10/10/2007 6:05:33 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52 online now!
thanks cindy!
10/10/2007 6:36:21 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53
Thanks MT! That felt good! Your Welcome Paula! 
Not talking about you know who shep gal! Tee Hee!
[Edited 10/10/2007 6:37:29 PM]
10/10/2007 8:39:34 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Leesburg, FL
age: 54
Hey Tru,
For me it is a longing to return to a place in my life where I felt comfortable with myself and my situation.What I long for now is someone to fill that void.Someone who I can share all my experiences with.Someone who is not afraid to laugh with me,or cry if need be.Knowing that I may end up all alone for the rest of my life is very scary.I think we all feel some fear of being alone.I just pray that everyone here finds who God has destined for them.At that point all will be well in their relationship.
10/10/2007 8:59:09 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Belchertown, MA
age: 57
Tru...it is not a mid life crisis as you are not in crisis...you know what it
is you want. Its all about having someone to connect to on all levels..to
share the basic moments in life, as well as developing some great ones..with
another...its about giving love....receiving love...being love, sharing time
being part of another...part of something greater.., its about
10/10/2007 9:20:25 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
The out grow is, when you get past the empty nest syndrome, when you get past the, I don't want to be alone the rest of my life, and the I don't know what to do with myself by myself. Maybe it was because I was a truck driver for 15 years and spent so much time alone, but I do not have a need for someone. Not even a feeling that I don't want to be alone, definitely am not afraid to be alone. I feel whole and complete and ok with everything the way it is.
I also feel that that would make me a great companion to someone who feels completely satisfied with their life. They we could share what we find to be great and also be at peace when the other has something they want to do without me.
I would like someone to love but not sure I want to marry or even live with someone. Maybe have a duplex to share. 
[Edited 10/10/2007 9:20:56 PM]
10/11/2007 7:06:13 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
Love it, we need to buy a few acres, build houses on 10 acres plots that surround a 30 acre shared lake. The 200 acre commom ground with trail thoughout and would have a stables for us too, I can shovel stalls with the best of them.. BBQ on Wednesday, Thursday afternoon 4wheeler poker run. Sat. don't miss the paddle boat races.. Sat night big camp fire with all the trimmings, everybody bring a dish.. Sunday all day trail rides, sure we have the buggies too...
I ready ?
Later, Blu
10/11/2007 7:19:27 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52 online now!
I am ready Blu! Was you talking to me?? I love paddle boat races, haven't done that in years. A big bon fire sounds like fun too. It would all be fun.
Oh by the way!

10/11/2007 7:24:58 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
We would have a place for you for surePK .. I had a smaller place like this in my past life. Gave my daugther the house on it and was building a log home when things started falling apart...
Later, blu
10/11/2007 11:07:12 AM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Seymour, IN
age: 61
That sounds perfect. They do have places like that but have to have a lot more money than I got to live there.
10/11/2007 2:14:15 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
There are some people who just cannot live alone.. one of my brothers is one of them. I have no problem living alone and have done so. I think if you cannot live alone and be happy within.. you are not going to do well with living with someone else and be happy.. JMO
10/11/2007 2:38:55 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Flint, MI
age: 55
How are you doing today 53?
Anything new about you know who?
10/11/2007 2:51:01 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
I'm fine living alone and it has some plus... I have the remote control, come and go as I please, no one to call when I going to be late... But would gadly give that up, to have to have a reason to come home... I guess, I should WE would have a reason to go home..
Ohhh , Tru: How was the beer last night , After reading that I went up to the VFW for a few myself.
Later, Blu
[Edited 10/11/2007 2:52:22 PM]
10/11/2007 2:55:09 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Springfield, MO
age: 52 online now!
Ok Blu give me the remote my favorite shows are on tonight. 
10/11/2007 2:55:20 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Was great Blu. I had been neglecting my buddy for 2-3 weeks.. busy and all.. so we got together last night to catch up. Hadn't danced in about 10 years and boy.. did I show it too! It was alot of fun. Drug my butt in about 2am and had to get up at 5am. I feel great despit that.. can I handle it or what?! LOL
10/11/2007 5:37:14 PM |
Midlife Crisis.. or an Awakening? |

Utica, NY
age: 60 online now!
Hi everyone,
Thanks for bringing this up blu... it has touched people.
I agree with 53 and many others about this one.
"Usually thought to be brought on by some major change in their lives..like a divorce, death of a spouse or parent(s), change in job or occupation, AND the realization of our own mortality, etc... I am beginning to think it goes deeper and may be triggered by other things also..."
When we pass through stages of our lives and we need to grow or change in some way, I believe our spirit, like our biological bodies makes us "hungry" by creating an urgency within us.
Relating to 53's theory on change or it could even be discribed as loss, we usualy have to go through a grieving process before we can make good decisions about changing ourselves or our environment. Sometimes that grieving is so uncomfortable that we want to "run" away from the pain.
It sounds like blu used her energy and made some dynamic changes in her life since her divorce and now her spirit is looking for change again and this time the change is just for her to enjoy.
As for all of this being over with... I'm hoping changes happen often and well for the rest of my journey.
Did any of this make any sense to anyone? (If you're not confused, you're not paying attention)