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11/24/2013 8:14:19 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Port Orange, FL
64, joined Jul. 2010
Apparently 4,795 is the new norm for locking a thread. That is the reason Bums 8 was closed, right?
This is it folks...#9 #9 #9 #9
Once again, thanks to each and everyone who contributes their articles, thoughts, responses, blogs and whatever else it is we share here...along with those who just choose to come in and read.
We face many challenges as a nation, and there are many who still feel their allegiance to the messiah, his failed regime, and a flawed socialist system are more important than understanding the truth about the deception, lies, scandals and evil around them.
It's too bad, but I think our numbers grow stronger everyday. Let's just keep on, and as Herman Cain always says...Were gonna give you the truth, And we can only save the savable...The rest will have to post cartoons about gun control.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

11/24/2013 8:23:36 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
Congrats on #9 Copa!!!!!! 
11/24/2013 8:55:35 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Boss, MO
66, joined May. 2012
11/24/2013 9:45:55 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Benghazi witnesses: 'Personnel were not armed'
Directly contradicts narrative in State Department review report
Published: 16 hours ago
author Aaron Klein
Testimony by Benghazi witnesses and victims stating personnel inside the U.S. special mission were not armed directly contradicts the State Department report on the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, WND has learned.
Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, R-Ga., chairman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee, told Fox News that State Department employees inside the mission “were not armed, not kitted up and there hadn’t been any shots fired from our side as far as the testimony reveals.”
Westmoreland was commenting on closed-door testimony given to his intelligence committee.
In contrast, the extensive report released by the State Department-sponsored Accountability Review Board, or ARB, specifically states personnel inside the mission protecting the compound and Ambassador Chris Stevens were armed and had their security kits.
Aaron Klein’s “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office” is available, autographed, at WND’s Superstore
The ARB states all assistant regional security officers, or ARSOs, were armed during the attack.
Claims the ARB: “The ARSOs were each armed with their standard issue sidearm pistol; their kits, generally consisting of body armor, radio and an M4 rifle, were in their bedroom/sleeping areas, in accord with Special Mission practice.”
Page 20 of the ARB claims the officer who located Stevens was armed as well.
“ARSO 1 in Villa C swiftly located the Ambassador and IMO Smith, asked them to don body armor, and led them into the safe area in Villa C, which ARSO 1 secured.”
“He then reported their whereabouts by radio to the TDY RSO in the TOC. ARSO 1, armed with an M4 rifle, shotgun and pistol, took up a defensive position inside the Villa C safe area, with line of sight to the safe area gate and out of view of potential intruders.”
The ARB describes the process by which each security officer retrieved kits and guns.
“Following the SMC’s emergency plan, ARSO 1 entered Villa C to secure the Ambassador and IMO in the safe area and to retrieve his kit; ARSOs 2, 3, and 4 moved to retrieve their kits, which were located in Villa B and the TOC.
“From Villa C, ARSO 4 ran to his sleeping quarters in Villa B to retrieve his kit, while ARSOs 2 and 3 ran to the TOC, where ARSO 3 had last seen the Ambassador, and where ARSO 2’s kit was located. (ARSO 2’s sleeping quarters were in the TOC, making him the designated “TOC Officer” in their emergency react plan.)
“At Villa B, ARSO 3 encountered ARSO 4, who was also arming and equipping himself, and the two then attempted to return to Villa C. They turned back, however, after seeing many armed intruders blocking the alley between Villas B and C.”
The new account of unarmed State Department employees may help to explain why no officers reportedly fired any shots or even attempted to engage the intruders. Instead, the officers barricaded themselves in rooms.
The ARB claimed officers did not want to engage the intruders because they were outgunned and because they did not want to compromise their location.
States the ARB: “ARSOs 3 and 4, outnumbered and outgunned by the armed intruders in the alley, returned to Villa B and barricaded themselves in a back room, along with one LGF member whom they had encountered outside Villa B.
“ARSO 1 did not want to compromise their location in the safe area by engaging the intruders.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/benghazi-witnesses-security-personnel-were-not-armed/#D34Y95tWEScykJTx.99
11/24/2013 9:56:04 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Longwood, FL
62, joined Sep. 2013
On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
9 Bums a'bumming
8 T'baggers crying
7 Donkeys baying
6 Senators sleeping
5 G.O P.'s
4 Phoney birds
3 Fresh reps
2 Cabinet posts
and a Prez in a very hot seat.

