11/5/2007 1:17:06 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 67
Hi friends, I'm really having a bad day today--not for sure why.
This has been the worst year since my daughter passed away. The anniversary of that day
will be coming up on 12-02-----Please keep me in your prayers--ty for being here--
I love all of you--hugs---Pat.
11/5/2007 1:38:49 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Utica, NY
age: 60
You are in my prayers. Can't imagine the loss you have suffered, but I do know how it can become unbearable when "certain" days or situations occur to bring that loss to your heart in a way that no other thoughts can enter your mind.
I'm sure you have sought support groups specifically geared for the loss of a child. But I wanted to share something I learned in my bereavement group before the first holiday season without my husband. There were two parents who lost their child and they told us how they completely changed their holiday celebrations that first year. The mother became upset when the father tried to cheer her and keep things stable for the other children by bringing home the tree as he had always done. After she was able to express to him that she couldn't bear decorating a tree and things were never going to be the same... the family decided to make a different/new celebration for their holiday.
It really didn't matter how they celebrated... it had to be different, yet honor the one that was no longer there. They both expressed that it was an acknowledgement of the death and the loss and how difficult it was going to be to continue with the same traditions without their son.
This doesn't work for everyone, it was just the way THEY handled it, but it helped me. Everyone else's family is in tact and yours has a gaping hole in it.
I needed to have that acknowledged in some way for me also. I've changed my family's celebration, but always honor my husband in some way and I find it somewhat easier.
God bless you.
11/5/2007 3:47:19 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
I am a Christian, but I don't believe everything stated in the Bible.
I believe in Darwin's theory of Evolution...but I don't judge those that do believe ALL that is quoted in the Bible.
I was brought up Lutheran, but now attend a Methodist church which caters to Baby Boomers, and not hell and damnation. It has a pulpit "in the round", folk guitars for the many songs, activities, and socials, besides the usual prayer groups.

[Edited 11/5/2007 4:59:01 PM]
11/5/2007 3:57:35 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
I will keep you in my prayers. I've not lost a child but I've lost a lot to know that as the anniversary date comes and goes we still have hard times. There is no magical date when things are back to normal. For one "normal" is different because you now see life differently and there is a new normal that you adjust to. Questions that will not be answered for years and some not in this lifetime.
Keep your Faith in Christ and know you are loved.
11/5/2007 5:14:31 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Morgan, VT
age: 65
Pat, I hope by now the tide has turned a bit.
Though my children are still here on this home planet.
I lost fatherly relations with them when they were very young,
and had to trust in Gods overall command of eternity,
when my heart was overburdened with greif.
I found these times pass...and after all the years gone by
I [almost crave but] fondly remember those days of pain.
I hope you understand, with time the scares heal over
and peace comes, but we will never forget.
Our God well knows the pain that overwhelms humanity.
And when we take our next step into the Mansion worlds,
and leave these material frames behind,we will be amoung
our brothers and sisters in an unbeleivably exciting journey,
without the pain and stress of this primative soujourn.
11/6/2007 11:39:51 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Two years ago I took a cruise on the Mediterranean Sea, sightseeing through Southwest Asia and Northern Africa.
I rode a camel at the pyramids in Giza, Egypt, kayaked the Jordan river, swam in the Dead Sea, and touched the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. The most compelling and spiritual was walking the same path that Jesus walked prior to him being crucified. I was so overcome with emotion, I had to stop to gather my thoughts.
Most think of the state of Israel as being all Jewish, but actually is a blend of all faiths and beliefs, and is a very beautiful country, rich in spirit and diversity.
[Edited 11/6/2007 1:08:42 PM]
11/6/2007 5:52:39 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Spring, TX
age: 55
I usually have a cup of coffee before my morning bible reading. Say my prayers, morning and night, sometimes while driving. I do try to live a life of kindness, love, and appreciate most everything.
I've had up times, and down times. I trust that God was carrying me in that 'footprints' poem.
someone wrote a song years ago..
The Lord knows I'm drinking
and drinking aint right
but me and the Good Lord's
Gonna have a talk, later on tonight.
11/6/2007 6:27:04 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 67
Thank you all for your comforting words. It's so nice to know there are friends here when you are down. I really think this is so bad this year,as I'm alone,and haven't been going out with the ladies or anything---just working around my place.
I know the Lord says he will never put us through anything we cannot bear--but at times I just wonder.I have not even went to the cemetery the way I have other years.
Also my kids are busy with their own lives--working,their own kids,etc.They seem to not have much time for me---my son,daughter-in-law, and gr-daughter live on the next street over from me--but never come over. My oldest daughter lives just about 15 mins. away,and she now has 2 gr-kids--so she hardly comes at all.
My youngest daughter only lives in the next town, but has not talked to me for 1 and a half yrs.Her oldest daughter moved to Fla. with her dad--I miss her terrible. The other 2 girls--I only get a glimpse of every once in a while somewhere.
This is my life--I should write a book--So sorry I spilled my life out to you,but I think it makes us feel better sometimes to just do that.
I love you all,and ty for your kindness---hugs--Pat.  
11/6/2007 9:02:33 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Woodbridge, VA
age: 34
yeah...me too...
11/6/2007 9:28:30 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Utica, NY
age: 60
sweetfyr...nice to meet you and have you here with us.
11/6/2007 9:32:36 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Utica, NY
age: 60
welcome wendrew and ladyfire... flat on your face is a place... I know, because I've been.
God bless you. 
11/7/2007 12:00:16 AM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Campo de la Cruz
age: 36

...I was kind of depress to see how the Lord has been disrespected... especially today so I was about to post this image till I saw your posting so instead...
I want to share with you guys the constant love that God has for us when we fall and can not stand no more and how his wounded hands yet resurrected love lift up our faiths again and to hope to keep us strong in this earth contaminated by hate and lock of love...
...so for those who love him as He first love us...
also I tried to post in the widow posting but I guess 'cause I am not as widow in my profile but single... it did not allow me ...thank you for sharing...I went through a hard time as well... he was the Love of my life, our first years were not easy, once we finally connected he spoiled me...we married one month after we met ...once he passed away it was so hard to cope with life...still is...I wanted to find love again but it is not easy still I feel so fortunate that I experienced Love and I find peace by painting, listening to music and spending time with my children ...Hugs and more hugs to all of you!!!
[Edited 11/7/2007 12:24:28 AM]
11/7/2007 3:17:24 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
This thread asks for TRUE Christians...my question is there a difference between a Christian and a true Christian? How does one measure faith? By how many times a month they attend church, or sit in the front pew? I have met many true Christians who profess to be just that, while asking me for a date while their wife was in the other room.
I don't preach the word of God and don't attend church every Sunday, but I do know where my true faith lies......
[Edited 11/7/2007 3:19:14 PM]
11/7/2007 6:07:54 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 67
Gazy guy--what are you up to??--orobably no good,right?---lmao:
Well, have enough fun for both of us while you're at it---hugs to all--lotsafuninpa.
God Bless you all--my verse for today is---1John 5:13-These things have I written unto you that believe on the son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life,and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God:
11/8/2007 2:26:06 PM |
Are there any true christians out there: |

Tioga, PA
age: 67
Thank you gazy, I know we don't deserve it,but God is faithful to forgive us for all of our sins---if we only believe. You fruity guy---lol
My verse for today is---For the wages of sin is death;butthe gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord----Romans 6:23
God Bless each one of you---HUGS---PAT.