3/11/2014 8:39:53 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
And how did they machine the stones, the ones on the ground also with tool marks.
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3/16/2014 4:09:23 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |
Plantsville, CT
47, joined Nov. 2013
The Egyptians with the help of the stars.
3/17/2014 10:19:46 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
And maybe magic.
3/17/2014 3:14:49 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
And maybe magic.

Absolutely... Egyptian Magick!!!
4/6/2014 10:38:48 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
Slaves did the actual labor and building of the structures. 
What slaves? There were no massive slaves used for construction. That whole Hebrews were slaves theory has been debunked by archaeologists long ago and only misinformed people like ministers and born-again's continue to promote that crazy theory.
Slaves were considered property and Khemi (Egypt's original name) merchants were meticulous records keepers who kept how many talents of grains they had on hand. Slaves were property and it is not a hard jump that if a merchant would keep track of which and how much grains he had, then why not keep track of his slaves? Yet there are no records of mass amounts of slaves in Khemi. Period. None. No conspiracy just none exists. The Jews lied.
What we do know is that the pyramids were public works projects and that people were hired to build and paid/fed for their labor. There have been books about this, documentaries - hell we know what they ate: dark bread and beer was the standard fare for the workers on the pyramids.
Plus the Pharoh's would've hired anyone wanting to work to earn coin and food who had a strong body and was willing to work. Saying they did not have the technology is ridiculous and an argument I have regularly with a dear friend of mine who is a UFO buff. He thinks alien technology did it. I told him he's been listening to too many bunk conspiracy theorists who don't know their own anus from a hole in the ground. The ancients were not stupid, they understood angles, levers, gears, cams, pressures, levels, and so on. They just didn't call it physics.
4/6/2014 12:30:42 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
Interesting...... there have not been know proven facts that hebrew was not slaves in Egypt. And the name of egypt in native tongue is mizriam. Named after the founder. .....as africa orignal name is akebu-lan. There is a difference in roman history and the history of each country in africa
4/6/2014 12:33:50 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
It is easy to dismiss tech. when you refuse to look at it.
If we break it down to.
Answer the damn question, how was that rock machined.
You, along with every scientist on the planet is stumped.
It is simply not possible.
They we compare it with other projects going on in other parts of the world, and it is more confusing.
How did all of these people, on different parts of the planet, come up with this tech, and all of them mysteriousaly lost it, and we, in the 21st century cannot figure it out.
4/6/2014 4:04:31 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Well that great sphynx really is a good picture...n th nose looks purposely destroyed..it really has th round shape of how thy say a black mans is..N thy are finding buried cities wth pictures in perfect conditions of that.bt you dont hear to much at all about thm..you have to search n look fr info.and lol the ppl claiming real Egyptian have no clue how its been built. So..go figure.the knowledge has been lost.buried or destroyed. ... Why Is ????????????????
If you were aware of the world around you, you would know the muslims favorite destruction method, was to break off the noses of idols, they have been doing it since they were invented, and still do it today.
Nobody knows how they were built, as nobody knows how any of the dozens of other sites all over the world were built.
We have guesses, but all the guesses fall into the line of the thinking of the evolution of mankind, but they are all proven wrong. totally impossible.
It is time we think out of the box, for the real answers.
4/6/2014 4:16:55 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
There are alot of things that seem to be lost.... interesting in what some of those things are and how they inter twain togethe.
4/6/2014 5:41:28 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
There are alot of things that seem to be lost.... interesting in what some of those things are and how they inter twain togethe.
That is a major role in figuring it out.
We have to throw away the old history books, and especially the religions, and look at whatever text we still have objectively, and match it with the physical proof.
The physical proof is astounding, and as a craftsman, with some of the finest cutting, and shaping tools made, I am used to fabrication, and can easily identify between man made, and machine made, and what we have from thousands of years ago, is machine made.
4/6/2014 5:53:27 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
That is a major role in figuring it out.
We have to throw away the old history books, and especially the religions, and look at whatever text we still have objectively, and match it with the physical proof.