11/24/2013 10:48:02 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama to pay for Iran's nukes
Herb Keinon is reporting that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu characterized the agreement signed with Iran early Sunday morning as a historic mistake.
Directly contrasting Barack Obama who praised the agreement as opening a "new path toward a world that is more secure," Netanyahu -- speaking at the weekly cabinet meeting -- said the world has become more dangerous as a result.
Iran, according to Netanyahu, received the right to enrich uranium as well as sanction relief in exchange for only cosmetic Iranian concessions.
Netanyahu, who said the deal threatens Israel, reiterated what he has said in the past, that Israel is not obligated by the agreement. He said that Israel would defend itself and not allow Iran to develop a military nuclear capability.
Meanwhile, John F'n Kerry wants American senators to stop listening to Israel:
AWR Hawkins points out that Saudi Arabia's Prince Alwaleed bin Talal says Barack Obama is "outmatched" by Iran and is only willing to accept the current nuclear agreement because he is politically desperate.
According to Bloomberg.com, Alwaleed said, "There's no confidence in the Obama administration doing the right thing with Iran. We're really concerned -- Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East countries -- about this."
He added, "Obama is in so much of rush to have a deal with Iran. He wants anything. He's so [politically] wounded."
Alwaleed believes that "a stronger president" would reject the current deal and press Iran "to put its nuclear program in reverse...[shutter] facilities and mothball centrifuges."
He pointed out how the Obama administration "bragged about the first call between President Obama and President Rouhani." And then asked rhetorically, "But what does a call mean? It's nothing."
Joel B. Pollack says the deal reached early Sunday morning in Geneva between Iran and the P+5 nations (U.S., France, Britain, China, Russia, plus Germany) on Iran’s nuclear program may not stop its progress toward a nuclear weapon, but it will likely postpone military conflict until after Barack Obama leaves office, and it certainly cements Iran’s place as a regional power. Though not explicit, " containment" is now the U.S. policy on Iran.
And then there is this:
Obama is going to pay for Iran's nukes!
If this isn't treason I don't know what is.
11/24/2013 10:58:41 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Obama's disdain for the Constitution means we risk losing our republic
M. Northrop Buechner says since Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, he has changed it five times. Most notably, he suspended the employer mandate last summer. This is widely known, but almost no one seems to have grasped its significance.
The Constitution authorizes Obama to propose and veto legislation. It does not authorize him to change existing laws. The changes Obama ordered in ObamaCare, therefore, are unconstitutional. This means that he does not accept some of the limitations that the Constitution places on his actions. We cannot know at this point what limitations, if any, he does accept.
By changing the law based solely on his wish, Obama acted on the principle that Obama can rewrite laws and -- since this is a principle -- not just this law, but any law. After the crash of ObamaCare, many Congressmen have implored Obama to change the individual mandate the same way he had changed the employer mandate, that is, to violate the Constitution again.
The main responsibility the Constitution assigns to Obama is to faithfully execute the Laws. If Obama rejects this job, if instead he decides he can change or ignore laws he does not like, then what?
The time will come when Congress passes a law and Obama ignores it. Or he may choose to enforce some parts and ignore others (as Obama is doing now). Or he may not wait for Congress and issue a decree (something Obama has done and has threatened to do again).
Obama has not been shy about pointing out his path. He has repeatedly made clear that he intends to act on his own authority. "I have the power and I will use it in defense of the middle class," he has said. "We're going to do everything we can, wherever we can, with or without Congress." There are a number of names for the system Obama envisions, but representative government is not one of them.
If Obama can ignore the laws passed by Congress, of what use is Congress? Obama can do whatever he chooses. Congress can stand by and observe. Perhaps they might applaud or jeer. But in terms of political power, Congress will be irrelevant. Probably, it will become a kind of rubber-stamp or debating society. There are many such faux congresses in tyrannies throughout history and around the globe.
Obama has equal contempt for the Supreme Court. In an act of overbearing hubris, he excoriated Supreme Court Justices sitting helplessly before him during the 2010 State of the Union address -- Justices who had not expected to be denounced and who were prevented by the occasion from defending themselves. Obama condemned them for restoring freedom of speech to corporations and unions.
Ignoring two centuries of practice, Obama made four recess appointments in January 2012, when the Senate was not in recess. Three courts have found that his appointments were unconstitutional, and the Supreme Court has agreed to take up the case. If the Supreme Court finds against him, what will Obama do?
