9/22/2007 7:28:52 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Again.. for me it has nothing to do with trust. It has to do with respect. I would like to think my guy would trust me but how much respect would he have for me if I sat down nekked next to his buddy on the couch to watch football? lol same difference.. RESPECT!
9/22/2007 7:30:13 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Lake Worth, FL
age: 37
its just what they need to do....its a man thing...much like grilling meat with fire....burping...scratching themselves...ect ect...if he spends more than 200.00 then i would be pissed...cause i know about the back rooms....lap dance fine...backroom action...i will kill him
9/22/2007 9:11:03 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Jacksonville, NC
age: 26
Trublue for me as a young guy from 18 - 21 I was a big strip club goer with my friends and I see nothing wrong with that personally because as long as you turn out fine thats all that matters... I have never met a male that has never been to a strip club having a g/f or no g/f atleast he was honest she should respect that and forget about it I would not care if my girl went to a chip n dales deal.... it's all in fun..
Disrespect would have been him lying to her... she failed to see he confided trust in her... now she is blowing it by getting pissed this is where a lot of women screw up with men getting mad at them when they are honest so then guys just begin to hide things...
[Edited 9/22/2007 9:14:33 PM]
9/22/2007 9:32:25 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Yerington, NV
age: 45
Hey! I have to agree with blue. It is about respect whether she knows about it or not. What good comes from a strip club? other than some people getting their rocks of so to speak.
In a relationship it takes two to make it work, that means comprising is involved the comprises that I am refering to has nothing to do with strip clubs. Its the kind that is benefitial to the whole of the relationship not the individual.
Now I have never been to a strip club, oh don't get me wrong i have wanted to but i believe that there is more important things in life than going there. Thats the question that needs to be ask of oneself is it really good for my relationship or not?
If an individual is single without committments to another then I say go for it. Now besides all this, I thought those places were for loosers? ladies u tell me.
9/22/2007 9:33:44 PM |
Strip Clubs |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
Tru, Everyone knows now that i've worked in them and as far as my experience...We were harder on them then thier gf's or wives...We all dislike liars and cheats...If anyone ever dare try to touch me or any of my friends..they would get hurt but, we all should feel free to go if we chose, alot of places are not low life or have "wh*res" just waiting to take the guys money. Men are very visual creatures and to tell them NO is almost setting ourselves up for failure..learn that it is not you he don't find attractive he just wishes to see more. And, Women do and should have these same rights 
It is about honesty to me. jmo
[Edited 9/22/2007 9:34:04 PM]
9/22/2007 9:44:26 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Meadville, PA
age: 44
Exactly, it's about whether it's good for the relationship, same as many other things we do or don't do just because we love someone.
I do agree with peaches that it doesn't mean the women don't behave with morality; I just don't think it's about that; it's about whether they go in the first place. If the woman is fine with it, fine. But if she's not, her feelings should be honored. Same way if he didn't her to go visit an ex or something.
Sorry tx but I gotta say "Oh Pshaw". People hide things for lots of reasons but rarely when they feel they're 100% in the right.
I hear this logic from men all the time, which really disturbs me. I'm surely not going to turn it into some excuse to praise him for honesty when he knows it's damaging to the relationship. Same as "hi honey I stole a car today, isn't it great that I did something that caused great stress in our relationship but I told you the truth?" Then the woman won't let him go near car lots anymore and it's HER fault for not trusting him and gosh she has forced him to lie in the future? That's a stretch.
9/22/2007 9:46:09 PM |
Strip Clubs |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
We as women should not get so upset and angry tho...why? What does that do? It only starts making them think they have to keep secrets...not good or healthy for any relationship..jmo
9/22/2007 9:49:13 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Cape Girardeau, MO
age: 18
Me and my boyfriend have been to strip clubs together, and I had lots of fun! I know he loves me... and it didnt really bother me that other girls were turning him on... I'd be kinda scared if it didn't turn him on.. I'd be like 'oh no.. my bf is gay' lol... It go to me a little when he bought a private dance and I couldnt see what was going on, but I got over, because in the end I know he loves ME and we were all just having fun... and... ive never seen guys really 'get their rocks off' or w/e how one guy put it... strip clubs dont get them off... usually you go in with money.. and leave broke with a hard on.. and the girlfriend has to get them off..
anyways, im getting off subject.. i think it depends on the couple... i dont feel disrespected and im ok with it as long as i know about it, and i get to go... i dislike it more when im not there or i cant see but i get over it.. doesnt really bother me.. i dont feel like he is trying to disrespect me... hes just havin fun.. and i have fun with it too, i can understand why he thinks its fun.. JMO
9/22/2007 9:55:22 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
its not that i would force a guy to keep secrets but if he felt it was that important to see pay money to see naked girls when he has a wife or something then he needs to move into that club and get a job there and we can just be friends.
i do think its degrading, and when guys get the idea they can buy sex or buy some activity that u could not normally get from a strange girl then its just problematic for me. now if u guys wouldnt mind if ur g/f or wife took money to do a private strip for a guy, maybe a neighbor or friend at work; no sex involved, then u have the right to go to the clubs. if that would sweat u if she did that, just for money and fun, then don't be a hypocrite.
9/22/2007 10:01:35 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Lubbock, TX
age: 41
if you say your going to the bowling alley and you get caught on lookout point with your bestfriends wife...then thats some thing that would be hard to work out. this issue is a piece of cake to work through....lol
9/22/2007 10:02:36 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Meadville, PA
age: 44
China you are so cool. 
I don't know why others get so upset about it; I only know why I do.
Perhaps incorrectly, I am assuming they're being honest "after they go" which means I didn't know about it, which is deceptive. I don't like being lied to and deception via absence of information is still a lie. Don't know about any others, but that is a big deal to me.
And, if I'm told ahead of time and voice my disapproval, then I expect that to be respected; same as I would do for them in any other situation they felt strongly about. To go anyway knowing I don't like it..... well that's a big deal to me too. It tells me it could happen at other times in other situations, not just this one.
And again, if the woman is OK with it, then that's fine. But these are choices between couples, whether or not a friend or coworker says "hey she should be ok with it". It's not anyone else's decision how we feel; ultimately it's the couple who have to live with the consequences. If he's willing to risk a loving relationship over it, then he's not the man I want anyway.
9/22/2007 10:05:20 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Cape Girardeau, MO
age: 18
its not the same... a man going to a strip club and a man not caring if his g/f or wife was a stripper.. are completely different... your analogy is flawed.. analogies have to compare 2 of the same thing or 2 things that are alike... since i dont mind that he pays to see naked women... then he shouldnt mind if i go pay to see naked men.. now that would be a correct analogy.. because what you were saying is not the same... im not trying to be rude, what you were saying was just not the same.
9/22/2007 10:05:33 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Dade City, FL
age: 40
I know a mans opinion is really irrelavant when it comes to strip clubs, but honestly I did not see the big deal in going to them. Most of the men there would sit there for hours on end watching the same women over and over dance to the same old songs. The women had no pride in themselves, only pride in money.
9/22/2007 10:07:32 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Cape Girardeau, MO
age: 18
just because a woman works in a strip club doesnt mean they dont have pride in themselves either...
9/22/2007 10:08:39 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Dade City, FL
age: 40
point taken, I stand corrected. Its the club who has no pride in the women, nor the customers.