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11/27/2013 7:34:16 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Pet owners increasingly using medical marijuana to help their pets feel better
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer
Tags: medical marijuana, pet owners, sick animals
(NaturalNews) As the social stigmas and taboos about marijuana that largely emerged during the "Reefer Madness" generation continue to be stripped away from the public consciousness, an increasing number of people are beginning to look at this all natural herb with fresh eyes, recognizing its incredible potential for healing. This includes a growing number of pet owners who are now using the plant and its essential oils to safely and effectively treat their ailing pets.
CBS New York reports that veterinary cannabis use is on the rise across all segments of society, and particularly among pet owners whose pets have severe or even terminal illnesses that do not respond to conventional treatment. Major conditions like cancer, many pet owners are finding, respond quite well to cannabis use when nothing else does. And unlike conventional treatments, cannabis treatment does not cause any harmful side effects.
One such success story is "Luna" Capers, the beloved dog of Rowyn Capers who reportedly gained her quality of life back after being given a non-psychoactive cannabis oil extract for late-stage lymphoma. When chemotherapy left the dog gravely ill and on the verge of death, Rowyn began to administer the natural therapy instead, which produced incredible results.
"Her lymph nodes were like golf balls and she was coughing constantly and she couldn't breathe, and I just thought it's time to say goodbye," said Rowyn to CBS News about Luna's condition before the cannabis. "The first time I dosed her [with cannabis] I was so scared. We were looking at her all night. [But the] more I increased her cannabis dose the less side effects that she had. The vomiting stopped, the diarrhea stopped."
Similar success was achieved by Mary Lynn Mathre, the owner of a 13-year-old golden retriever who was also diagnosed with cancer. After learning about cannabis, Mary Lynn began to give all of her dogs a daily cracker topped with cannabis-infused butter, which not only helped the sick one but also helped improve the health of all her dogs, including one with a strange bald spot on its leg.
"There was no hair on a circle that it would lick and lick," stated Mary Lynn to CBS New York, noting that both dogs experienced dramatic improvements as a result of the cannabis.
Cannabis helps pets with low energy, cancer, and epilepsy
Al Byrne's three dogs, who range in age from three to 13, have also responded positively to marijuana. Besides noticeable increases in energy among all the dogs, Al says each of his furry family members now has a shinier coat and a "shine in their eyes" that was not there before.
"When you see them enjoying life and feeling better and not being sick, you know you've hit something," says Darlene Arden, a certified animal behaviorist who is a strong advocate for veterinary cannabis use. "I think we can now see marijuana for exactly what it is and what it can do. [It's not] a street drug but a legitimate medication to be used under proper supervision."
Many CBS New York commenters with pets seem to agree with these sentiments, as some of them posted their own stories about how medical cannabis helped their pets. One woman recounts how her three-year-old dog almost died from epilepsy but experienced a dramatic and immediate recovery after being placed on a regimen of medical cannabis.
"As a last ditch effort after her last bout of seizures and being unable to come out of her postictal state, despite being administered a heavy sedative by our vet, we tried marijuana we had received from a friend of ours (it's legal in our state)," writes the commenter. "Within less than 15 minutes, our dog came fully out of its postictal state, laid down, and napped for (about) 2 hours before waking up and wanting to play tennis ball and tug. It was beyond anything I had seen before with this dog."
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043071_medical_marijuana_pet_owners_sick_animals.html#ixzz2lqvGfphA
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11/27/2013 11:52:57 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama's Munich
Bruce Thornton says the interim agreement negotiated by the Security Council and Germany with Iran is a serious advance toward what Winston Churchill called the Munich agreement: "a total and unmitigated defeat" and a "disaster of the first magnitude." Nothing in the agreement guarantees that Iran will fulfill its promises, or that inspectors will be allowed access to all of Iran's enrichment facilities, let alone its secret sites, or that serious consequences will follow violations of the terms of the agreement. The agreement does nothing to force Iran to come clean on, let alone dismantle, all its weapons facilities, or to reverse Iran's capacity to enrich uranium -- indeed, it is arguably a de facto recognition of Iran's right to do so. In exchange for signing, Iran will gain access to multiple billions of dollars in sanction relief, and 6 more months to spin the centrifuges, confident that sanctions once relaxed are unlikely to be reimposed.
No wonder they are celebrating in Tehran. And for good reason, given how much they will receive and how little they have promised. It reminds me of Churchill's metaphor in the same speech when he refuted the Chancellor of the Exchequer's claim that Hitler had been made to "retract." In fact, Churchill said of the three meetings between Chamberlain and Hitler, "£1 was demanded at the pistol's point. When it was given, £2 were demanded at the pistol's point. Finally, the dictator consented to take £1 17s. 6d. and the rest in promises of goodwill for the future."
So much is obvious, even to many Democrats in Congress, who may join with Republicans to stop this quantum leap towards full-blown appeasement and a nuclear-armed Iran when in 6 months some "comprehensive" appeasing agreement is proffered. What remains to be seen is whether the American people will become as worried over this disaster as they have been angry over Obamacare. Weary of war, and seemingly indifferent to the squandering of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan wrought by Obama's hasty and feckless withdrawal from those countries, Americans may feel about the Middle East and its complex hatreds and rivalries as Chamberlain did about the crisis in Czechoslovakia -- "a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing."
Such shortsightedness is dangerous not just to our ally Israel. For years Europe -- and now it appears America too -- has tried to force Israel into the role of Czechoslovakia in the Munich crisis in order to appease Palestinian Arab aggression and violence. In 1938 politicians in France and England were impatient with the Czechs' desire to maintain their sovereignty and ensure their security against an aggressor on their borders. Every outrageous demand made by Hitler and his stooges in the Sudetenland was met with scolding of the Czechs for their intransigence. The French warned the Czechs not to be "unreasonable," the British thought they needed "to get a real twist of the screw," the English minister in Prague advised Czech president Edvard Benes to "go forthwith to the very limit of concession," English Foreign Minister Lord Halifax told the Czechs that "in the interests of international peace every possible step should be taken to remove the cause of friction or even of conflict," and both French and English diplomats urged the Czechs to accept the dismemberment of their country "before producing a situation for which France and Britain could take no responsibility." Faced with a ruthless aggressor, the victim was bullied into committing suicide by its so-called allies.
How similar to the shameless pressure on Israel from the Western powers and the Obama administration. They have scolded and bullied Israel over "settlements" and the so-called "occupation" of lands that were the homeland of the Jewish people for two millennia. They have urged Israeli acquiescence to the specious "two-state solution" and respect for "Palestinian self-determination." They have pressed negotiations with and concessions to enemies that have made plain in word and bloody deed their goal of "wiping Israel off the map," as an ex-president of Iran once said, and as every Friday imams across the Muslim Middle East preach to their flocks. Once more Churchill is instructive: "We in this country, as in other Liberal and democratic countries, have a perfect right to exalt the principle of self-determination, but it comes ill out of the mouths of those in totalitarian states who deny even the smallest element of toleration to every section and creed within their bounds." Yet this current agreement, which de facto concedes to Iran the right to create the weapons that can turn these threats to reality, ignores the true nature of Israel's intolerant enemies, and the security concerns of the most vulnerable state in the region.
11/27/2013 11:53:13 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
On the contrary, Obama is pressuring Israel to forbear and trust the oft violated and broken promises of a mortal enemy, just as France and England in 1938 ignored Hitler's threats at the Nuremberg party-rally that no agreements would be reached with an "irreconcilable" enemy. It would be dangerous for Americans sick of this seemingly far-away conflict to buy into this false narrative that blames Israeli "intransigence" and "occupation" over a "Palestinian homeland" for Muslim terrorism and violence that are in fact rooted in Islamic doctrine and evidenced by the record of history.
Worse yet, it would be equally dangerous to think that the comparison of the current appeasement of Iran with Munich is false because we Americans do not face an existential threat from an enemy as militarily powerful as we, or that, to paraphrase Churchill, "nothing vitally affecting us [is] at stake." If Iran becomes a nuclear power, there will not be a world war like the one that was spawned by Munich and that cost 50 million lives. But we will indeed be vitally affected. The on-going conflicts of Sunni against Shiites, jihadists against autocrats, and everyone against Israel will be intensified and magnified immeasurably by Iran's possession of nuclear weapons and the regional proliferation to follow -- assuming Israel does not strike the facilities and set back the program, with violent and disordering blowback that can only be imagined.
And make no mistake, this violence and disorder will indeed affect our interests and security. We may be nearing energy independence, but in a globalized economy, the rest of the world with whom we trade will still be dependent on Middle Eastern oil, and the disruption to their economies from oil shortages and a shut-down of the straits of Hormuz will affect our own, which is still struggling with unemployment, rising debt, and run-away entitlement spending. Nor should we dismiss as fantastic the possibility that Iran, the world's foremost supporter of terrorism with 35 years of American blood on its hands, will hand off dirty bombs to one of its many jihadist affiliates for attacks on our homeland. Who on September 10, 2001 believed that terrorists armed with box-cutters would level the World Trade Center? Total war will not follow from Iran's possession of nuclear weapons, but an insidious degradation of our security will, until another terrorist attacks breeds more war, more compromises of our individual freedoms, more erosion of our morale and will, and more appeasement, the consequences of which will be borne by our children and grandchildren.
Finally, this deal signals once again that under Obama America is now considered weak and cowardly, uninterested in acting on the global responsibilities that necessarily have attended its unprecedented wealth and power, and eager for retreat and withdrawal no matter how dangerous the long-term consequences. Here too we resemble the British as Churchill described them in his Munich speech: "We have been reduced in those five years [since Hitler's rise to power] from a position of security so overwhelming and so unchallengeable that we never cared to think about it. We have been reduced from a position where the very word 'war' was considered one which could be used only by persons qualifying for a lunatic asylum. We have been reduced from a position of safety and power -- power to do good, power to be generous to a beaten foe, power to make terms with Germany, power to give her proper redress for her grievances, power to stop her arming if we chose, power to take any step in strength or mercy or justice which we thought right -- reduced in five years from a position safe and unchallenged to where we stand now." All diplomacy and negotiation with our foes depends on their belief that we back our agreements with punishing force. Today both our friends and enemies no longer believe that we have the will or courage to back our words with deeds.
Only the American people can stop the unfolding disaster of the agreement with Iran, and only by the means Churchill recommended to his countrymen: with "a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time."
11/27/2013 6:18:45 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/27/2013 7:26:21 PM |
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Parker, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
so true.
As God told Ezekiel in Chapter 33: If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people, not only will the people fall because of their sin, but the watchman will be held accountable.
