4/24/2012 1:23:44 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Bremerton, WA
90, joined Feb. 2010
On another note, I think it would be nice if Non Christians were allowed to post in the Christian forum, as they are allowed to post in here. I believe that it would be the fair thing to do, even if some Christians do not believe in fairness, or equality. Please note that I did say some, not all... 
On another note, the atheists post in the Religious Forum even though the rule states against it in big bold red letters. They go there to insult and harass the religious people, so I guess that makes them trolls.
Nasty bunch of azzwipes, too.
I don't mind who posts where as long as they aren't abusive. There's a certain line that shouldn't be crossed, and it really gets going in that forum.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

5/2/2012 3:14:38 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
Magical unicorns work for me..
Don't delete meeeeee...

Digital Dog
7/2/2012 4:31:12 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Long Island City, NY
39, joined Jul. 2012

7/3/2012 5:56:45 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
Can one of yous change me back..??
I promise not to make fun of yous anymore..!!

Digital Dog
7/3/2012 10:51:06 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Prince Frederick, MD
29, joined Apr. 2012
didnt think wiccans curse. hoodoo curse works wether you believe in it or not.
7/4/2012 8:03:20 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
To ALL my DH friends,
five ex-wives,
and even
the Wiccans, pagans, and witches....
I wish each and every one of yous
a very joyful and safe
4th of July holiday.......
May the God of your choice smile
upon you and yours.....

___ ___
Digital Dog
7/4/2012 4:17:53 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


Jessieville, AR
59, joined Jul. 2010
view all of my: discussions (54) | posts (537) Starting 6/4/12
Carnie hawking tom crappola between weight guessing shifts, wiping down crane claw machine cases and telling fortunes as Rosie Palm for a fin happy ending.
AW DQ spammer. SMH, Realfakewoman111/UncleFester's got it all.
7/10/2012 11:54:41 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Long Island City, NY
39, joined Jul. 2012
You stop believing , works like a "charm" 
7/26/2012 2:12:23 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
I still say shoot it out with a high caliber weapon but give skoalbro's suggestion a shot 1st so u don't have to leave this world a virgin
F**k your mother...that should help....lol
8/12/2012 11:51:33 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Long Island City, NY
39, joined Jul. 2012
If you believe you are "cursed", find an object that symbolizes your belief in good over evil. (Most people use the cross.)
Wear the symbol as your protection and kiss it every day until the bad vibes lift.
8/18/2012 3:57:13 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Rosemead, CA
46, joined Mar. 2012
Wiccan curses store themselves in the frontal lobe of your brain. The most effective way of removing them is to shoot them out with a high caliber weapon.
thats right..
8/31/2012 6:47:26 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Milan, TN
38, joined Aug. 2012
Removing a curse isnt hard to do. I would recommend that you visit a pentecostal church or call a pator and have a one on one conversation about this and he or she will have some anointed oil oil and if you believe in God and that He can and will remove this wickedness before and after he anoints you with the oil, then it will be done! Any church pastor can do it!! Keep in mind we are all created by one God but what we chose to do is up to us alone. He dont make us love Him but let me say this, I was in the same situation and God is sooo amazing and can do anything. Better yet if your covered by the blood, baptism in JESUS' name will remove all curses! Hope that I can be of some help.... If you would like more detail please feel free to message me! God bless and have a wonderful day in Jesus name!! 
8/31/2012 9:22:20 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Philadelphia, PA
30, joined Aug. 2012
alright depending on what type of curse is depending on what u do n for all u ignorant people or people that believe that asking god for help work it works on most but if it put on u for a reason because of negative actions preformed on that person depending on the person some u have to live threw others people have suggested but look at ur self n what u did for it to be brought upon u n if u cant really ask forgiveness n mean it wont go away n feel remorse a curse only works wit meaning behide it n if was just because they didnt like u then get blessed
9/1/2012 12:51:35 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Temecula, CA
32, joined Jun. 2012
You are only cursed if you believe you are.
9/1/2012 7:54:45 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
online now!
In order to believe in curses , you first have to believe that life is cursed .
I could never believe such a notion , for those who do , the curse is yours .
[Edited 9/1/2012 7:56:35 AM ]
9/2/2012 3:10:48 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Long Island City, NY
39, joined Jul. 2012
You are only cursed if you believe you are.
9/2/2012 8:40:44 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Dade City, FL
58, joined Aug. 2012
In order to believe in curses , you first have to believe that life is cursed .
I could never believe such a notion , for those who do , the curse is yours .
9/3/2012 6:19:33 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
Best way to " REMOVE " ANYthing...
Just do what I do...

