4/10/2011 12:33:02 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Minneapolis, MN
42, joined Jul. 2009
Don't hold back ladies and gents...
Let's have the dirt.
I'll let you know mine soon. Although I have quite a few, hard to choose the craziest!
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/10/2011 1:47:06 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


International Falls, MN
51, joined Jan. 2011
I was panhandling - think I was 17 - for a joke - to get $$ for smokes n this guy stopped - talked to me bout dangers then jus gave me his own full pack smokes n told me go home 
4/10/2011 2:30:27 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Minneapolis, MN
42, joined Jul. 2009
that's the craziest thing you've done?
C'mon. You can do better than that. Didn't you ever sleep with your best friends crush? (I remember this girl who liked me, her best friend would sneak over to my apt once a week without her knowing...).
Or smoke something that got you totally eff'd up?
How about bangin two guys in the same day.
Or make out with some hot chick.
But really thanks for posting here. you rock rebel!! 
4/10/2011 10:07:14 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Lilburn, GA
47, joined Aug. 2010
Ummmmmm, I haven't really done anything crazy.... I am pretty tame... I don't drink and drive, I don't steal, damn.... I am boring... 
Let's see... I got drunk @ Easter last year @ my mom's, had a HUGE Religion Conversation with her neighbor (I don't remember it, but was told about it later) and then I went to sleep on my mother couch and slid off in the middle of the night and wedged myself under her coffee table... It took me close to 20 minutes to get out cause I couldn't stop laughing...
Mental Note, DO NOT feed me Wine!!! LMAO
4/10/2011 10:26:38 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Savage, MN
40, joined Aug. 2008
In high school 2 friends and I decided to streak the high school girls varsity soccer game. We wrapped our shirts around our heads, pants down to the ankles. There is a hill all the way around our stadium very well lit up. Plus we almost got in a fight with a few boys from the other school there. I guess they were afraid to get beaten by a few streakers.   
4/10/2011 1:20:15 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


International Falls, MN
51, joined Jan. 2011
O, you're lookn for porn stories sorry, so many pervs out there - never could make up my mind with who I wanted so took no one.   
[Edited 4/10/2011 1:20:30 PM ]
4/10/2011 1:28:12 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


Waubun, MN
52, joined Apr. 2006
in my early years road my dirt bike to school,,and at the days end jumped on it and the cops started to chase me,,radio is faster then the bike,,but somehow after 2 hours and almost out of gas and every trail i could hit i got away,,lats time i drove that into town,,
4/10/2011 8:53:59 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |
Saint Paul, MN
54, joined Feb. 2011
posted on here
4/10/2011 9:14:42 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |
Minneapolis, MN
33, joined Jul. 2008
I went full no handlebars once. Its true. I swear.
4/11/2011 3:09:08 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Minneapolis, MN
42, joined Jul. 2009
Great stories...
Here's one of my own:
Back in 2002 I was working at a drug rehab center in Mpls, and my co-workers(mostly counselors) and I all were reading in the local Trib about this Uptown burglar who looked just like me. Ht, wt, hair, everything. No photo, but in the article he had a black and green Eagles jacket. So as a joke- cuz they kept ribbing me that it was me on my lunch break- I colored and cut out a huge 'Eagles' logo and taped it to my leather coat.
We all went to lunch- me wearing the coat- and I got lots of laughs from my co-workers...and looks, esp from the manager of this deli we went to. As we're all walking back to work - sandwich bags in hand, police car after police car is driving by. No sirens, but I see about 7 cars go by us heading in the direction of the deli. I look around but they're all gone down the street. My co-workers are giving me a hard time, 'see what you did'. About 5 minutes later, we're splitting up crossing the street, as I don't like to wait for lights to change.
I cross a long 5-way intersection on Henn Ave and just as I reach the corner I hear "Drop it!!!". I turn around and, no lie, there are a dozen cops 20-25 feet from me. Doors open, guns drawn, pointed right at my head. I raise my hands and drop my sandwich. "Don't move a muscle!" Needless to say, I didn't.
At the same time, I have the biggest smile on my face. I couldn't help it. In my head, I'm thinking "Wow, great job on the jacket. What a great joke!" At the same time, my co-workers are no where near me. I'm looking around for them to explain what happened. After about ten minutes of explaining the cop in charge is pissed at me. I tell him it was just a bad joke. He tells me they have this guy's photo(who was an armed robber) and I'm not him - lucky me - but if I had made one move, they would have shot me multiple times.
If they didn't have his photo on video surveillance, I very likely would've been in jail for a long time. Luckily I'm still here to share my story.
(Funny thing was, a buddy of mine walked by across the street while this was all going on and just kept walking. He's a former dealer, and didn't want to get involved. When I get home that day, I have multiple messages from my buddy's asking if I was in jail...)
4/11/2011 4:35:35 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |
Rochester, MN
31, joined Feb. 2011
The craziest thing I've ever done:
I went out intertubing with my little brother and this guy I was seeeing. We saw a rope swing that somebody tried to tie up, so we decided to climb the tree and get it down. I'm pretty balsy, so I decided to go first. I'm tall, but not fat, so I was the lightest and most limber person to test it, right?
Okay, so I can't half a** this thing. I decided to grab the rope and run. I swing all the way out over the water and then I hear this ripping nose. I let go of the rope, and the little branch tied to the end whips iup, wraps around the rope, and nags my arm about halfway down my drop.
After I went under I realized something was kind of wrong, but I had been drinking so I just go to shore. Everybody starts freaking out, I look down, and realize my arm is broken pretty badly. Not one to ruin the fun, I took a shot of vodka, got back on my tube, and finished going down the river.
The guy I was seeing wanted to take me to the hospital, but I said no, and instead we had a little fun in the back of his car. It was bloody, but still some pretty good sex. 
4/12/2011 2:53:09 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |
Northfield, MN
44, joined Jan. 2011
Hmmm? Having sex at work in HVAC area of roof of gov't building with an intern... or, one day during Mardi Gras in the French Quarter on duty (in uniform) and having 'The Marilyns' (a drag parade of Marilyn Monroe's) all come up and kiss me on the cheek in front of the crowd....having the subsequent walk back into Federal building covered in red lipstick marks...
4/12/2011 8:43:54 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Lilburn, GA
47, joined Aug. 2010
Just drove to GA from MN.... 
4/12/2011 10:12:24 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


