8/24/2013 3:50:51 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
Do women color the hair to hide the who she use to be or cuz she think she her not pretty enough know it's alil of both yet I think sum women look better wit the look she originally was born with now how I kno wut the original color May be which I look at the eyebrows which that's changed to wit some women most likely it's a bad Reason ha 
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8/24/2013 4:01:05 AM |
The Real you |

New South Wales
98, joined Jan. 2010
I have no fake color in my hair
Most women color hair for a change .. just to look different for awhile ..or enhance the color they have ... Some do it to color greys
[Edited 8/24/2013 4:01:20 AM ]
8/24/2013 4:01:33 AM |
The Real you |

Williamsburg, OH
53, joined Apr. 2013
I didn't do for any other reason but to cover the grey..Which I started greying in my late twenties.A friend suggested that it would make me look my age if the grey wasn't there...she was right!
8/24/2013 4:02:35 AM |
The Real you |

Williamsburg, OH
53, joined Apr. 2013
8/24/2013 4:05:42 AM |
The Real you |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
70, joined Jul. 2007
My girl is a blond from the bottle--she mixes an extra batch--for a snatch to match!!   
8/24/2013 4:15:10 AM |
The Real you |

Los Angeles, CA
28, joined Mar. 2013
Since when are men f**king professional stylists? 
I'm afraid of damage so I've never "lifted" color from my hair. I've placed color on it so that it glows red in the sun. I think it enhances my skin tone and I get compliments from both men and women. My grandma who HATES anything 'unnatural' even likes me with red tint in my hair.
The only problem is after time the sun bleaches some of it and people think I went blond. XD
8/24/2013 4:16:38 AM |
The Real you |


Honolulu, HI
46, joined Jan. 2013
Most women enjoys a different look.
8/24/2013 4:16:59 AM |
The Real you |


Fort Hunter, NY
56, joined Mar. 2013
What gets me the most is fake hair on women - weaves, clip ons and wigs.
8/24/2013 4:18:12 AM |
The Real you |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
70, joined Jul. 2007
My girl has long blond hair going down her back---none on her head--its all on her back!! 
8/24/2013 4:29:46 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
That's I fav color Ms silly ha so I can't mess with you hum hum tho gray nothin Rong showing how smart you get an Are tho to look an feel young can't get upset their tho to be Pretty is the bad idea you will get to old to be like F the coloring so why not leave it All natural that's the beauty in life not going to take it there tho ha yep. Holla 
8/24/2013 4:36:47 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
At a certain a certain age wut you don't kno gray hair Man Love that in a Lady now to look young again another wrong idea now if it could make you actually young again Great then you working with something not saying it look bad on All women or many yet sum women do a poor job or let it get out of control which I would think is difficult to keep up with yep. Holla 
8/24/2013 4:39:31 AM |
The Real you |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
70, joined Jul. 2007
VANITY-----some people care about their appearance--not only for dating--but maybe for their business.
8/24/2013 4:41:14 AM |
The Real you |


Pearland, TX
53, joined Jan. 2013
I do it to cover the grey, it's a lot and a horrible gun metal grey (I wish it'd go platinum) and in my black hair just makes it look dirty. I kind of wished I'd not but it'd be a pain to let those roots go 2 to 3 inches and lop it all off, which I've considered, and probably will next Summer after the wedding pictures !! (yeah I'm vain )
8/24/2013 4:41:20 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
Hagaman sum women look Very Pretty Sexxy with fake hair a wig or weave plus when a woman have cancer you don't over look her that's like sayin you get or have a wife she need a wig you will leave her that's not Love yep. Holla 
8/24/2013 4:44:09 AM |
The Real you |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
70, joined Jul. 2007
WAITRESS BLOND---blond hair with the black roots!!  
8/24/2013 4:44:48 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
It's the coloring that you can't get away from sum women when are already beautiful or pretty in some such way May not be to I or you tho you supposed to get old an sho the smartness that's beautiful yep. Holla  
8/24/2013 4:45:41 AM |
The Real you |


Pearland, TX
53, joined Jan. 2013
nope Th! (*  btw!!) just the color God gave me only bottled, it works! I've done the red head, that was a disaster, black it is!! I miss my natural black though folks always asked me if I colored it, it's impossible to reproduce, sadly. Oh well! 
8/24/2013 4:45:51 AM |
The Real you |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
70, joined Jul. 2007
LILJERRY---- Say that again--in normal English--PLEASE!!
[Edited 8/24/2013 4:46:30 AM ]
8/24/2013 4:49:00 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
Blonde hair with the black roots um don't kno haven't seen it blind here with the black end can look very Good it's the point I see those who do it to hide there look an not keepup with it yep. Holla 
8/24/2013 4:53:25 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
Hair grow bac Txrose if you stop color it an let it grow is way sum folk's do it cuz of show biz tho it don't be leave in can't you just use wash out so that way your hair is never forgot about ha yep. Holla 
8/24/2013 4:59:08 AM |
The Real you |


Pearland, TX
53, joined Jan. 2013
wow ok I think I got the gist of that Lil, thanks I think...
8/24/2013 5:01:51 AM |
The Real you |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
70, joined Jul. 2007
I don't care much about hair--colors--- length---style--as long as its clean.
8/24/2013 5:27:38 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
English No No me no English If I write it so it only make sense an not have a understand to I term of explaining it shows no explanation to I plus I guess I like to write hood Hood illiterate slo guess if that's what how you call it don't hate A G cuz I have a different way of writing wut I say I feel how I write explain alot if you not so such ajack a** to kno what a word can an should mean know what mean Maybe not your Just to Smart for your own an I Good if you can't read it can't understand it don't try don't you think that's English human Smart Rite Right now now put your periods an commas an exclamation marks on that to All you Smarty pants that feel I should do it your way an act that you can't Read without periods and commas I don't take time to put periods and commas cause I will forget what I need to say mite say that's slo oh so be it ha plus I kno went to pause Ms an Mr's one thing I don't like to do is abbreviate like smh still don't know what that mean hear have heard so many different thing's from that an pretty sure most of you write that S to the ttttt do yall need a . &, after that t ha yep. Holla  
8/24/2013 5:29:10 AM |
The Real you |

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
70, joined Jul. 2007
 All that--and you still worry about hair color??? 
8/24/2013 5:30:06 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
When did man become professional stylist the day man was made for women have to look at them yep. Holla 
8/24/2013 5:55:09 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
Another thing with coloring hair didn't want to say is there are women criminals that do crime get away an can get away by coloring hair an I don't like it so they Actually blend in with the Good women that color hair which I recommend that if you do does it not so many colors or do it one time an keep it that way I musta seen a woman on a date site man or woman had like ten different pictures you wood not know it's even her which I kno I see criminal women an you can't pin the B to nothin cause she so disguised do it so Good not to be rude yet everyone has their way of doing things that sumone mite not like you dislike the way I don't put periods and commas which is fair yet I dislike many thing's yet who care the way I do Also dislike the way sum women color their hair an get away without a trace of a crime an its difficult when they blend in with the Good folks yep. Holla
8/24/2013 6:52:04 AM |
The Real you |

Dallas, TX
64, joined Feb. 2013
8/24/2013 7:02:18 AM |
The Real you |


Apex, NC
49, joined Jul. 2013
I explained this to my dad once because he was asking why we(women) feel the need to color our hair.
We see our hair as an accessory and you know how we ladies love switching out our accessories.
Purses, jewelry and shoes......
We change them out to suit our moods, age and outfits. Hair is the same for us.
8/24/2013 7:27:55 AM |
The Real you |


Walterboro, SC
67, joined Sep. 2011
I got rid of my split ends
8/24/2013 10:03:57 AM |
The Real you |


Fort Worth, TX
35, joined May. 2013
Some probably do, but I colored my hair only once. It's a permanent. I only did it cause I got tired of my original. My original color was black. Now its honey brown. It look better than my original. I did a permanent to keep from having to dye my hair over and over every time the color wore off, cause I don't want my hair to break off. It's so thick and long. 
8/24/2013 11:15:35 AM |
The Real you |

Big Bear City, CA
42, joined Aug. 2012
8/24/2013 1:05:41 PM |
The Real you |


Mesquite, TX
65, joined Oct. 2010
I didn't do for any other reason but to cover the grey..Which I started greying in my late twenties.A friend suggested that it would make me look my age if the grey wasn't there...she was right!
I am a natural-born beauty consultant. I see you in grey hair. No! I see you in grey hair, and I think you look simply marvelous in gray hair. And I think all the other beauty consultants here will agree!
8/24/2013 1:19:42 PM |
The Real you |
Franklin, KY
30, joined Jul. 2013
I change mine when I feel life is getting out of my control. My apperence is one thing I can always control so I change it up. Stupid reason but whatever, I'm honest. 
8/24/2013 1:33:15 PM |
The Real you |