The physical proof is astounding, and as a craftsman, with some of the finest cutting, and shaping tools made, I am used to fabrication, and can easily identify between man made, and machine made, and what we have from thousands of years ago, is machine made.
The problem With your theory is you want to cast out history. And without it there is nothing to prove........
I do not know what your qualifications are. But just saying something is machine made does not make it soo.
4/6/2014 7:09:19 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
Interesting...... there have not been know proven facts that hebrew was not slaves in Egypt. And the name of egypt in native tongue is mizriam. Named after the founder. .....as africa orignal name is akebu-lan. There is a difference in roman history and the history of each country in africa
Mizraim is a recent, Islamic name much like the name 'Egypt' was from the Greek. Khem is from Khemetic from the Old Kingdom.
Yes actually here's how scholars discovered that there were no slaves in Egypt:
World renowned archaeologist, John Romer, author of Testament states that teams of archaeologists have scoured the desert outside of Egypt looking for the so-called Jewish exodus and regardless of whether it was 60,000 or 600,000 or 6,000,000 there is/was NO evidence whatsoever that any exodus occurred. That mass amount of people on foot with their belongings, pets, pack animals, sick, elderly and the like will have left trash, refuse and graves along the way. Where is all the trash? Where are all the dead? Where are all the dead livestock carcasses & bones? 40 years they wandered and not one shred of evidence? Yahweh just made it magically disappear? YET a team of archaeologists found a Bedouin encampment from 5,000 years ago with three people and had enough refuse to date it and tell enough about the people who camped there!
The exodus NEVER happened the way the book of Exodus or the Jews claimed.
Further it does not take much brain mass to figure out that if the entire infrastructure of a country or city was to suddenly disappear overnight in an exodus as the bible claims happened, then the city would outright collapse. Imagine the entire infrastructure of a major metropolitan city like New York just up an quit overnight - no one to remove dead bodies, trash & refuse, taxi people around, act as messengers and so on, the city would collapse overnight. Yet biblical believers buy into this ridiculous theory that Jews were held as slaves in Egypt all because a few old Jews wrote and said it was true. Pfffft.
Then the bible says Pharaoh and his entire army were wiped out in the Red Sea when Yahweh made the walls holding back the sea (for the fleeing Jews) collapse. The army of Pharaoh drowned along with their horses to the bottom, right? Well tell me something mssmie, don't you think Egypt & Pharaoh had enemies? Wasn't Ethiopia constantly at war with Egypt back then (among other nations?) If YOU were the ruler of a country at war with Egypt and you heard that your sworn enemy's entire army had been entirely wiped out, wouldn't you just walk in to Egypt and claim it for your own?!?!?! Who wouldn't?
The problem with biblical stories is when you put them under the light of scrutiny with logic and reason, they do not add up. Egypt had many scholars who wrote about what went on in Egypt and these scholars simply would NOT exclude such things from their records. Trouble is these things never happened; only in biblical legend did they occur with no outside corroborating evidence to support any of their tales.
You and others are welcome to your faith and beliefs but as for me I'll stick with facts as we know them to be.
4/7/2014 6:19:17 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
@ big
You lack understanding... egypt is a country..... and has its own people which was not hebrew.. so them leaving would not lessen the people of the land..... i see you what the bible calls the wise..... nothing in the word is true because you know better..... but because your not from that area or those people you can only.. guess. There are two kinds of natives in what is africa. One is the hamtic and the shemtic . It is the white who bring and label and tell what is what confusing truth. The hamatic people are africans and shematic is hebrew or future israelites. You falling short in truth you hinder your self with mans logic
4/8/2014 10:47:36 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
The problem With your theory is you want to cast out history. And without it there is nothing to prove........
I do not know what your qualifications are. But just saying something is machine made does not make it soo.
Sorry, my qualifications are far beyond yours.
I work with machines, I can look at virtually anything, and tell if it was hand, or machine made.
In most cases tell you the exact machine used to create it, and as I said, I have many of these, up to date ones in my shop.
4/8/2014 10:49:07 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
And we are not tossing out history.
