9/23/2007 6:53:31 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
Just becareful no one else is eating at your table while your viewing the menu!
9/23/2007 6:56:43 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
With drinking and nude ppl, yes it could lead to things you can regret later.
9/23/2007 7:02:27 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Stratford, TX
age: 21
as long as you call check in and sh*t it dont matter have fun with your friends you know
bc when chip n dales is in town im going lol
9/23/2007 7:12:15 AM |
Strip Clubs |

London, KY
age: 45
I can safely say that both sides of the argument are correct.
I spent over 13 years in the bar biz. not all the women are trashy lowlifes who are doing it for just the money, nor are all the guys that go to the strip clubs are looking to get laid/cheat.
there are quite a few who are working those bars because they don't have much choice. some are doing that to support themselves and children because of deadbeat dads, or are too proud to ask the welfare people for even temporary assistance.
so don't lump all the employees into the same pile until you get to know them
from the guys point of view, not all of us like to go to strip clubs. had an ex-wife that took me to one as a birthday present. she was trying to spice up the occasion (not that we needed it) with a bit of roleplaying. yes she got up and shook her groove thang and such. but she also told me that I could look at the menu all I wanted, but needed to remember that I was on a diet too.
if the couple (either one or both) are of the jealous types, niether side should be going to a strip-club. it just causes problems.
it is a couple by couple decision that needs to be made
9/23/2007 7:16:09 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Good morning Striker. I am not putting down the ppl that do that for a living. I understand why some do. It does not make them bad ppl at all. I am just talking about the ppl at are attached to some one. Why do they feel the need to go to these places?
9/23/2007 7:16:51 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
striker, I agree with you, but I have to add one thing. If you lack thrust in your relationship that you think he/she will cheat on you if they go to a strip club, then you shouldn't be in that relationship! JMO
9/23/2007 7:18:32 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Dallas, TX
age: 33
Well when I went with some co-workers I saw lots of women there and they were paying for lap dances for thier man....
9/23/2007 7:20:24 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Yes I can understand if you go together.
9/23/2007 7:23:47 AM |
Strip Clubs |

London, KY
age: 45
waytogo - I know that you aren't putting down the people that do this. like I said there may be, no,ARE many reasons for the girls to be in that line of work. I worked as a bouncer in more than a few of these clubs.
ladyfireeyes - thank you for putting it into simpler words that I forgot to put into my previous post. I guess that I was thinking with my brain elsewhere this morning (now get your mind outta the gutter)
GOOOOOOOOD MOOOORRRRNNNNING ALLL YOU FOLKS!! did I say that too loud for any one?
[Edited 9/23/2007 7:26:18 AM]
9/23/2007 7:25:40 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Striker you are a kind man and I hope you day is a good. How are you doing my friend?
9/23/2007 7:28:51 AM |
Strip Clubs |

London, KY
age: 45
bit disappointed, they changed the date for a pow-wow and didn't get word out to everyone that was signed up. delayed it till next week. a 2 hour drive for nothing
other than that, it's all good
[Edited 9/23/2007 7:29:32 AM]
9/23/2007 7:31:11 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Striker sorry to hear that about the pow-pow. I am from Oklahoma and have been to pow-pow. That are awesome. Been yrs since I have been but would love to go again. Hope your day gets better.
9/23/2007 7:33:35 AM |
Strip Clubs |

London, KY
age: 45
makes two of us brother
being the equinox today, lets try to help everyone improve their day, today and everyday!!
9/23/2007 7:35:29 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
I have one question, Why does this always have to boiled down to a trust issue? Trust or no trust too many people negelect the home front while getting their thrills. All I am saying is make more of what you got at home and you may want to go there more often. If it doesn't bother you to go to clubs and your mate doesn't mind then go and have a good time. Coming from a large town with any kind of entertainment available at anytime of the day or night, I have seen the worst in some people at the cost of their families and relationships. All very puzzling to me, because when it was all done and over with everyone got hurt by the choises of a few.
[Edited 9/23/2007 7:40:59 AM]
9/23/2007 7:36:01 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
That's what I admire about you Striker. No matter what happens you always care about the other person. You are the Man!