10/10/2007 10:37:03 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
WOW, very impressed coming from someone so young.. Really !!!!!!
Only thing you missed..I'm not looking for counsel and not leadship for sure... I'm my own man and need no leader or don't need to lead. But it would be nice to have someone to walk side by side with me..
Just sharing my past and freindship with people of same interest and pasting the time of the day.. What a wondeful thing it would be just to know, I put a smile on someones face, Maybe tkae(left that for you to catch too) a little pain from their heart or help them remember how Blessed we really are. I'm very happy with whom I am and made my place in life...
Thank you, for taking the time to type that up, AND why are YOU here, my friend ?
Later, Blu : be Happy, Safe and many Blessing
nopretense, always has something wise and wonderful to say.. I think I seen a status of you ..The Thinker !!!!!!!!!!!
[Edited 10/10/2007 10:41:37 AM]
10/10/2007 10:40:22 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Flint, MI
age: 55
He's here to start trouble.
Has no life 
10/10/2007 10:43:12 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
Still looking and I hope he fines happiness so he doesn't have to pick on us older folks.
[Edited 10/10/2007 10:43:28 AM]
10/10/2007 10:51:14 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
It's ok.. He wrote the exact same words to me in an email and when he kept sending me email about shit he didn't have a clue about.. I blocked him. I figured he would show up here
10/10/2007 11:00:54 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
Now I don't usually get mad at much...don't let myself go there, but if you're not 50+...stay out of here!!! Oh, I like you Fritz (no pretense), but that 20 yr. old kid, with no real life experience, coming on this thread and trying to tell us what we should & should not do, is just plain BS!!!! You know nothing brat! Live a half a century then come back with all your supposed knowledge.
I am complaining to Dustin about you...now go play with your little friends and leave the real grown-ups alone. You must be really bored with your little friends, otherwise you wouldn't be in here trying to act like an adult.
If you are so smart...learn to read----50+ ONLY in this thread!
Sorry people...even my girls, who are older than he is, wouldn't come in here. They have more respect!
Tru...they used to think women didn't go through a "midlife crises", only "mental pause", and that it was typically just a male "thing." Times have changed and they are beginning to realize that it isn't just a male thing after all. It is a culmination of many things..not one or the other...and some women display it earlier, later, or not at all. Usually thought to be brought on by some major change in their lives..like a divorce, death of a spouse or parent(s), change in job or occupation, AND the realization of our own mortality, etc... I am beginning to think it goes deeper and may be triggered by other things also. When you are alone and have been single for awhile...it may kind of creep on you, increasing in strength, or may hit you all at once...like BAM!!! (Or not at all) I tend not to believe everything that is written on this, as they seem to want to downplay it's significance, but those of us who are going through this, know it's very real, disturbing, and upsetting.
Since there seems to be no clear explanations and no clear cut "symptoms", best just to leave it alone??? I think not. Like with anything that has been "discovered," the more it is studied, the more can be learned. Maybe by discussing it, we can at least alleviate the worry that comes with the thoughts...
"Am I going crazy?" "Am I alone in this?" "What's going on?" and we (Women AND men)can help & support each other, through discussion and understanding.
JMO Cindy
[Edited 10/10/2007 11:07:56 AM]
10/10/2007 11:10:51 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
10/10/2007 11:17:39 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
lol 53 is our guard dog here. Like I said.. it was a observation that I have seen within myself. I think alot of people go through this at all stages of our lives. When you begin to feel that a change is of essense.. than that is what your soul and heart is trying to tell ya. I'm due for some major changes and I'm looking forward to it. I just feel like I'm at the starting gate dying to get on with the race
10/10/2007 11:24:06 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
Yes she is, just not sure he and others are worth it..
What a wonderful for race it could be.. As we go around the first turn neck to neck.
Later, Blu
10/10/2007 11:28:23 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
lol Fritz you are definitely one of the good ones
10/10/2007 11:38:40 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
I would hope for the good ones, we could give a few years. Maybe 47, but 50 + in your words and how you think... THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/10/2007 1:57:31 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Ok.. I have thought more on this and my final thoughts for myself. While midlife crisis MAY be what it is.. I'm going to call it an Awakening... for this is what it feels like to me.. for me. I love being 50. I am looking forward to my 50s as much as I looked forward to my 40s. I do not wish to be 20 again. I do not wish to find someone to make me feel younger as I already feel that way. I honestly do not feel as if my youth is slipping in the real sense of the word.
The awakening is this: I chose to spend most of my adult life alone. I had other more important obligations such as running a business and raising my sons and that was indeed my choice. The awakening is that now.. my sons are grown and on their own. I did well with them with God's help. I have come to realize.. thanks to my son's wisdom.. that it is now time for ME! I am not seeking a knight in shining armour to come " save" me as I do not need to be saved. I'm not looking for a king who is counting his gold as that does not impress me. I could easily live in a cave with the right man! I do not need a man to make me happy.. as I am very happy. I am in search of that man to share that happiness and allow me to share his. We are not meant to live our lives alone. This was not God's plan for us. I want to spend quality life with someone before I get too old to enjoy it. THAT is my awakening
[Edited 10/10/2007 2:05:56 PM]
10/10/2007 2:02:37 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
The End !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and well said 
10/10/2007 2:07:23 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Thanks Blu... now ya wanna go outside and play?
10/10/2007 2:07:39 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Akron, IN
age: 59
I just want it to be noted that I am very happy living in a cave. 
10/10/2007 2:14:14 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
lol Chuck.. it is noted