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11/22/2007 5:42:35 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Knight, the church I went to was an independant Baptist church--all hell-fire and brimstone---and we had nothing to do with any other churches. 
This is where I taught Sunday school for 10 yrs. while my kids were growing up.
We mostly went 3 times a week. My kids sang in the choir,was in the church plays,and learned memory verses galore-----guess what??----not one of the 3 go to church now.
I don't understand ,but that's life-----hugssssssssss---Pat. 
11/23/2007 6:40:59 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Spring, TX
age: 55
there are a lot more ministers out there than churches. that's part of the reason so many churches split. personally, I do not believe in the size of some of our churches here. a minister simply cannot attend that large a flock. might be a fun bunch when you get together with your 10,000-45,000 closest friends, but I am not that good with names. 10,000 is not a church, thats a convention!
those old fire and brimstone preachers are slowly going away. Sadly, they teach exactly what they are taught. You would be surprised just how many preachers are just in it for the money. The Left Behind series books, sure show us how we all can be fence sitters.. one foot on either side, just in case we're wrong. When you have that much doubt, or lack of trust.... you are in a heap of trouble as my granddaddy used to say.
11/24/2007 6:13:12 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
I have read some of the left behind series,and i cried--it is very scary--when some of your family and friends won't listen.

Yes, there are a lot of ministers in it for the money,but some that are really sent by Jesus to preach. That kind of preaching all the time makes you really feel not good enough for anything.
I spent a lot of time at the altar because of that--re--confessing my sins,and wanting so bad top be a better Christian--it just wore me out a lot.
Don't get me wrong,I love good preaching--but the same point can be brought out with love,and not so much condemnation.
Think i am getting a cold.I was out raking my leaves in the cold today--just so it would look nice. dummy me---lol-----Hugs to all----Pat. 
11/24/2007 11:52:35 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Spring, TX
age: 55
Pat, when I met my last pastor, it turned into a pretty neat story. A relationship that has lasted over 15 years, he's retired now, but a friend still.
A customer wanted me to play golf in his baptist church's golf tournament. I think the fee was $150, money going directly to a charity in the community in west houston. When they were pairing us up, I asked for my own cart, saying, I smoked and did not want to bother anyone else. The pastor pulls up, says, hop in. my parents smoke, still do, my brothers and sisters smoke, one of my son's smoke, and if i'm not dead yet, you wont get me either. I didnt know the man, but was quickly introduced by the guy who invited me. While playing, i put my change from my pocket, keys, & watch in a small Crown Royal bag. It has a nice little pull string that closes the bag. I hang it on the keys of the cart so I dont lose it. The preacher looks at my little bag and says, nice whiskey you drink there. Drink much? I replied that I did not drink often, but thought the bag was useful. He laughed and said, darn, you know us Baptist preachers, we can't buy it, but i'd hoped you had a small bottle with you. I busted out laughing along with him. He invites me to his church, I ask the size. when he told me it was 7500 plus, i asked how he could minister to that many people? He replies, well, I have 5 assistant pastors. I minister to 7495 of them and let the assistants minister themselves. This man's sense of humor was part of what made him the leader he was. He never got involved with church finances, politics, or anything else that would take away from his ministry.
He winds up after a few months asking me to start a Sunday School class with a group that he didn't feel their needs weren't being met. Turned into a rather neat class and group of people. Ages 15-85, 150-200 in class every Sunday. I'd announce a guess speaker, not guest which they thought, but guess whos teaching today? Someone who had been asking me questions in an earlier meeting, I would point to and say.. your turn to teach. Ask the questions you asked me, lets see where it takes us.
Yet, another larger church near there, Baptist, that minister claimed some 15,000 members. when he got up to preach, the doors to the auditorium were closed. If you had to leave, they ushers would not let you back inside. If your child cried, only if you snuck it in, because he didnt want children in his service, he would stop, stare at the person, and make a snide comment that when it got quite, he would continue. Whew, the first time i saw that, I wanted to walk up and kick his bunns right out of the pulpit. Yet, those who were regulars, liked it, or put up with it.
