9/22/2007 10:09:08 PM |
Strip Clubs |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
so, I had no pride??...excuse me?!? I have alot of pride and self worth..wow,...It's ok for you to look and pay for the privledge but, what? women who dance are now sluts who just want your money? f*ck that and f*ck that mentality!
It is a couples choice, not for anyone to pretend diffriently but, as a former dancer i can say we are not all wh*res sluts or ppl you should just wish to throw away.
[Edited 9/22/2007 10:10:51 PM]
9/22/2007 10:10:35 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Dade City, FL
age: 40
whoa hold on. I corrected my stand. I said the wrong thing. I apologize.
9/22/2007 11:22:01 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Overland Park, KS
age: 41
It all boils down to honesty..something I've recently dealt with of my own ..a couple need to be honest with each other..and if one doesnt like what the other is doing, in this case lookin at naked ladies..then out of respect..the guy should stop going.
It's not a matter of pride..many of the gals I talked to ( yes , I spent my fair share of lonely nights in those places ), many of them were working and paying their way thru college..being self supporting rather than taking our tax dollars as hand outs or loans to subsidize their education. Many of them were/are married and said their husbands completely trusted them because it was them they would be coming home to.
One gal saw me at my place of work..Sam's Club..she recognised me..came up and gave me a hug..atfirst I didnt recognise her..the lights werent dim..lol.and she had more clothes on than I remembered seeing her in..I let her hug me though..who am I to stop a pretty girl from showing me attention . She had her Mom with her..pointed her out to me..and her Mom supported her choice of career at that time.
It's up to each individual to set their own comfort levels...but do not judge another for their decisions..that is one of the few freedoms we enjoy..the right to choose our destiny.
Peace to all on the forums tonite.. 
9/22/2007 11:24:29 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Tonkawa, OK
age: 33
guess i aint yer average guy, i don't go to strip clubs,
been in this town 3 years, and have never even seen the inside of the strip club here.
damn that bein faithful thing, gets me in trouble everytime.....
9/22/2007 11:35:02 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
cassie it is the same thing in my book. i've seen women feel upset about the fact that their guys went to see naked women dance (and even paid a lot for it) and the guys played it off like, it doesnt mean anything, i'm not there to do anything, just to watch them dance.
so explain to me the difference if his wife or g/f says, i like to dance, i like to dance in front of someone who thinks im sexy and attractive and plus i got paid for it like u pay to watch those girls? i didnt DO anything with him, just danced?
its not the same at all cause most women i know - and i know this mite be a cultural difference - but most women i know r not interested in paying to see men dance naked. even if they saw a naked guy walking down the street they'd probably be more likely to bust out laughing then to drool. so ur analogy is the one thats wrong.
its not the same... a man going to a strip club and a man not caring if his g/f or wife was a stripper.. are completely different... your analogy is flawed.. analogies have to compare 2 of the same thing or 2 things that are alike... since i dont mind that he pays to see naked women... then he shouldnt mind if i go pay to see naked men.. now that would be a correct analogy.. because what you were saying is not the same... im not trying to be rude, what you were saying was just not the same
9/22/2007 11:36:29 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
well yanisa like i said sometimes our cultures influence us.
9/22/2007 11:39:09 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
i saw something funny tonite, we drove by this huge 24 hour laundromat rite next door to a strip club. i said, i bet a lot of guys are getting good guy points for doing the laundry these days, lol.
9/22/2007 11:40:34 PM |
Strip Clubs |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
lol@China probably 
9/22/2007 11:41:23 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Tonkawa, OK
age: 33
lol china
i think i have this whole dating thing figured out now,
guys mark thar women with hickies and crap like that,
but women mark thar men with fabric softner and dryer sheets,
maybe i need to stop usin fabric softner and dryer sheets.....
9/22/2007 11:43:30 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
hahaha hey u, why r u smelling like snuggles when u left here smelling like downy!!!!
9/22/2007 11:44:19 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Tonkawa, OK
age: 33
cause you switched to snuggles remember?
you said downy just cost to much any more.....
9/22/2007 11:47:47 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
oh thats rite and i gotta pinch pennies so i can keep buying my smokes!
9/22/2007 11:49:34 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Tonkawa, OK
age: 33
well if ya would like the dang thing, maybe ya could enjoy pinchin those pennies....lol
9/22/2007 11:51:23 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Oyster Bay, NY
age: 18
i'm like bill clinton i dont inhale
9/22/2007 11:54:42 PM |
Strip Clubs |

Tonkawa, OK
age: 33
let me guess it wasn't you either was it?....lol