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9/17/2012 11:49:08 AM |
Love stories |

Ocala, FL
58, joined Jun. 2012
Past, present, or future.
Make-believe or real.
Share a love story.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/17/2012 11:56:17 AM |
Love stories |

Jonesboro, AR
65, joined May. 2012
ok i met this young women on
here we talked a long time we were going to met
but then things went crazy now
end of story
9/17/2012 11:56:49 AM |
Love stories |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
I have posted this afore. It's true an reel a tear jerker...  
A Frog Without A Tale.
Having not lived at the ocean for long, our little friend frog was going razor clam digging for the very first time. Spade in one hand, pale in the other, he set out from his house on the beach.
I've dug many a clam, he thought. Smacking his lips remembering how tasty they were, steamed then dipped in garlic butter sauce. How different could digging a razor clam be?
Coming upon a likely spot for a clam to be, he started to dig. Digging deeper and deeper with no clam in sight he moved to the next spot, then on to the next.
He began to dig, but stopped with a start... something was there behind that red cart.
"Is there someone hiding there in the grass"? And out stepped a fellow, no not, 'twas a lass.
This lass was the prettiest that ever he'd seen, "Hello Mr Frog, my name is Colleen.
I've watched you before on many a day, You seem a nice fellow and handsome I'd say.
I've been waiting to see if friends we might be, and perhaps one day you'd come over for tea.
We're much the same, this you can see, and not just because we live by the sea.
Come closer, and see what I mean, we're both the same color, and that'd be green".
Closer he went to see the young lass, who was no longer hiding there in the grass.
"Good morning Colleen, nice meeting you", "Good morning Mr. Frog, nice meeting you too.
It's very unusual to see frogs at the ocean, but finding you here, I'm liking the notion.
Perhaps we could meet on a nice sunny day, I know lots to do and some things to play".
Forgetting the clams they sat there for hours, talking of this thing and that and polka dot flowers.
They'd meet almost daily, there by the heather, walking and talking, holding hands while together.
Two frogs at the ocean an unusual site, falling in love? perhaps they just might.
"We must give this time", Colleen said to the frog, who lived in a house, not under a log.
"For it's time that will tell if together we'll be, always and forever, not just by the sea".
Frog grew impatient with each passing day, trying hard not to frighten Miss Colleen away.
He asked her politely if she would go steady, her reply at that time... she just wasn't ready.
Sadly the frog walked out of the room, thinking she meant, their love would not bloom.
He told her goodbye, but said, "I love you", Colleen replied softly, "I love you too".
He never looked back, but just kept on going. He left her that day without ever knowing.
Living so near, they meet now and then, saying "have a nice day" and "how have you been"?

9/17/2012 12:10:34 PM |
Love stories |

Jonesboro, AR
65, joined May. 2012
one more when i first came
on this site i met a women who
lived out or state we became
real good friends she showed me how to post and write poems a couple years back she passed away true story miss her alot
9/17/2012 12:10:42 PM |
Love stories |


Norman, OK
56, joined Jul. 2012
A Love Story
I watched as the 84 year old man walk into the nursing home for his daily visit with his wife, they had been married for 50 years, it was both of their second marriages.
He always came up to the nurses desk to ask me how his wife had been throughout the night, I would answer him, and he would often smile and say something funny, just to get a smile out of me.
His wife had Alzheimer's disease, she acted as if she didn't know who he was, but that didn't stop him from greeting her each time with a kiss and a hug. Every day, that man would visit his wife to feed her all of her meals, the five years that she was in the nursing home, he had only missed two days, due to illness on his part, even then, he was calling every four or five hours to check on his lovely wife.
The elderly man became special to me, I was so in awe at the love, caring, loyalty and faithfulness that he showed his wife. His name was Bob, he would often stop by mine and my late husbands house and visit on his way home from the nursing home.
One day, someone had asked me how old I was, and I gladly told them, for I've never been ashamed of my age, and Bob smiled real big and told me, "next time someone ask you how old you are, tell them your 72." "72?" I ask with a wondering expression.
"yes, 72." He replied. I smiled, because I knew he was about to add his reasoning, he concluded, "I'd say you look darn good for a 72 year old lady."
We both laughed. He always pushed his wife around in her wheelchair, she couldn't walk any longer, and her words were often only one at a time. But, he was so much in love with her, he took such great care of her.
One day, the wife, Ethel, had to go to the Hospital, I felt she wasn't going to come back this time, her pneumonia was worse than I'd ever saw before. Bob stayed at the Hospital with her, holding her hand until her last breath was taken.
It was a few days before Thanksgiving when she died, when me and my husband visited her at the funeral parlor, we would find Bob standing at her casket, talking to her, talking about how much he would miss her, and about some memories that he would share, he would then softly kiss her forehead and tell her "I love you", I and my late husband both attended her funeral, most of the nursing home staff attended as well.
The man was lost without her, but, he did continue to visit the nursing home on a regular basis and he would often visit mine and my husbands house as well. Then, one cold day the following January, someone came to our house to give us some bad news, Bob had a massive stroke and was in the Hospital and wasn't expected to live.
His only son, kept him on the ventilator for a week before asking the Doctor to pull the plug. He died within minutes and left this world to be with his soul-mate.
9/17/2012 12:12:00 PM |
Love stories |


Salem, MO
59, joined Nov. 2011
The lights were so bright in the room, that it almost hurt my groggy eyes. Soft, relaxing music was playing in the background. There was chatter in the room. I looked over and say him, standing there, holding a beautifully wrapped gift. Other people in the room were commenting on how lovely the gift was. I was becoming very excited. My heart was beating out of my chest as he walked slowly toward me. I noticed that I had beads of sweat on my forehead, and my heart kept pounding, fear and excitement building more and more in my with ever step he took my way. The smile on his face was like that of an angel, he almost appeared to be floating toward me, all dressed in white. It seemed like an eternity, I had waited for so long for this moment. And finally, there he was, standing right next to me. I could feel the beat of his heart when he brushed up against me. He reached down with that huge beautiful smile, and place that lovely wrapped gift in my arms. I could not take my eyes off of him, then he gently nodded, and his eyes moved down to the gift. I then followed his eyes, looking down at the gift. As I sat there staring at this beautiful gift, I felt like my heart would explode. I felt feeling that I had never felt in my life. I knew at that moment that anything was possible and I would cherish this gift for the rest of my life. As I looked down and peered onto those beautiful eyes of my own child, I feel in love. For the very first time, and I could not stop the happy tears. 
9/17/2012 12:46:59 PM |
Love stories |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

9/17/2012 1:09:29 PM |
Love stories |

Bossier City, LA
60, joined Jul. 2012
As my Dad and I sat around the house one Saturday afternoon, playing Beatles records, we started batting around the idea that it was theoretically possible to loop a version of “Hey Jude” long enough to fill up an entire cassette. All we had to do was press pause and lift the needle every once in a while, and fiddle with the volume knobs. A few hours later, we had a ninety-minute tape of “na na nas,” along with many “yeah yeah yeahs” and a few “Judy Judy Judy wows.” We listened to the playback, and I could not believe what we had accomplished. This was a new Beatles song that hadn’t existed before. It was Something New, as the Beatles would say. The difference between Yesterday…and Today. My dad and I had built model airplanes together, gone to Red Sox games. But listening to this tape, I knew it was our greatest hit... I listen to Hey Jude now, and I think two things: I never want to hear this song again, and in 1979, my dad was around the age I am now, and given a Saturday afternoon he could have spent any way he pleased, he chose to spend it with his twelve-year-old son, making this ridiculous little tape. He probably forgot about it the next day. But I didn’t. (Love Is A Mix Tape, Life and Loss, One Song At A Time ~by Rob Sheffield)
9/17/2012 1:15:45 PM |
Love stories |

Guntersville, AL
56, joined Nov. 2011
Hmmmm Most interesting! Perhaps,I will write later 
9/17/2012 1:17:38 PM |
Love stories |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
Grew up.

9/18/2012 1:29:44 PM |
Love stories |

Ocala, FL
58, joined Jun. 2012
Courting stories?
9/18/2012 1:33:15 PM |
Love stories |


Wayne, NJ
63, joined Oct. 2009
it's possible OP i would not be on this site if i had one to share but i know i can't fake one either/ not even a make believe because the sorp still has time to make happiness work before the fat lady sings ...just sayin...
9/18/2012 3:21:22 PM |
Love stories |

Assumption, IL
67, joined May. 2010
~~ OP ~~ I have my personal love story, of course. But once told to the world it is no longer the most precious of memories which I shared only with my spouse. Sorry.
9/18/2012 3:48:20 PM |
Love stories |


Norman, OK
56, joined Jul. 2012
A true story about love between friends

Vida was a very shy girl, just entering 9th grade at a new school, she hated having to change schools every time her parents had the wild hair to relocate.
This school would change how she saw friendships though, when LaDonna walked up to her during lunch break, smiled and introduced herself, inviting Jessica to attend a nearby church with her that next Sunday.
Vida and LaDonna became friends quickly, sharing laughs, even sharing a few tears together, they were baptized on the same evening while attending that little white church that stood on top of a hill, in Oklahoma.
Both Vida and LaDonna knew what it felt like to be the new kids in school, what was even worse, they were both two of the poorer kids also, so there were a lot of the jocks and cheerleaders that would throw a snobby comment their way everyday at school, but, that didn't kill their spirits.
They shared their secret dreams of one day growing up and meeting their prince charmings, and riding off into the sunset with them, they were dreamers.
One day they had to make a Butterscotch pie in cooking class, they worked hard on putting the right ingredients in, all the while, the other girls in the class snickered and giggled at them, the teacher would give them firm looks, but, they would settle down for a few minutes and then continue.
Friday came and it was time to test our pie, it had sat in the school's frig overnight to set up. Vida and LaDonna was excited, that is until they removed it from the frig and some of the pie spelled out, the Teacher told the girls that they would have to test it anyway, regardless of how it might taste.
So, Vida and LaDonna sat out on the steps at lunchtime and laughed about their mistake, they had to sip the watery pie.
Very few people would think much of that little memory, but, to me, it's trimmed in gold, you see, that very same night, LaDonna was killed by a drunk driver, she was only 17, a senior, Vida was only 16, a Junior. That was 1977, the year my whole vision of friendship would change forever.
I'm 51 years old now, and still have yet to even taste a Butterscotch pie.
[Edited 9/18/2012 3:51:11 PM ]
9/18/2012 5:50:22 PM |
Love stories |

Bent Mountain, VA
66, joined Jul. 2012
He said no. They were very young, very much in love....first loves....first timers. Feelings and passions had escalated to burning desire. They were like two sex-starved, savage beasts. Finally she could not wait any longer.....she wanted him, she had to have him. She began to remove her clothing, all the while grasping and tugging at his manhood. She wanted him...she wanted "it" right now, this minute.........
What do you mean, NO? She pleaded. She pounded his chest with her fists. Again he said no. All he could utter was......"I Love You".
The End.....
9/18/2012 6:07:28 PM |
Love stories |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
There was a boy
Memories blur
Sometimes clear
Gone too long
Here, not long
Photos I see
That's not him
My memory lies
Holding tight
And when I die
He will again
Unless I open
A BITTER heart
Letting ALL know
There was a boy
He still lives
Taken too soon
My only son.....................
9/19/2012 4:15:14 PM |
Love stories |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

9/19/2012 5:09:34 PM |
Love stories |


Wayne, NJ
63, joined Oct. 2009

9/19/2012 7:11:51 PM |
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Lexington, KY
65, joined May. 2011
9/21/2012 1:08:24 PM |
Love stories |

Ocala, FL
58, joined Jun. 2012
~~ OP ~~ I have my personal love story, of course. But once told to the world it is no longer the most precious of memories which I shared only with my spouse. Sorry. 
Totalllllly understand that
9/21/2012 2:00:25 PM |
Love stories |

Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011
9/21/2012 2:39:16 PM |
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Ocean Shores, WA
69, joined Apr. 2011

9/21/2012 3:19:49 PM |
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North Myrtle Beach, SC
64, joined Sep. 2012
Happened on my 60th birthday and I caint say nery moe...
9/21/2012 3:26:48 PM |
Love stories |


Norman, OK
56, joined Jul. 2012
They stand face to face,
in an ordinary place,
He's drunk with fear,
In her eye is a tear,
There is so much pain,
where once true love did rain
Words exchanged,
Lives rearranged.
Blame placed on each other,
Separate instead of let smother.
He goes his way, She goes her way,
Oh how they both long for that first day.
When he held her close with a tender kiss
And she vowed she would never miss
a day without him, and he without her,
And now the past, fades into a blur.
He can't deal with the pain,
without him, she's going insane.
He wants to end it all as the train is full throttle,
So he drinks everything in that whiskey bottle.
All the while, she's thinking of the end,
She needed him to hold, he was her best friend.
He laid on the track, waiting for his fate,
All he could see was his lover on their first date.
His eyes closed tightly, he heard the distant horn,
He prayed to God to Bless the day he was born.
He could feel the vibration of the approaching train,
so he opened his eyes and in the distant his eyes did strain.
Is that my love? is this my life?
Could that be my best friend? Is that my wife?
He quickly stood and backed away from the track,
He saw the train rounding the bend, he knew it was a fact.
that his wife had came to join him in his feat,
He ran to her, held her close, felt her heart beat.
Together they held on tight and did cry,
As the roaring Train passed on by.
He scolded her for trying to end her life,
He was here to protect her, for she was still his wife.
She then reassured him that suicide wasn't in her Heart,
She only wanted for him to see what he would be missing if he from this world did ever part.
He vowed to stop drinking, never to be drunk again,
They became lovers, and most of all a best friend.
Compromising things for each other is what made it last,
It brought back the love that they had buried in the past.
(Suicide hurts everyone, there is nothing too great that someone, anyone can handle, it starts with depression, it sneaks upon you like a thief in the night, contact a friend, family member or a hot-line, all those things are free and can help you through your darkest hour.)
9/21/2012 3:33:46 PM |
Love stories |

Guntersville, AL
56, joined Nov. 2011