We are tossing out a fabricated history, that was written about things that were there, even before a written language was developed to write them down.
4/9/2014 12:34:24 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |
Kalamazoo, MI
64, joined Mar. 2014
The 'Pyramid Builders.
4/14/2014 2:25:18 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

San Leandro, CA
48, joined Oct. 2012
The African Master builder Imhotep built the first step pyramid and it was called a mustabah which served as a prototype to the pyramids built at the Giza plateu. They where built in the same manner as the first(step pyramid built by Pharaoh Imhotep) and the steps where filled in to give the triangular shape. It was also covered with lime stone that was white,that was stripped off them after the arab conquest of Khemit(Egypt) The land of Ham (african) according to The book of Genesis in the bible. In hebrew it is called (Mizraim). The pramids at the giza plateu was built by Grandmaster builders(masons) Pharaoh Kufu Pharaoh Kafare and Pharaoh Minkara. The names that they are called today are Greek names called Cheops, and the other two greek names i cannot name at the moment, And the most important significance of the pyramids is that It was called a gateway to the stars when aligned with The constellation Orion. The pyramid is an astrological timeclock or calender.
The pyramids that it is aligned with wthe constellation Orion and the 3 pyramids correlate to the 3 stars of Orions belt. And it also is built to align with with Orions belt to denote the ressurection of Asar(Osiris) In which The first death burial and ressurection story and Immaculate conception story is first told and still engraved on the walls in the ruins of what was once The most beautiful and splendid temples in the world that where universities of universal wisdom of the origins of the universe and knowledge of the soul,and in which all comparitive religions have their origin from the story of Asar(Osiris) and his wife Aset(Isis).
And there is irrefutable proof of these facts both academically and also archeologically and not by Egyptology which is a science of a people(african) created by the vatican to screen out the findings that archeologist are finding and to make you believe aliens,u.f.os and even bigfoot(chubacka from star wars) built the pyramids and not illuminated souls who where in black physical bodies in appearance where highly superior in a science,wisdom and knowledge that the ignorant masses and scientist in line with them are left with a bunch of hypothetical,theoritical futile assumptions,concepts and ideas that are far from the truth. To see some of these truths that i say and that africans are indeed the buiders of those great monuments,please go visit The A.M.O.R.C which stands for The Ancient Mystical Order Rosicrucian located in San Jose,Ca They have a beautiful Museum (see on youtube- title: Rosicrucian Museum)of Egyptian artifacts,mummies and more, and they have a beautiful reconstruction of 3different pharaohs burial chamber walls that are located in the valley of the kings in Egypt,and you will see The Ancient Greatness of African people as not only The Original Egyptains but also as The Gods of Eygpt and the divine architect in the spirit world as well.
I have many documentaries on these subjects from many renown scholars on this subject.
Also go on you tube and see the videos called The Pyramids on Mars by Richard Holderman or Hollerman, to get a even more deeper meaning of why the pyramds where built and why it is a pyramid and sphinx or face on Mars,crop circles,and their relation to the our solar system. Richards Holdeman or Hollerman presentation was presented at asiminar held at The Uninted Nations Assembly and it is not a mom and pop you tube video but a subject of interest to anyone who is intellectually and philosophically mature.
Thank you for taking time to read this post. Have a nice and peaceful &
blessed day.
4/14/2014 8:39:43 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
@ mand
If you all read the scripture you will see who is and who is not israelites. Egypt is ham.. and not all blacks come ham .... that where the lie starts and confusion begin. Gen. After thr flood noah had three sons... one japheth who are The gentiles. Then ham who is the Canaan africa. Who had two sons cush and mizriam..... and shem being the bloodline the hebrew and isrealites people. Egypt is not isreal....... but is our curse tell us our enemy....house of bondage. . The bloodline of my people is after the flood is Noah shem, Abraham, isaac, jacob....... if thes are not your forefathers then you are not part of israel.., it is written in out scripture. And many claiming to be .. but are not,.. many are but confused believing they are ham but they are shem.....