11/27/2013 7:32:22 PM |
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Parker, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
A Modern Exodus
Historically, the power of the Catholic Church (and its daughter churches) was evident everywhere in Europe. Towering church spires defined city skylines, public preaching and prayer was commonplace, and a sermon could tip an election. But modern Europe is rapidly becoming what Catholic author Cristina Odone titled her new book, a No God Zone.
Look at the numbers in France. Back in 1965, over 80 percent of French people called themselves Catholic. By 2011, the number of France’s Catholics and other Christians combined was just 54 percent.
As momentous as this decrease is, it’s far less significant than the decline in France’s active Christians. In 1965, over 27 percent of French people went to Mass every week or more. Today, less than one percent are in the pews on a given Sunday.
The situation is similar in Germany. In 1950, 45.8 percent of Germans identified as Catholic and 50.6 percent as Protestant. By 2008, those numbers had fallen to 30 and 29.9 percent. And only 1.2 percent attended church services regularly.
This trend is basically consistent throughout Europe. An exodus from Christianity is underway.
Don’t Blame Islam
The interesting thing is that only a tiny fragment of the declining percentages are due to the influx of Muslim immigrants. The bulk is because of the rising tide of another worldview: secularism.
11/27/2013 7:55:15 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
so true.
As God told Ezekiel in Chapter 33: If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people, not only will the people fall because of their sin, but the watchman will be held accountable.
I live as;
A Pilgram not in control
A Steward not an owner
A Soldier not with security.
11/27/2013 8:27:09 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Mike Rogers, Cruz: Obama Deal Ignores Iran's Missile Pact With NKorea
Image: Mike Rogers, Cruz: Obama Deal Ignores Iran's Missile Pact With NKorea
Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers, left, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz
Wednesday, 27 Nov 2013 08:22 AM
By Melanie Batley
Congressional Republicans are escalating their criticism of the Obama administration and its Iranian nuclear deal as news broke that the country has been covertly collaborating with North Korea on a new rocket booster for long-range missiles.
"While the president was undertaking his secret negotiations — which Congress wasn't informed of — he had to know Iran and North Korea were testing new engines for ballistic missiles to target the United States," said Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Armed Services subcommittee on strategic forces, according to The Washington Free Beacon.
"Every day the president's deal looks worse and worse," he said.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is equally critical, saying the agreement with Iran neglected to address the threat of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
"The Iranian regime is clearly demonstrating through word and deed that they have no intention of moderating the behavior that earned them one of the harshest international programs of economic sanctions on record," Cruz told the Beacon.
"Relaxing the sanctions now only encourages them to continue their pursuit of nuclear weapons — and the means to deliver them to Israel, Europe and even the United States.
"I hope President Obama and Secretary [of State John] Kerry will reconsider this dangerous policy and add the immediate cessation of their ICBM program to the list of prerequisites placed on Iran before any additional negotiations take place," Cruz said.
A report Tuesday revealed that Iran has been secretly working with North Korea on a new 80-ton rocket booster than can be used in both countries' long-range missile programs, according to the Beacon, citing officials familiar with intelligence reports.
Several groups of Iranian technicians traveled to Pyongyang over the last few months, including as recently as late October, to develop the booster which officials say could be used on both a space launcher and a long-range missile.
U.S. intelligence agencies believe the countries are using their space programs to hide long-range strategic missiles which could be used to launch nuclear warheads capable of reaching the U.S. within the next two years.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/iran-north-korea-missile-mike-rogers/2013/11/27/id/538945?ns_mail_uid=55679136&ns_mail_job=1548067_11272013&promo_code=15C56-1#ixzz2lu4FpKqy
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
11/27/2013 8:30:44 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Bill Ayers' Role in Obama Book Questioned Again
Image: Bill Ayers' Role in Obama Book Questioned Again
Wednesday, 27 Nov 2013 02:37 PM
By Lisa Barron
Questions are being raised again about the role Bill Ayers, a former radical activist turned elementary-education theorist, played in the writing of President Barack Obama's bestselling memoir, "Dreams From My Father."
Ayers, a 1969 co-founder of the self-described communist revolutionary group Weather Underground, is now promoting his new book, "Public Enemy," and his publisher is using suggestions that Ayers wrote the president's book in its publicity material, Investor's Business Daily reports.
Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll
Beacon Press wrote in a blurb on Amazon.com that in the book, Ayers "reveals how he has navigated the challenges and triumphs of this public life with steadfastness and a dash of good humor — from the red carpet at the Oscars, to prison vigils and airports (where he is often detained and where he finally "confesses" that he did write Dreams from My Father)."
In March 2011, Ayers touched on the issue after giving a speech at Montclair State University in New Jersey.
When a student asked him to comment on a Time magazine review of "Dreams From My Father," calling it "the "best memoir ever written by an American politician," Ayers said he thought it was very good.
"The second one was more of a political hack book, but the first book's quite good," he said, adding, "Did you know I wrote it?"
After an astonished reaction, Ayers said, "Yes, I wrote that, and if you can help me prove it, I'll split the royalties with you."
Ayers was in Washington, D.C., last Friday promoting his new book. At a signing, he said that although he and Obama had crossed paths many times through their community activism in Chicago, he never regarded the president as a dedicated "leftist" like himself, Mediaite reports.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/US/ayers-dreams-book-leftist/2013/11/27/id/539046?ns_mail_uid=55679136&ns_mail_job=1548067_11272013&promo_code=15C56-1#ixzz2lu5AKJYt
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11/27/2013 8:48:30 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/27/2013 8:56:59 PM |
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Port Orange, FL
65, joined Jul. 2010
Greetings everyone...I just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving...May we all remember the blessing of this great country that was bestowed upon us.
I've been reading back over the posts...It just amazes me all the great info you all post. I know many offer congratulations to me on Bums 9....But I know it is the contribution of all of you that keep the thread going, and make it as special as it is.
Thank You, Copa
11/27/2013 9:15:59 PM |
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Parker, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

11/27/2013 9:19:45 PM |
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Parker, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008

11/27/2013 9:47:38 PM |
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Leesburg, FL
71, joined Jan. 2010
The most important issue is to get rid of the vote stealing electronic voting machines. They are programed to default to the winner. We know who that is. They don't win anything. They don't have to. The electronic vote stealing machines put them in office and they have to do what they are told because they were put there.
we use paper ballot that is scanned... and you can watch it being scanned to see if there is an issue.
11/28/2013 6:54:30 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
we use paper ballot that is scanned... and you can watch it being scanned to see if there is an issue.
So does Oklahoma but there is a large portion of the states that use the vote stealers.
Also, Greese has no business in any American election. The vote stealing electronic machines are owned and programmed by interests in Greese.
11/28/2013 6:58:14 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
I tried to find this video somewhere else that would let me put it here but didn't have any luck. Maybe someone a little smarter than me can getter done.
11/28/2013 8:17:35 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/28/2013 9:17:48 AM |
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Paragould, AR
67, joined Sep. 2013
 Good morning bums! Wishing each of you a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. 

11/28/2013 9:21:31 AM |
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Paragould, AR
67, joined Sep. 2013
AMEN...Sister, it's all going down soon...  
  Oh so true! AMEN!
Forgot to congratulate you on #9 Copa.  
11/28/2013 9:25:13 AM |
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San Antonio, TX
73, joined Nov. 2007
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Happy Thanksgiving for the ones that made it... 
11/28/2013 11:39:21 AM |
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Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
Thanksgiving and the Blessings of Liberty, The New American

11/28/2013 11:50:51 AM |
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Albion, IN
68, joined Jul. 2013
You all have a Happy Thanksgiving
11/28/2013 8:27:07 PM |
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Parker, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
11/28/2013 9:20:35 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama, Oprah, media to blame for black mobs
Exclusive: Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson warns: 'Hatred for whites is reinforced and encouraged'
Published: 8 hours ago
author-image Jesse Lee Peterson About | Email | Archive
The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is the founder and president of two dynamic organizations: BOND (Brotherhood Organization Of A New Destiny), a national 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man," and BOND Action, a 501(c) (4) organization whose purpose is to educate, motivate and rally Americans – especially black Americans – to greater involvement in the moral, cultural and political issues that threaten our great country. In 2011, Jesse founded The South Central L.A. Tea Party. He's a media commentator and also hosts "The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show" M-F, 6-9 a.m. Pacific, 9-Noon Eastern, and is the author of "SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America." For more information, visit www.bondaction.org or
Did you ever imagine that, in America, groups of black thugs would attack unsuspecting whites? Did you ever think the first black president and Oprah Winfrey would encourage division and hatred between races?
In today’s America, that’s the unfortunate reality.
In what many tamely call the “knockout game,” black teenagers target whites to attack them without provocation. The aim is to knock the victim unconscious with one blow. Man, woman, young or old – it doesn’t matter – these thugs do not care.
Authorities have reported violent attacks in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., Connecticut and Illinois. There have been at least four recent fatalities.
In New York City, police said they’ve had seven “knockout” incidents this fall. Some of the attackers specifically targeted Jewish people, including an assault on a 78-year-old woman. In New Haven, Conn., police are investigating six attacks in just the past month.
Mayor Michael Nutter of Philadelphia has warned that “knockout game” suspects would face charges ranging from aggravated assault to third-degree murder. “We will catch you. You’ll be prosecuted, and your life will be changed dramatically.”
Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”
Despite the facts, mainstream media outlets refuse to truthfully report these black-on-white hate crimes. Some outright call it a “myth.” When the media downplay these crimes or omit the racial component, they put lives at risk. Imagine if whites victimized blacks today. There would be wall-to-wall coverage and President Obama and Oprah would both be on TV condemning it.
How did we get to a point where lawless blacks are able to commit violent crimes and get away with it? More importantly: How can we stop it?
In the early 1960s, President Lyndon B. Johnson began his “War on Poverty,” expanding welfare. In 1965, Assistant Secretary of Labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan issued a report “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action” (the Moynihan Report), which concluded that: “The breakdown of the negro family has led to a startling increase in welfare dependency.” Moynihan made the case – as I have – that, in essence, the rise in single-mother households was not due to a lack of jobs but because of moral poverty.
Today, 73 percent of black babies are born to single mothers. According to the CDC, DOJ, DHHS and the US Census Bureau: 63 percent of all youth suicides; 71 percent of pregnant teenagers; 85 percent of all youth in prisons; 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children; and 71 percent of all high-school dropouts come from fatherless homes.
Over the past 23 years, my nonprofit organization, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, or BOND, has counseled hundreds of single black mothers and their kids. We’ve worked in jails and juvenile detention centers across the U.S. and we have discovered that nine times out of 10 the anger and violence black boys and girls display is inherited from their mothers and grandmothers! Society blames fathers, but most black men are not in the home to pass down their anger. This is the reality we must face to expose the root of black rage.
