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4/2/2012 9:32:48 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
The older I get the more in touch I become with my inner Source and get the suspicion that we are all connected.Love and Light are who we truly are.....anyone else feel this way?
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/2/2012 11:07:44 AM |
You Are Love |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
Absolutely. Love and Light are what we are in our core, and Love and Light is what we need to grow within ourselves in order for us to grow. Everything which works against Love and Light (greed, hatred, etc.) works against our nature, our souls.
My message to the world is that YOU are loved, and, as a human being, a spark of the Divine incarnated, you have an unending, amazing capacity to be Love which is just waiting to burst forth! We have an amazing ability to be loving, kind, compassionate and to conquer the fears which fool us into selfishness, greed and hatred. -- Ancient Wolf Peace Bringer
[Edited 4/2/2012 11:08:01 AM ]
4/2/2012 11:11:56 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
Simply brilliant my man!
4/2/2012 6:13:54 PM |
You Are Love |
Boiling Springs, PA
53, joined Jun. 2010
I've always concidered love, compassion, ect. to be a more basic instinct than anything else. That's what allows us to come together in families, comunities, cities, states and governments for mutual protection. That's what allows us to thrive as a race. Unfortunatly, we still have a long way to go! There's lots of hate, greed, corruption that we have to fix.
4/2/2012 6:23:51 PM |
You Are Love |

Madison, WI
32, joined May. 2011
Good stuff Wolfy, now to get everyone else on the same page.

4/3/2012 7:07:50 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
I'm starting to feel if we stay centerd in our own Source and power and come from love....the world around us harmoniously changes to match our energy.Whatever we are giving is exactly what we are getting.Choose love in every moment and love will come looking for you.
4/3/2012 8:36:36 AM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I'm hatred and darkness too . The bad is just as much human nature as the good .
Why do people think that love gets rid of all the bad elements of human nature ?
I struggle with both good and bad all the time . Love can "cover" the bad rather nicely , but If I want anything to change , I have to "face off" with the bad parts of my human nature .
4/3/2012 8:42:15 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
I respect what your saying but the bad is only there for you to define the good.It's all part of the same thing.We are in a world on contrast for a reason.When we see what we don't want...we know better what we do want.Without bad...you would never know good.All is well.
4/3/2012 9:02:38 AM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Good and bad are opinions and thought , they're lighter than air .
4/3/2012 9:06:59 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
Your thoughts create your reality.....btw..I am not opposing what you are saying.People are creating there own reality based on there feelings about any situation.So if someone believes he is bad or something is bad...then yes...that will be his experience.But love is who you are....and it is always available within to alter any circumstance.
4/3/2012 10:01:06 AM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I was just never a big fan of the love conquers all ideology .
Love is emotion , on par with , and as faulty , as any other emotion . It's far from fool-proof .
People will have hatred for anything that threatens their love . This is why sects dislike other sects , they threaten their love for their diety .
Its not about amplifying a good emotions . Its about nullifying the the bad ones . Love needs room to grow .
4/3/2012 10:17:12 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
"Love needs room to grow"...that's awesome...I'm using that line in my next song.I appreciate you taking the time to be honest here with me...after all...it all comes down to the self.
4/3/2012 10:34:22 AM |
You Are Love |

Madison, WI
32, joined May. 2011
Everthing has it's poles, and everything is connected, the difference is in degree. Focusing on the negative in one area will increase negativity in all areas.
The world is the mirror in which we see our reflection. If enough people are hateful the world will reflect this.