4/15/2014 12:36:27 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
The African Master builder Imhotep built the first step pyramid and it was called a mustabah which served as a prototype to the pyramids built at the Giza plateu. y.
I think you are doing more to evade the topic than to solve it. All you did was present another of the many phony stories.
Names of people real or imagined, do not solve the puzzle.
The construction method is what we are looking for, and nobody has been able to come up with an answer, and this has been gone over and over by some of the greatest minds in the past and present.
Modern day evaluations are getting closer, as now we can see machimery was used, something none of the other stories possessed.
4/15/2014 6:02:50 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Gladewater, TX
43, joined Jul. 2013
I think you are doing more to evade the topic than to solve it. All you did was present another of the many phony stories.
Names of people real or imagined, do not solve the puzzle.
The construction method is what we are looking for, and nobody has been able to come up with an answer, and this has been gone over and over by some of the greatest minds in the past and present.
Modern day evaluations are getting closer, as now we can see machimery was used, something none of the other stories possessed.
4/15/2014 9:35:46 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
I'll bet you think Puma Punka was built by people banging rocks together also.
Religion thrives on stupidity
7/6/2014 2:36:00 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Midland, PA
35, joined Mar. 2014
my ancestors, I great soul machine ideas also
7/6/2014 4:19:07 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
It's safe to say there were lots of black slaves.
7/7/2014 2:51:31 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Been researching this a lot lately... and the conclusions I'm coming to is that the Giant Nephilim built the pyramids...
They ranged in height from 35 feet to 150 feet tall... it's all pretty mind blowing... They have found bones for the 35 feet ones... though I am uncertain on the 150... I think this size come from the description of them being as tall as Red Wood Trees...
and did you know that right here in the united states... in Illinois to be precise... There are nine pyramids the size of the ones built in Ghiza...
The Ghiza pyramid is approx. 450 feet tall... there is a pyramid in China that stands 1200 feet tall... that's huge!!!
7/8/2014 12:59:39 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
slaves --- like everything else constructive
7/10/2014 6:11:27 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013

7/10/2014 10:40:02 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Miami Beach, FL
25, joined Mar. 2014
I built the pyramids.
7/11/2014 6:36:56 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
7/14/2014 8:57:12 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |
Owensboro, KY
59, joined Jun. 2014
Thoth was the architect.
7/14/2014 1:59:48 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
I don't believe someone posted that giant picture.
7/14/2014 5:51:22 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
....You mean the interior of the pyramids had been designed by an interior decorator?
7/14/2014 8:16:33 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
The interior is far more baffleing than the exterior
7/14/2014 9:23:32 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Thoth was the architect.
According to the Emerald Tables you would be correct!!! =)
7/14/2014 9:45:24 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
I don't believe someone posted that giant picture.
Why, I don't know if the pics are real or not... but from research I have to say Giants truly did exist at one point on this planet... if you disagree with that I'd say you haven't done your homework...
7/16/2014 9:44:28 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Why, I don't know if the pics are real or not... but from research I have to say Giants truly did exist at one point on this planet... if you disagree with that I'd say you haven't done your homework...
7/16/2014 9:47:59 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
7/16/2014 3:23:35 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
I'm talking about reading your history not watching some vid on how to fake a giant... of course they can be faked just like anything else... and given the fact that all of main stream history is a lie and a fake it's not surprising...
7/16/2014 3:27:21 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Have a look, I think you will enjoy the video...
Dead Man Secrets:
7/16/2014 10:34:23 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
I'm talking about reading your history not watching some vid on how to fake a giant... of course they can be faked just like anything else... and given the fact that all of main stream history is a lie and a fake it's not surprising...
We know mainstream history is wrong, and most of it developed with the influences of religion ,in the states, christianity.
The Hindu has a much better documented history, but here also religion and making gods of the unknown, prevailed.
The actual history of the earth is so far out of the realm of ordinary thinking, it is brushed over, and it is something that really should be looked at closely, but here again, we have to eliminate religion, and pre-conceived answers.
