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8/15/2015 5:53:56 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008

Like the Obama Administration, let’s ignore the fact that the proposed Iran Nuke deal doesn’t eliminate the usage of uranium, and skip right to what’s disgraceful about this whole White House using memes thing.
Today the office of the President of the United States became your mom who twerked like Miley Cyrus in the living room, in front of your friends, because she thought it was the “in” thing to do. Today the Obama Administration is your uncle who thinks it’s hilarious when he instructs you to “pull his finger.” The Obama Administration is your dad wearing knee-high white socks…on a skateboard…with a Go-Pro. At your high school.
Any governmental agency trying to push an agenda through a meme is pathetic. So pathetic that BuzzFeed (BUZZFEED) declared: The White House Just Completely Ruined The “Straight Outta Compton” Meme.
But here at Louder with Crowder, we love memes! So we thought we’d see if this meme had zombie-like qualities and bring it back to some form of life. What better zombie segue is there than Hillary?
Read more: http://louderwithcrowder.com/fail-obama-admin-tweets-straight-outta-compton-meme-about-iran/#ixzz3ivXEsXy0

Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

8/15/2015 6:30:10 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Here’s the full top 10 list of celebrities who have fallen out of favor with the public. Just for giggles.
1. Bill Cosby, 43 point increase
2. Ariana Grande, 26 point increase
3. Mehmet Oz, 16 point increase
4. Robin Thicke, 14 point increase
5. Adrian Peterson, 13 point increase
6. Robert Griffin III (tied), 10 point increase
7. Judy Reyes, 10 point increase
8. Miley Cyrus, 4 point increase
9. Paula Deen, 3 point increase
10. NeNe Leakes, 1 point increase
8/15/2015 7:43:02 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Couples gather in Times Square to re-enact kiss at WWII end
Published August 14, 2015Associated Press

8/15/2015 10:21:09 PM |
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Whiteville, NC
63, joined Jun. 2013

8/16/2015 9:53:43 AM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Lois Lerner should be whining about prison food and manly raging lesbian inmates, and that's about it.

At the height of the scandal over the IRS’ handling of political nonprofits, Lois Lerner privately let loose at her Republican tormentors, saying she invoked the Fifth Amendment because they had been “evil and dishonest” and accusing them of “hate mongering.”
A POLITICO examination of thousands of pages of emails and other material recently released by the Senate Finance Committee found previously unreported comments from Lerner, the central figure in the controversy, on everything from the inability of career
IRS agents to handle “the sensitive stuff” to her views on the fiscal cliff.
When she was under investigation by Congress, she offered a blistering critique of her inquisitors. In a March 6, 2014, email, Lerner told a friend: “They called me back to testify on the IRS ‘scandal,’ and I too[k] the 5th again because they had been so evil and dishonest in my lawyer’s dealings with them.”
In June 2014, Lerner told the same friend that an unflattering picture of her appearing before Congress kept surfacing because “it serves their purposes of hate mongering to continue to use those images. I was never a political person — this whole fiasco has only made me lose all respect [for] politics and politicians. I am merely a pawn in their game to take over the Senate.”
Lois Lerner
The thousands of pages released in the latest congressional probe of the IRS offer a look behind the scenes at the agency leading up to the nonprofit targeting scandal and some of Lerner’s later observations on it, even if the report didn’t do much to move the needle on partisan views of the debacle.
Overall, the Finance Committee’s investigation mostly confirmed what was already known about the scandal, though it added new detail and more supporting evidence than any previous investigation. It firmly established that Lerner, the former director of the Exempt Organizations unit, held and discussed liberal views. And it confirmed that more conservative than liberal groups ended up in the IRS’ cross hairs. Whether the first led to the second is the crux of the difference between Republican and Democratic conclusions over the broader investigation.