The pervasive racism in black culture was apparent during the George Zimmerman trial, when the prosecution’s witness, Rachel Jeantel, told the court that in her community the word “cracker” is routinely used to describe a white person.
Hatred for whites is reinforced and encouraged in black movies, hate-filled rap music and by black leaders: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, Barack Obama and even Oprah Winfrey.
Oprah recently stated that white opposition to Barack Obama was rooted in racism and that older whites “just have to die” for racism to diminish.
Oprah has made billions of dollars thanks to white people who watch her shows and buy products she endorses. For her to smear millions of whites as “racist” without proof is despicable.
Her race baiting is akin to Obama accusing the white Cambridge, Mass., police officers of “acting stupidly.” Or when Obama weighed in after the Trayvon Martin shooting and said to highlight the racial factor: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” Shameful!
This type of racial demagoguery coming from influential blacks fuels anger toward whites and the judicial system – this is what is encouraging these blacks to attack whites. (Check out news reports of “knockout game” and commentary from “The Jesse Lee Peterson Show.”)
What’s the solution?
First, whites have to get over the fear of being called “racist.” Most whites are terrified of this word and recoil when a black person hurls it at them. Blacks understand the effect this word has, and they use it to shut down honest dialogue about race. This hurts race relations and divides the country like nothing else.
White people must speak out against black racism, no matter where it rears its ugly head. There are a few blacks who have the courage to speak honestly about immorality within the black culture, and whites should work with them to help unite the races with truth.
Most white Americans will not tolerate racism toward blacks from their own family members and friends – but they turn a blind eye to the black racism that’s landing white people in hospitals and morgues. It’s time to speak up, and it’s time to end the racial double standard!
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/obama-oprah-media-to-blame-for-black-mobs/#oxX71f1cwmkGPaD2.99
11/28/2013 9:36:24 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
School lesson portrays Obama as messiah
'More fitting for an authoritarian regime in which children are taught to deify dear leader'
Published: 6 hours ago
A new lesson plan for American school students, offered on an open marketplace for educators, is reprising what some devout followers have called Barack Obama for several years already – a messiah.
Created by Sherece Bennett, it’s based on the book “Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope” by Nikki Grimes.
Kyle Olson reported the plan on his Education Action Group website, commenting that it casts Obama “in a messianic light. Literally.”
In one passage, Olson points out, a young Obama sees beggars and wonders, “Will I ever be able to help people like these?’”
“Hope hung deep inside of him,” the book says.
Olson quotes another section: “Before dawn each morning, Barry rose – his mother’s voice driving him from dream land. ‘Time for learning English grammar and the Golden Rule. Be honest, be kind, be fair,’ she taught him.”
The lesson even uses biblical references to describe Obama, explaining how he changed his name from Barry.
“One morning, he slipped on the name he’d been born with. The name of his father, Barack. For the first time in his life, he wore it proudly – like a coat of many colors.”
“Uh oh,” wrote Olson, “Another Obama-inspired biblical reference in a government school!
“But there’s no controversy here. Leftists will use God and the Bible, in instances such as these, when it appropriately fits their propaganda purposes.”
Olson described the lesson as a “mythical interpretation of Obama” and noted it calls “for students as young as third grade to read Grimes’ book and do a number of activities, including making a collage of Obama.”
“Grimes’ book and Bennett’s lesson plan are more fitting for an authoritarian regime in which children are taught to deify and praise their dear leader. One can almost envision teachers in Cuba, Venezuela and Iran using similar books and lessons,” he wrote of the materials, which he called “completely unsuitable for our classrooms.”
The lesson, which is aligned with the controversial Common Core national curriculum, includes a quiz on the material and teaches the author’s viewpoint.
Olson’s Education Action Group Foundation is a nonpartisan nonprofit that works to promote sensible education reform.
WND has reported the widespread veneration of Obama since his 2008 campaign.
Explained talk radio host Rush Limbaugh at one time: “They happen to think Obama is the end of the world, but in a great way, he’s it. There’s nothing better, Obama is the messiah. People still have that kind of affection for him.”
Earlier, in a WND column, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson wrote: “President Barack Obama is the most divisive man to ever occupy the White House – period! Yet, 95 percent of black Americans worship him as if he’s the messiah. Why?”
He noted Hollywood personality Jamie Foxx’s comment at the Soul Train Awards: “Thank God, and our lord and savior, Barack Obama!”
Jesse Lee Peterson’s book mercilessly exposes popular black “icons” – “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America”
Peterson continued: “Most black preachers and leaders secretly agree with Jamie Foxx, which is why there was no outcry from these people. Never mind that Obama stands for everything that is godless, i.e.: unfettered abortions, class warfare, amnesty for illegals, legalizing same-sex marriage, revoking DADT (weakening the U.S. Armed Forces) and lack of resolve in his support for Israel.”
WND reported when an observant reporter at a Democratic National Convention came across a shocking bit of “kitsch” for sale that seemed to suggest God so loved the world, He sent us Barack Obama.
“The Cult of Obama staggers on,” wrote David Weigel of Slate.com. “The streets near the convention zone are dotted with vendors selling for-us-by-us Obama merch [sic].”
Among the available merchandise, Weigel came across a photo calendar attributed to James Hickman and offered by a man who reportedly claimed to be Hickman’s nephew.
Most of the calendar’s months are filled with complimentary photos of Obama and factoids about the history of black Americans. But for the August entry — the month of Obama’s birth — the photo features the short-form birth certificate originally purported to be Obama’s and the words, “Heaven Sent: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life – John 3:16.”
11/28/2013 9:36:36 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
The calendar page, with Obama’s purported birth certificate and a separate photo of sunlight streaming on the sitting president’s profile, seems to suggest the “heaven sent” one is not Jesus, but Obama.
And as WND has reported, the adoration of Obama has often strayed into near deification.
“Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus,” the Dutch newspaper Politiken opined in 2009.
The editorial, written on the occasion of a legislative vote in favor of Obama’s plan for a health care takeover by the government, asserted “the right of every American not to be financially shipwrecked when their health fails” as well as the “biggest ever financial support package in America’s history, a major disarmament agreement and the quickest-ever re-establishment of American reputation.”
“On the other hand, we have Jesus’ miracles that everyone still remembers, but which only benefited a few. At the same time, we have the wonderful parables about his life and deeds that we know from the New Testament, but which have been interpreted so differently over the past 2000 years that it is impossible to give an unequivocal result of his work,” the newspaper said.
Then there was British recording artist Sting’s suggestion that Obama could be the divine answer to the world’s problems.
“In many ways, he’s sent from God, because the world’s a mess,” he said in interview with the Associated Press.
Earlier, it was an associate editor at a college newspaper who wrote, “Obama is my Jesus.”
Maggie Mertens, the associate editor at the campus paper at Massachusetts’ Smith College, said: “Obama is my homeboy. And I’m not saying that because he’s black – I’m saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters T-shirts from a couple years ago that said, ‘Jesus is my homeboy.’ Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus.”
Her confession came in the Smithsophian’s commentary section under the headline: “I Will Follow Him: Obama As My Personal Jesus.”
“While you may be overtly religious and find this to be idol-worshiping, or may be overtly politically correct and just know that everything in that sentence could be found offensive, I’m afraid it’s true anyway,” she wrote.
“The Truth” by Michael D’Antuono
Also, an artist who planned to unveil a portrait of Obama in a Christ-like pose with a crown of thorns upon his brow canceled the event due to “overwhelming public outrage.”
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, meanwhile, declared when Obama talks, “the messiah is absolutely speaking.”
During Obama’s 2008 campaign, a website called “Is Barack Obama the Messiah?” captured the wave of euphoria that followed the Democratic senator’s remarkable rise.
The site featured WND’s on-site coverage of an Obama campaign rally in Seattle that captured the overwhelming adoration of his followers, who witnessed the candidate toss a bottle of water to a woman who had fainted and order the masses to part so she could receive care.
The messiah website was topped by an Obama quote strategically ripped from a Jan. 7, 2008, speech at Dartmouth College just before the New Hampshire Primary in which he told students: “A light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote” for Obama.
The site included this:
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/school-lesson-portrays-obama-as-messiah/#FaoGWPz6PUWgJwl0.99
11/29/2013 7:10:38 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/29/2013 7:22:08 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Salon: Thanksgiving is for sociopaths
Jeff Dunetz says that for most Americans, Thanksgiving is a day to remember all the thing we have to be thankful for, get together with family and friends, eat way too much and possibly watch some football. According to Robert Jensen, a professor of journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, its a day of oppression.
Jensen wrote a Thanksgiving Day op-ed in Salon called Thanksgiving is for sociopaths.
That description is accurate, at one level -- my rejection of Thanksgiving is more intellectual than emotional, a political decision to reject that distortion of history. Whatever the actual details of the 1621 celebration involving Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians (and there is ongoing debate about various factual claims), Thanksgiving is one way the dominant culture minimizes or denies the larger historical context of Europeans’ genocidal campaign against indigenous people to acquire the land base of the United States. Without that genocide, there is no United States. For the victors’ descendants to take a day off to give thanks without acknowledging that seems, well, just a bit sociopathic.
The professor not only objects to the holiday itself, but also the traditional holiday routine:
In other words: Don’t many of us feel just a bit uncomfortable with a holiday that is defined by obligatory family gatherings that often cover up unresolved strife and/or apathy; thoughtless overeating simply because so much food is available; spectacle sports that have become painfully close to Roman gladiator contests; and relentless consumption that often involves buying stuff that many people don’t really want and no one really needs? Of course, not everyone in the United States has access to all these markers of affluence, but these Thanksgiving Day routines are more the norm than aberration.
Professor Jensen is not only an example of the kind of philosophy being taught to college students today, but as a teacher in a state-owned university, he is an example of Texas tax dollars at work.
11/29/2013 7:23:45 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/29/2013 7:31:46 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/29/2013 7:58:10 AM |
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Parker, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their fall by doing so".
Adolph Hitler
"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."
Adolph Hitler
"I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few."
Adolph Hitler
"It is not truth that matters, but victory."
Adolph Hitler
"What luck for rulers that men don't think."
Adolph Hitler
"The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it."
Adolph Hitler
11/29/2013 8:04:37 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
It begins: New York’s Bloomberg sending out gun confiscation notices
Mara Zebest is reporting that anti-2nd Amendment Bloomberg taking one last stab at the constitutional liberties of the people before leaving office. NOTE that the notice does NOT mention an option in which the officials will be coming to their door with warrants to search. Maybe that’s because they know they can’t survive legal challenges to support confiscation and will have difficulty obtaining warrants to do so. Thus the notice seems to rely on cooperation and compliance of the people to willingly turn in the guns and to fill out bureaucratic paper work.