7/23/2014 5:11:58 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Just as when you take a female lion and a male tiger both without the Growth Inhibitor Gene... you get a giant Lygar...

The same goes for a human and a watcher....

Female Human w/out the Growth Inhibitor Gene
Male (fallen angel/watcher) w/out Growth Inhibitor Gene
a Giant Nephilim the size of a Red Woods... 30ft to 150ft tall...
Nephilim Video:
Part 1:
Part 2:

7/26/2014 8:20:25 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
If you have something to say, please do so, pics without sources mean nothing.
7/26/2014 9:09:38 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
If you have something to say, please do so, pics without sources mean nothing.
Read between the pic's...
7/26/2014 9:00:59 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |
Owensboro, KY
59, joined Jun. 2014
Thoth was the architect.
7/27/2014 9:11:16 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
If you are going to use Nephilim, you need to get out of Christianity, and go into the Vedas, they were written much closer to the source, and much more graphically described in a more advanced language.
The Christian account is thousands of years to late.
7/27/2014 8:40:37 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |
Owensboro, KY
59, joined Jun. 2014
For those interested, some of the giants had horns. I'd say getting closer to our own time frame, the giants, (us) began to "shorten" up a bit. However, way, way back some of us were much taller.
7/27/2014 8:53:51 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |
Owensboro, KY
59, joined Jun. 2014
Breaking down the word, PYRAMID
PYRA-MID means... (Pyra)Fire in the middle
PY RA MID...means PY (Arithmetic), (Ra)Sun God, Mid (Middle)
7/27/2014 10:27:08 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
If you are going to use Nephilim, you need to get out of Christianity, and go into the Vedas, they were written much closer to the source, and much more graphically described in a more advanced language.
The Christian account is thousands of years to late.
You must be referring to videos... those are Christian based... however, I think he has a lot of good information there... I personally do not believe in Christ... but I do believe there is a lot of truth that can be found in the bible... it's true all the stories come from a much earlier date that the bible accounts them as...
7/27/2014 11:50:40 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
You must be referring to videos... those are Christian based... however, I think he has a lot of good information there... I personally do not believe in Christ... but I do believe there is a lot of truth that can be found in the bible... it's true all the stories come from a much earlier date that the bible accounts them as...
No, I am not referring to videos,
I am referring to Vedas.
To be more specific the Mahabharata
7/28/2014 3:23:12 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
No, I am not referring to videos,
I am referring to Vedas.
To be more specific the Mahabharata
I meant referring to me as being Christian... which I am not... though, if I were to be religious I would be a Hindu... did you know that in the Mahabharata it states that the Moon is self illuminating... I've always thought that myself...
7/28/2014 3:36:50 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
My bad... it's in the Bhagavad Gita about the Moon being self lit... too many text to wade through... lol
7/28/2014 9:10:17 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
I meant referring to me as being Christian... which I am not... though, if I were to be religious I would be a Hindu... did you know that in the Mahabharata it states that the Moon is self illuminating... I've always thought that myself...
I didn't refer to you as being Christian,
I referred to you as using Christian writings.
7/28/2014 9:14:53 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
My bad... it's in the Bhagavad Gita about the Moon being self lit... too many text to wade through... lol
The Mahabharata is interesting reading, written 4000 to 6000 years ago, if speaks of flying machines, in depth, with instructiona about building and propelling them.
It also speak of ancient nuclear war.
Either these people witnessed something 6000 years ago, or we had some very advanced,
sci-fi writers, for the stone age book clubs.
7/28/2014 10:08:17 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
The Mahabharata is interesting reading, written 4000 to 6000 years ago, if speaks of flying machines, in depth, with instructiona about building and propelling them.
It also speak of ancient nuclear war.
Either these people witnessed something 6000 years ago, or we had some very advanced,
sci-fi writers, for the stone age book clubs.
Yes, and actually if you listen to that video "Dead Man Secrets" he talks about the green glass found at archaeological sites around the globe that could have only been caused but nuclear weapons...
I highly recommend the book "Dead Man Secrets" for the video is only covering portions of this book...
