1/19/2008 3:04:53 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Where is Seminole, Fl??----I had a winter home in Okeechobee Right across from the big lake--loved it there--but sold it after my husband passed--couldn't keep up with both places.
It is so cold here now in Pa. that I wish I were somewhere warmer--lol---God bless You--Pat.
1/19/2008 4:33:58 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Brockton, MA
age: 64
Like you I didn't think I deserved it! But as you and I found out , God picks his own. "S"
1/19/2008 6:59:12 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Opp, AL
age: 38
I learned about salvation and accepted Jesus when I was a child. It was not until the last few years that I became aware of what it meant to be God's child. Now that I have I would not trade anything in the world for the love that He has shown me. To be so undeserving of His love yet so blessed by Him daily brings me to my knees quickly. He is an Awesome God!! I live every day to become more like Him. Although I'm not a perfect Christian I pray everyday that I do what He would have me do and live the best I can and I strive to become a Proverbs 31 woman. 
1/19/2008 7:08:14 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Pat if it makes you feel any better, it snowed here in central NC today expecting a few inches. Say High to the folks in Sayre for me. The last time I was home I tried to bring back a foot of snow in my pickup, it melted before I got half way into Maryland. I think you all may have noticed by my postings, I try to be a true Christian.
1/20/2008 12:10:47 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Hudson, WI
age: 22
True Christian?
Well, I am a true sinner... who is a true hypocrite, a true liar, and a true cheat.
I also understand the true love of Jesus Christ and try to daily reevaluate my life so that I can live a true lifestyle that would reflect my beliefs. I believe in miracles, in walking blindly by faith, and becoming a true woman of God.
1/21/2008 5:59:13 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Ric, I am about an hour from Sayre. Been in the hospital a few times there. That is where my daughter passed away from cancer. very hard.
It is just very cold here tonight,but no snow--just bitter cold.wind chill factor is way down.
I'm very happy to see more Christians on here--The Lord is good---God bless you all--Pat.
1/22/2008 4:34:28 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Lakeside, OR
age: 46
I have been sitting here pondering this question. Am I a true Christian. I know that I strive each day to be better. I do know that you have to accept [his teaching], with blind faith LIVE HIS comandments without question and strive each and every day to be more god like. and when we fall, and we will know that he is there to help you up, for he will be, love your enemey and your neighbor and judge not. doesn't it say? is it not easy to love those we like and those that are the same as us, but also love those that are different and my belive other than we do. we can only teach our faith by are actions and are works and not by are words alone. so am I a true christian? I don"t know , I will keep trying. Only my God really knows. if I am.. Remember God walked among non-belivers to teach,so shouldn't we? Above all else accept his teaching and love without question and he will, accept you. I start out each day thanking God and ask that I might showe and teach others about my love.my lord, my savior and my god. peace and love for all
1/23/2008 4:45:05 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Norman Park, GA
age: 46
Well I think we all try to be good christians. Are we perfect? Of course not.
I pray for forgiveness of my sins all the time. But do I do my best. I can honestly say I try to treat people the way I want to be treated. One of my favorite verses is
Now faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
I remind myself of this verse often since I am looking for my soul mate in life.
2/6/2008 8:30:22 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Hay Springs, NE
age: 63
Interesting question! Some years after I began my Christian experience I stood before the congregation as their song leader and said, "If this is what Christianity is all about, I don't want anything to do with it." I thought their singing sounded more like a funeral dirge. At that time I was also going through another crisis.
"But," I said to myself, "before I give up on Christianity, I must find out what is a real Christian." I had accepted Jesus as my Savior (from hell) when I was about 8 yrs old. Does that make me a Christian?
I was in college at the time. So I went to the library to see what I could find. I discovered that the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. So a Christian must be a follower of life and teachings of Christ. That was more than what I thought I was seeing that Sunday morning.
What does it mean to be saved? That was my next question. The most direct answer was the one Paul gave to the jailor. The jailor asked, "What must I do to be saved?"
Paul answered, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." Believe means to commit, trust wholeheartedly. On what? The Lord, Master, Ruler who Saves (us from the floundering in sin) and is the Anointed One, the Messiah.
My conclusion was that what I was witnessing among "Christians" was a group of people who believed in Jesus, the one who saved them from sin; who believed in Christ, the Messiah, Immanuel; but who were not accepting him as Lord of their life.
That was a milestone in my Christian experience. Letting Jesus Christ be Lord of my life is a constant struggle. When I deny his Lordship, I am disobedient and therefore sinning.
2/7/2008 6:38:25 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
"true" Christian could really stir up a debate in the world but would we not all agree it is to do what Jesus wanted us to do? He came and gave us gifts and commandments, not to do away with the law but to fulfill it. So I must ask myself, am I doing what He would want me to:
Did I accept Him as My savoir
Did I recieve the filling of the Holy Ghost(different than being sealed at salvation)
Do I participate in the Great Commission
Do I study to show myself approved
Do I rightly divide the word of truth
Do I put others before myself
Do I glorify God in all things (or do I say "I" did a good job")
Do I avoid vain disputations of the word
My point is a "true" Christian will hunger and thirst after righteousness, being driven to learn,pray, glorify, being filled with compassion, selfless, seeking God'd will in all things, living as much of the bible as they can, not using this part and throwing that part away.
So am I a true Christian, won't say one way or the other.
What I will say is I try to do better each day.
God bless and in all things Praise the LORD, if you confess Him before men He will confess you before the Father.
2/8/2008 9:40:19 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Boca Raton, FL
age: 63
To Lawvixen (I'm new to the forums, so not sure where this will end up):
Make sure you go to see "Expelled" with Ben Stein, who is a Jew (met him in '06, a really neat guy)! I saw a director's cut a month ago and it may very well change your thinking about creation and the validity of the whole Scripture. As one "noted" evolutionist once said, 'we do not want to believe in creation because it inhibits our sexual mores' (loose paraphrase). That is the real question, whether we want to live for God, or be our own god.
One final question; "Are we choosing our church to make us feel good, or to praise and glorify God and live for His purpose?" - then, if your church believes in Scripture (or even if it doesn't), check their beliefs out against His Word, the only truth.
The movie "Expelled" is currently planned to be released in April, 2008 - see it, you will be glad you did; and it may change your life!
2/8/2008 2:54:46 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Ric, there is a guy from Sayre in the Penna. chat--if you want to look him up.
God bless you one and all---hugssssss--Pat:  
I wish we had a cross icon on here--that would be great:::
2/12/2008 8:41:13 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Grove, OK
age: 61
To me to be a true Christian is to be Christ like. To the best of our ability. God has done all he is going to do through his son JESUS CHRIST. Now Jesus is at the right hand of the Father praying for us. God The Father wants us to go forth in Jesus name and do the things and greater things than what Jesus done. John 14:12,13,14,15. We have been waiting on God, and God is waiting on us to go forth. Makes no difference what faith or denomanation we are, God did not create denomanations, man did. Jesus prayed a prayer John 17:11 that we all be one even as they are one. We need to come into unity and rise up and do that which he has called us to do, Mark 16:15,16,17,18, In the precious Name of Jesus. So that God the Father be Glorifed not man. And as or when we do, we'll see great revival as we've never seen it before. Praise God................
2/12/2008 9:08:22 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Rapid City, SD
age: 32
i try to be. i try to give him all. sometimes i somtimes fall into sin but i repent against those sin and i pray for help, as well meditate on the word to get better understanding.
[Edited 2/12/2008 9:08:59 PM]