4/3/2012 10:42:03 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
We are what we think about....that's why it's so important to choose love.Not always easy but important.In the end it doesn't matter because we will all return home.But we came here to enjoy the ride and no one holds that power but the self! We decide how our life turns out....no one else does.Thank you for your post brother!
4/3/2012 11:03:06 AM |
You Are Love |
New York, NY
45, joined Sep. 2011
Yes, your statement is absolutely true... I feel the same way and I can relate to it.
Love is Special - Love is Pure - Love is Trust, Honesty, Loyalty, and Respect. In combination with what I mentioned - the key to it is communication and being open with oneself... Once you open your Heart, everything else follows and becomes an easier ride to the Heart of oneself.
True Love is Unique and Original...
Everyone can Find Love - Just Open yourself to it and Do not be Afraid....
Its out there waiting for you - The your wings will Open and you will Fly away like the Wind... Bliss of Love Forever....
4/3/2012 11:09:41 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
I breathed in every word you just said...thank you for that.I have so much respect for thoes who put their hearts out here....it shows how comfortable they really are with their own inner truth.Although I do not believe love is outside of us...it comes from within and touches and transforms all that is around us.And you my dear just transformed this thread to love.Thank you.
4/3/2012 11:59:07 AM |
You Are Love |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
I so agree, Love is inside of you. There is the emotion of Love, but the emotion of Love is a reflection of the True Love deep inside every one of us, waiting to burst forth and conquer fear. Self preservation is a healthy instinct, and fear keeps us out of danger; however, when we let fear control us, self-preservation turns into greed and selfishness, and these things are unhealthy for the individual and for society. Love, pure love, overcomes that fear, it gives one the strength to take a chance by reaching out to other people. It is not that other emotions are bad, we need all of them, it's just that Love is beyond just the emotion of love, and it is through Love that our souls grow and evolve. The path of allowing fear to control is the opposite, and only leads to destruction of the self ultimately.
Divine Love, Joy and Wisdom abounding for us all,
Ancient Wolf Peace Bringer
4/3/2012 12:06:59 PM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
You are a concious soul Wolfie and that's nothing to sneeze at.I'm finally realizing it was the blame I put on others that held me back from my own truth.I have actually manifested my own intentions by using the love and light that is always available to us.It's like a muscle though...we all have it but you have to work it out for it to come to the surface.Either way...there is no right or wrong...there is only who we choose to be in every moment.
4/3/2012 3:44:30 PM |
You Are Love |
New York, NY
45, joined Sep. 2011
I am Love .... Love is the inner part of your being and when you open yourself to it... Love shines on your face and your being... you are electrified and want to share it with everyone and with someone SPECIAL... but in the meantime give the LOVE to all so that are aware what LoVE really is and means....
You are correct there is no right and wrong way to LOVE ....
Love is clean, pure, helpful, kind, peaceful, joy, cheer, laughter, shine, and best of all Love is Gentle.....
With Love all is possible, Love is God, Love is forgiveness, Love is Loyal, Love is Honest, Love is Sharing, Love is Good...
Tell someone today... Thank you and wish the well... It will brighten their day as well as your day too...
Uplift someone just like someone will uplift you one day... We all need someone special in our lives...
Say "I love you" but mean it will all your being with all you Have... I LOVE YOU
4/3/2012 6:37:32 PM |
You Are Love |

Babbitt, MN
64, joined Feb. 2009
4/3/2012 8:55:08 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
I'm hatred and darkness too . The bad is just as much human nature as the good .
Why do people think that love gets rid of all the bad elements of human nature ?
I struggle with both good and bad all the time . Love can "cover" the bad rather nicely , but If I want anything to change , I have to "face off" with the bad parts of my human nature .
Both are aspects of the same spectrum... Love, hate, darkness and light...
I find it disheartening that you "face off" with the bad parts. I have finished fighting with them and instead I embrace them. They are all seeds in the garden which manifest when watered. When I catch myself becoming angry I don't try to subdue the anger I smile on it and water the seeds of compassion that I know are there. Hello anger, my old friend... I am here for you. What is your source?
I agree that we are love and hate but the thing that strikes me is that once hate/fear is understood it can turn into love/compassion but once love/compassion is understood it still turns to more love and compassion.
Love isn't a battle to be won, it is just a choice... We have the seeds of fear, hate, ignorance and confusion in us and if we're not mindful, they can be watered every day by just what we consume in our bellies and our minds until they manifest. On the good side, we also have the seeds of compassion, love, enlightenment and wisdom just waiting to be watered. They can also be watered by others and what we consume (food, tv, music...) but they can also be watered just by calling on them.
Sorry, I'm rambling now... I have to choose love because I love each and every one of you. If I don't show love, I'm no good to you.
If anyone notices that I'm using Thich Nhat Hahns idea with the seeds and garden, it's absolutely true. I've never met him but he has taught me alot.
[Edited 4/3/2012 8:57:48 PM ]
4/3/2012 9:07:06 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
I meant to add that when I say "When I catch myself becoming angry" I'd like to point out that it took me being mindful to start catching myself and I just thought i was an angry person for the longest time. lol.
I've always been against violence and only have used it in self defence, the defence of others or in training which I don't do formally anymore, but I'd get angry easy. I guess I still do but I am catching myself more and am able to see it for what it is before saying or doing anything I will regret.
I have to agree with your premise, O/P... 100%
[Edited 4/3/2012 9:08:09 PM ]
4/3/2012 11:22:40 PM |
You Are Love |

