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6/27/2007 12:46:40 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Toledo, OH
age: 47

Hey, I had a spelunker once, not good, did not say anything to her about it.

Some one earlier in thread said 5-6 inch circumfrence would split her open, that is not as big as seems, a toilet paper tube cut and flattened out is 5 1/4". Do the TP tube check, put one on your wiennie,(TP tube is 4 1/4" long) if it fits nice and you stick out other end an inch or three then your good n good. If not, keep workin it.LOL


6/27/2007 12:48:15 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Duncan, OK
age: 33

ok what is a spelunker ive always heard it and even said it but i dont know

6/27/2007 12:49:10 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Toledo, OH
age: 47

A caver, one who explores caves. so I spose I was the spelunker huh,LOL

Spelunker: A person whose hobby is speleology (L. spelunka- a cave)

[Edited 6/27/2007 12:55:15 PM]

6/27/2007 12:49:47 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Duncan, OK
age: 33

gotcha. thanks

6/27/2007 12:51:54 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Grand Junction, CO
age: 29 online now!

i was gonna say that Zowwy but i wanted you two to hash that one out!!! hehehehehhe

6/27/2007 12:53:11 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Duncan, OK
age: 33

ive dated them 2 but they dont believe me when i tell em it aint my thing. but it aint appearantly alot of guys do really dig it though

6/27/2007 12:55:33 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Hollidaysburg, PA
age: 22

does size matter?
hmmm.. i think to an extent, it does. but, then again, if he knows how to work it, and you know what you want/like then i think you can manage. personally, i dont think i would let his size affect my sex life or relationship.

6/27/2007 1:07:13 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Chicago, IL
age: 28 online now!

It only matters if your not so small that it doesn't fill me up, or so big that it hurts.

Otherwise, you've got nothing to worry about.

6/27/2007 1:17:19 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Toledo, OH
age: 47

Emma4play, FYI,if you are a woman then why is your shadow pic a dude? change that or you won't show up in female search. Unles you are a gay male , then never mind.

[Edited 6/27/2007 1:20:50 PM]

6/27/2007 1:44:25 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Riverview, FL
age: 57

whats your problem with me I tell the truth and you pic on me o well I dont lie I may not type well and or spell well but ,if my posting ofends you then I wont reply ,ill just read .

6/27/2007 1:48:13 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Columbia, SC
age: 44

Mel, now your killing me... RLMFAO on that one....

6/27/2007 2:06:33 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43

knowbody still told me what fist f*cking is????????????

6/27/2007 2:12:46 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Columbia, SC
age: 44

well you heard of a fist full of dollars? well its that but in reverse.... LOL

No its not take away DHU, school in now...LOL

6/27/2007 2:21:54 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Toledo, OH
age: 47

It's like If you cram your fist in your mouth. Get the pic? DUH. Need a cave for that. LMAO

[Edited 6/27/2007 2:23:42 PM]

6/27/2007 2:25:00 PM LADIES does size really matter??????  

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43

zowwy-It's like If you cram your fist in your mouth. Get the pic? DUH.

hwh- i dont recall asking you smart ass...i was asking the person who mentioned it unless you now have became a female

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