We can get a hint by looking at how other parts of his Administration have dealt with Court decisions they did not like.
The Attorney General's Office is the branch of government charged with enforcing federal laws. After the Supreme Court struck down the key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Attorney General Holder announced that he would use other provisions of the act to get around the Court's decision.
The Supreme Court has defined the standard for sexual harassment as "severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive" behavior to a "reasonable person." In open defiance of that ruling, the Obama Department of Education has declared a new definition of sexual harassment for colleges, that is, "any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature," including "verbal conduct," even if it is not objectively offensive -- thus reinforcing the reign of terror over sex on college campuses. If a young man's request for a date turns out to be unwelcome, he is guilty of sexual harassment by definition.
The lack of respect for the Supreme Court by the Obama administration is manifest. They feel bound by the Court's decisions only if they agree with them. If they disagree, it is deuces wild; they will embrace any fiction that nullifies the Court's decision.
The direction in which Obama is taking us would make possible the following scenario. A Republican Congress is elected and repeals ObamaCare over a Democratic president's veto. Obama refuses to enforce the repeal. The Supreme Court rules that Obama's refusal is unconstitutional. Obama denounces that ruling and refuses to be bound by it.
If Obama persists in rejecting all authority other than his own, the denouement would depend on the side taken by the Armed Forces. Whatever side that was, our national self-esteem would be unlikely to recover from the blow of finding that we are living in a banana republic.
The shocking fact is that our whole system of representative government depends on it being led by an individual who believes in it; who thinks it is valuable; who believes that a government dedicated to the protection of individual rights is a noble ideal. What if he does not?
Obama is moving our government away from its traditional system of checks and balances and toward the one-man-rule that dominates third world countries. He has said that he wants a fair country -- implying that, as it stands, the United States is not a fair country -- an unprecedented calumny committed against a country by its own leader.
What country does he think is more fair than the United States? He has three long years left in which to turn us into a fair country. Where does he intend to take us?
Obama got his conception of a fair country from his teachers. A fair country is an unfree country because it is regimented to prevent anyone from rising too high. Their ideal is egalitarianism, the notion that no one should be any better, higher, or richer than anyone else. Combined with a dollop of totalitarianism, egalitarianism has replaced communism as the dominant ideal in our most prestigious universities. Obama and his colleagues are the product of those universities, and they have their marching orders.
The most important point is that Obama does not consider himself bound by the Constitution. He could not have made that more clear. He has drawn a line in the concrete and we cannot ignore it.
Those who currently hold political office, and who want to keep our system of government, need to act now. Surely, rejection of the Constitution is grounds for impeachment and charges should be filed. In addition, there are many other actions that Congressmen can and should take -- actions that will tell Obama that we have seen where he is going and we will not let our country go without a fight.
At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what form of government had been created. "A republic," he replied, "if you can keep it."
We are losing it. If Obama's reach for unprecedented power is not stopped, that will be the end. Everyone who values his life and liberty should find some way to say "No!" "Not now!" "Not yet!" "Not ever!"
It is a significant moment when a publication of the stature of Forbes magazine joins the call for Barack Obama's impeachment.
11/24/2013 10:58:46 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Ocala, FL
58, joined Jul. 2013
Thinkin...if I were netanyahoo I would be having a 10 mile line of ships lined up for a mass exodus...where on this planet can they relocate and not be safer than where they are? Loadem up..movem out...they'll never have peace where they are.
Stop trying to westernize the mid east and leavem to hell alone.

11/24/2013 11:02:46 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Rangel wants Obama executive orders for "everything"
Jill Colvin is reporting that Congress-critter Charlie Rangel, who was accused of 13 congressional ethics violations -- including tax evasion -- has a solution for bypassing gridlock in Washington D.C.: executive orders for “everything.”
In an interview last night with NY1, the congressman praised Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision to push through the so-called “nuclear option” to end filibusters on most presidential nominees. But he lamented the fact the work-around could not be used for legislation, suggesting Barack Obama turn to the executive orders -- like the kind used to end the deportation many people who’d entered the country illegally as children.
“You know, the DREAM Act for the kids that came over here and didn’t know their home town, the president did that by executive order. What I did is I’ve taken out the language that he used and I’m gonna see why we can’t use executive orders for everything. What’s he gonna do? Make the Republicans angry? They’re gonna get annoyed? They’re not gonna cooperate?”