11/25/2007 12:38:54 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
I think the last 3 pastors here have been very immature. This one really acts it,too.
When I had my Fla. winter home--we went to a church of 2.000 and that was really wonderful. Loved the pastor--saw a lot of group singers,etc. One Sunday morning the preac her asked if anyone wanted to give a testimony--noone offered--i was on my feet ,and thought what do i say now---but I did very good--I was the only one,too.
I was very surprised,as in our church back here--it was not unusual for many to give a testimony----
Later--blessings to all---Pat.
11/26/2007 6:09:31 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
Yes, I am a true Christian- not perfect as there has only been one human (Jesus in the flesh) that ever walked this earth that was perfect but thank God I'm forgiven. Do I sin? Probably every day there is some thought that isn't pure that runs through my head or the sin of omission that I commit when I don't do His will.
11/26/2007 2:22:06 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
"Just as I am, without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me,"
Later, Blu
11/27/2007 11:07:30 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
Blu--have sang that song more times--than I've got hairs on my head:
Spent a lot of time at the altar also after singing it,too:
hugs to all---lotsafuninpa.
11/27/2007 4:25:49 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Saint Clair Shores, MI
age: 38
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying "whom shall I send ? and who will go for us?" And i said "here am I. Send me.
Isaiah 6:8
11/28/2007 2:16:48 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
A great verse chets--it tells it like it is:
Another good one is----Luke9:23
And he said to them all,If any man will come after me,Let him deny himself,
and take up his cross daily,and follow me:
12/2/2007 6:34:20 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Grand Junction, CO
age: 30
I believe in Jesus as lord and savior of our lives.I do believe there's eternal life.I belive God came on earth as human being (Jesus)to save us all.I believe there's no other way to heaven but Jesus only.I know people are saved by grace.I believe there's hell.My favorite scripture is Acts 16:25
12/2/2007 6:37:15 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
12/3/2007 11:38:59 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Charlotte, MI
age: 37
God knows I really do not deserve his love for the things I have done but I am glad that He loves me unconditionally and that He wants me to live the life that would be pleasing to Him.
12/4/2007 12:38:32 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Hermitage, PA
age: 29
Man..This is a question one must carefully answer and at the same time examine his or her self. I definitely believe their are true christians. And I believe because of the elect in our country God is being patient with bringing wrath because of all the wickedness in our homeland. It seems to me that our nation only cry's out to God when tragedies strike like 911, or hurricane katrina etc. And all of a sudden you see politicians, the media and everyone with an important title crying and praying to God after these terrible things occur. Now all of a sudden God has our attention!! But It doesn't have to be this way. God wishes none to persih but for all to come to repentance(2Peter vs9). Furthermore, there are true christians and there are also hypocrites, but God will seperate the wheat from the tares at the proper time.
[Edited 12/4/2007 12:44:19 AM]
12/4/2007 7:28:50 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Gillette, WY
age: 58 online now!
Who knows what a true Christian is. My view of a true Christian is one who is a caring, non-judgmental and most of all forgiving individual. Organized religion has turned many good folks away from believing. Contrary to the teachings of Jesus, many churches refuse to associate with the less fortunate. Sure they will make token efforts to raise money for well publicized events but they don't want people of that ilk in their high and mighty churches. Other persona non grata groups are the "major sinners" (in their eyes) such as reformed addicts, adulterers, ex-cons, etc. Who needs The Word and forgiveness more than these people? Unfortunately, most churches are full of people who believe that just showing up every Sunday makes them a shoo in for God's grace. Wrong!!
Although I step out of grace frequently, my life experiences have made a believer out of me and I think a much better person. However, I don't judge others for their beliefs or try to push my beliefs on others. The good Lord has brought me out of many dire circumstances including near a near death experience in Vietnam. He delivered me from there severely injured but whole with no serious lasting ill effects. That alone was a miracle considering the events of that day.
I have found that He indeed works in his own time frame. In most cases, more time than I would have liked but He always comes through. Other times, prayers have been answered immediately. It is very hard to understand life's tragedies and misfortunes that cause one to question their faith. I guess you have to chalk them up to a very complex master plan that requires many paths and events to reach conclusion.