Seward, NE
26, joined Mar. 2012
however for some odd reason enough negativity and hate will spark a whole new positive and love and when that happens love spreads out again leaving that single spark and negativitiy. It's indeed the neverending war. However one who hates CAN do good and MAY be doing good as opposed the good can be in the wrong. That is the matter of perspective. Which the definition of good and bad are flawed by the morals and mortals of our existence. However Light cannot shine without the darkness as you guys have stated so as we do need darkness or the light would never exist and vice versa. - "I will be your darkness so you can shine." (makes me just think of so many things that would work for this)
4/4/2012 7:43:00 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
I am overwhelmed as I read these posts....it makes my soul sing to see people step up and share their thoughts so positively here.We are creators and are at free will to create the life we want.Thoughts create our reality but feeling is the fuel that ignites the engine...feel love....feel success....feel harmony....feel abundance....practice this everyday and every place you find yourself.Your source will answer by showing you manifestations every where you turn.I say this because it has happend to me.I am no different than anyone else here...we are all one.You can't get this wrong..we will all return home eventually and see this was all just an illusion to move life furthur than it was before.From the bottom of my heart people...thank you so much for the support and inspiration.I truly do love you!!!!!!
4/4/2012 7:49:02 AM |
You Are Love |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
We are what we think about !
well i keep thinking about playing third base for the yankees but until i learnt to pick up the spin on those outside, in the dirt exploding sliders it ain't happenin'.
4/4/2012 7:58:11 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
Thanks for posting jrbogie....I respect all views here.I am only stating what is true for me.But having said that...I believe we are all one...so what I am experciencing is for all!each soul is on their own personal journey and I would never take that away from them.You are where you are in life by your own device!The world never stoped you playing third base....you stoped you.It's not a fairytale saying just think and be lovely and all is ok.This is serious life transforming work I am up to.It's a life long commitment to honor my inner calling and stay steadfast in my convictions.Thank you jrbogie for giving me your honest opinion...it helped me to look inside myself to explore what I really felt.Much love brother!
4/4/2012 8:42:22 AM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Both are aspects of the same spectrum... Love, hate, darkness and light...
I find it disheartening that you "face off" with the bad parts. I have finished fighting with them and instead I embrace them. They are all seeds in the garden which manifest when watered. When I catch myself becoming angry I don't try to subdue the anger I smile on it and water the seeds of compassion that I know are there. Hello anger, my old friend... I am here for you. What is your source?
I agree that we are love and hate but the thing that strikes me is that once hate/fear is understood it can turn into love/compassion but once love/compassion is understood it still turns to more love and compassion.
Love isn't a battle to be won, it is just a choice... We have the seeds of fear, hate, ignorance and confusion in us and if we're not mindful, they can be watered every day by just what we consume in our bellies and our minds until they manifest. On the good side, we also have the seeds of compassion, love, enlightenment and wisdom just waiting to be watered. They can also be watered by others and what we consume (food, tv, music...) but they can also be watered just by calling on them.
Sorry, I'm rambling now... I have to choose love because I love each and every one of you. If I don't show love, I'm no good to you.
If anyone notices that I'm using Thich Nhat Hahns idea with the seeds and garden, it's absolutely true. I've never met him but he has taught me alot.
We put value to everything , either plus , minus , or middle . The value we seek is'nt supplied by nature , its supplied by the mind . The value we give to love , or anything else , is a mental configuration that is not natural .
All my love comes from life , and I give it all back to life , and I do'nt feel like I'm lying when I say it .
4/4/2012 9:06:17 AM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I'm both taoist and libra middle is my middle name .
4/4/2012 10:20:17 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
I get so many wonderful quotes from people here that I will use for one of my songs.The last one takes the cake "Middle is my middle name"...that's just gold folks.Thanks for that my man!
4/4/2012 6:23:22 PM |
You Are Love |