Dead Man Secrets:
7/29/2014 1:22:17 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Either these people witnessed something 6000 years ago, or we had some very advanced,
sci-fi writers, for the stone age book clubs.
Ya, our history is a major lie!!!
At one point we had some very highly advanced technology on this planet... stuff that surpasses us today... if one could get into the Vatican's vaults or the Smithsonian Institute's treasure troves I think you'd be surprised at the high tech just laying there suppressed and hidden away from the likes of us...
and for that matter even our current technology is with held from us... even stuff we know about but they keep it under raps... and then there is outer space... we have been transversing space for quite some time now with very sophisticated space craft... not that shuttle crap...
You should point your zoom camera (not at, but around) the Sun sometime... you wouldn't believe the ships that are up there... and have you seen the half size second Sun that for the most part hides behind our Sun... you only have to look up once in a while and taking pictures helps as well but can be seen with your eyes either poking out from behind the sun or even right next to it... and sometimes it travels quite a distance away from the sun... I'm not sure that it is a second sun though thats what everybody else is saying... I think it's a Jupiter size space ship... I've seen it with a bent corona in front of it before like it was traveling away at speed... IDK... but I seen it up there since 2010... I have no idea how long it's been up there... maybe my whole life with what the school & media tells us...
I know I sound crazy... but one only needs to take the time to photo the sky and find your own proof...
and another thing... our Sun cannot be as hot as they say it is if ships are getting that close to it... maybe they have tech that can withstand the heat but I doubt it... that Sun is supposedly hot, hot, hot!!!
7/29/2014 4:44:24 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Do you wear a tin foil hat.
7/29/2014 10:21:49 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Do you wear a tin foil hat.
Why? scared to point your camera at the sun???
7/29/2014 11:08:03 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Do you wear a tin foil hat.
Let me guess... you believe everything you were taught in school to be true... you probably believe in your Gov't to provide you with your believable information right???
The same Gov't that has admittedly lost how many trillions of your money.... where do you think that money goes??? and do you have any idea just how big one trillion is... if I were to pay you back a loan in 32 trillions second it would take 32 thousand years for you to get paid back... a trillion is no small number and they have lost several of them...
It's not like I'm making claims that anyone for themselves can't verify... anyone who's not to scared to take a few photos... I suggest a clear day around 10am to noon for closeness of the Sun...
oh, and you might want to try and get a tree branch in the photo too.. other wise people won't believe the photo's are real... oh, don't worry about it you probably won't believe there real either even when your the one who took them... lol
oh ya, you probably will get a little lens flare which is normal don't confuse those for ships or they really will be laughing at you... =)
dude we have nano technology... do you know what that is??? do you know that right now we can print out in 3d any substance we want atom by atom... this isn't science fiction... this is current technology... that means if you want a new heart you just print one out... and it's the real deal too not synthetic crap... how about a brick of gold??? and it's the gold is probably why you won't see this being used in the mainstream...
Short Nano Video:
if you truly have an interest in learning about this world you should take a look at my website... www.us4love.com that is where I hang my tin hat on the web... lol
I have complied 100's of videos ranging from history, to conspiracy, energy, medical, metaphysics, etc... it's really quite expansive in video content... of course you'll find lots of text content there as well... and it even include a non active forums area... =)
7/30/2014 2:46:43 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
Two Suns videos:
I strongly recommend taking your own pictures or videos otherwise you probably still won't believe it...
~ Enjoy =)
7/30/2014 10:05:18 AM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Bellevue, WA
67, joined Dec. 2010
Let me guess... you believe everything you were taught in school to be true... you probably believe in your Gov't to provide you with your believable information right???
No, you guessed wrong.
8/6/2014 11:37:02 PM |
Who built the pyramids on the ghiza plataue in egypt? | Page 2 |

Salem, OR
50, joined Nov. 2013
No, you guessed wrong.
^Sorry for that... I figured I was wrong on that point...
Below a great video on the pyramids & Orion's Belt...
Nassim Haramein: