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4/27/2014 3:36:15 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


Crete, IL
40, joined May. 2011
6 none of the above
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

4/28/2014 4:00:10 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Don't believe in any religion... but if I were too... it would be Hinduism... 
[Edited 4/28/2014 4:01:01 AM ]
4/28/2014 9:11:13 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Religion teaches right and wrong , problem is , that it convinces people that human right and wrong is a rigid measurement that applies to everything , and that its the only measurement that matters . Right and wrong is a variable concept that changes from species to species , and can also change within a species , especially an intelligent species . Right and wrong is also made variable by the changes that occur in a physical environment that is constantly changing .
Religion does work because it introduces people to benevolence , and the benefits of benevolence . It also fails because it teaches people that benevolence can be achieved through coersion , dominance , and control . When in fact , this sort of manipulation represents the vanity , and ego , that makes benevolence unattainable . True benevolence is achieved by caring about something as much , or more , than we care about ourselves . If we need to change something to give it value , its because we did'nt value it to begin with . So , if you really want to love thy neighbor , or anything at all , you need to love it for what it is , and not for what you want it to be .
5/19/2014 11:42:33 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |
Clinton, AR
34, joined May. 2014
I'm a Buddhist myself but I believe everyone has the right to worship as they choose 
5/20/2014 9:19:10 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
Religion teaches right and wrong , problem is , that it convinces people that human right and wrong is a rigid measurement that applies to everything , and that its the only measurement that matters . Right and wrong is a variable concept that changes from species to species , and can also change within a species , especially an intelligent species . Right and wrong is also made variable by the changes that occur in a physical environment that is constantly changing .
Religion does work because it introduces people to benevolence , and the benefits of benevolence . It also fails because it teaches people that benevolence can be achieved through coersion , dominance , and control . When in fact , this sort of manipulation represents the vanity , and ego , that makes benevolence unattainable . True benevolence is achieved by caring about something as much , or more , than we care about ourselves . If we need to change something to give it value , its because we did'nt value it to begin with . So , if you really want to love thy neighbor , or anything at all , you need to love it for what it is , and not for what you want it to be .
Benevolence? Unattainable ? What in gods name are you smoking!!!!!! Desiring to do good for others is the definition of benevolence Sherlock and as such it can never be regulated, coerced maybe, manipulated even ..... And yes religion operates on this ipremise but as a monetary aspect and not no where close to humanitarianism !!!
5/20/2014 10:38:35 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |

Los Angeles, CA
51, joined Aug. 2013
There are some truths in religions and also many untruth which create a spinning action that prevents the whole thing to get figured out.
5/20/2014 10:42:38 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |
Clinton, AR
34, joined May. 2014
I'm a Pagan Witch and a Goddess devotee Blessed Be!
5/21/2014 7:00:08 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Benevolence? Unattainable ? What in gods name are you smoking!!!!!! Desiring to do good for others is the definition of benevolence Sherlock and as such it can never be regulated, coerced maybe, manipulated even ..... And yes religion operates on this ipremise but as a monetary aspect and not no where close to humanitarianism !!!
Desire is the awareness of wants , and needs , that belong to you . Benevolence is the awareness of wants , and needs , that dont belong to you .
5/25/2014 7:39:59 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |

Flint, MI
62, joined Apr. 2012
Are there any fellow Asatruar here? My take on organized religion is this: it's like buying clothes off the rack, as opposed to being your own tailor, which is spirituality. Some people just don't have the skill or inclination to do it for themselves. I've been known to go to church, but never to the sermons, they just leave me cold. 
6/2/2014 9:13:35 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
We've become masters of manipulation , we can use , and alter , life in countless ways . The thing we will never change is the process of life , everything we do , and everything we create , will eventually succum to life's process . Life will eventually take everything , and renew it , and it does'nt need us to do it .
Everything alive has its very own intelligent process that allows it to function idependently from all other forms of life . No matter where our inspiration comes from , all of our judgements , and opinions , belong to to individual that has them . We can accept , deny , or share , but every choice is made by an idependent being . We dont have them because we are human , we have them because we are living , same as any other form of life .
Just because we have the profound ability to physically alter the life around us , that does'nt mean that we can alter what life is . When we use a mental process to change life , all we change are appearences , life is still the same beneath our choice of veneer .
6/5/2014 9:33:42 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
Religion is all about 'control'. You get one individual, usually some guy, who is at the top of the great pyramid scheme called religion and he dictates the gospel of what his followers (i.e. flock) are to do. People often point fingers at the pope but I like to remind them that half of all Xianity is protestant and those folks don't have popes just pastors who think their shit doesn't stink.
Spirituality is less about control and more about habits for yourself. You don't find "Thou Shalt Not..." or heavy rules and laws. Such are for the sheeple out there who are too stupid to think for themselves and prefer to be led by the nose. So be it then, be led. Spiritual folks have no shackles because they follow no leader.
Religion is stupid and Spirituality is wonderful.
6/7/2014 9:02:45 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |
Sainte Genevieve, MO
27, joined May. 2014
Religion is empty and kinda like the guy above about control, spiritually which is me is about connecting, understanding and like seeing the truth, its not a hidden secret if u wanna find or experience something open your eyes, religion is about publicity and control.
6/8/2014 4:25:14 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |

New Caney, TX
33, joined Jan. 2013
The following 10 categorizations are not intended to be definitive but are offered as a tool for becoming aware of some of the most common spiritually transmitted diseases.
1. Fast-Food Spirituality: Mix spirituality with a culture that celebrates speed, multitasking and instant gratification and the result is likely to be fast-food spirituality. Fast-food spirituality is a product of the common and understandable fantasy that relief from the suffering of our human condition can be quick and easy. One thing is clear, however: spiritual transformation cannot be had in a quick fix.
2. Faux Spirituality: Faux spirituality is the tendency to talk, dress and act as we imagine a spiritual person would. It is a kind of imitation spirituality that mimics spiritual realization in the way that leopard-skin fabric imitates the genuine skin of a leopard.
3. Confused Motivations: Although our desire to grow is genuine and pure, it often gets mixed with lesser motivations, including the wish to be loved, the desire to belong, the need to fill our internal emptiness, the belief that the spiritual path will remove our suffering and spiritual ambition, the wish to be special, to be better than, to be “the one.”
4. Identifying with Spiritual Experiences: In this disease, the ego identifies with our spiritual experience and takes it as its own, and we begin to believe that we are embodying insights that have arisen within us at certain times. In most cases, it does not last indefinitely, although it tends to endure for longer periods of time in those who believe themselves to be enlightened and/or who function as spiritual teachers.
5. The Spiritualized Ego: This disease occurs when the very structure of the egoic personality becomes deeply embedded with spiritual concepts and ideas. The result is an egoic structure that is “bullet-proof.” When the ego becomes spiritualized, we are invulnerable to help, new input, or constructive feedback. We become impenetrable human beings and are stunted in our spiritual growth, all in the name of spirituality.
6. Mass Production of Spiritual Teachers: There are a number of current trendy spiritual traditions that produce people who believe themselves to be at a level of spiritual enlightenment, or mastery, that is far beyond their actual level. This disease functions like a spiritual conveyor belt: put on this glow, get that insight, and — bam! — you’re enlightened and ready to enlighten others in similar fashion. The problem is not that such teachers instruct but that they represent themselves as having achieved spiritual mastery.
7. Spiritual Pride: Spiritual pride arises when the practitioner, through years of labored effort, has actually attained a certain level of wisdom and uses that attainment to justify shutting down to further experience. A feeling of “spiritual superiority” is another symptom of this spiritually transmitted disease. It manifests as a subtle feeling that “I am better, more wise and above others because I am spiritual.”
8. Group Mind: Also described as groupthink, cultic mentality or ashram disease, group mind is an insidious virus that contains many elements of traditional co-dependence. A spiritual group makes subtle and unconscious agreements regarding the correct ways to think, talk, dress, and act. Individuals and groups infected with “group mind” reject individuals, attitudes, and circumstances that do not conform to the often unwritten rules of the group.
9. The Chosen-People Complex: The chosen people complex is not limited to Jews. It is the belief that “Our group is more spiritually evolved, powerful, enlightened and, simply put, better than any other group.” There is an important distinction between the recognition that one has found the right path, teacher or community for themselves, and having found The One.
10. The Deadly Virus: “I Have Arrived”: This disease is so potent that it has the capacity to be terminal and deadly to our spiritual evolution. This is the belief that “I have arrived” at the final goal of the spiritual path. Our spiritual progress ends at the point where this belief becomes crystallized in our psyche, for the moment we begin to believe that we have reached the end of the path, further growth ceases.
“The essence of love is perception,” according to the teachings of Marc Gafni, “Therefore the essence of self love is self perception. You can only fall in love with someone you can see clearly–including yourself. To love is to have eyes to see. It is only when you see yourself clearly that you can begin to love yourself.”
It is in the spirit of Marc’s teaching that I believe that a critical part of learning discernment on the spiritual path is discovering the pervasive illnesses of ego and self-deception that are in all of us. That is when we need a sense of humor and the support of real spiritual friends. As we face our obstacles to spiritual growth, there are times when it is easy to fall into a sense of despair and self-diminishment and lose our confidence on the path. We must keep the faith, in ourselves and in others, in order to really make a difference in this world.
6/16/2014 7:20:49 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |
Battle Creek, MI
30, joined Feb. 2009
I am a member of the curch of miscellaneous.
7/16/2014 4:28:18 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


Fort Wayne, IN
62, joined Dec. 2012
I am a Messianic Jew [not Orthodox Jew], and I believe in and honor YHVH God and His Son Yahshua and all they stand for, their words, their commands, and their prophesies.

8/27/2014 7:46:51 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |

Sanbornton, NH
62, joined Jul. 2012
All of the above-
Sant Mat / Rhadasoami
12/17/2014 10:03:38 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


Chandler, AZ
42, joined Jan. 2014
That's my take on religion. ..
History tells us that Hinduism is the oldest recorded religion and alas taoism predates Hinduism by thousands of years although nothing survived as far as records except for the diary of Lao tzu which to me is questionable. ...
In the end it is a mind set or should I say an archaic but effective way of brainwashing to control the masses....
12/20/2014 3:09:15 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |
El Dorado Springs, MO
44, joined Jun. 2014

2/24/2015 12:51:54 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Variety is the spice of life .
I dont have to agree with anyone , to know when their hearts in the right place , and when it isnt .
My biggest peeve is believers that makes it their misson to deliver their gods wrath onto others . This is how terrorists are born .
2/24/2015 12:55:22 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


Fairmont, MN
62, joined Jun. 2014
Religion teaches right and wrong , problem is , that it convinces people that human right and wrong is a rigid measurement that applies to everything , and that its the only measurement that matters . Right and wrong is a variable concept that changes from species to species , and can also change within a species , especially an intelligent species . Right and wrong is also made variable by the changes that occur in a physical environment that is constantly changing .
Religion does work because it introduces people to benevolence , and the benefits of benevolence . It also fails because it teaches people that benevolence can be achieved through coersion , dominance , and control . When in fact , this sort of manipulation represents the vanity , and ego , that makes benevolence unattainable . True benevolence is achieved by caring about something as much , or more , than we care about ourselves . If we need to change something to give it value , its because we did'nt value it to begin with . So , if you really want to love thy neighbor , or anything at all , you need to love it for what it is , and not for what you want it to be .
You say it sooooo well   
2/24/2015 1:29:31 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |


Baltimore, MD
36, joined Dec. 2012
Muslim. I invite you to read my page.
3/3/2015 9:45:24 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |

New York, NY
24, joined Feb. 2015
I'm more spiritual then religious.
But I think I've seen hell in my drug addiction - and something pulled me back.
No I'm not talking about faith healing - yes the doctors in the rehab center did most of it - but not everything
3/5/2015 4:53:27 AM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |

Palmerton, PA
33, joined Jan. 2015
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
3/5/2015 4:53:12 PM |
What is your take on religion? | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
There is no "take" on religion, OP.
Religion is a belief.