Vatican City
61, joined Feb. 2011
The older I get the more in touch I become with my inner Source and get the suspicion that we are all connected.Love and Light are who we truly are.....anyone else feel this way?
Sorry, I am a bit more pragmatic and observant. Some carry the light overtly, some more concealed. Some have never seen it.
4/4/2012 7:30:29 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
We put value to everything , either plus , minus , or middle . The value we seek is'nt supplied by nature , its supplied by the mind . The value we give to love , or anything else , is a mental configuration that is not natural .
All my love comes from life , and I give it all back to life , and I do'nt feel like I'm lying when I say it .
That's good to hear, Brother.
4/4/2012 7:42:30 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
As for value, it's subjective.
Once a stand is taken, everything is split. A reference point is born and suddenly there is "up" and "down". Add another and we have subjectivity.
It doesn't matter to me that there is no absolute value or non-value but I see value in value.
Fact is that if there was nobody to care for us and feed us when we were infants, we would not have survived. Everything is interdependant and we inter-are.
We are interbeing.
Compassion is not some emotionalistic ideal, it is quite literally common sense. I don't put a bandage on a cut finger because I feel sorry for it, I do it because it is a part of me that needs healing. Just like my anger... Just like any other being I sense the suffering in.
I am love.
I am universe.
Here we are when we were a bit younger;

4/5/2012 7:10:42 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
Thanks ourself....your posts really have me searching within.I sense there is a bigger part of me on the other side that thought this being into the world.So here I am physical....but not disconnected to my higher self.I am slowly learning how to meld both worlds together and it has been the ride of my life.
4/5/2012 9:58:15 AM |
You Are Love |
New York, NY
45, joined Sep. 2011
Love has many meanings...
Love is pure, gentle, sweet and real...
Open your Heart and let the Love come in and it will pour out and manifest to something real, consistant and awesome..
Wishing everyone Love today... Love is heartfelt... Love is beautiful... Love someone today and say "I Love You" from the bottom of your core - bottom of heart / soul....
Tell someone hi and have a nice day...
4/5/2012 10:38:14 AM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
Such a wise woman nyflorida...I am really enjoying getting to know you here.Nothing better than reading these threads and seeing people be so open and honest.It inspires me to move life beyond what it has been b4.The more love I get here....the nore it flows from me and harmoniously rearranges the entire world for me.We are not here to see through one another...we are here to see one another through!
4/5/2012 1:17:11 PM |
You Are Love |
Brooklyn, NY
45, joined Mar. 2012
I will be leaving the site soon folks and just wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the inner visions and love I've recieved here.I'm finding focusing on this site has taken me away from my meditations and want to spend more time inside myself than online.This has been such a great experience and it's comforting to know I am not the only one walking in wakefulness.Again...thank you from the bottom of my heart.Stay connected...stay true to your soul....and always stay spirtual.
4/5/2012 2:54:15 PM |
You Are Love |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
As for value, it's subjective.
Once a stand is taken, everything is split. A reference point is born and suddenly there is "up" and "down". Add another and we have subjectivity.
It doesn't matter to me that there is no absolute value or non-value but I see value in value.
Fact is that if there was nobody to care for us and feed us when we were infants, we would not have survived. Everything is interdependant and we inter-are.
We are interbeing.
Compassion is not some emotionalistic ideal, it is quite literally common sense. I don't put a bandage on a cut finger because I feel sorry for it, I do it because it is a part of me that needs healing. Just like my anger... Just like any other being I sense the suffering in.
I am love.
I am universe.
Here we are when we were a bit younger;

