11/7/2009 10:34:48 AM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |

Salem, VA
40, joined Oct. 2009
if sex was a religion I would be a very religious man. love all kinds of sex
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11/7/2009 11:54:28 AM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
if sex was a religion I would be a very religious man. love all kinds of sex
I'm sure there are a few. I know of one in Canada which worships the Phallus, male sex organ, and is rather omnisexual (gay, straight, just about anything goes to my understanding.) I saw a special about them a couple years ago and found information about them online. It seems much of their focus is homosexual though since it's phallus worship... I hesitate to give their link, but I guess I will:
WARNING DO NOT go to this website if you are offended by sexual content. It is presented in a real religious fashion, but it is rather graphic and may offend many! I only share it because it IS a religious site and intended to be completely serious. They have real churches all over the place with regular services.
(how's that for an "Other" religion. )
It's not my cup of tea, and I'm openly gay, but if it suits some folks I guess I can't tell them otherwise.
Aside from that, there are sexual cults in just about every religion. I don't know of many religions which entirely focus on sexuality, but most had fertility deities and cults which were very much sexual. Try looking up fertility cults and perhaps that can give you some starting places.
Rev. Ancient Wolf
[Edited 11/7/2009 11:55:41 AM ]
11/7/2009 1:53:55 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |


Arvada, CO
34, joined Jun. 2009
Other than cults to Priapus, Bacchus/Dionysus, Satanic ritual orgy, and Heiros Gamos rituals, no- there aren't.
Of course, the OP is just being a hormonal male, and has little interest in sex as a religious practice. Making something a mandatory ritual takes the spontaneity out of it, and makes it much less fun.
Think of it this way- if every night at 8pm on the dot, your wife/girlfriend/partner wanted to have sex, you'd first think it was AWESOME.
Then, you'd have to cancel poker night with your buddies.
Then you'd have to turn off the TV, even though the big game is on.
Then, you'd never be able to go anywhere on the holidays.
Then, nobody would be able to visit YOU.
Eventually, you'd get sick of it.
Now, imagine that- instead of sex at 8pm- it's sex with masks on, or while a bunch of droopy older people stand in a circle around you and chant, or only having sex after pouring wine all over the floor and the sheets, or only having sex after special oils are applied to the parts involved...
Yeah. Just enjoy it for what it is, without making it more complicated.
11/7/2009 2:21:21 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |


Union, NH
45, joined May. 2009
Well i guess no one can argue that its "all Goddess worship" with that pee pee cult around lol
11/7/2009 6:56:19 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |

Red Deer, AB
44, joined Jan. 2008
Surely you have heard of tantra and kama sutra?
I wouldn't call those religions, but they certainly aim to combine sex with the spiritual...
I doubt that was your point here though 
Heiros Gamos rituals
Love this concept! What are the rituals all about? Have never heard of that..
[Edited 11/7/2009 6:59:24 PM ]
11/8/2009 12:46:06 AM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |


Arvada, CO
34, joined Jun. 2009
I'm not exactly certain, Shakti. It's hard to find anything of merit when researching the subject, since Da Vinci Code and Eyes Wide Shut have depictions of Heiros Gamos rituals- which I highly doubt are anywhere near authentic.
As near as I can tell, it's a soul-bonding ritual involving sex between a married couple who keep their identities concealed via disguises or masks. I think the idea is that the joined souls "recognize" each other, and thus seek out the intimate connection. It could also possibly be that the couple are temporarily inhabited by a divine union- God for the man and Goddess for the woman, and the masks allow the participants to "channel" the gods, so that the union is sanctified by the divine.
It strikes me as similar to Tantra, which may show a common link. Perhaps it originated in some region or tribe conquered by Alexander, who then brought the concepts back to Greece and later Rome?
I really don't know, I only have theories. And to be honest, it isn't something I've spent much time looking into. It's too frustrating to study sex when not getting any. 
[Edited 11/8/2009 12:50:08 AM ]
11/8/2009 12:45:57 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |

Brantford, ON
63, joined May. 2009
The Society for Sacred Sexuality announces
its annual Spring Equinox Celebration & Hieros Gamos Sacred Sex Ritual,
in the tradition of the ancient sacred sex societies of Babylon and Sumer.
These Middle Eastern cultures and others celebrated the Spring Equinox as their New Year, marking the beginning of the growing season and the re-emergence of Mother Earth after her winter slumber. They honored the day with a sacred sex ritual that Greek historians later called Hieros Gamos, meaning 'Sacred Marriage'. The sex rite, a public event held at the central temple, conferred the blessings of goddess Inanna (and later Ishtar) upon the reigning king, and through him to the whole society. It was also to ensure a fruitful growing season.
Sacred sex, like the seasons, moves in cycles. Each season represents a different value of fullness of the wave of sacred sex ecstasy. Spring, marking the new year and growing season, represents a new wave of sacred sex ecstasy rising up. The Society for Sacred Sexuality celebrates this new wave with its annual event.
Equinox Day, the time when the sun is in perfect balance over the northern & southern hemispheres, is an ideal day for sacred sex practice. The balance in nature is highly conducive to enjoying the balanced state of Sacred Sexual Union.
Equinox Day is also a day of transition between the sun's southerly path and its northerly one. This makes Equinox Day ideal for transitioning to higher states of being.
The event will be held each year on the day of the Spring Equinox (traditionally March 21st). If the equinox falls before or after March 21 in a given year, the celebration and ritual will span the dates, continuing for 2 or more days as necessary. The exact equinox time will be posted in this Forum Message each year.
(Note the March date is for the northern hemisphere; Spring Equinox for the southern hemisphere is on or near September 21. Residents of each hemisphere are invited to participate in the appropriate celebration for their region.) Because seasonal rituals fall on the same day, yet have opposite values (i.e. Spring Equinox in the north is the same day as Autumn Equinox in the south), our worldwide sacred sex ritual creates a perfectly balanced global effect.
To maximize participation & convenience, and also to create a truly global event, we invite everyone to join the annual ritual from the privacy of their own home. With membership from countries throughout the world, the Society for Sacred Sexuality has a unique opportunity to deeply infuse love & light in global consciousness.
You can participate in the event alone or with a lover by creating a personal sacred sex ritual according to your own desire, using the lessons in the Sacred Sex Lesson Forum, or your own sacred sex practice. Include in your ritual a conscious desire to bring the blessings of the Goddess to your nation and its leaders, so that they make wise & life-supporting decisions in the coming year. For ancient flavor, you can read a portion or all of the original Hieros Gamos ritual (see link below) as part of your own rite. If weather and local law/custom permits in your area, you may even enjoy your ritual outside in nature to celebrate the Spring Season.
Members are invited to use this Forum to ask questions, share experiences and ritual practices, suggest ideas, and generally discuss this annual celebration.
You can find a translation of the ancient Hieros Gamos ritual in our Sacred Sex Text Archive.
To learn more about the sacred sex cultures that evolved this ritual, visit the Sacred Sex Tradition Forum.
I wish everyone a Sacred Sexual Union during these Sacred Rites of Spring.
Gary Joseph
Founder, Society for Sacred Sexuality
More info can be found here:www.sss-now.org/forum/Annual_Spring_Equinox~605.htm
They have Forums and stuff.
I think that love making, is a really ignored part of beliefs. That there is a spiritual aspect largely ignored .
Just my opinion , but trying to find a religion as a way to have sex, is in itself taking away the spirituality that comes with love. I think the highest form of love is best expressed by bringing a spirituality to love making.
Pure rutting for the physical only release, takes away and diminishes the potential for this though. With out love being a part of the equation, a simple monetary exchange will give you the desired conclusion, why complicate the issue by pretending there is something more?
12/8/2009 4:54:01 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |
Woodland, WA
55, joined Dec. 2009
12/12/2009 1:25:41 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |
Hudson, NC
40, joined Dec. 2009
I've spent my adult years learning about every religion imaginable to just try to understand "God" a little better. The one thing I've noticed, whenever sex is even remotely involved in religion....it ends up just being a bunch of creepy dudes just looking for a new way to get in your pants. lol
I agree with a previous poster, sex is spotanious and carnal and is pretty awesome without trying to make it something it's not. 
12/12/2009 7:03:08 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |


Arvada, CO
34, joined Jun. 2009
Weird thing is, sex used to be a big part of religion, back before Constantine anyway. Ancient Hebrews had temple prostitutes, Greeks worshiped gods like Priapus (Giant Penis God) and Dionysus (Drunken Orgy God), and various other religions and sects had derivatives of Heiros Gamos type ritual marriage sex.
Early christianity didn't have the same opposition to sex as it does now- it wasn't until women priests were forbidden that the idea that a cleric should not have any marriage life at all started gaining sway. The concept was that a man could not devote himself entirely to god if he- like every other man on earth- wanted to f**k.
And we've seen endless examples of how trying to drive someone against a biological imperative is next to impossible. 
12/12/2009 8:59:35 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |
Hudson, NC
40, joined Dec. 2009
True dat! *cough* child molesting priests *cough*
12/16/2009 11:23:24 AM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
Weird thing is, sex used to be a big part of religion, back before Constantine anyway. Ancient Hebrews had temple prostitutes, Greeks worshiped gods like Priapus (Giant Penis God) and Dionysus (Drunken Orgy God), and various other religions and sects had derivatives of Heiros Gamos type ritual marriage sex.
Early christianity didn't have the same opposition to sex as it does now- it wasn't until women priests were forbidden that the idea that a cleric should not have any marriage life at all started gaining sway. The concept was that a man could not devote himself entirely to god if he- like every other man on earth- wanted to f**k.
And we've seen endless examples of how trying to drive someone against a biological imperative is next to impossible.  [/quote
I agree,Trippy, it seems to have really gotten screwed up when the elite figured out they could scare the crap out of folks and make them behave.Now in these days of folks awaking to things, both men and women see the need and have a desire for sacred sex.We know that the balancing of the M F energies must be embraced for not only for mother earth herself to ascend, but for we as humans as well.
Thanks for posting that sight I have pulled up vids on the subject but I bookmarked that site you provided and find I will have alot of good information to shift through, it's like getting a brand new book to devour!!!!!!!!!!
1/21/2010 10:37:37 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |


Desoto, TX
55, joined Jan. 2009
3/4/2010 12:57:10 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |
Queen Creek, AZ
41, joined Jan. 2009
When a man and a woman marry, the body of the man belongs to the woman and not his anymore and the body of a woman belongs to the man and not hers anymore. Do you like that trading? No one should deprive the other. That is a religious teaching 
3/5/2010 9:43:21 AM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |


Arvada, CO
34, joined Jun. 2009
trying to drive someone against a biological imperative is next to impossible.
Humans are no better than animals- the need to reproduce is a biological imperative, hard-wired in every living thing on Earth.
Making up nonsense about how, upon marriage, that should all change isn't going to do a damn thing. Humans are unique in that we can act against biological imperatives- but pretending they don't exist is useless.
3/5/2010 9:14:52 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |

El Cajon, CA
45, joined Dec. 2009
think i should start a new one?
3/18/2010 8:53:59 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |

Portland, OR
61, joined May. 2009
When a man and a woman marry, the body of the man belongs to the woman and not his anymore and the body of a woman belongs to the man and not hers anymore. Do you like that trading? No one should deprive the other. That is a religious teaching 
yeah I think that's pretty cool
3/27/2010 7:51:08 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |
Lake Benton, MN
57, joined Jan. 2009
In the old testment its talks about Solamen having 200 hundred or more wives. he must of had a lot of sex ,was there a shortage of men back in thoses days?
5/5/2010 6:52:24 PM |
Is there any religion based around sex? |
Austin, TX
54, joined Aug. 2008
look into hinduism. The kama sutra is derived from it.