age: 35

that's insane.. I even ask the waiter/waitress why she automatically hands me the bills.. they don't really know what to reply with.

And FYI.. I pay for the date.. because I have learned that if I don't.. there is no second date for me.

I'm not a rockstar or a tall dude with a 12 inch c*ck so I have to pay... not putting myself down but that's just the reality of it and also the reality of paying for every date for many other men.

The few times a woman did pay.. she gave me the "I just didn't feel any chemistry" speech or one actually said "I didn't like that I had to pay.. that means you are cheap and I don't like cheap men"

So.. either I pay.. or I don't get to play.

Which brings me to why I believe escorts are better for me. 200 bucks ( average cost of a date ) and I get sex for one hour.. no drama, no awkwardness I get what I want ( sex ) and she gets what she wants ( money ).


9/24/2008 7:50:51 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  
Maricopa, AZ
age: 55

eddy????...I am your next escort.......( wink ) Sea

9/24/2008 7:54:40 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Beaver, UT
age: 38 online now!

I think money must be spent to get the lady and if you don't spend you don't get.

You mean a lady standing on a corner? Sure if thats what you want

I don't mind spending money, but i don't tolerate a women that expects my ex wife was that way and once in a while i would buy her something out of the blue. becaues if i'm giving something, it's because "I" want to, not because someone expects it. There are alot of women in this world that been brought up that the man should take care of her and i agree. It's a mans job to provide for the one your with. She wants to know she is going to be taken care of, but there is a limit to things. Then you have the women that have this, i sleep with you so give me what i want. To them, i say if you want somthing "GET A JOB". Then you have the women that know how to provide for themselves and don't need a man to do anything for them. I respect that and say good for them As to thinking that you need alot of money to find someone, if that were true. Then all 30 women that i been with in my life time were suckers and had no clue on life and thought of themselves as losers. YEEEEEEEEAH RIIIIIIIGHT. To me it all in how you present yourself. Now mind you, being a man that has long hair these days is a little harder to find someone, but my personality out ways the way i look and it's gotten me along ways for the better in my life.

9/24/2008 7:55:34 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Ottawa, ON
age: 35

I dunno.. since I am paying for it.. I can literally afford to be picky about where my penis goes.. what a complete flip from dating where I had to jump through whatever hoops the woman wanted me too in order for me to have sex.

I much prefer it this way... I don't need to date anymore.. I have friends for companionship and escorts for sex.

Best of both worlds!

9/24/2008 7:59:57 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Omaha, NE
age: 50

I dunno theshawdow I like long hair on a guy but not as long as mine

9/24/2008 8:03:55 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Las Cruces, NM
age: 56

ROFLMAO!!! Ok Eddy.. your beginning to grow on me... I'm a sick person!!

9/24/2008 8:05:04 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Ottawa, ON
age: 35

Either hate me or love me.. don't be a lame bisexual.

9/24/2008 8:18:43 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Beaver, UT
age: 38 online now!


What i'm looking at is, times have changed. MTV used to be rock and back then long hair was in. it's kinda coming back but not as strong as it was. Now a days it's about rap and alot of crap and alot of people trying to fit in. So my interest in what i'm looking for is going to take a tad longer knowing i can't stand how socity is today. Alot of women and i'm not talking about the women on this forum. Well maybe some, but anyway. They have this you have to impress them keep there interest and i do understand that. But at the same time. Talking about music, going out to party blah blah blah. I find alot of women boring and have no sence on life and the simple things it has to offer that can be enjoyed if one lets it. Having long hair, i get asked alot if i party and if i get high. "BIG TURN OFF" and thats when usually the so call conversation is over. I could go on, but like i said on this thread. My personality out ways my looks for the better.

[Edited 9/24/2008 8:22:13 AM]

9/24/2008 8:23:04 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Horseheads, NY
age: 43

i shouldnt have to spend money to get a lady. what happened to fishing, or hiking, or sight seeing. everythings about money these days and when the convo turns to "what do you do" or "what do you drive" im to be them

9/24/2008 8:57:23 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Jacksonville, FL
age: 47

there are just some things money cant buy,my affection is one, why does a man have to spend a ton of money to impress a woman.....just spend time,that should be good enough,if a woman expects a man to drop a load of money on them,then they dont care about what the man has to offer beyond money.....

9/24/2008 9:00:39 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Seattle, WA
age: 47 online now!

I often encounter women who insist on paying once in a while. I like that it tells me that she's not just in it for all she can get from me. A woman who insists on picking up half of the tabs that we incur is generally serious about a serious relationship --- a partnership, if you will.

If, after a several dates, I have paid for everything, that's a good clue that she's looking to become a dependant rather than a partner. That doesn't work for me. I can afford it; it's just that I'm not willing to pay for a relationship.

I'd prefer that most dates involve cooking for or with each other and spending time together someplace other than a bar, a restaurant, a movie theater, etc. If most of the time we spend together isn’t spent talking and enjoying each other’s company, there’s something wrong.

I enjoy many forms of entertainment and I'll be spending money on concerts and comedy and other things from time to time, whether I'm involved with someone or not. So I don't mind and often enjoy giving a lady an opportunity to join me in enjoying that entertainment. It’s a gift: I expect nothing in return.

[Edited 9/24/2008 9:21:24 AM]

9/24/2008 9:09:20 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Irving, TX
age: 61

"Which brings me to why I believe escorts are better for me. 200 bucks ( average cost of a date ) and I get sex for one hour.. no drama, no awkwardness I get what I want ( sex ) and she gets what she wants ( money ).

9/24/2008 9:11:18 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Seattle, WA
age: 47 online now!

Quote from phredrick:
Which brings me to why I believe escorts are better for me. 200 bucks ( average cost of a date ) and I get sex for one hour.. no drama, no awkwardness I get what I want ( sex ) and she gets what she wants ( money ).


Hey, Eddy, I'm not experienced in these matters and it will show with this comment. I thought for $200 you could get an all nighter, not just 1 hour. Again, I am not experinced. Actually I have only had sex with one lady in my life and that lasted 34 years (not the sex, the marriage). So what would it take to go all evening?

Paying for sex: that's sad.

[edit: (chatting detected so I can't post again)


The paying for it part is sad.

34 years with one woman: I salute you.

I should have made that clearer.]

[Edited 9/24/2008 9:19:22 AM]

9/24/2008 9:12:36 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Ottawa, ON
age: 35

Price varies from country to country. 200 is for an hour here from a good escort.

$1400 for 12 hours. ( over nighter )

Or.. you can goto a bar and spend 60 bucks on beer and bring home a bar skank.. but yer at higher risk getting an STD from a bar skank.

200 bucks... peace of mind!

9/24/2008 9:13:02 AM Are men willing to spend money to get lady ?  

Irving, TX
age: 61

Hey, Forum. What's sad? I don't understand.

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