Waubun, MN
52, joined Apr. 2006
made it home safe.
4/13/2011 1:16:28 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Lilburn, GA
47, joined Aug. 2010
Yes I did... A day late, but I am home... Till June... I think... Then I will be back..
4/13/2011 8:23:03 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |
Orr, MN
35, joined Oct. 2010
Spring break '06 I was at south parde island in a hot tub with a bunch of people and my soon to be gf,Bre. The party wound down about 3 in the morning and the guy whos hot tub it was let us come to the after party inside. Placed in front of us were 4 HUGE lines of who knows what, but it was white and sticky, not sure if it was coke or meth(I'm not one to do drugs less yet can I tell the difference but it was spring break so I didn't give a shit). Suddenly I find myself amped up beyond belief so I felt it was my obligation to go back to my tent, get the gorilla suit, and let the fun begin! I headed to the beach and proceeded to talk endlessly and without shame to everyone I came across, including a bunch of asians I wound up building sandcastles with, retired folk scanning the beach with metal detectors, to whom I rambled on for a half hour or so about what a great movie grumpy old men is, and eventually, a group of people offered me a ride to a free pancake breakfast as the sun was coming up. Turns out once they got me in the van they felt the need to preach the words of jesus to me. I was not impressed but well armed with my best george carlin and busted out the 10 commandments bit (youtube it if you don't know what I'm talking about). Being the forgiving people they were, they took me to the church parking lot where I ate pancakes and drank some energy drink(like I needed that), in a gorilla suit, cracked out. Then they brought me back to the campground where I did beer bongs with the early morning party folk,went back to my tent, had sex with Bre, eventually passing out. It was a great night!

4/15/2011 12:59:11 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Minneapolis, MN
42, joined Jul. 2009
The craziest thing I've ever done:
I went out intertubing with my little brother and this guy I was seeeing. We saw a rope swing that somebody tried to tie up, so we decided to climb the tree and get it down. I'm pretty balsy, so I decided to go first. I'm tall, but not fat, so I was the lightest and most limber person to test it, right?
Okay, so I can't half a** this thing. I decided to grab the rope and run. I swing all the way out over the water and then I hear this ripping nose. I let go of the rope, and the little branch tied to the end whips iup, wraps around the rope, and nags my arm about halfway down my drop.
After I went under I realized something was kind of wrong, but I had been drinking so I just go to shore. Everybody starts freaking out, I look down, and realize my arm is broken pretty badly. Not one to ruin the fun, I took a shot of vodka, got back on my tube, and finished going down the river.
The guy I was seeing wanted to take me to the hospital, but I said no, and instead we had a little fun in the back of his car.  It was bloody, but still some pretty good sex. 
Wow...that is the one of the craziest things I've ever heard! With a broken arm...getting some booty in the back of his car. Now that's priorities ! I probably would've gone to the hospital first, and then gave her a look like 'Mmmm, a little sumptin' for the effort...I broke my arm, not my groin'. 
4/15/2011 1:33:20 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |
Saint Paul, MN
47, joined Apr. 2011
uh...joining a dating site.........lol    
4/15/2011 1:45:24 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |
Minneapolis, MN
42, joined Dec. 2010
In 2006 I was in Sauk Centre and going to watch the Super Bowl with friends. So saturday night we went out and had some fun and got hammered. We cam back to my friends house and they took my keys because I was hammered, but they left them on the kitchen table...well through the night I was texing a friend from Detroit Lakes...so we were texting and I decided...hell I need some a** so I am driving to DL...it's 2 hours but hell I can hit 94 and make it...so I hit the freeway dreaming of the p*ssy I was about to get some ass. So I see 94 and then the next thing I know I am in a ditch on 94 between Sauke and Alexandria...I passed out on the hwy...so not smart....but then a truck driver stops and ask if I need a ride back to Sauk....but the worst words I have ever said....I said no I am good I have the police coming to pull me out...let's just say my super bowl was spent in a a cold cell by myself SMH
4/15/2011 8:13:15 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


Waubun, MN
52, joined Apr. 2006
same here,,like when it first started only two of us in mn chat,scary,,
4/16/2011 12:09:00 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Lilburn, GA
47, joined Aug. 2010
I was just going to say that. Although I have met some great people on here and wouldn't change them for the world.
4/16/2011 11:18:18 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Crazy thing? ME????? Can't even properly explain it!
4/19/2011 12:09:29 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Minneapolis, MN
42, joined Jul. 2009
Crazy thing? ME????? Can't even properly explain it!
Give it a try. I've enjoyed reading them.
I used to date this girl who broke her nose walking into a delivery truck. Only the truck was moving. When she was in her teens, without looking she was crossed a street and a truck drove by right in front of her. She could've been easily killed. But had her nose broken instead. 
7/6/2011 11:30:45 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Kasson, MN
38, joined Jun. 2009
Is not my crazy anything at all. I have been "almost" killed now since age 9. It took many hours to list a quick info. At least 100+ and I am still running strong. This is not my message. I take a moment to send this. Not sure you shall even see it. I am overwhelmed by your/with your profile and not just what you say. It is also how you say it. I salute you. Like you are the coolest. Your adventure is like many of mine. We could be twin adventurists. I was sleeping flat in the back of my Lincoln Navigator. Seat is out. The driver slipped past my awareness radar. He was/is of the negative force. In such scenes of my life my name is Ghump ... Forest Ghump. Off to dreaming I am. I awaken at 75 mph. I hear a voice. ( I am Oglala Lakota Sioux Mom, Italian Papa, left home age 15, lived with 2 Chinese Grandmasters, raised Chinese, I teach GongFu & Tai Ji Quan & QiGong, so hearing a voice is not unusual). It is Pai LoLung and it is on April 4th, his birthday. "brace yourself, this is going to be a rough
one". He/It rolls the Navigator 2 flips into the deep ditch on Indiana I80. It is totaled wrecked. I am unhurt I thought. I went 6 weeks running around. At moments. Darn why is my arm hurting. The asked. How could you not know this. Your forearm is broke clean through. I left in a cast. Ah Oh. Back to work. Trucking. So I cut the cast off. Do my interview. My drive around test and physical med thing. Soon as I hit the road. I wrap the cast back on with duct tape. I kept breaking the healing bone calcium apart. You see. I should have signed in the hospital as Forest Ghump. No moral to the story. Just advisoral insight. Don't let anybody drive your Navigator!!!  So anyway. I just liked your story. This is a lot of work. Tapping out on my iPhone. Perhaps I shall go to my CPU and perceive your profile. Send you a real message. Later. Running Fire.
7/6/2011 12:43:06 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Kasson, MN
38, joined Jun. 2009
Ahhh. My message was to ROUGENIKA of Rochester with her broken arm kind of crazy like my broken arm. Also strangely uniquely. I live in Kasson 13 miles from you, aye. Seems I should reply my own message. Not always know what I am doing. I was of ineptness. thinking my message went to her direct. Now I gather it is a open forum. So shoot me. This cool Rogue Nika will most likely not see it. Perhaps I will run into her at the Mayo Clinic. With another broken arm. Hehehe. Then we can cry on each others shoulder. We are not to bright. A Mr and Mrs Forest Ghump. Then we can toast each each other Our silly ineptness. However. Nika might just take a liking to me. Then this. Then I care not my arm is broke again. Hehehe. 9
7/6/2011 9:18:05 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