Tyranny only has power over the people if we grant them that power. Our G-d given rights are guaranteed by the constitution and these right’s are given by the Creator -- not man. Hopefully, all Americans will remember this truth.

11/29/2013 8:15:15 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama is 100% red, white & blue American born
Wayne Allyn Root says many Americans suspect Obama was foreign born. They are wrong. Boy do I have a story to tell you.
I believe Obama is a fraud. But it has nothing to do with his birth. Obama's critics have it all backwards. They are looking in the wrong place. He isn't a foreigner portraying himself as an American. He's an American who fraudulently portrayed himself as a foreigner.
Months ago MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow spent 15 minutes on her national show calling me a "Birther." I scratched my head. Because I'm not. Never have been, not for one minute. A "Birther" believes Obama is a foreigner, not legally qualified to be president. I have never believed that.
I've always believed that Obama is 100 percent American. There I've said it loudly. I'm a leading critic of the President, but I've always believed him to be American born. He is as American as P.T. Barnum. And he lies and exaggerates like P.T. Barnum too. While Obama is not a foreigner, he is a fraud. Let me tell you the REAL Obama story.
In hundreds of media interviews, I've stated that even though Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of 1983, and we shared the same majors (Political Science and Pre-Law), I never saw, met, or heard of him. But the media has this story wrong too -- I've never said that my conclusion is Obama did not go to Columbia. On the contrary, I believe Obama graduated Columbia and we are classmates.
Where was he hiding for those Columbia years? My educated guess is he was smoking pot and attending communist meetings, plotting the downfall of America and capitalism. Don't laugh, it worked!
While that was just an educated guess, Obama's own autobiography backs me up -- he personally admitted often attending Socialist Party meetings at Cooper Union in downtown Manhattan. With Obama, even your wildest guesses are often proven true.
But forget why he wasn't seen at Columbia, the real mystery is how he ever got into Columbia. Stay with me -- because this ties into the whole "foreign born" story.
I've believe I've pieced together what happened at Columbia and here it is. I believe that Obama, an American citizen, committed fraud by portraying himself as a foreigner, in order to gain almost impossible admittance to prestigious Columbia University (and probably Occidental and Harvard Law School as well). He lied and used fraud (misrepresentation) to weasel his way in. Is that really a crime? Ask convicted criminal Frank Abagnale, the real-life star of the hit movie and best-selling book, "Catch Me if You Can." Portraying someone you're not is called fraud, and punishable by years in prison.
It doesn't take a psychology degree to figure out Obama's fragile mindset as a young man. He spent his youth living a fantasy, wanting desperately to be foreign-born and exotic, instead of just a normal American kid from a struggling single parent household. As a black teen with no dad, Obama undoubtedly faced racism and tough times. With help from mentors (like Frank Marshall, a communist and Bill Ayers, a terrorist) he learned to despise his country of birth (America). As a dreamer and loner he started to believe his own story of exotic birth, then used that fantasy (aka fraud) to gain admittance to both Occidental and Columbia.
In too deep, he had no way out. Ironically, Obama, himself is the Birther. He's the one who created the foreign-born storyline.
The fact the leftist media (Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, Mother Jones, and others) are so frightened of me, confirms that I'm close to the truth. It explains why Obama sent the IRS to viciously attack me not once, but twice (I won 100 percent victories in both audits). I've gotten too close to both the Obama Columbia scandal and the Obama IRS scandal. The closer to the target, the greater the flack.
Getting into an Ivy League University is extremely difficult and transferring in is virtually impossible. Every year 30,000 kids try to get into a college like Columbia. Only a small fraction are accepted (there were about 700 in our class of 1983). The battle is cut-throat. Virtually all 30,000 are straight-A students, have close-to-perfect SAT scores, and have achieved out-sized success at extracurricular activities too.
Into that dog-eat-dog competition stepped Barack Obama, a young man with no achievements, except an exotic story of Indonesian upbringing. Obama could NEVER have gotten into Columbia out of high school and his odds of transferring in later were even worse. Last year Columbia accepted only three transfer students in the entire world. Three. And I guarantee you all three had amazing scholastic and achievement records from other Ivy League colleges like Harvard, Yale, or Princeton.
11/29/2013 8:15:36 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama had none of that. By his own admission he was a poor student who smoked pot, rarely attended class, and got mediocre grades, from Occidental (a good but not great college). His only chance of transferring into Columbia was a made-up story of being an exotic foreigner.
It's pretty clear how Obama got into Columbia -- I believe it was by lying. Obama was a smart kid, even then gave "great interviews," and talked (lied) his way into Columbia as an Indonesian student, using his Jakarta grade school transcripts (and perhaps Passport/citizenship papers) as proof. Columbia probably asked very few questions. They were thrilled to have an Indonesian student to brag about. They got what they wanted -- "diversity."
That was Obama's edge that gained him admittance to the exclusive Ivy League world at Columbia and then Harvard Law School. But that also made him a fraud, who accepted admittance and foreign student aid under false pretenses.
Since selling this fraudulent story had succeeded beyond his wildest imagination, Obama was emboldened. So, he used it again to sell a book. Remember I'm not guessing here. It's a fact that his book agent described Obama to publishers as "Born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia." There is physical proof of these exact words. Bleeding heart liberal Manhattan book publishers bought it hook, line and sinker.
All of this lying and fraud based on a fantasy built an impressive platform for young Obama. It got him the credentials he needed for a career in politics (Columbia, Harvard Law, professor at Chicago Law School). Next he used that platform to run for office. He won. Then, won again, becoming a U.S. Senator. People started touting him as a Presidential candidate. All the lies and P.T. Barnum-like self promotion had worked for Obama. Too well. Now he had a deep, dark secret to cover-up.
His college records were his Achilles heel. He had to hide his tracks. His college records had to be sealed forever. Not because he was a foreigner and unqualified to be President, but because he was an American posing as a foreigner. That makes him a fraud unqualified to be President.
I would love for Mr. Obama to release his college records and prove me wrong. But of course he won't…he can't. Because at the top of his college admissions transcript would be the two words that would destroy his Presidency and legacy: "Foreign Student."
No, I'm not a Birther. I believe Obama is 100 percent American born. While never questioning his birth, I've been in the media nonstop for five years questioning his allegiance to America, American exceptionalism, and Judeo-Christian values. And I've exposed his plan (created by husband-wife professors Cloward and Piven at Columbia) to destroy capitalism by overwhelming the system with spending, debt, and entitlements. That purposeful plan is proven by facts -- please see record spending, record debt, and record entitlements under Obama. This is all about a plan to destroy America carried out by an American posing as a foreigner.
No, Obama isn't a foreigner. But we have a fraud in the White House.
11/29/2013 8:19:10 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Cancer patient who spoke out against ObamaCare now being audited
Daniel Greenfield is reporting that Bill Elliot was a cancer patient who lost his insurance due to ObamaCare and couldn’t pay the expensive new premiums. He was talking about paying the ObamaCare fine, going without health insurance and “letting nature take its course.”
He went on FOX News where his story was picked up by C. Steven Tucker, a health insurance broker who helped him keep his insurance.
Now suddenly Bill Elliot is being audited for 2009 with an interview only scheduled in April 2014. Assuming he lives that long. That might be a coincidence, but Tucker is being audited back to 2003.
That’s a rather strange coincidence.
Would the IRS actually go after a cancer patient, who had voted for Obama initially, just for appearing on FOX and now being sharply critical of Obama and suggesting that he resign for his health plan lie?
Under the current insane state of affairs, where the IRS was used to silence the opposition, it’s unfortunately entirely possible. The fact that we are even having this discussion shows how badly Obama has undermined confidence in government institutions and the rule of law.
Americans always hated the IRS, but it’s been a while since they believed that the IRS was targeting them for their political views.
The United States desperately needs to restore the rule of law and confidence in its institutions otherwise we are facing a serious crisis in which Americans begin viewing government agencies as tools of political repression.
11/29/2013 8:30:51 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
The ObamaCare propaganda campaign
Arnold Ahlert says in an effort that exemplifies both desperation and contempt for the public, the Obama administration, in coordination with its media cheerleading squad, is determined to rebrand ObamaCare. Toward that end, Families USA (FUSA) a self-described “national nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to the achievement of high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans” was given a $1.1 million grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Their mission is to gather ObamaCare success stories and feed them to the media. Thus the American left embarks on yet another mission to “change the narrative” of a disaster entirely of their own making.
And make no mistake: despite the non-partisan claims, FUSA is an organization with roots firmly planted on the left side of the ideological ledger. As far back as 2008, when the leftist Palm Beach Post featured two articles promoting universal, government-run healthcare -- because Floridians were dying daily due to a lack of insurance -- they were citing research compiled by FUSA.
Obama is no different. FUSA president Philippe Villers currently serves as the “Secretary and Treasurer of Board” for the Herndon Alliance, which also touts itself as a “non-partisan” organization, but one that is “working and speaking out for the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.” In 2009, Politico described the group as ”the messaging arm of a vast center-left infrastructure pushing health care reform,” further noting that “nearly every major health care player, from the Service Employees International Union to Families USA and the American Cancer Society, calls itself a Herndon partner.” Yet the key takeaway from the article is this: “When President Barack Obama says Americans can maintain their ‘choice’ of doctors and insurance plans, he is using a Herndon strategy for wringing fear out of a system overhaul.”
Thus, this “non-partisan” organization wrung fear out of the system by helping the president perpetrate one of the more egregious lies ever told by a Chief Executive. And they did so with funding provided by left-wing organizations such as the Tides Foundation and George Soros’s Open Society Institute.
In an interview with Time magazine, FUSA Executive Director Ron Pollack reveals that his organization, which already has a “story bank” containing 950 stories available for media consumption, will use the grant to conduct a spin campaign on behalf of ObamaCare. This is consistent with Pollack’s efforts in 2010, when he told Washington Post columnist and Obama toady Ezra Klein that he was helping to found Enroll America to “raise tens of millions of dollars for state groups to work with the state to try to create the most effective systems to apply and enroll (in ObamaCare).”
Enroll America is the group who recently saw Christopher Tarango, one of their communication directors, caught on videotape making a complete mockery of the notion that they are non-partisan organization. ”There’s a lot of talent that got sucked into Organizing for Action. I mean, there’s a lot of talent that got sucked into Enroll America, but we are all Obama people,” he told an undercover reporter from Project Veritas.