He went on to slam the Republican Party for refusing to cooperate -- accusing them of acting against the interests of their own constituents.
“A police officer once told me when I was a kid that the worst criminal to deal with is one that doesn’t mind dying,” he said. “And if you take a look at what these TEA Party people have done -- recognizing that there’s more sick and poor white folks then there is -- but they still are resisting everything that the president wants to do so they can destroy the people in their district in terms of education and jobs, the Congress, the Republican name. And when we had the debt ceiling crisis, they were really prepared to let the United States of America fiscal policy to go in the tubes. How can you talk with people like this?”
He also defended the Affordable Care Act, arguing that far too much attention has been paid to the disastrous roll-out.
“They’re concentrating on the small misjudgments that have been made and nobody’s speaking for the 40 and 50 million people that have dreamed and hoped and prayed for that they could be included and insured. Not having insurance not only destroys your life, it destroys your fiscal life. It breaks up marriages. You cannot functions anywhere unless you have good health,” he argued, agreeing Obama never should have apologized.
“I’d forget the apology,” he said. “The president should have said, 'There’ll be a little quirks here, but we’ll take care of the quirks.’”
And once Obama declares himself King, he can make Charlie the court fool.
11/24/2013 11:04:33 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Longknife 21
Charlie Rangle is a criminal. Also, every two years he has sworn an Oath to enforce and protect the Constitution of the United States. By his own admission, he is in constant, consistent, & flagrant violation of that Oath. But he is 'Black', therefore somehow 'above the law', or 'not responsible for his actions', so no real action can be taken against him even when repeatedly proven guilty.
And this somehow makes the USA a 'racist' nation? It is, but in the opposite direction: there is no equality before the law, because Lib/Prog Socialist Democrats, especially Blacks, will not be held to any standard of behavior.
This current situation in D.C., and the current Administration, are as bad to the entire United States as the post-"Civil War" Reconstruction was to the South. It is anti-Constitutional, flagrantly and intentionally criminal, and intolerable. There will be a huge and painful price to pay for this insanity, and the price will get worse the longer this criminal conspiracy is allowed to operate as our Fe(de)ral Govt.
11/24/2013 11:40:42 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Rogers, AR
65, joined Mar. 2009
The FTC has laws against a Monopoly.
Hasn't 0 created the biggest Monopoly of all time with bummercare?  
11/24/2013 1:22:57 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Rogers, AR
65, joined Mar. 2009
On the 9th day of Christmas Obama gave to us:
9 mosques a-building
8 illegals voting
7 lawyers suing
6 brand new taxes
5 Acorn thugs
4 teachable moments
3 man-made disasters
2 government bailouts
and a healthcare bill that Congress didn't read!
Congrats on #9 Copa... 
8 cannot be right try a million! 
11/24/2013 1:39:50 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Harrisonburg, VA
56, joined May. 2007
 Way to go copa
Very sad but true 
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."
Prager Zeitungon
11/24/2013 1:43:56 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
On the 9th day of Christmas Obama gave to us:
9 mosques a-building
8 illegals voting
7 lawyers suing
6 brand new taxes
5 Acorn thugs
4 teachable moments
3 man-made disasters
2 government bailouts
and a healthcare bill that Congress didn't read!
Congrats on #9 Copa... 
I love you Heather  
11/24/2013 2:33:29 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Rogers, AR
65, joined Mar. 2009
Prob more true to form than 1 million!
11/24/2013 2:49:13 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Little River, SC
64, joined Oct. 2009

11/24/2013 5:17:09 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
11/24/2013 8:02:37 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012

11/24/2013 8:12:15 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Ocala, FL
58, joined Jul. 2013
^^^ will they allow us toys at the camps? 
11/24/2013 8:40:02 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
^^^ will they allow us toys at the camps?  

Thanks nat. I had a pretty good day today, but that one made me laugh out loud. Damn near spilled my tea on the keyboard.
The good news is, we're going to enjoy the company in the camps. They're likely to only send the good, honest, and hard working people.
You know, like going to Heaven! 
11/24/2013 8:40:37 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
[Donna Donna is a Yiddish theater song about a calf being led to slaughter.
And, the song's title is a variant on Adonai, a Jewish name for God, quote]
11/24/2013 9:38:59 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Hamlin, TX
69, joined May. 2013
Good to see Copa keeping the thread going. Good job to all in here.
11/24/2013 9:59:20 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012
Stories of the Night
Not one, not ten but a million
Little stars that twinkle in the sky in a union.