Grand Rapids, MN
61, joined Sep. 2009
put a dog in a chicken coop
accidentally boiled my pet turtle (hey! I was a widdle kid)
had a costumed BUNNY steal my Halloween candy(somebody tell that dumb bunny it's out of season)
ALL before the tender age of 6! 
7/6/2011 9:37:35 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


Saint Paul, MN
62, joined Feb. 2009
I am from hannibol,MO I used to skinny dip in the creek when i was 7,8,9,10 ect,,, and if you read my profile I am always game!with a gentleman! crazy sing in a fun loving way JMO!   
7/6/2011 11:40:31 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


Saint Paul, MN
64, joined Oct. 2009
Nothing too crazy, but one night I was walking up in St Cloud. After walking a long time I noticed a water tower in the distance so I walked til I saw what it said. I think it said St Joseph! What a walk home!
Ohhhh, I'm a wild and crazy guy.
7/7/2011 12:02:17 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Saint Paul, MN
35, joined May. 2010
I don't know about crazy, but mean for sure. Back in late 1999 shortly after I graduated from HS. One of my buddies had a crush on one of the school hotties, she never really went anywhere without her "ugly" friend's company. So when my buddy asked her out on a date, she told him that she would only go out with him if he found a date for said friend. So, as the good friend I accepted to go out on a double date just so my buddy would have a shot at the girl he had a crush on. A few dates later, my buddy and his crush started to go out as "g/f and b/f" and she suggested to my buddy that I should ask her friend out as well, I had to keep in touch with this girl's ugly friend all this time, because I didn't want to blow my friend's cover. Needless to say, the only times the four of us hang out together to drink, smoke pot and stuff, was due to the fact that all of us spent a lot of time together because I was the only one who had a car, so anytime we wanted to go out anywhere for fun, I was the one who they would call. Sadly, on my part. I let this chick get closer to me, more then I wanted. I was this girl's first "real" boyfriend because other guys never found her attractive, neither did I. Alcohol and Pot helped a lot. About a year later, after telling her that I never wanted anything serious with her, she started to fall for me, pretty soon she started to call me more often, tried to dress sexier and even saved money to buy her first car just so she could see more often and plan more trips up North. I eventually broke the whole thing off a few months later and I haven't seen her face to face since. 10+ years later, she randomly sends me messages on FB just to see how I'm doing. It worked for my buddy since he's now married to what was his crush back then and they have 3 beautiful children together. Her and Me have called it "Even" now, so I don't feel as bad since we never had sex, we only had some foreplay when we got drunk together.
7/8/2011 12:30:39 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |
Saint Cloud, MN
43, joined Jul. 2011
Well.. This isn't the craziest thing I've ever done, but is the most recent crazy thing. My ex. boyfriend and I just showered getting ready to go out. He double dared (it took the double! ) me to run out to the tree out in his yard NAKED I did it.
7/8/2011 4:56:04 AM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |


Grand Rapids, MN
61, joined Sep. 2009
Nothing too crazy, but one night I was walking up in St Cloud. After walking a long time I noticed a water tower in the distance so I walked til I saw what it said. I think it said St Joseph! What a walk home!
Ohhhh, I'm a wild and crazy guy.
7/8/2011 8:22:00 PM |
What's the craziest thing you've ever done?? |

Sebeka, MN
35, joined Jan. 2010
Crazy sh*t, eh? Weeeellllllll....there's way too many crazy things to list, so we'll stay with fairly recent events. Anyone ever try zip line jousting? Holy balls... The home-made zip lines performed better than the home-made lances, and certainly better than the home-made jock straps.