That was only the organization’s latest black eye. In testimony before a House ethics panel last June, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admitted that she asked the aforementioned Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to contribute to Enroll America. Furthermore this “non-partisan” organization’s president is Ann Filipic, who was deputy director for the White House Office of Public Engagement, and its managing director is Chris Wyant, a former White House economics official.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the largest ”non-partisan” philanthropy focused exclusively on health care, is also deeply rooted in leftist ideology. They too have long championed universal healthcare, spending millions of dollars in the 1990s in an effort to get state legislatures to write laws to that effect. The Foundation also promoted HillaryCare by sponsoring forums during which the former First Lady touted her proposals.
The first step in re-marketing ObamaCare has been fairly straight-forward: eliminate the term completely. Thus, the same president who as recently as Nov. 8 told a group of supporters that his opponents would stop using the term ObamaCare once his “signature achievement” gained popularity, beat them to the punch. Despite his former embrace of the term, it was never used during a Nov. 14 news conference. Instead the president referred to the “Affordable Care Act” a dozen times.
Politico further revealed that this was no accident, noting that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi corrected David Gregory on “Meet the Press” the following Sunday, and that they had obtained White House talking points distributed to Democrats that “repeatedly refer to the Affordable Care Act in suggested sound bites, not Obamacare.”
This change typifies progressive contempt for the public. The Obama administration and it supporters have undoubtedly seen a poll taken in September that shows Americans respond more favorably to the term Affordable Care Act than ObamaCare. Thus, rather than clear up the confusion in the minds of the public, they prefer to exploit it.
As so it begins. The Christian Science Monitor insists that after “weeks of stories about website crashes and canceled health plans–and an extraordinary mea culpa from President Obama–a competing story line is starting to emerge.” They further note that both the left-leaning New York Times and the Los Angeles Times have touted a “surge” in enrollment figures. Laughably, they attribute this change in coverage to a “media effect,” one in which reporters and the public “get tired of all the wall-to-wall negativity, and to keep interest up, seek out happy stories for a change of pace.”
Yet even the Monitor is forced to admit that Democratic senators have been sent off for Thanksgiving with “marching orders” to find and publicize positive stories about the healthcare bill.
Furthermore, the day before Thanksgiving, reality intruded once again: the Obama administration unilaterally postponed the signup portal for small businesses until after the 2014 mid-term election. This followed a decision earlier the same week to postpone the 2014 open enrollment period for ObamaCare past the election as well.
The reason is painfully transparent. As bad as the insurance policy cancellations on the individual market that have afflicted 5 million Americans -- and counting -- have been for Democrats, they are nothing compared to the political Armageddon that awaits. Anywhere from 80-100 million Americans could also see their employer-based policies cancelled because they don’t comply with ObamaCare. Cancellations that were projected by the Obama administration itself back in 2010.
That’s the reality that FUSA, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Democrats, the Obama administration and countless media organizations will be attempting to diminish with a series of “feel good” stories. One seriously doubts they can come up with 80-100 million of them.
When news reports mention 5 million or 80 million, they are referring to "policies" not "people."
Many of these policies are family policies. So the real numbers represent 3, or 4, or 5 times those "policy" numbers.
11/29/2013 3:08:54 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Too Funny
11/29/2013 4:44:09 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
73, joined Nov. 2007
It was nice to see "Al Sharptongue" get knock on his Ass... too funny...
..........He needs it again by the way...
This is a good of example of Liberal Leadership at the City Level let alone at the National Level
.......The Liberals have all the answers to get something Free.. that is their Agenda.. No if and's about..
..........They are clueless how to get ahead and make something of themselves or the government they govern ..
[Edited 11/29/2013 4:46:39 PM ]
11/30/2013 9:01:12 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Fed-up lawmakers want stiff penalties for 'Knockout Game'
'These thugs are nothing but punks and cowards'
Published: 14 hours ago
The “Knockout Game” attacks that have made headlines across the nation over the last few weeks are being targeted by public protests and downplayed by the media.
But there’s a group that appears focused on going right to the core of the problem – the criminals themselves.
According to a report at the Afro blog, Dean Kaufert, Republican lawmaker in Wisconsin, wants faster prosecution and stiffer penalties for such offenses.
“This is not a child’s prank, this is a serious crime where innocent victims are assaulted, injured and in some instances even killed, and it should be treated that way,” he said.
“We want to send any potential perpetrator of this senseless violence the message that if they do this in Wisconsin they will face serious criminal consequences, not a slap on the wrist.”
In the Knockout Game, an assailant sneaks up on an unsuspecting victim and slugs him or her as hard as he can, usually in the head. The goal is to knock the victim out with a blow, or keep hitting until the victim goes down.
Many recent cases have been documented by local TV news broadcasts posted on YouTube and in Colin Flaherty’s book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”
Most of the attacks have been black-on-white, part of a larger trend of black-on-white violence that also is documented in the book.
Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”
The blog also reported Hugh T. Farley, a state senator in New York, is leading a drive to crack down. His “Knockout Game Deterrent Act,” sponsored with Assemblyman Ted Tedisco, could give anyone convicted of the crime more than 20 years in prison.
He said the Knockout Game “thugs are nothing but punks and cowards, and if they think they’re some kind of ‘big shot’ for punching an unsuspecting elderly person or a mom then they should face ‘big man’ laws and do hard time.”
CBS in New York City reported Brooklyn residents rallied against the violence this week, with Leticia Smith of the Brown Memorial Baptist Church saying, “We are stressed out, but we refuse to be knocked out in our community.”
CNN, meanwhile, questioned whether the trend exists.
“CNN asks today whether these are just random attacks getting outsized media attention ro a real trend – or whether the outsized media attention is creating the tread, as NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly warns,” said a report at Hot Air.com.
The report notes the attacks themselves “are real enough, and so are the deaths and injuries.”
“Four people have been killed in similar assaults, which have nothing in common except the modus operandi. Even Al Sharpton was moved this weekend to condemn the ‘Knockout Game,’ telling a Harlem audience, ‘We would not be silent if it was the other way around.’”
On CNN, former boxer Mike Tyson said the violence made no sense.
“I just don’t know, maybe they’re just evil. There’s just some evil people,” he said.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/fed-up-lawmakers-want-stiff-penalties-for-knockouts/#g0YG1lfwYbp5gSbu.99
11/30/2013 10:16:56 AM |
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San Antonio, TX
73, joined Nov. 2007
I would like to see Mike Tyson do a Knock Out punch on the Low Life Punk's...
11/30/2013 10:51:18 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Enhanced interrogation -- Obama covers extraordinary rendition in Benghazi
Chip Jones is reporting that as details continue to unfold and facts begin to be reported, the picture of why Team Obama sought to immediately cover-up Benghazi continues to develop.
When we unite disparate stories reported recently and look at the facts in relation to historical events that are similar, a pattern emerges that lead us to ask some significant questions about the motivation behind the cover up of Benghazi. Those facts lead us directly to the conclusion that the compound known as Special Mission Benghazi was being used as a detention center for Libyan al Qaeda prisoners who were being "rendered" to foreign locations to be interrogated, locations where those interrogations likely involved torture. And detention and interrogation activities continue to this day.
The Washington Times has reported that, ultimately, there were seven (7) special operations personnel involved in the battle that has come to be called simply "Benghazi". Conservative Report Online has reported the same information. In fact, we reported that two (2) temporary duty (TDY) Green Berets came with Ambassador Stevens as his personal security and met three (3) Green Berets at the Compound. The other two Special Operations Forces (SOF) personnel were SEALS Ty Woods and Glen Doherty who responded to the CIA Annex and were subsequently killed defending it.
The Times has also reported that two of the Green Berets there were Delta operators, both of whom were decorated and those decorations were confirmed by the Department of Defense. In the myriad of specialized functions Delta has in their arsenal, two of the prominent ones are teams dedicated to 1. "Black Ops", or assassination, Teams who are used to kill High Value Combatant Targets (HVT's) and 2. "Snatch and Grab" Teams that specialize in both hostage rescue and the apprehension of HVT's.
The picture that is emerging, and being confirmed by sources close to Conservative Reports Online, is that the two Delta operators had delivered a HVT who had been apprehended to the compound. Although there was a large contingent of Green Berets working out of the Compound as their base of operations, the only remaining Green Beret was their "communications officer" who reported the attack, in real time, to the appropriate authorities and joined the fray defending the compound.
In fact, the two Delta operators who were present spirited the HVT as well as Sean Smith out of the Villa where the "safe room" was located, and that had come under immediate attack when the Ansar al Sharia rebels stormed the Compound, not being able to locate and rescue the ambassador himself. As we have known for some time, the five Green Berets held off as many as 150 rebels, and evacuated everyone but the ambassador to the CIA Annex. Amongst those "rescued" was the HVT being detained, and the first priority of the Delta guys.
We now know the reason for both the attack on the compound and subsequent attack on the CIA Annex. The reason the ambassador was present that night was to meet with the Turkish General Counsel. Accompanying the General Counsel were members of the British Special Forces. The purpose of that meeting was to negotiate the extraordinary rendition of the prisoner into Turkish hands. The heavily Kurdish Ansar al Sharia rebels were rescuing their al-Qaeda compatriot from the hands of the Turks, who have hated the Kurds for centuries. They were saving one of their leaders from interrogation that included potential torture at the hands of an ethnic enemy. This is also why they chased, regrouped, and attacked the CIA Annex, and why our SOF personnel defended it to the death.
Here's the major glitch in this story, and the reason why so much effort has been expended to cover Benghazi up:
After Obama took office, he promised the American people that extraordinary rendition would never occur under his administration. He was VERY explicit to state his absolute moral opposition to enhanced interrogation procedures (like waterboarding) to say nothing of outright torture.
It appears Barack Obama lied again.
11/30/2013 11:04:21 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Don't let them change the subject
Herman Cain says when you're as desperate as Barack Obama is right now -- with your approval ratings plunging and people no longer even finding you to be an honest person -- you're willing to try almost anything to make people focus their minds on something else. Well, I should qualify: That's what you do if your priority is your own political viability. If you're a real leader, you man up and solve the problem. But we don't have a real leader. We have Barack Obama.
So he is desperately trying to change the subject from ObamaCare to just about anything else. As Dan wrote this morning, he sent John Kerry off to get a deal with Iran at any cost so the two of them could wave the piece of paper and pretend they had accomplished something. At the same time, they are once again pushing an amnesty bill that they hope will lock in illegals as loyal Democrat voters fix the immigration system.
But none of these are serious policy initiatives. Their purpose is simply to change the subject from ObamaCare, which is quickly turning into a political crisis of historical proportions for the Democratic Party. And we're not going to let them do it. We're not going to let them make you forget that Democrats lied through their teeth about letting you keep your policy, about your premiums going down, about letting you keep your doctor and your hospital, about what the whole thing would cost . . . I could go on, but you get the idea. So in the spirit of refreshing your memory, I herewith present seven lies from seven Democrats, at least one of whom thinks she should be the next president.
I think you know what to do with these:
1. Max Baucus: "If you like what you have you can keep it."
2. Harry Reid: "Those fortunate enough to have health insurance will be able to keep theirs."
3. Mark Begich: "If you have an insurance program or a health care policy you want of (inaudible), you keep it"
4. Mary Landrieu: "While those individuals who like the coverage they already have will be able to keep their current plan. This is a very accurate description of this bill before us -- The Patient Protection and Affordability Act. It's very accurate."
5. Hillary Clinton: "You keep the insurance you have if you like it."
6. Nancy Pelosi: "If you like what you have and you want to keep it, you have the choice to do that."
7. Barack Obama: "If you like your health care plan you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period."
Liars. Every single one of them. The only conceivable defense against this charge would be for them to say that they trusted Obama, and if that's what the did, they're fools. But I don't buy it. They're all liars, and that should never be forgotten, especially not at a time when Obama is so desprately trying to change the subject to anything else.
11/30/2013 11:05:20 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
I would like to see Mike Tyson do a Knock Out punch on the Low Life Punk's... 
I would like to see some sniper action.
They didn't see it coming.
[Edited 11/30/2013 11:06:15 AM ]
11/30/2013 11:12:37 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
The bad-faith presidency
Rich Lowry says at the end of the day, the root of Barack Obama's mendacity on ObamaCare was simple: He didn't dare tell people how the law would work. He couldn't tell people how the law would work.
Forthrightness was the enemy. It served no useful purpose and could only bring peril, and potentially defeat. It had to be banished. Instead, Obama made the sale on the basis of dubious blandishments and outright deceptions.
If this is the only way to pass your signature initiative -- and achieve a decades-long goal of your party -- it ought to give you pause. But Obama was a natural at delivering sweeping and sincere-seeming assurances that just weren't true. This kind of thing is his métier.
If he were awoken at 3:00 a.m. and told that he had to make the case for nationalizing the banks by denying he was nationalizing the banks, he would do an entirely creditable job of it, even without a teleprompter. The salesmanship for ObamaCare represents in microcosm the larger Obama political project, which has always depended on throwing a reassuring skein of moderation on top of left-wing ideological aims.
All politicians are prone to shaving the truth, giving themselves the benefit of the doubt and trying to appear more reasonable than they are. Obama has made it an art form. Bad faith is one of his signal strengths as a politician, and it makes him one of the greatest frontmen progressivism has ever had.
He will never admit his deep bias toward the growth of the federal government, or that he doesn't care that much if Iran gets the bomb, or that he is liquidating the American leadership role in the Middle East. No, no -- he is just trying to make government work, giving diplomacy a chance and pivoting to Asia, respectively.
In this vein, the things that Obama couldn't say about ObamaCare keep mounting. The New York Times reported the other day on how the word "redistribution," which aptly describes the law's intent and effect, is anathema.
"These days the word is particularly toxic at the White House," according to the paper, "where it has been hidden away to make the Affordable Care Act more palatable to the public and less a target for Republicans, who have long accused Democrats of seeking ‘socialized medicine.' But the redistribution of wealth has always been a central feature of the law and lies at the heart of the insurance market disruptions driving political attacks this fall."
Heaven forbid that Obama tell people that. The Times notes that the last time he mentioned redistribution, it was -- of course -- to say that he wanted nothing to do with it.
Obama styles himself a committed pragmatist. At a fundraiser the other day, he averred, "I'm not a particularly ideological person." He just happened to risk Democratic control of Congress to advance the cause of nationalized health insurance. And happened to insist on the left-most plausible version of the law. And happened to defend it with every power at his disposal.
In private, Obama admits that he has kept his true ideological self carefully under wraps. According to the authors of Double Down, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, Obama brought up climate change in a political-strategy meeting in 2011 as an example of his undue caution. "Maybe I should just come out and say what I really feel about this," he said. "Maybe I should just go out and say what I think about everything."
As a crazy thought experiment, his aides let him dabble with heartfelt sincerity. To the next meeting he brought a list of causes dear to him, all liberal clichés: climate change, immigration reform, poverty, Israeli–Palestinian peace, closing Gitmo, and gay marriage. Only gay marriage surfaced in the presidential campaign because he couldn't bear any longer to hide what he really thought on the issue.
He knew the danger of too much forthrightness.
11/30/2013 11:17:12 AM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/30/2013 11:23:01 AM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Fed-up lawmakers want stiff penalties for 'Knockout Game'
'These thugs are nothing but punks and cowards'
Published: 14 hours ago
The “Knockout Game” attacks that have made headlines across the nation ...
There's a simple cure for this and all other violence. Uphold and respect the Second Amendment. No registrations, no permits, no background checks. Every American is "expected" to be armed. We don't need to be, but we don't need permission if we choose to be.
Yes, criminals will have firearms, but they do already. Without restrictions, so will every other American. Now the "playing field" is level. When criminals wish to get out of hand, the regular folk have recourse. Criminals don't know who is armed or who around them is armed. There are more Good Samaritans than criminals. The Good Samaritans will diminish the numbers of criminals until the criminal career path is no longer appealing. Society self corrects its destiny. No jails, courts, Judges, or Lawyers can do the same.
"An armed society is a polite society."
No more gun free zones. This only places the innocent at risk.
Criminals do not automatically become law-abiding citizens because of a sign! 
Let's just compare crime and violence in gun-free Chicago against anytown in Texas.
In the town of Keneshaw(?) Georgia, they have a local statute that every homeowner is "required" to own a firearm. All crime and violence is considerably lower compared to surrounding neighborhoods, to the point of almost non-existant. Criminals can read, and respect what it means! Statistics trumps theory every time.
Is this the right direction to take to curb the knockout game? Maybe.
11/30/2013 11:38:37 AM |
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Ocala, FL
59, joined Jul. 2013
there shouldn't be a law requiring ownership, either, but I will say...the problem is going to cause many people to lose the liberty of where they feel they can walk and be, leery of any cluster of people and cause profiling, and also...these thugs are acting all nonchalant til the victim is already a blindsided victim..you're not going to see it coming..then it's too late. So if you're going to walk where you please..follow the law..carry your weapon right out in the open..don't illegally conceal.ha.
Poor city folks where guns are banned..pity the fools. These no gun zones are unconstitutional. Bearing arms except here and here and here.???
Legislators know NOTHING aside from making laws. They need to learn how to wipe more laws OFF the books.

You'll never see me in any nasty city nor a no gun zone. And the portrayal of gun nuts? Well those gun owners are the first ones who would defend your arse in a crisis!!!!!! Like when the government decides your freedom is eroded to no freedoms left at all. Defy tyranny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/30/2013 12:35:52 PM |
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Fouke, AR
63, joined Jul. 2012
There's a simple cure for this and all other violence. Uphold and respect the Second Amendment. No registrations, no permits, no background checks. Every American is "expected" to be armed. We don't need to be, but we don't need permission if we choose to be.
Yes, criminals will have firearms, but they do already. Without restrictions, so will every other American. Now the "playing field" is level. When criminals wish to get out of hand, the regular folk have recourse. Criminals don't know who is armed or who around them is armed. There are more Good Samaritans than criminals. The Good Samaritans will diminish the numbers of criminals until the criminal career path is no longer appealing. Society self corrects its destiny. No jails, courts, Judges, or Lawyers can do the same.
"An armed society is a polite society."
No more gun free zones. This only places the innocent at risk.
Criminals do not automatically become law-abiding citizens because of a sign!
Let's just compare crime and violence in gun-free Chicago against anytown in Texas.
In the town of Keneshaw(?) Georgia, they have a local statute that every homeowner is "required" to own a firearm. All crime and violence is considerably lower compared to surrounding neighborhoods, to the point of almost non-existant. Criminals can read, and respect what it means! Statistics trumps theory every time.
Is this the right direction to take to curb the knockout game? Maybe.
I agree with almost everything you said. I believe it should be an open carry for the whole US Does anyone think the criminals are going are going to say opps wait this home doesn't have guns or this person we better not mess with them.
11/30/2013 1:12:02 PM |
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San Antonio, TX
73, joined Nov. 2007
Bill Killian is a U.S. attorney based out of Tennessee that is trying to do whatever he can to make anti-Muslim speech illegal in the U.S.
He is claiming that some this type of speech is violating the civil rights of these citizens.
Killian told Tullahoma News “We need to educate people about Muslims and their civil rights, and as long as we’re here, they’re going to be protected,”
Killian and the local FBI will be meeting with the Muslim community in the area to discuss and inform them about their civil rights.
So far the DOJ has not determined what speech they will actually considered “illegal” and no guidelines have been set forth.
An attorney that specializes in the first amendment said ” “The government may, indeed, play a useful and entirely constitutional role in urging people not to engage in speech that amounts to religious discrimination. But it may not, under the First Amendment, prevent or punish speech even if it may be viewed as hostile to a religion.”
What do you think of this potential banning of anti-Muslim speech? Is this violating the first amendment?
This is the way the Muslims work to protect their Cult... by these kinds of laws..
The existing laws protect the Muslims just like any other person why do we need "Special Laws"...??????.
11/30/2013 2:38:42 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Bill Killian is a U.S. attorney based out of Tennessee that is trying to do whatever he can to make anti-Muslim speech illegal in the U.S.
He is claiming that some this type of speech is violating the civil rights of these citizens....
We need to nip this one in the bud before it invades our country more than it already has.
There's quite a bit of half-truths and misinformation being thrown around.
Let's start with, Muslim is NOT a religion, but a violent cult. Their "good book" teaches/instructs that Muslims must kill ALL non-Muslims. That's a problem right there. These teachings alone should allow Americans to protect OUR religious freedoms and free country from persecution by violent cults/enemies.
We have our laws to protect us from a violent enemy of the state. We can and should remove ALL known Muslims from our country. It is a matter of national security.
Civil Rights don't usurp the Constitutional Rights of others. One's Rights end, where another's begin. Deal with it! Rights come bound with responsibilities and respect.
As for free speech.
1.) It's reserved for citizens, not enemies!
2.) Any kind of laws regulating anti-speech is in violation of our Constitution.
3.) None of our three branches of government has the authority to decree from up on high that they can overrule our Constitution without OUR consent. We are a Republic, governed by the people, not by self-appointed royalty. It does not matter how well-intentioned they may be, they have no authority that we don't give them. We have rules, and there's a reason why freedom of speech and religion are the first ones listed in OUR rulebook. Nobody can make a new laws usurping the Laws of the Land, not even a little bit.
My opinion. I don't have much difficulty respecting differing religions of the World. Most do no harm to others. The Muslim cult is one that I'm aware of that teaches violence and killing towards non-believers. I don't want to hear the arguement that not all Muslims are killers. Either they are believers of their so-called faith or they aren't. There is no middle ground. It's like being a little bit pregnant!
Our enemy is chipping away at our freedom, Rights, culture, and heritage a little more each day. When do we say ' enough already'?
Our Rights cannot defend themself. "We only own what we are willing to protect." Mike
11/30/2013 3:02:15 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Is this guy is one of our members? He gives the BUMS thread a plug at the end of his latest rant. 
11/30/2013 3:42:27 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
there shouldn't be a law requiring ownership, either, but I will say...
So true nat.
What the Georgia town did by placing a "requirement" on the books, they sent notice that they were standing behind the 2nd Amendment and the local police department was "enforcing" THEIR Rights.
"Let the criminals beware, they will not be tolerated here"!
Their "homeowner firearm requirement" was more of a legislative gesture and local advertising that they will defend themselves and protect each other. A modern day extension of the famous Dirty Harry Movie quote to the criminal , "... do you feel lucky ..."?
Without promoting vigilante-ism, they drew a line in the sand. It hasn't been crossed, much.
They can't require by law, that anyone buy a firearm, anymore than they could require them to buy insurance ....
... our laws are getting all twisted these days. 
11/30/2013 6:05:20 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama Faces Democrat Defections if Website Fixes Fail
Saturday, 30 Nov 2013 11:49 AM
By Sandy Fitzgerald
Democratic leaders have given the White House space to work out the problems with the Obamacare website, but if it isn't right this time around, vulnerable Senate Democrats could distance themselves even more from the law they voted to pass.
"There's a window here; I'm not sure how long it is," Jim Manley, a Democratic strategist and former spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., told The National Journal.
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Earlier this month, 39 Democrats joined ranks with Republicans to vote for a bill allowing people to remain on their current health insurance plans, and are signaling they're ready to make a stronger push about the bill should the site still not work correctly after Sunday's deadline comes and goes, said The National Journal.
But with Obama's poll numbers at record lows and Americans are saying he's "untrustworthy," another failed Obamacare website rollout could slash his ratings even more, and with public approval of Obamacare also waning, Democrats are scrambling to show their constituents that they are trying to fix the problems.
"You need to explain what you're trying to fix, and you'd better be trying to fix something. If there's nothing you want to fix, there's something wrong with you," Democratic pollster Mark Mellman told The National Journal.
However, the fixes, including taking back the part of the law that cancels Americans' health plans, could hinder how the rest of the law works, experts say.
Making the website fixes — which the Obama administration admits won't necessarily make the site "perfect" — will likely be a key factor over whether Democratic leaders continue to back the president and the healthcare law.
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"It all depends on whether the glitches are worked out and the program gets up and running like it should," Manley said. "If not, add this to the list of problems."
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/democrats-distance-obama-website/2013/11/30/id/539270?ns_mail_uid=55679136&ns_mail_job=1548195_11302013&promo_code=15C74-1#ixzz2mAwqZTn3
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
11/30/2013 6:44:45 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
I found this interesting take on Constitutional Jurisdiction. Please make note of ALL our alphabet agencies created by Congress. While reading the article below, we might substitute any agency for the one in the example. My intention is for all of us to witness the big picture and ask questions. Like children we need to ask;
"...since when are you the boss of me? You aren't my mommy!"
By Attorney Lowell (Larry) Becraft, Jr.
June 22, 2004
We suffer a plague of the acronymic alphabet agencies: DEA, FDA, FAA, FCC, SEC, FBI, TVA, IRS, BATF, ad nauseam. One may study the U.S. Constitution searching for the specific provision granting Congress authority over airplanes, telecommunications, securities as well as a wide variety of other matters and learn that Congress has apparently been denied authority over these subject matters.
This raises an extremely interesting question: where do we find the Constitutional authority for such agencies and the laws they administer?
By statute, all federal agencies must confine their activities to the jurisdiction delegated to them: see 5. U.S.C. §588. While this is a simply statutory command, there is an evident problem in that most federal agencies fail to publish any statements, either in the C.F.R. or some other source, which define their jurisdiction in clear and express terms.
The C.I.A. is one agency where it is easy to determine its jurisdiction because a statute has deprived it of any domestic jurisdiction; see Weissman v. C.I.A., 565 F.2d 692, 696 (D.C. Cir. 1977). However, to determine the jurisdiction of other agencies requires some study.
Perhaps the best way to determine the jurisdiction of any given federal agency is to examine various cases regarding the subject matter of that agency. For example, the United States Constitution does not provide that Congress has any authority concerning the fish and wildlife within this country and this has been previously litigated with obvious results. In McCready v. Virginia, 94 U.S. 391, 394- 95 (1877), the Supreme Court held regarding the fish within the oceans:
"[T]he States own the tidewaters themselves and the fish in them, so far as they are capable of ownership while running." The title thus held is subject to the paramount right of navigation, the regulation of which, in respect to foreign and interstate commerce, has been granted to the United States. There has been, however, no such grant of power over the fisheries. These remain under the exclusive control of the state.....
Like fish, the Constitution simply grants no authority to the federal government to control the wildlife within the states of this nation and this has been noted in several cases. A ready example of such a case is United States v. Shauver, 214 F. 154, 160 (E.D.Ark. 1914), which concerned the issue of where the Migratory Bird Act of March, 1913, could apply.
Through this act, Congress sought to extend protection to migratory birds by limiting the hunting season and otherwise placing restrictions upon hunting of these birds. As is only natural, upon adoption of this act federal officials started enforcing it and here they had arrested Shauver in Arkansas for shooting migratory birds.
Shauver moved to dismiss the charges filed against him on the grounds that the act contravened the Tenth Amendment by invading the jurisdiction of the states upon a matter historically reserved for legislation by the states. In deciding that this act was unconstitutional, Judge Trieber noted that the common law provided that the states essentially owned the birds within their borders and state legislation was the sole source by which hunting could be controlled. In so concluding, he held:
"All the courts are authorized to do when the constitutionality of a legislative act is questioned is to determine whether Congress, under the Constitution as it is, possesses the power to enact the legislation in controversy; their power does not extend to the matter of expediency. If Congress has not the power, the duty of the court is to declare the act void. The court is unable to find any provision in the Constitution authorizing Congress, either expressly or by necessary implication, to protect or regulate the shooting of migratory wild game in a state, and is therefore forced to the conclusion that the act is unconstitutional."
Notwithstanding Judge Trieber's decision, enforcement of the act did not stop and it was thereafter enforced within Kansas, where another man arrested for killing migratory birds. In United States v. McCullagh, 221 F. 288, 293 (D.Kan. 1915), the issue of the Migratory Bird Act of 1913 was again before a different court and it, relying upon its own research of the law as well as the decision in Shauver, likewise concluded that this act was unconstitutional:
"[T]he exclusive title and power to control the taking and ultimate disposition of the wild game in this country resides in the states, to be parted with and exercised by the state for the common good of all the people of the state, as in its wisdom may seem best."
The above decisions have never been overruled and they stand today as valid authority for the proposition that Congress under the Constitution does not have any direct grant of power to regulate and control fish and wildlife within our country.
If this is the case, you might ask what is the Constitutional basis upon which the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has been created and currently operates?
Part II and III, coming soon.
© 2004 Lowell Becraft - All Rights Reserved
11/30/2013 7:26:57 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Oprah, Take Off Those Black-and-White Glasses
By Michael Reagan November 22, 2013 12:22 pm
Come on, Oprah.
You're way too smart to be this stupid.
When are you going to get off this kick about Barack Obama being disrespected more than previous presidents just because he is a black man?
It's getting embarrassing, Oprah.
You're one of America's great talents and greatest success stories.
You're a self-made billionaire, an astute multimedia mogul, a beloved cultural icon.
You're admired around the world for your generosity and good works. Your opinions and endorsements influence what millions of people read, how they think and who they vote for.
But after five years of President Obama's reign, you apparently still haven't learned a thing about presidential politics and race relations in this country.
You proved it again just last week in Britain when you were plugging that movie "The Butler."
You were asked — for the umpteenth time — by the BBC whether you thought President Obama was being treated unfairly or criticized disproportionately by the media and others because he was black.
You said, "When the senator yelled out, 'You're a liar' -- remember that? Yeah, I think that there is a level of disrespect for the office that occurs, and that occurs in some cases and maybe even many cases because he's African American."
Seriously, Oprah.
I realize your primary job in London was to promote "The Butler," the movie about the real-life black butler who worked in the White House for eight presidents that was so bad I dubbed it "The Butler from Another Planet."
But was your response to the BBC reporter's question -- a variation of the same claim you've made before -- really the most thoughtful thing you could come up with?
Were you jet-lagged? Exhausted? Were you weary of being asked the same dumb question and having to give the same cliched answer?
Come on, Oprah. You're off your usual game.
Using the example of the president being called a liar in Congress as proof that President Obama is a victim of racism is getting pretty stale.
It occurred in 2009. And it wasn't a senator, it was South Carolina Rep. Joe Wilson who yelled out "You lie" when Obama was overpromising the benefits of his Affordable Care Act to a joint session of Congress.
Oprah, you're great. But you need to brush up on your history and current events.
America still has racists and bigots. They come in all colors and creeds. But you, better than anyone, must realize that the American people, especially the young, are increasingly colorblind.
You couldn't have become the most influential woman on the planet and America's richest black woman if white audiences hadn't fallen in love with you and your TV talk show.
And President Obama couldn't have been elected twice without the broad support of white voters who cared more about his hopes and promises than the color of his skin.
Obama is being beat up for political reasons, not racial ones. Just take off those black-and-white glasses, Oprah, and read the headlines.
Obamacare is a disaster. Obama's economic policies are failing and his administration is incompetent.
The president's bipartisan critics in the media and in Congress don't care what color his skin is, just as the "disrespecters" of Presidents Clinton, Bush and Ronald Reagan didn't care about their white skin.
Oprah, let's face it. It is you who are still fixated on the color of the president's skin.
You need to update and upgrade your thinking. What you say matters. People trust you. They expect intelligent thoughts about race from you, not outdated and predictable cliches.
Imagine if you had said something to that BBC reporter like, "You know, that's a really dumb and racist question. President Obama isn't America's black president, he's America's president. He's taking his lumps because he's been screwing up. It happens to presidents all the time. Except for a few racists, no one in America cares anymore what color the president's skin is. Neither do I. I only care about the job he's doing."
That would have been an Oprah-worthy answer -- and an important message about race for America.
11/30/2013 7:42:08 PM |
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Parker, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
rcmike! interesting info. im still smh takes me a while to
aborb. looking foreward to parts 2 and 3.
11/30/2013 8:10:07 PM |
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Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/30/2013 8:23:34 PM |
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Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Thanks Clarity. All this legal crap tries my patience, but with all that is going on around us, I'm adjusting to the rules of the game. Rule number one is that WE are not to understand the rules! Second, the rules must be worded in a foreign language. Hence we need to invest in law school to have any hope of following along. Today's internet is nearly as good as law school. The only difference is we don't get a piece of parchment with a scribbly signature that is recognized by the unlawful BAR Assoc. and it's private corporate Judges and courts.
In this PartII, we can take the example below and think about today's gun control subject and the "Small Arms Treaty". Or maybe regulations on fuels, carbon credits, EPA regulations, and Agenda 21. Now we can experience how OUR Constitutuion is being usurped by the International UN and the NWO games.
The more I learn, the more I want to start repealing treaties. I am under the impression that the Senate needs to vote to approve ALL treaties. If and when they DON'T vote, treaties are then automatic. I'm not sure our recent treaties are being voted on properly.
By Attorney Lowell (Larry) Becraft, Jr.
July 1, 2004
In Part I, we examined the jurisdiction of Congress over the subject of fish and wildlife and that article noted the previous cases holding there was no federal power to control fish or wildlife under the express grants of power to Congress. This being the case, then where do we find the constitutional basis for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? The answer is in treaties.
As noted in the McReady case discussed last month, the Supreme Court held that Congress has no authority over fish within the states. The U.S. Fisheries Commission was created as the result of the ratification of a treaty concerning the subject of fishing; see Manchester v. Massachusetts, 139 U.S. 240, 265 (1891). Our country has adopted fishing treaties with other countries and Native American tribes for a long time; see the treaty with Great Britain regarding fisheries, adopted in 1818 (Revised Stat. 297), and the treaty with Russia regarding navigation and fishing in the Pacific Ocean, ratified in 1824 (Revised Stat. 664). Of course, we have many newer ones.
A similar route was taken to acquire Congressional control over migratory birds and wildlife. In 1916, the United States and Great Britain, on behalf of Canada, adopted the Migratory Bird Treaty (39 Stat. 1702) and thereafter Congress in 1918 passed another Migratory Bird Act to implement the provisions of the treaty. As this occurred, federal law enforcement officials again started to enforce the new law.
Within Arkansas in 1919, a man named Thompson was arrested for shooting these protected migratory birds and this case was assigned to the same judge who had rendered the decision in the Shauver case discussed last month; see United States v. Thompson, 258 F.257, 263-64 (E.D.Ark. 1919.) Here, Thomspon raised the identical argument as Shauver which had previously proved successful before Judge Trieber. But, the federal prosecutor responded to this argument by noting the authority of this new treaty and this single change within the law dictated an entirely different result. In upholding the act and thus its application in Arkansas, Judge Trieber carefully analyzed the prior decisions of the Supreme Court which illustrated the operation of treaties and how they could apply federal power:
"To subject the treaty power to all the limitations of Congress in enacting the laws for the regulations of internal affairs would in effect prevent the exercise of many of the most important governmental functions of this nation, in its intercourse and relations with foreign nations, and for the protection of our citizens in foreign countries. The States of the Union may enact all laws necessary for their local affairs, not prohibited by the national or their own Constitution; but they are expressly prohibited from entering into treaties, alliances, or federations with other nations. If, therefore, the national government is also prohibited from exercising the treaty power, affecting matters which for internal purposes belong exclusively to the states, how can a citizen be protected in matters of that nature when they arise in foreign countries? (Note from Devvy: See article below as a portend of what's to come and how accurate Judge Trieber was in his concerns way back when.) Even in matters of a purely local nature, Congress, if the Constitution grants plenary powers over the subject, may exercise what is akin to the police power, a power ordinarily reserved to the states."
Judge Trieber concluded that this treaty provided Congress with a power of municipal legislation and the treaty and its implementing laws plainly operated within Arkansas. A different case originating in Missouri, United States v. Samples, 258 F. 479 (W.D.Mo. 1919), ultimately made it to the U.S. Supreme Court where an identical conclusion was reached; see Missouri v. Holland, 252 U.S. 416, 434 (1920), which held, "No doubt the great body of private relations usually fall within the control of the State, but a treaty may override it's power." See also United States. V. Selkirk, 258 F. 775 (S.D. Tex. 1919); United States v. Rockefeller, 260 F.346 (D.Mon. 1919); and United States v. Lumpkin, 276 F. 580 (N.D. Ca. 1921).
The Fish and Wildlife Service's constitutional authority thus arises from treaties. After the adoption of several fishing treaties, Congress created the U.S. Fisheries Commission; see 16 Stat. 594. When the migratory bird treaties were ratified, this agency apparently acquired authority over migratory birds. Later, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora was adopted in 1973; see 27 U.S.T. 1087. As a result of this treaty, on December 28, 1973, Congress enacted the "Endangered Species Act," 87 Stat. 884. Several cases have noted that the power to control endangered species arises from this treaty; see Palila v. Hawaii Dept. Of Land and Resources, 471 F.Supp. 985 (D. Haw. 1979); Utah v. Marsh, 740 F2d 799 (10th Cir. 1984); and Leslie Salt Co. V. United States, 896 F2d 354 (9th Cir. 1990).
The wetlands convention was ratified in 1986 and about 30 days later, Congress adopted the "Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986," 100 Stat. 3582. It is clear the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's authority arises from these treaties and this agency thus has an "international" jurisdiction. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is as much a treaty-based agency as the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (16 U.S.C. 931), and the Pacific Salmon Commission (16 U.S.C., 3631).
Part I, Jurisdiction Questioned
If this federal agency is based upon treaty, are there others? See Part III. Coming Soon
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Souderton, PA
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By Attorney Lowell (Larry) Becraft, Jr.
July 12, 2004
The prior two articles in this series have discussed the constitutional basis for the establishment of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and in them it was demonstrated that this agency has its origins within the federal treaty power. Are there more such agencies? How about the DEA and FDA?
Control over the possession and sale of any item within the states is not a power possessed by Congress. This was so held in United States v. DeWitt, 76 U.S. 41, 45 (1870), which tested the constitutionality of a federal revenue act making it illegal to sell illuminating oil of a certain flammability. Here, the Court held Congress did not have the power to penalize these sales:
"As a police regulation, relating exclusively to the internal trade of the States, it can only have effect where the legislative authority of Congress excludes, territorially, all state legislation, as, for example, in the District of Columbia. Within state limits, it can have no constitutional operation."
More than 40 years later, Congress enacted a federal drug law designed to make criminal the possession of contraband drugs like opium. Based upon the decision in DeWitt, the Supreme Court held in United States v. Jim Fuey Moy, 241 U.S. 394 (1916), that Congress did not have power to make penal mere possession of drugs within the states. These two cases have never been reversed, so how did we get the DEA? Like the Fish & Wildlife Service, the origins of this federal agency is also in treaties.
In 1912, the Senate adopted the International Opium Convention - see 38 Stat. 1912. Later, this convention was supplemented by a similar convention of 1913, the Multilateral Narcotics Drugs Convention, ratified on March 31, 1932, 48 Stat. 1543, which was thereafter implemented by appropriate federal legislation designed to control poppy production within this country. [Note from Devvy: this 1932 convention is null and void since it was ratified by a senate serving in office under a law that does not exist.] In Stutz v. Bureau of Narcotics, 56 F.Supp. 810, 813 (N.D.Cal. 1944), some poppy growers sought an injunction to enforcement against them of the provisions of the act implementing the convention, their argument being the act invaded the reserved powers of the Tenth Amendment. In rejecting this argument and holding that the act applied within the jurisdiction of California, the Court declared:
"The competency of the United States to enter into treaty stipulations with foreign powers designed to establish, through appropriate legislation, an internationally effective system of control over the production and distribution of habit forming drugs is not questioned. The obligations of the United States incurred as a party to the two Conventions heretofore mentioned were lawfully undertaken in the proper exercise of its treaty making power. And Congress is constitutionally empowered to enact whatever legislation is necessary and proper for carrying into execution the treaty making power of the United States."
Other cases have also noted that control over drugs by the federal government arises from these treaties - see United States v. Rodriguez-Camacho, 468 F2d. 1220 (9th Cir. 1972); and NORML v. Ingersoll, 497 F2d 654 (D.C.Cir. 1974), later opinion at 559 F2d. 735 (D.C.Cir. 1977). The jurisdiction of the DEA is therefore based upon these drug treaties and it thus has an international jurisdiction. Henry Hudson, Randy Weaver's defendant and the former head of the Marshal's Service, stated as much on his Sunday afternoon radio show in the D.C. area back in March of this year.
The power of the DEA to control "bad" drugs such as opium and cocaine is constitutionally indistinguishable from the similar power of the FDA to control other "drugs" such as Vitamin B and shark cartilage. If the DEA is a treaty-based federal agency, is it not possible that so is the FDA? As you might expect, the authority of the FDA arises from a 1906 international Agreement for Unification of Pharmacopeial Formulas for Potent Drugs.
There are other examples of treaties being used to provide jurisdiction for federal crimes. Of course, Congress completely lacks delegated authority to control prostitution within the states. However, the Agreement for Repression of Trade in White Women was ratified by the Senate on March 1, 1905 - see 35 Stat. 1979. The implementing legislation for this treaty was the White Slave Traffic Act, 36 Stat. 825. The Supreme Court has noted that this treaty provides jurisdiction to enact laws on this subject; see United States v. Portale, 235 U.S. 27 (1914). But, even with jurisdiction being based upon this treaty, there are limits to prosecutions for violations thereof and everything relating to prostitution cannot be federally controlled - see Keller v. United States, 213 U.S. 138 (1909).
In summary, it is quite clear that the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, DEA and FDA are treaty-based federal agencies. Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power to make criminal four types of conduct: treason, counterfeiting, piracies and felonies on the high seas, and offenses against the laws of nations. Very few people discuss which precise federal crimes fall within the category of offenses against the laws of nations and it would be very beneficial if we knew which crimes were of this type. Obviously, the criminal provisions of the federal gambling laws and the federal drug laws can be but one thing: offenses against the law of nations.
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Checotah, OK
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