The silver shiny stars set against the dark sky,
Twinkling away in a place very high.
Decorates the moon in its glory,
Making the lovely night weave a beautiful story.
11/24/2013 10:18:53 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Ocala, FL
58, joined Jul. 2013
11/24/2013 10:41:08 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |
Coshocton, OH
59, joined Oct. 2012
Stay true to the cause, y'all! Kudos on #9, Copa.
11/24/2013 10:42:58 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Bossier City, LA
61, joined Jul. 2012

11/25/2013 7:11:26 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Israelis in secret trip to Saudi bases
Could be used as staging ground for attacks against Iran
Published: 19 hours ago
author Aaron Klein
TEL AVIV – Israeli personnel in recent days were in Saudi Arabia to inspect bases that could be used as a staging ground to launch attacks against Iran, according to informed Egyptian intelligence officials.
The officials said Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and other Arab and Persian Gulf countries have been discussing the next steps toward possible strikes on Iran’s nuclear sites.
The officials said the U.S. passed strong messages to Israel and the Saudis that the Americans maintain and control radar capabilities around the skies of Iran and that no strike should be launched without the permission of the Obama administration.
It was unclear whether the visit to Saudi Arabia by Israeli military and intelligence officials signals any real preparation for a strike or if the trip was meant to signal to the West that Israel retains the right to defend itself.
The trip came prior to the announcement of a deal Sunday that purports to halt key parts of Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief.
At a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed what he called a “bad” and “dangerous” deal, while affirming that Israel will not allow Iran to go nuclear.
“Israel is not obligated by this agreement,” Netanyahu said. “I want to make clear we will not allow Iran to obtain military nuclear capability.”
“Today the world became a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world,” he said.
The deal reportedly halts the installation of new centrifuges, but allows Iran to keep current centrifuges used to enrich uranium.
The agreement caps the amount and type of enriched uranium Iran can produce and opens many nuclear sites up to daily inspections. However, Israel is warning that even the low-grade uranium permitted in the agreement can be used to eventually assemble a nuclear weapons capability.
As part of the deal, Iran agreed to halt work on key components of its Arak heavy-water reactor that could be used to produce plutonium, but the country doesn’t have to dismantle the reactor.
In response, Iran gets sanctions relief, including the freeing of $7 billion or more in frozen assets.
Hours after deal was signed, President Hassan Rouhani said the agreement recognizes Tehran’s “rights” to maintain an atomic program.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/israelis-in-secret-trip-to-inspect-saudi-bases/#jejpq3zeEt3RQm4L.99
11/25/2013 8:11:27 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
This is the Fourth Party we have been waiting for. The Tea Party will merge into this one.
From what I read here it will take over as soon as ovomit and his gang are removed.
U.S. generals now take action to watch Obama
Retired Army, Air Force leaders say 'government continues down path of destroying America'
Published: 17 hours ago
author F. Michael Maloof
WASHINGTON – After one of them called for the “forced resignations” of President Obama and congressional leaders in response to multiple grievances, including the alleged political purge of hundreds of senior military officers, two retired U.S. generals are creating a citizens’ commission to scrutinize Obama administration actions on national security and economic issues.
“America’s Provisional Leadership Council” will look at major concerns, as outlined by Army Gen. Paul E. Vallely and Air Force Brig. Gen. Charles Jones, in an eight-point paper titled “The Americans Project.”
Vallely told WND he sees The Americans Project as a “citizens’ commission” of prominent Americans to provide advice to legislative and executive branches of government.
America’s leaders, he said, will be “held to high standards of performance to solve the nation’s problems of governing. We will scrutinize and provide guidance to federally elected officials on behalf of the citizens.”
The Americans Project, Vallely added, is a “movement, not a new party necessarily. We want candidates to run as Americans first before being a Democrat, Republican or Independent.”
Vallely, who today is chairman of the organization Stand Up America, served as the deputy commanding general of Pacific Command.
Jones, who is vice chairman of The Americans Project of Stand Up America, held numerous Air Force command positions including a tactical fighter wing, a strategic airlift wing and a special operations group.
In calling for the forced resignations of Obama and the leadership of Congress, Vallely outlined suggestions for nationwide rallies and said a peaceful “civil uprising is still not out of question.”
The current crop of leaders, he said, must face a “demand resignation” process, which he explained requires massive grassroots protests and social networking which he envisions can be undertaken through his organization. And example of a “forced resignation,” he said, was that of President Richard Nixon.