But whatever you do..
It works for me....
Digital Dog
9/7/2012 12:02:29 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
To heck with that
" wicca, witchy, and goofy crap "..!!!

___ ___
Digital Dog
11/11/2012 9:47:48 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Long Island City, NY
39, joined Jul. 2012

11/11/2012 10:45:05 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

11/12/2012 7:38:27 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


Grove, OK
68, joined Dec. 2010
only in AMERICA...!!!
I'm clairvoyant and work a lot with manipulating energy to help my clients. While I don't consider myself a Wiccan or any other specific category, what I do with energy is similar in ways to Wiccans.
Ohh Ms roseeeyred , 
you are the best scammer comedian ever....
" I'm clairvoyant
and work a lot with manipulating energy to help my clients ....
By the way..
how much do you CHARGE your clients...
for " manipulating energy "..??? 
ONLY in America....GOD I love this country..!! 
___ ___

Digital Dog
11/27/2012 3:43:17 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Knoxville, TN
49, joined Jan. 2010
Seriously, black salt works as a protector. Directions I got from a Wiccan high priest Regarding black salt was To sprinkle it around the front door ways and all access points into my house.

To be honest I kinda thought that it was a bunch of BS, But I figured I'd try anyway. It was uncanny. It was like it's sealed of all negativity from coming inside my house. I'm not going to swear that's your solution, But it's worth a shot.
I got the black salt at the new age shop Inside foothills mall In Maryville. It wasn't expensive at all, And I didn't have to use a whole lot. I think I bought like a pound of it. I'm not exactly sure how they measure it. It was in a zip lock sandwich bag. Maybe 3 or 4 fingers full.
You maybe able to find directions you something online for it
I hope that helped
11/27/2012 12:50:46 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
Wiccan curses store themselves in the frontal lobe of your brain. The most effective way of removing them is to shoot them out with a high caliber weapon.
11/30/2012 9:43:11 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Clorox and a metal brush

12/1/2012 8:25:07 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |


Red Mountain, CA
69, joined Apr. 2010
people only have influnce over you if you allow them to.
12/6/2012 10:48:48 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Ridgecrest, CA
71, joined Oct. 2010
You have to have a Dwarf, a rooster, and.... hummm .. there something else???.......... oh yeah, I remember now but you're probably out of luck because there are no more virgins... baw-hahaha
12/13/2012 9:57:16 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Hickory Hills, IL
30, joined Apr. 2012
Wiccan curses store themselves in the frontal lobe of your brain. The most effective way of removing them is to shoot them out with a high caliber weapon.
That answers I question I had about them. Thanks for answering it before I had a chance to ask it. I dealt with wiccan curses before.
More peaceful alternatives include reading the Bible, daily prayer activities, and taking your mind off the curse. Just read any part of the Bible. When you read it, take the time to think about what you are reading. Then feel it. There is nothing Satan and his demons (his worker bees) hate more than religion. I count my blessings and thank God every day for them. I say "bless you" to everyone I encounter. Finally, favorite hobbies will keep your mind off the trouble being caused by this kind of wiccan garbage. When you pleasure yourself, you are able to melt Satan's mark (this wiccan curse).
It can really be irritating and frustrating to have to deal with a wiccan curse. I agree that a chain of nasty (not just minor) misfortunes will happen as a result of this curse. Remember this, you are in charge of yourself. Show Satan you will not tolerate his shenanigans and bulls***.
12/13/2012 9:59:37 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Hickory Hills, IL
30, joined Apr. 2012
That answers a question I had about them. Thanks for answering it before I had a chance to ask it. I dealt with wiccan curses before. I heard the voices of spirits that put the curse on me. They threatened to kill if I didn't let them possess me and do what they told me to do. They claimed to be a bunch of "communist nazis" who said that nothing was wrong with me (I have multiple disabilities- Autism, ADD, depression, bipolar disorder).
More peaceful alternatives include reading the Bible, daily prayer activities, and taking your mind off the curse. Just read any part of the Bible. When you read it, take the time to think about what you are reading. Then feel it. There is nothing Satan and his demons (his worker bees) hate more than religion. I count my blessings and thank God every day for them. I say "bless you" to everyone I encounter. Finally, favorite hobbies will keep your mind off the trouble being caused by this kind of wiccan garbage. When you pleasure yourself, you are able to melt Satan's mark (this wiccan curse).
It can really be irritating and frustrating to have to deal with a wiccan curse. I agree that a chain of nasty (not just minor) misfortunes will happen as a result of this curse. Remember this, you are in charge of yourself. Show Satan you will not tolerate his shenanigans and bulls***.
12/14/2012 2:02:58 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
12/14/2012 2:04:54 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Aynor, SC
49, joined Feb. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
12/15/2012 8:06:51 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Whiting, IN
23, joined Dec. 2012
What type of curse is it I may be able to help im a wiccan myself
12/16/2012 8:01:52 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Bastian, VA
24, joined Dec. 2012
K guys some wiccans do curse it's ignorant to believe that a Wiccan or any magical practitioner ( note not all wiccans are involved in witchcraft there is a difference) won't throw out a curse or some general bad energy out of anger or in defense. The thing to remember is that energy. Is simply energy nothing more it's the person directing it that makes it harmful or helpful so all you really have to do is turn said harmful energy into nice positive energy. Which is pretty simple first open the doors or windows about an inch and clean your house be sure to clap your hands here and there in the corners to dislodge the energy. Was your floors with pine sol as it has actual pine in it and will help clear out the negativity. Then fill a spray bottle with some kosher salt and spritz your walls and doors. Then take a bath with the same type of salt make sure your drink water while taking the bath so you don't get dehydrated and then light a some insence to raise the houses vibrations.......though some info on the situation would help this the most general solution I can think of
12/16/2012 8:02:25 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Bastrop, LA
25, joined Nov. 2012
ok dig it. im gonna set some things strait here. Wiccans/witches (witch is merely the word used to describe a Wiccan/pagan who has dedicated themselves to the Lord and Lady, and performs religious rites) they do not curse others, only defensive/reflective spells. However a Warlock will curse people, but generally only if you mess with them. as for the "curses" based upon your belief, they are only psychological traps, intended to make you hurt yourself. Real curses affect you regardless of your belief, because they DO NOT tell you they did it. that will undo their hard work of hexing/cursing you. trust me, I've been doing this for years. As for Christ removing a curse, i see no reason why he couldn't, provided you're faith is true i suppose.
12/16/2012 8:09:36 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Bastrop, LA
25, joined Nov. 2012
Typical ignorant christian.
Wiccans are forbidden to harm others. Its even part of the wiccan reed.
Try educating yourself, get over that fairytale bullshit christians believe and burn your buybull.
he's quite right about the rede. "an it harm none, do what thou wilt" old school witchcraft, not this "new age" stuff that's been out for like a decade.
12/25/2012 9:44:42 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Hicksville, NY
56, joined Dec. 2010
Go kick the livin shit outta the wicka who put it on ya. Then give them the molokyo.
1/4/2013 10:01:50 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Is the Wiccan curse applied or injested?
1/30/2013 5:30:46 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Long Island City, NY
39, joined Jul. 2012
You are only cursed if you believe you are.

