Clermont, FL
age: 23
Well, you said it all. You don't like him, and he doesn't like you or your son in that matter. Move on. I know some alcoholics, They ain't any different then a crack head who needs a piece or a junkie who needs his fix. If he's acting that way he isn't comfortable with himself, he's insecure and he's miserable. He's taking it out at you and the world. I can't feel sorry for people who stay with someone like that. Because it don't take much brains to notice that and move on. Unless you wanna get taken advantage of. If you're scared to waste more time trying to find someone else. Don't worry! Think of how long it actually took to find him. I'm sure in reality, not very long. Like I said drop him and move on.
Medford, NJ
age: 43
Run for your life and don't look back!!!!!
Shreveport, LA
age: 47
The fact that you even ask indicates you have codependent issues to work through. You know this guy is a L-O-S-E-R and yet you have doubts about kicking his abusive ass to the curb even when he wants you to choose between his sorry ass and your twenty year old son. I'm not saying this to slam you but to encourage you to get some help to work through your doubts about being able to do better and your fear of being lonely even if it means holding on to a guy like that because you have your "fun times together." That's the trouble with many drunks is that they can be charming and fun. But the abuse is a kind of hangover that is not worth it. If you get to where you overlook the emotional hangovers, you're on your way do deeper codependent addiction. Get out and get help!!!
Al-Anon has free help practically everywhere. It's for people who aren't alcoholics but have wound up with similar issues because they have been in relationships with alcoholics. The only thing worse than getting help is not getting help.
Get offended if you want, but you asked and I've seen this too many times.
Wilmington, NC
age: 33
Dump him hes a looser