I am grateful for your contribution to these groups and forums Brother.
4/6/2012 11:04:19 AM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
As for value, it's subjective.
Once a stand is taken, everything is split. A reference point is born and suddenly there is "up" and "down". Add another and we have subjectivity.
It doesn't matter to me that there is no absolute value or non-value but I see value in value.
Fact is that if there was nobody to care for us and feed us when we were infants, we would not have survived. Everything is interdependant and we inter-are.
We are interbeing.
Compassion is not some emotionalistic ideal, it is quite literally common sense. I don't put a bandage on a cut finger because I feel sorry for it, I do it because it is a part of me that needs healing. Just like my anger... Just like any other being I sense the suffering in.
I am love.
I am universe.
Here we are when we were a bit younger;

Value is a scale created by the mind , outside the mind , nothing has value because everything is equal .
Do the things that benefits us , benefit the universe too ?
If the universe is love , who "does" stands to benefit ?
Love can change the human race , but the earth will still be the same place .
4/6/2012 11:21:56 AM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Why does humanity seek instant reward ? Why not love the earth and allow IT to teach us how to improve our race ?
4/6/2012 12:05:58 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
Value is a scale created by the mind , outside the mind , nothing has value because everything is equal .
Are you saying there is no value in the fact that everything is equal?
Everything is also unique which likely adds to it being equal.
Do the things that benefits us , benefit the universe too ?
I would say so since we are the products of the universe... There is no true seperation. We don't live here, we are here.
If the universe is love , who "does" stands to benefit ?
The universe. We are the universe and we are alive. Experience is it's own benefit.
Love can change the human race , but the earth will still be the same place .
Yes but it will percieve and/or be percieved more clearly.
4/6/2012 12:08:51 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
I am grateful for your contribution to these groups and forums Brother.
Right back at ya, Ancient Wolf. I enjoy your insight and have learned much from your posts.
4/6/2012 12:53:17 PM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Ourself , nothing has value , until we assign it .
Love is a part of us that we all value highly , but that does'nt mean that everything we value is love .
I can value the universe and everything in it , just as highly , without using special "human" configurations that can never be validated .
The universe , the earth , life , its all so unfathomable , they do'nt need us (our minds or emotions) to make them great .
4/6/2012 2:43:24 PM |
You Are Love |

Mansfield, AR
66, joined Dec. 2011
The universe , the earth , life , its all so unfathomable , they do'nt need us (our minds or emotions) to make them great
We need Earth/universe/life to make us great(even if only in a small way).
The Earth/Universe/Life needs us to respect it or else we diminish it.
4/6/2012 5:42:05 PM |
You Are Love |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
The universe , the earth , life , its all so unfathomable , they do'nt need us (our minds or emotions) to make them great
We need Earth/universe/life to make us great(even if only in a small way).
The Earth/Universe/Life needs us to respect it or else we diminish it.
In my view, our consciousness (and all consciousness) is an expression of the universe, our spirits a spark of the Divine essence of the Universe. As we grow in Love, understanding, wisdom and knowledge, so the universal consciousness grows. Each of us contributes perhaps a relatively miniscule amount, but each is important because each individual perspective contributes uniquely. As we grow, we are also able to recognize our place as part of the universal consciousness, and thereby better connect with that consciousness as one.
4/6/2012 5:51:58 PM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
The universe , the earth , life , its all so unfathomable , they do'nt need us (our minds or emotions) to make them great
We need Earth/universe/life to make us great(even if only in a small way).
The Earth/Universe/Life needs us to respect it or else we diminish it.
We do , we "use" universe , earth , and life (in a big way) .
To me , these three things are like gods , each one far greater than the whole of humanity . Observation validates my feelings , but most of humanity ignores this "fact" , prefering instead , to give them a human identity .
4/6/2012 6:07:24 PM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
In my view, our consciousness (and all consciousness) is an expression of the universe, our spirits a spark of the Divine essence of the Universe. As we grow in Love, understanding, wisdom and knowledge, so the universal consciousness grows. Each of us contributes perhaps a relatively miniscule amount, but each is important because each individual perspective contributes uniquely. As we grow, we are also able to recognize our place as part of the universal consciousness, and thereby better connect with that consciousness as one.
I love your view because I "wish" it were true , its perfect , exactly what I "want" to hear .
Most of humanity just wants to "own" it .
Humanitys problem is'nt lack of love , its the illness of ownership .
[Edited 4/6/2012 6:10:36 PM ]
4/6/2012 6:28:38 PM |
You Are Love |

Mansfield, AR
66, joined Dec. 2011
• Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
• We are a part of the earth and it is part of us
~ Chief Seattle
[Edited 4/6/2012 6:30:02 PM ]
4/6/2012 6:34:46 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
Ourself , nothing has value , until we assign it .
Who is "we"? We are part and parcel of absolutely everything.
Love is a part of us that we all value highly , but that does'nt mean that everything we value is love .
Value is based on love. There is nothing we love that doesn't have value.
I can value the universe and everything in it , just as highly , without using special "human" configurations that can never be validated .
Love is quite validated.
The universe , the earth , life , its all so unfathomable , they do'nt need us (our minds or emotions) to make them great .
So which is it then? "Great" is a value.
[Edited 4/6/2012 6:36:06 PM ]
4/6/2012 6:59:48 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
In my view, our consciousness (and all consciousness) is an expression of the universe, our spirits a spark of the Divine essence of the Universe. As we grow in Love, understanding, wisdom and knowledge, so the universal consciousness grows. Each of us contributes perhaps a relatively miniscule amount, but each is important because each individual perspective contributes uniquely. As we grow, we are also able to recognize our place as part of the universal consciousness, and thereby better connect with that consciousness as one.
It works.
When I see a rose, I see the whole of the universe manifesting in a pleasant form. Yes, the rose will turn to compost but compost holds the potential for all roses.
We are a part of that process.
[Edited 4/6/2012 7:00:55 PM ]
4/6/2012 7:02:08 PM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Sorry ourself .
Its not validated that love is part of the universe , its part of us .
I'm still human , so yes , I have values .
come an play when it aint rainin
4/6/2012 7:03:48 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
Missing the forest for the tree may be short sighted but missing the tree for the forest does just as much harm.
There is no seperation between the forest and the individual trees.
4/6/2012 7:04:45 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
Sorry ourself .
Its not validated that love is part of the universe , its part of us .
I'm still human , so yes , I have values .
come an play when it aint rainin
Now you are just being silly.
Humans are a part of the universe and you know it.
"I can groove on a rainy day"
4/6/2012 7:13:04 PM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
This is true . He also new of humanity's illness .
4/6/2012 7:17:05 PM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Now you are just being silly.
Humans are a part of the universe and you know it.
"I can groove on a rainy day"
But humanity wants it all , part is'nt "good" enough .
4/6/2012 7:42:08 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
But humanity wants it all , part is'nt "good" enough .
I see more and more people waking up to compassion and the art of sharing life every day.
But then I am an instigator.
4/6/2012 7:50:22 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
But humanity wants it all , part is'nt "good" enough .
One extreme is as harmful as the next.
4/6/2012 8:40:28 PM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
I see more and more people waking up to compassion and the art of sharing life every day.
But then I am an instigator.
What humanity does right (or love and compassion) isnt going to fix its wrongs . Humans owned humans , how messed up is that ? All the love in the world wont fix that .
Humanity claims ownership for all the good things in life , while all the bad is handed to an "inhuman" culprit , circumstance , or its completely ignored altogether .
Humanity needs to own up and take responsibility for all the bad too. Relying on love to cure its ills is only a patch job .
After all our failures , we still have the gall to think that humanity is a primary connection . What if we are'nt as connected as we think we are ?
4/7/2012 3:26:33 PM |
You Are Love |


Bradley, CA
44, joined Apr. 2008
What humanity does right (or love and compassion) isnt going to fix its wrongs . Humans owned humans , how messed up is that ? All the love in the world wont fix that .
Humanity claims ownership for all the good things in life , while all the bad is handed to an "inhuman" culprit , circumstance , or its completely ignored altogether .
Humanity needs to own up and take responsibility for all the bad too. Relying on love to cure its ills is only a patch job .
After all our failures , we still have the gall to think that humanity is a primary connection . What if we are'nt as connected as we think we are ?
We cannot change the past, nor guarantee the future. We can only change the present, and put an end to things like humans owning humans. You don't see making these changes as an act of Love, and you don't see how real Love changes these things. That's fine, the universe needs people with differing perspectives. How I see it is that Love is the key to everything. However, I also believe one needs to seek to grow in wisdom and knowledge as well. Perhaps you understand the term "Love" differently than I, and that's fine too. I don't see it as just the emotion, but also as a recognition of the importance of everyone and their well-being and happiness.
Humanity is a child race. We each have a spark of the Divine, but we make some awful mistakes and don't always work towards our own nor one another's best interests. I can't recall which of the Greek philosophers it was (Aristotle? Plato maybe..) but they described a thing by its potential. Thus a tree wasn't just a tree, it was a potential wall and a potential chair. In that sense, humanity can be described by our potential, which is to be a collective great part of the Universal consciousness. Right now, we have a spark of the Divine consciousness and essence and an interconnectedness, while our physical forms give us an illusion of separateness. We are individuals, and our physical forms help us to grow as individuals,which is also important, but we are also meant to stay interconnected and to grow in that interconnectedness. There are many "sentient" species throughout the universe, some further along in evolution than humanity and playing a larger role, some not yet as far along, and others comparable to where humanity is. Are we a major factor? That's a very relative question, and the only answer is that we are more today than we were 100,000 years ago, and we hope to be exponentially more so before another 100,000 years pass.
4/7/2012 8:55:40 PM |
You Are Love |


Hamilton, ON
45, joined Apr. 2010
What humanity does right (or love and compassion) isnt going to fix its wrongs . Humans owned humans , how messed up is that ? All the love in the world wont fix that .
Love and compassion is the only thing that will heal these kinds of wounds in us. Condemning ourselves isn't going to help anything because we will be in no position to help. It seems to be a slow process but compassion is being hard wired into our being through evolution just as nurturing was.
Maybe as Wolfy said, you think of love differently than I do. When I think of the phrase "You are love" I don't think of the romantic sort of love born of emotion but a love based on something deeper than kinship. To me, hate is misunderstood love. I believe that if people understood that we hurt ourselves when we hurt another, we would stop doing it.
Nobody is saying that humans have not made a mess of things but we learn as we go. We are responsible for alot of hurtful things but we also have the capacity for loving kindness.
Humanity claims ownership for all the good things in life , while all the bad is handed to an "inhuman" culprit , circumstance , or its completely ignored altogether .
Not from where I see. I see many good people helping to make a positive difference and through information sharing, global diversity is a huge trend. It used to take months to get a reply from my penpal in China when I was a kid. Now before they can tie their shoes, they got mail.
Humanity needs to own up and take responsibility for all the bad too. Relying on love to cure its ills is only a patch job .
That doesn't make any sense to me at all. How exactly are we to take responsibility for the pain we've caused each other if we don't rely on love?
After all our failures , we still have the gall to think that humanity is a primary connection . What if we are'nt as connected as we think we are ?
We are still a work in progress and so we are not a failure. I don't know what you mean by "primary connection" but if science ever proves that we are seperate from the universe and not unique aspects of the same thing then I guess my belief here will change.
Somehow I tend to doubt that will happen.
To me, when information is shared it is an act of love because something always comes out of the interaction. Everything is the result of love however, once we label it as such, hate is born.
[Edited 4/7/2012 8:56:47 PM ]
4/8/2012 11:25:27 AM |
You Are Love |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Both of you guys know me well enough to know I'm not here to run with the pack .
You guys are doing it , your using love and compassion to distance your own human nature from what it truely is . This is the sadness that accompanies enlightenment , to know that it is a part of you . Love can heal it , but it cant change it .
If I seek wisdom , purity , and grace , I turn to "mother" nature not "human" nature .
The mind has its resources ,"divinity" is'nt one of them . Divinity is right in front of us , not in our heads . Its the life that nobody sees , the life that every belief speaks of (I think) , and "still" remains invisable .