2/10/2013 2:35:56 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Fresno, CA
59, joined Jan. 2013
Soak it in Zout 1 hour prior to washing in the hot water cycle!
3/3/2013 3:35:33 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Spring, TX
60, joined Oct. 2012
The rule of threes applies to bad spells as well as good. A true Wicca would know that and would not cast a curse. But then a true Christian would not be an a**hole either but it happens. Here is something I use:
Cast ye not your spell at me
For it will return to thee
All these people here will see
To you it will return times three.
Now get thee hence from this place
And bow your head in disgrace
For it is the witches creed
(Picking up dust from the ground and rubbing hands with it, then cupping hands in front ...)
An ye harm none
(Blow dust towards culprit)
3/3/2013 3:37:42 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Spring, TX
60, joined Oct. 2012
The rule of threes applies to bad spells as well as good. A true Wicca would know that and would not cast a curse. But then a true Christian would not be an a**hole either but it happens. Here is something I use:
Cast ye not your spell at me
For it will return to thee
All these people here will see
To you it will return times three.
Now get thee hence from this place
And bow your head in disgrace
For it is the witches creed
(Picking up dust from the ground and rubbing hands with it, then cupping hands in front ...)
An ye harm none
(Blow dust towards culprit)
Basically an I'm rubber your glue thing. LOL
3/25/2013 10:15:08 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Hudson, FL
45, joined Mar. 2013
Their are so many things that have been posted here.
The OP wont truely grasp them, nor be able to utilize the info.
4/6/2013 11:38:10 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Arlington, TX
35, joined Apr. 2013
Whoever cursed you probably isn't Wiccan--since the main rule of the Wicca religion is DO NO HARM TO OTHERS. But I've dealt with demons (not fun when you can see them) and usually a smoky quartz will protect you. So will black tourmaline. Believe it or not but crystals and gems each have their own magical abilities.
Also pick up The Art of Psychic Protection by Judy Hall--it's a great resource on how to protect yourself against negative attacks. When I saw that thing floating around--I got that book and got to work quick.
4/8/2013 1:22:23 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
I don't know much about the Wicca belief ... ... but I don't believe those of the Wicca belief cast spells, do they?
4/8/2013 5:14:29 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Hudson, FL
45, joined Apr. 2013
all religions have there own versions of "spell casting".
They just give it different names.
invisionment, meditation, prayer....and the list goes on.
4/9/2013 6:22:30 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
How asinine! Prayer is not a curse!
4/9/2013 6:22:42 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010

