10/11/2007 5:45:54 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
I absolutely agree cottage. Although I don't like alot of changes.. there are times that change is a must. We would have no room to grow without it
10/11/2007 5:49:46 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
Completely and said so much better then I could have, Thank You..
Tru, Sound like a great evening, I try to go dancing every weekend. There's few ladies where I go, that know I'm only there to dance, so I go back to the same place and the group are my age mostly. Still looking for someone to dance the night away..
Pkk, go to the bedroom to watch your program, this 65" is mine and "One Good Man" is on......
Later, Blu
10/11/2007 5:57:57 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52 online now!
But Blu honey you said eariler you wanted someone to share the remote with. And Gray's is on. I guess I will go to the bedroom again. geeeeeeeecccccccchhhhhhhh Men and their tv's.
See ya in 2 hrs. my tv time.
10/11/2007 7:07:13 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
tru blu....you mention people having trouble being alone..and being comfortable
within..and if we are not at ease within that we can not do well in a
One must be secure in themselves..on who they are...and what they want in
life and or a relationship...I differ on the statement about not doing well
I for one am very comfortable in my own skin..and who I am, and what I want
and what I am capable of giving. I can survive alone if forced to.
However, I do not do well alone...meaning the feeling of being empty..the
longing for companionship...for someone that I can give myself totally to.
Someone that would give me purpose and to feel truly alive.
Yes some people can not function and fall apart alone...In an odd way I can be
both...a survior on my own...with a quiet inner turmoil that only my spirit
knows or sees. However all that said...I am capable, of doing outstandingly
well in a relationship...as I know I am capable, that I have the inner strength
to give greater than myself to another.
[Edited 10/11/2007 7:09:34 PM]
10/11/2007 7:13:43 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
There are alot of people who feel they cannot be alone.. that they must be with someone. I have asked my brother to explain it to me.. but, bless his heart, he has a hard time expressing himself verbally as I often do lol
10/11/2007 9:31:19 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
Sounds like someone that wants someone else to tell them they are alright [and wash their clothes and do the dishes and make the bed] 
10/12/2007 2:46:41 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Akron, IN
age: 59
My brother is another one that can not live alone. He does very well at washing his own clothes, keeping his house clean and doing the cooking. He does a lot of it now. But he hates to be alone. He needs that companionship, he is one of the type that needs to be part of the herd. He needs the acceptance that comes with being part of a couple.
At least that is the way I see it.
10/12/2007 3:11:04 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Appleton, WI
age: 53
At 50 I felt the same way..tired of the dating scene and felt something was missing. I had been happy living alone but at that time I gave up looking and sat back and just enjoyed life. LIke Blu, I would go dancing every weekend. Meet up with the same people at a club and I would ask every single man to dance..I wasnt looking for anything else, I was there to dance. Then again I became content with who I was and where I was in life.
Then Bill came into my life..we talked on and off as just friends, no real connection until I had to make a trip to MN and he drove down for dinner..One look and I knew he was the one and so did he. Catch me off guard? You bet..I was content and he was throwing a screw into things..LOL But I gave in and went with it.
Taking life one day at a time and keeping busy with outside interests makes life over 50 easier, you never know when or where that special person will be, so why is everyone on here..get out and get a life..but still stop back and say hi..its the best of both worlds..
Just my opinion..staying busy keeps you healthy mentally and physically
10/12/2007 1:32:59 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
No.. Mark does very well to wash his own clothes, a great cook and all that. He just does not like to live alone
10/12/2007 4:19:26 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Marion, IL
age: 58
This is very interesting as I have had the very same thoughts. I believe that I am still grieving the deaths of both of my parents within 2 days of each other, and the finding out of the betrayal of my husband (ex) now. I prayed to God that he would let me go numb, then I prayed that he would let me feel (much later). I believe that if he hadn't of done that I would be dead by now. The pain and the anguish was debilitating. Now, three years later, I am beginning to get the feelings that tru was talking about. However, I do not want to rush anything. I am afraid of making the same mistake with another and I really don't feel that I could survive another betrayal like the first one.
But to have the feelings that blu was talking about and to have a real man to enjoy it with would be bliss.
10/12/2007 4:25:59 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
I am not afraid to put my heart out there anymore. It is not something for me to be afraid of. I know exactly what I want and it will happen for me
10/12/2007 4:42:11 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Lisbon, ME
age: 60
HI everyone, just came online and finished reading what you had to say this evening. I am one of those that HATE living alone. As you all know I lost the lost of my life of 42 years ago and I am finding that I cannot function outside of the house alone. I go get groceries and do the necessary shopping. Once in a while I do go to bingo with my friends or sister. But to actually do anything on my own, I dont. I don't see me ever meeting anyone to share some fun with, I don't go anywhere where I would find anyone. I do see myself alone for the rest of my life. So hard to adjust to something so unexpected and at an where we were suppose to be enjoying OUR time. Don't mean to put anyone in a bad mood, but I guess I am not as confident as the rest of you are. Oh well.
10/12/2007 6:11:15 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Utica, NY
age: 60
It is very awkward and difficult to join any kind of group because we are usually with strangers at first, but we all welcome you here... we're trying to keep this 50+ place a safe area to talk about these things... and YOU ARE HERE... that is a good thing. (good ole Martha Stewart)
Your thoughts about a support group in your area is another positive step; it was so important to be with others who knew this pain ... I learned that even more than children, the spouse has the most difficult grief.
Have you considered it might be less frightening if you brought your sister or a friend to support you a few times at first.
Going out only when you have to... that is so familiar... I do understand and confidence comes one tiny step at a time. If you would like to talk privately you can email me here.
God Bless you,
10/13/2007 11:35:13 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Cottage.. ya a good friend. I think we all will become good friends here.. that makes this site worth it all
10/14/2007 10:44:45 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Durand, IL
age: 57
Hi trublu--I like what your topic is about--it sounds like you have come to a new level of love-one of the highest level-a spiritual love. I think that you are experiencing that inner soul that needs to give love hope and charity. You said you aren't a needy person that needs a man --but fine if a man is in your life. I think you are from the great state of Tennessee--known as the volunteer state. I am sure that you will be able to share the love you have in volunteering yourself for some very needy causes if you aren't already involved. I have known that feeling you have --almost like post time for the horses at a horse race-at the gate and no one to open the gate. I have helped at a V.A. clinic--helped at a rescue mission those sort of things will release your new feelings and also you may find people that have that same feeling as you have and you may find it to be a benefit in finding a gentleman that is on the same level as you are. Good luck to you ---you are a sweet woman--I can see that spiritual glow in your pic--xoxoxTomika