“She lied right from the start, trying to say it was front-line agents in the Cincinnati office” who targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they sought tax-exempt status, Jordan said. She “blamed good civil servants. So now for her to come out and say, ‘Oh they’re dishonest and they’re evil,’ when in fact she tried to blame someone else for what she did and what she orchestrated, is, I guess, the height of hypocrisy.”
Rep. Peter Roskam of Illinois, chairman of the House Ways and Means Oversight subcommittee, called the emails “a sad attempt by Lois Lerner to deflect blame for her egregious abuse of power. The only victims in this scenario are the Americans who were unfairly targeted by the IRS for their personal religious and political beliefs. … As for Ms. Lerner, she has only herself to blame for her conduct.”
Lerner’s attorney, William Taylor, on Wednesday indicated that his client’s March 2014 email was likely referring to remarks by Rep. Darrell Issa of California, then the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, that lawmakers had reached an agreement for her to testify without immunity. Taylor said at the time that no such agreement had been reached.
8/16/2015 10:19:53 AM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
A Rare Pic Of The Only 4 Idiots On Earth Who Think Iran Can Be Trusted ..

Looks familiar...

8/16/2015 10:50:37 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
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8/16/2015 11:59:34 AM |
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8/16/2015 12:45:24 PM |
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Aurora, CO
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Liberal hypocrites!
8/16/2015 1:10:09 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
ISIS Enshrines a
Theology of Rape
Claiming the Quran’s support, the Islamic State
codifies sex slavery in conquered regions of Iraq
and Syria and uses the practice as a recruiting tool.
Written by RUKMINI CALLIMACHI; Photographs by MAURICIO LIMA AUG. 13, 2015
State of Terror
Articles in this series will examine the rise of the Islamic State and life inside the territory it has conquered.
Related Coverage
Yazidi Girls Seized by ISIS Speak Out After EscapeNOV. 14, 2014
Alex, a 23-year-old Sunday school teacher from rural Washington State, spent hours a day online learning about Islam from supporters of the Islamic State.
ISIS and the Lonely Young AmericanJUNE 27, 2015
Persecuted Yazidis Again Caught in Larger StruggleAUG. 11, 2014
Aishan Ali Saleh, 40, at a refugee camp. She had lived in Kojo, one of the southernmost villages on Mount Sinjar, which was overrun by Islamic State fighters.
Kidnapping and Sex Slavery: Covering ISIS’ Religious Justification for RapeAUG. 14, 2015

16 hrs ·
ISIS hasn't been front and center in the media of late, but it is important to be aware of what is happening nonetheless:
"The systematic rape of women and girls from the Yazidi religious minority has become deeply enmeshed in the organization and the radical theology of the Islamic State in the year since the group announced it was reviving slavery as an institution. Interviews with 21 women and girls who recently escaped the Islamic State, as well as an examination of the group’s official communications, illuminate how the practice has been enshrined in the group’s core tenets....
The use of sex slavery by the Islamic State initially surprised even the group’s most ardent supporters, many of whom sparred with journalists online after the first reports of systematic rape.
The Islamic State’s leadership has repeatedly sought to justify the practice to its internal audience.

A 25-year-old Yazidi woman showed a “Certificate of Emancipation” given to her by a Libyan who had enslaved her. He explained that he had finished his training as a suicide bomber and was planning to blow himself up, and was therefore setting her free. Credit Mauricio Lima for The New York Times
this is a very long and indepth article worth the read...
8/16/2015 1:33:55 PM |
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Aurora, CO
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8/16/2015 2:00:59 PM |
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8/16/2015 2:02:26 PM |
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8/16/2015 2:08:28 PM |
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Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Socialism vs Communism
Socialism is commonly regarded as an economic system that seeks to achieve equality among members of society. Communism, on the other hand, is both an economic system that seeks equality among members of society and a political ideology that advocates a classless and stateless society and rejects religion. It is regarded as a more extreme form of socialism.
Socialism and communism both adhere to the principle that the resources of the economy should be collectively owned by the public and controlled by a central organization. They differ, however, in the management and control of the economy. In socialism, the people themselves decide through communes or popularly elected councils on how the economy should work. This makes socialism a liberal system because majority of the people have a say on how the economy should be run. Communism, on the other hand, controls its economy through a single authoritarian party. It is thus characterized as conservative because the economy functions based on the decisions of a few.
The views of socialism and communism also differ in the distribution of wealth produced by the economy. Socialism supports the view that the goods and services produced should be dispensed based on the productivity of an individual. In contrast, communism believes that the wealth should be shared by the masses based on the needs of the individual.
There are two kinds of properties in socialism: (1) personal property that an individual can own and enjoy; and (2) industrial property that is dedicated for the use of producing society’s goods. Individuals, for example, can keep their digital cameras but cannot retain a factory that produces digital cameras. While personal properties can be kept, socialists make sure, however, that no private property will be used as an instrument for oppression and exploitation. In comparison, communism treats all goods and services as public property to be used and enjoyed by the entire populace.
Finally, socialism and communism differ in their views on capitalism. Socialists regard capitalism as a threat to equality and public interest. They believe, however, that there is no need to eliminate the capitalist class because it can be used as a good instrument in the transition to socialism as long as it is properly controlled. Socialists also believe that capitalism can exist in a socialist state and vice versa. From the point of view of the communists, capitalism must to be destroyed totally in order to give way to a classless society.
1. Socialism is an economic system while communism is both an economic and political system.
2. In socialism, the resources of the economy are managed and controlled by the people themselves through communes or councils while in communism, management and control rest on a few people in a single authoritarian party.
3. Socialists distribute wealth to the people based on an individual’s productive efforts while communists farm out wealth based on an individual’s needs.
4. Socialists can own personal properties while communists can not.
5. Socialism allows capitalism to exist in its midst while communism seeks to get rid of capitalism.
Read more: Difference Between Socialism and Communism | Difference Between | Socialism vs Communism http://www.differencebetween.net/business/difference-between-socialism-and-communism-2/#ixzz3j0SAXz6v
8/16/2015 4:27:45 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Liberals, start screaming: Chick-fil-A restaurant owner does the unimaginable to his employees
Written by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief on August 16, 2015