4/9/2013 8:40:53 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Foley, AL
40, joined Mar. 2013
Report the caster to Hecate, goddess of witches. Doesn't matter what the caster believes, it's all about the psychological archetype.
Some free advice:
1 it doesn't work if you don't believe
2 do NOT pray to her without a sacrifice
3 do NOT retaliate against your attacker
4/9/2013 10:15:06 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Hudson, FL
45, joined Apr. 2013
@cupocheer, I didn't say that prayer was a curse.
But it is akin ta invisionment,meditation,and a form of spell casting.
[Edited 4/9/2013 10:16:25 PM ]
4/9/2013 10:17:57 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Hudson, FL
45, joined Apr. 2013
Which by the way, Is what I said the first time.
4/10/2013 3:57:36 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Jacksonville, FL
46, joined Aug. 2012
Wolfyhp I like the way you think.
4/10/2013 3:58:48 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Jacksonville, FL
46, joined Aug. 2012
Why do you think you are cursed?
4/10/2013 4:04:59 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Jacksonville, FL
46, joined Aug. 2012
Prayer can cause harm even if its not meant to and wiccans do cast spells. People of any religion can do good or bad. I choose to behave and becareful. I believe in the 3 fold law.
4/10/2013 4:08:51 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Jacksonville, FL
46, joined Aug. 2012
Wise words
4/11/2013 11:48:51 AM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Hudson, FL
45, joined Apr. 2013
Prayer can cause harm even if its not meant to and wiccans do cast spells. People of any religion can do good or bad. I choose to behave and becareful. I believe in the 3 fold law.
I don't know about you, but it's been my experience that the law of 3 only aplies
if you miss your intended target, or fail at your intended goal.
Maybe thats just me.
4/11/2013 7:38:13 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Canyon Lake, TX
45, joined Jan. 2013
Wiccans don't usually curse. For a Wiccan to offer a curse, would bring it threefold back upon themselves according to their beliefs. However, what a Wiccan MIGHT do is put your own energy back upon you. So, if you have harmed a Wiccan, especially through callousness, you might be just getting back what you put out. The only way to end that kind of curse is to genuinely be a better person, and to apologize to the person. It doesn't matter if they accept your apology or not, just that you're nice about it.
Now, there are other kinds of curses, which a Wiccan wouldn't do, but another sort of Witch might. The most common is the kind that relies on your belief in the curse. For those, you simply have to stop believing that they have any power over you. You can do that by either just not believing in it altogether, or by making yourself a charm which you will believe will protect you from them. (there are real anti-curse charms, but don't spend a lot of money for one, just make one yourself with symbols that are powerful to you. Draw upon your personal power. Use clay if you can't carve wood or stone.) The point is to have something you carry with you.
Real curses are another matter. A real curse is very rare these days, and most aren't that hard to get rid of. Almost all real curses can be gotten rid of by realizing what you did to cause someone to curse you, and owning up to it...kind of like the Wiccan curse in that sense. However, some require an extra step, or sometimes you don't know what you did and can't figure it out. One rite which helps is the forest rite. The idea is to take fresh baked bread and fresh berries (bake the bread yourself if you can at all) and go into a forest. Bury half of the berries and the bread, and scatter the rest around an old tree (oak trees are best, but use whatever trees you have.) Ask the Divine, Who is present in nature, to accept your offering to the forest, and to remove all curses from you. Now, that rite will remove most real curses, but there are still stubborn ones; however, those require some extreme circumstances.
Chances are, you're not dealing with a real "curse" as much as either a return of energy, or a sympathetic magic "curse" which only works if you believe in it.
[Edited 4/11/2013 7:40:34 PM ]
4/12/2013 7:22:49 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Monticello, KY
60, joined Nov. 2012
Finally, some one who knows what there talking about. lol
4/14/2013 12:46:51 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |
Longmont, CO
42, joined Apr. 2013
Wiccans dont curse , its against theyre creed. Do what you will b ou t harm none. However not all witches are wiccan, and if you feel you were cursed there are ways to dispell it.
4/14/2013 3:57:38 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Finally, someone who knows the difference between "there" "their" and "they're".
6/7/2013 10:05:36 PM |
Anyone know how to remove a Wicca Curse | Page 2 |

Cicero, IL
42, joined Nov. 2012
STFU all of you jesus lovin freaks.
Make me. 