Lambertville, NJ
49, joined Jul. 2013
 I started with a "shampoo cap" at the salon when I was 15 by my mom's hair person, apparently the first bisexual person i ever knew. He was old then. I have highlghted my hair ever since.
For fashion/style, the color of my hair as a kid. I still just highlight, don't cover gray, it blends in. Anyone that concerned about which hair is blonde and which is gray, can get really close and see it. AND my colorist does it differently during the fall/winter than spring/summer. She, my hair cutter, and massage therapist are like family. Came to my daughter's wedding.

truth. I met my x husband in my early twenties. I said something about a salon appt for coloring. He said " i like your hair it's natural color" I did this   "you've never seen my hair its natural color". Clueless 
8/24/2013 8:34:20 PM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
Some probably do, but I colored my hair only once. It's a permanent. I only did it cause I got tired of my original. My original color was black. Now its honey brown. It look better than my original. I did a permanent to keep from having to dye my hair over and over every time the color wore off, cause I don't want my hair to break off. It's so thick and long. 
Don't you still have to dye it wen it grow more yep. Holla 
8/24/2013 8:40:44 PM |
The Real you |


Danville, IL
98, joined May. 2009
I color my hair because the natural blonde decided to darken at about 16..........I don't think I will be changing that process any time soon.
8/24/2013 9:23:17 PM |
The Real you |

Rancho Cucamonga, CA
45, joined Apr. 2012
I don't care if women dye their hair.
8/24/2013 9:24:07 PM |
The Real you |


Savannah, MO
41, joined Jan. 2009
I do it because I like it to be different colors and get tired of the same look.
8/24/2013 9:25:45 PM |
The Real you |

Long Beach, CA
30, joined Aug. 2013
I know someone with purple hair.
8/24/2013 9:51:14 PM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
I color my hair because I want to, plain and simple.
Not to put Good in this you don't think Mom an Dad made you plain an simple ha I'm tellin if I Ever see them yep. Holla
8/24/2013 11:50:43 PM |
The Real you |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
They just want to be contrary. Joan had her hairstyle completely changed the second I complimented her on her hair. Needless to say she never got complimented on her hair again!
8/24/2013 11:51:12 PM |
The Real you |


Saint Paul, MN
65, joined Oct. 2009
It's my hair and ill do what I want with it .. So there 
Go ahead see if we care!!
8/24/2013 11:59:26 PM |
The Real you |


Dayton, OH
60, joined Dec. 2012
I have always liked hi lighting my hair. It enhances my features and it really helps with my grays coming in ever 3 weeks.  Z
8/25/2013 12:59:17 AM |
The Real you |

Rancho Cucamonga, CA
45, joined Apr. 2012
Always freaks em out when I go to the salon and tell em I want to dye my hair....my pubic hair.  I thought i was the only one.
8/25/2013 1:09:54 AM |
The Real you |


Mesa, AZ
49, joined Oct. 2011
Because I look better in blonde hair than brown.I didn't even have a date in high school. Let's just say the 20 year reunion rocked!
8/25/2013 1:12:07 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
I have always liked hi lighting my hair. It enhances my features and it really helps with my grays coming in ever 3 weeks. 
Do you feel your attitude change when you dye your hair seen that one Alot from women yet every three week whoa that's Sweet woman an your tryin to hide it ha yep. Holla 
8/25/2013 1:35:34 AM |
The Real you |
Rhinelander, WI
32, joined Aug. 2013
Your post was a little difficult to read, due to lack of any kind of punctuation. It's all good though Anyway, I dye my hair 4 colors a year (one for each season). In the summer I go dark, then light brown in the fall, then back to my natural blonde when I get my natural skin color back, then Red in the spring. Makes sense to me 
8/25/2013 1:51:50 AM |
The Real you |

Kansas City, MO
35, joined Aug. 2012
Because I look better in blonde hair than brown.I didn't even have a date in high school. Let's just say the 20 year reunion rocked! 
So you say wen you color the hair folk's feel different about you I wood feel the same color no color it's your attitude an well-being yet people are. different to think different yep. Holla 
8/25/2013 8:09:57 AM |
The Real you |


Tujunga, CA
40, joined Jan. 2013
Changing hair color is fun...it gives a different look, but still you.