You know how AWFUL Chick-fil-A is as a company, right? How the late founder, S. Truett Cathy, raised the ire of many because he was unabashed in his opinion of traditional marriage (practically a crime nowadays in the U.S. of A.) and the company proudly closes on Sundays to observe the Sabbath (a quaint, obsolete idea to many).
Besides Chick-fil-A is a corporation, and corporations are evil, greedy, money-hungry monsters, right?
Okay liberals, how do you explain THIS one?
A Chick-fil-A owner recently had to shut down his Austin, Texas restaurant for five months for renovations, according to the Business Insider.
Instead of temporarily laying off his 50 workers, Jeff Glover shocked his staff by continuing to pay them during the entire five months the restaurant would be closed, ABC affiliate KVUE reports.
Glover even gave them a $1-per-hour raise for sticking with him.
“It would be a real financial crisis for the 50 families represented by the workers here to have to go five months without a job,” Glover told the station.
Good guys do finish first after all. According to QSR magazine, Chick-fil-A dominates fast food, generating more revenue per restaurant than any other fast-food chain in the US.
8/16/2015 5:30:04 PM |
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Whiteville, NC
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8/16/2015 5:33:26 PM |
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8/16/2015 8:56:06 PM |
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8/17/2015 6:31:49 AM |
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8/17/2015 7:04:05 AM |
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8/18/2015 7:06:20 AM |
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8/18/2015 7:59:50 AM |
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8/18/2015 6:20:32 PM |
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8/19/2015 6:34:06 AM |
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8/19/2015 6:38:22 AM |
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8/19/2015 6:45:38 PM |
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Whiteville, NC
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Another "fine Christan" Republican hypocrite....why am I no longer surprised? 
Breaking: ‘Family Values’ Hypocrite Josh Duggar Caught Cheating On Wife On AshleyMadison.com
by Omar Rivero • August 19, 2015
In 2013, during the time that he was a conservative reality TV star and a D.C. lobbyist against gay marriage and in support of supposed ‘family values”, a hack just revealed that he also maintained a paid account on Ashley Madison, a web site created for the sole purpose of cheating on your spouse.
The data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers proves that someone using a credit card belonging to a “Joshua J. Duggar” — and with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary — made an account and actively solicited perverted sexual encounters with women outside of his marriage.
Family Values Activist Josh Duggar Had a Paid Ashley Madison Account
The data makes it clear that Josh Duggar was paying Ashley Madison in order to find someone to perform the following acts:
“Conventional Sex,” Experimenting with Sex Toys,” One-Night Stands,” “Open to Experimentation,” “Gentleness,” “Good With Your Hands,” Sensual Massage,” “Extended Foreplay/Teasing,” “Bubble Bath for 2,” “Likes to Give Oral Sex,” “Likes to Receive Oral Sex,” “Someone I Can Teach,” “Someone Who Can Teach Me,” “Kissing,” “Cuddling & Hugging,” “Sharing Fantasies,” “Sex Talk.”
Here is what he “offered” to potential suitors:
“A Professional/Well Groomed,” “Stylish/Classy,” “Casual Jeans/T-shirt Type,” “Muscular/Fit Body,” ”Petite Figure,” “Tall Height,” “Short Height,” “Long Hair,””Short Hair,” “Girl Next Door,” “Naughty Girl,” “Sense of Humor,” “Imagination,” “Creative and Adventurous,” “Relaxed and Easy Going,” “Aggressive/Take Charge Nature,” “Confidence,” “Discretion/Secrecy,” “A Good Listener,” “Good Personal Hygiene,” “Average Sex Drive,” “High Sex Drive,” “Dislikes Routine,” “Has a Secret Love Nest,” “Disease Free,” “Drug Free,” and “Natural Breasts.”
Shame on him for having the audacity to lecture our gay brothers and sisters about morality while he was cheating on his wife (not to mention all the things he did as a teenager). In typical conservative fashion, it’s a case of “do as I say, not as I do.”
8/20/2015 6:26:32 AM |
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Whiteville, NC
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8/20/2015 2:41:28 PM |
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8/22/2015 11:57:44 AM |
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8/23/2015 8:07:11 AM |
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8/23/2015 8:30:53 AM |
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8/23/2015 8:44:26 AM |
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8/23/2015 11:57:25 AM |
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Aurora, CO
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There’s an unseemly trend this political season: wackos screaming at candidates to push their agenda. The latest offenders were illegal aliens who attempted to shout down Gov. Bobby Jindal during a rally in Iowa earlier today.

Whereas Jindal didn’t back away from his “immigration without assimilation is invasion” theme, frankly he should’ve just had these boorish louts unceremoniously removed. #Justsayin’

8/23/2015 12:02:03 PM |
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Aurora, CO
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8/23/2015 12:05:46 PM |
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8/24/2015 4:54:30 PM |
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Aurora, CO
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We are not against immigration. We are against illegal immigration. And guess who else is, too? LEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Good people who paid their dues and fees and waited in line to come in legally! If you support Trump for President in 2016, follow us for more at Trump Wall

8/24/2015 6:35:21 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
WOW!!! did she really wear this???

8/25/2015 8:24:34 AM |
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Aurora, CO
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In 1995, President Bill Clinton appointed him Director of Central Intelligence (cabinet rank in the Clinton administration). However, Deutch was initially reluctant to accept the appointment. As head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Deutch continued the policy of his predecessor R. James Woolsey to declassify records pertaining to U.S. covert operations during the Cold War.[4]
On November 15, 1996, Deutch was at Locke High School in Los Angeles at a town hall meeting on the topic of drug dealing. He was visibly taken aback by the confrontational testimony from an LAPD narcotics officer, Michael Ruppert, that he had seen evidence of CIA complicity in drug dealing for a long time.[5]
Deutch fell out of favor with the Clinton administration because of public testimony he gave to Congress on Iraq. Specifically Deutch testified that Saddam Hussein was stronger than he was four years ago and the CIA might never be able to remedy the issue. Clinton dismissed Deutch after he had won re-election.[6][7]
Deutch left the CIA on December 15, 1996[1] and soon after it was revealed that several of his laptop computers contained classified materials designated as unclassified.[clarification needed] In January 1997, the CIA began a formal security investigation of the matter. Senior management at CIA declined to fully pursue the security breach. Over two years after his departure, the matter was referred to the Department of Justice, where Attorney General Janet Reno declined prosecution. She did, however, recommend an investigation to determine whether Deutch should retain his security clearance.[8] President Clinton pardoned Deutch on his last day in office.[9] Deutch had agreed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor for mishandling government secrets, but President Clinton pardoned him before the Justice Department could file the case against him.[10]
Deutch was elected to the American Philosophical Society in 2007. He is a member of the National Petroleum Council since 2008 and the Secretary of DOE Energy Advisory Board, since 2010.[11]
8/25/2015 8:52:56 AM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008
Hillary: “Bill, how long am I going to be in here?”

Bill: “At this point, what difference does it make?”
fyi citydimlights......
its a fake
but a REAL possibility!
8/25/2015 11:48:42 AM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008

8/25/2015 12:43:57 PM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008

?#?o4a? ?#?news? ?#?Anchorbaby?
Gustavo Arellano
Sorry, Republicans: I'm an anchor baby, and I'm not going anywhere
The party’s presidential candidates want to deny birthright citizenship to people like me because they know we’ll vote them out of office
8/26/2015 8:21:13 AM |
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Aurora, CO
65, joined Oct. 2008

8/26/2015 8:41:07 AM |
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Aurora, CO
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SURPRISE! Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for Hillary campaign
August 26, 2015
By Kyle Olson

Jorge Ramos, the amnesty activist moonlighting as a Univision and Fusion journalist, revealed in June that his daughter is an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign.
In a statement on the Fusion website, Ramos wrote:
As journalists the most important thing we have is our credibility and integrity. We maintain that, in part, through transparency with our audience, our colleagues and our critics. That is why I am disclosing that my daughter, Paola, has accepted a position working with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
As a father, I am very proud that she has decided to actively participate in our democratic process. I hope that more young people get involved, regardless of political parties or ideological preferences. Our democracy and our future depend on that.
I completely support and respect Paola’s decision. In our family we have always cherished tolerance, dialogue and active participation in what you believe.
Like many reporters who have parents, siblings or other family members that are active in politics, this will not change how I approach my duty as a journalist. I will continue to report with complete independence and ask the tough questions, the same way I have done for the last 30 years.
8/28/2015 8:32:27 AM |
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Aurora, CO
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8/28/2015 9:04:22 AM |
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8/28/2015 9:16:51 AM |
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8/28/2015 9:58:13 AM |
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Aurora, CO
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BREAKING: WDBJ KILLER WAS ANGRY BLACK DEMOCRAT…Reprimanded For Wearing Obama Sticker At Work
By 100% FED Up -
Aug 26, 2015

Read more at http://100percentfedup.com/breaking-wdbj-killer-was-angry-black-democrat-reprimanded-for-wearing-obama-sticker-at-work/
8/28/2015 11:34:22 AM |
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Aurora, CO
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8/28/2015 1:17:45 PM |
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Security Has to Get Involved When Black Transgender Lives Matter Activists Disrupt Clinton Event
Aug. 27, 2015 8:27pm Oliver Darcy
Black Transgender Lives Matter activists disrupted a Hillary Clinton campaign stop in Ohio Thursday, demanding the Democratic frontrunner return donations from individuals affiliated with the prison system.
Video captured GetEQUAL activists holding “Divest From Private Prisons” signs interrupt Clinton’s speech in Cleveland, yelling at the former New York senator as she spoke about the “challenges facing our communities.”
“Senator Clinton! Five black trans women were found murdered in this country!” one woman shouted. “Senator Clinton! It is a state of emergency!”
Clinton responded.
“I will certainly be happy to meet with you later, but I’m going to keep talking,” she said from the stage.
In a separate video, security can be seen escorting the activists out of the event as they continue to yell their demands at Clinton.
In a statement posted to Facebook, GetEQUAL again called on Clinton to return donations.
“We can’t have a serious conversation with Hillary Clinton about policy until she returns donations and refuses to accept future donations from lobbyists and lawyers affiliated with the private prison industry,” it said.
Clinton is not the first candidate to be confronted by Black Lives Matter activists. Her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders was forced off stage when activists took the microphone from him earlier this year.
Clinton, however, has attempted to pacify the group, meeting with activists back stage earlier this month.
Follow this story on Twitter and Facebook:
8/28/2015 2:48:17 PM |
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8/28/2015 3:37:36 PM |
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8/28/2015 3:55:35 PM |
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8/28/2015 4:06:37 PM |
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8/28/2015 10:17:31 PM |
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8/29/2015 5:18:17 AM |
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8/29/2015 9:40:40 AM |
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8/29/2015 9:54:16 AM |
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8/29/2015 11:08:33 AM |
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8/29/2015 12:31:31 PM |
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8/29/2015 12:39:38 PM |
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