9/23/2007 4:50:30 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
In my opinion, for what it's worth, if a man would not want his woman to work there then he doesn't need to go there. Plain and simple! If you need a thrill men, give your woman the money you would spend there and let her use it to doll herself up for you and watch the show begin. An average lady burdened by work, kids, and housework can turn into the woman of your dreams after being pampered with a day at a spa, a quick make over, and a new sexy outfit to wear for a night on the town with you. Men, you would be amazed what that would do for your lady and you even get to take her home at the end of the night. Try it some time!
9/23/2007 4:52:09 AM |
Strip Clubs |

El Reno, OK
age: 40
You got it independant! now..if all men would listen to that, we'd have it made lol.
9/23/2007 4:53:34 AM |
Strip Clubs |

New Vienna, OH
age: 48
Plesse excuse me for answering even though you said no men. I can see both side of the issue here. On the one hand, a man should not be hanging out at a titty bar if he knows his g/f dosen't like it. On the other hand, you also said he told her he was going and she didn't believe him; it's not like he did it behind her back. You also said she gets jealous if he watches a commercial on TV that has an attractive lady in it.
9/23/2007 5:17:38 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
Thanks Peaches! I never could understand why men would complain about their ladies being too tired, unattactive, and never wanting sex and think a strip club or hanging out at the local bar was the answer. Maybe the lady feels that way because she needs a break from her daily routine and all she gets is a complaining man who does nothing to lift her up emotionally. No wonder some ladies run off with the first man that pays them some attention.
9/23/2007 5:44:28 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
If you have a wife/husband or bf/gf, why do you need to go to these places? In my yuonger days, I have been to these places, sorry never was something for me.
9/23/2007 6:03:11 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
Hey Waytogo, I don't see anything wrong with young single men going to clubs. I kind of view that as a right of passage into manhood. A guy thing as you have it. What I view as wrong has already been stated. I am glad to see a man who doesn't feel the need to be there when he can entertain himself with the right person instead.
9/23/2007 6:09:13 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
That's what I am saying. If you have somebody at home, why do you feel the need to go to these places.
9/23/2007 6:14:14 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
Exactly, You'll make the right woman very happy with that point of view. Ladies you need to take a good look at this guy. He seems like a keeper to me. Too bad I don't believe in long distance relationships.
9/23/2007 6:18:17 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
Thank you, My first wife liked to go to those places and asked me why I would get upset over cause when she got home she would want to make out with me. I told her didn't make me feel good that she had to go watch some guy take his clothes off so she could get worked up for me. Make me feel ugly.
9/23/2007 6:38:36 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
Gee Way I sure know how that feels! Low as you can go in my point of view. Your ex wasn't big on brians I take it. I bet you would have danced for her after a drink or two and a little encouragement on her part. People can have so much fun together if they would just loosen up with each other rather than going some where else to get their thrills. I believe that is the major reason for so many divorces today. Nothing greater than a nice dinner out with the man you love and some slow dancing at home afterward with a nice glass of wine in hand to get you in the mood. I think people forget they have to nuture the relationship to keep one.
9/23/2007 6:42:09 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
I sure do wish you lived closer to me. You are very nice. 
9/23/2007 6:43:44 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Stratford, TX
age: 21
i love strip clubs lol
and i mean as long as he comes home to me then there should be no problem with it
9/23/2007 6:51:25 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Shelby, NC
age: 53
To each his/her own.
Yeah, too bad waytogo, Your tall to boot. What a shame! 
9/23/2007 6:51:43 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Wind Ridge, PA
age: 29
nothing wrong with looking at the menu as long as you go home to eat... lol
9/23/2007 6:52:56 AM |
Strip Clubs |

Stratford, TX
age: 21
i agree with coop