“Our federal government continues down the path of destroying America,” Vallely said. “Americans must now stand up and put America back on the right track.”
Workable solution
Vallely and Jones in their paper say “The Americans” leadership has developed workable solutions to “help solve and fix what has without question stunted our nation’s ability to clearly, legally and peacefully function as a constitutional republic.”
“Honest, selfless political leadership is the first key to America’s economic and debt recovery and secure future for all citizens and their children,” they say. “That means voters must band together and vote for positive ‘America first’ leadership rather than self-serving greed and corruption within the two major political parties that have for decades and are now rapidly tearing the United States of America apart.”
In their paper, Vallely and Jones call for adherence to the Constitution with strict congressional oversight of all executive actions.
In an apparent reference to the cutback in overall U.S. military readiness, they call for a strong national defense but stipulate that “in no way” would the U.S. military ever be used against U.S. citizens, a reference to a growing concern among many Americans.
The paper decried the historic $17 trillion government debt, concerns over continued unemployment and excessive tax rates on businesses and citizens.
Their solutions? Vallely and Jones call for abolishing the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service system, the intended result of which would be that “all political plundering of the peoples’ wealth via taxation will be stopped.”
In abolishing the Federal Reserve System, all U.S. government financial and economic functions would be turned back to the U.S. Treasury.
The IRS would be immediately abolished and replaced by a sales tax on specified items for partial financing of the U.S. government.
The retired generals condemned the illegal alien “invasion,” which they said would be stopped with a secured border double fence, calling for penalties on employers who hire illegal aliens.
“There will be absolutely no jobs, no social services, no welfare nor medical services allowed to be provided to illegal alien invaders,” they say, with the exception of emergency medical care only until the illegals can be deported.
“American jobs are for U.S. citizens, returning military veterans, part-time high school students and the elderly,” they said. “When U.S. employers cannot find workers and can fully justify seeking foreign workers, government permission will be granted for hiring temporary foreign workers.”
Eliminating agencies
They also called for the elimination and consolidation of a number of federal agencies, some of which, like the Department of Homeland Security, they say, have exceeded their authority.
“The DHS with functions for national security and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) for emergencies have both grown far beyond the intentions of reasonable and responsible leadership control, budgeting, manpower, equipment and facilities,” they say.
“Deceptive political intentions for the potential use of facilities, weapons, massive purchases of ammunition plus military-type vehicles and railroad cars are greatly objectionable to American citizens and an insult to the economic deficit of the nation,” they said.
11/25/2013 8:13:17 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
“Deceptive political intentions for the potential use of facilities, weapons, massive purchases of ammunition plus military-type vehicles and railroad cars are greatly objectionable to American citizens and an insult to the economic deficit of the nation,” they said.
DHS jobs could be given to the Department of Defense and the Interior Department, they claim. And FEMA would be recast as the National Emergency Agency with a reduction in manpower and merged into the Interior Department to be deployed during national emergencies.
“All weapons, munitions and military-type vehicles will be transferred to the DOD immediately,” they add.
They’d get rid of the Department of Energy and, no surprise, repeal Obamacare.
“It is critically important for American citizens to know and understand that the United States of America cannot recover from the unsustainable manmade national debt crises unless satisfactory employment is archived for a majority of U.S. citizens and that requires the existing income tax and Federal Reserve Systems to be abolished, then changed to a greatly reduced method of funding the federal government,” they said.
With the elimination of the income tax, businesses and corporations would return to the U.S., making manufacturing more competitive worldwide, with jobs emerging “in great numbers” and resulting in a booming economy.
Destructing ‘before our very eyes’
Vallely told WND the nation he long defended is self-destructing “before our very eyes,” because of “our inept and incompetent leadership in Washington.”
“The battle is on,” he added, “and we shall not retreat.”
Vallely, who has also served as a Fox News military analyst, claimed the Obama administration and leadership of Congress have been leading the nation down a road of “progressive socialism.”
The retired general said the U.S. faces a battle that is unknown to generations of Americans, and that the fate of the nation is “now in our hands” to enforce the Constitution and “severely limit the federal government and its out-of-control spending.”
Vallely added that “politics as usual will not be effective or sufficient enough to turn the country around.”
“We are in a war for America,” he told WND, adding that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Dr. Ben Carson, the noted brain surgeon and author of “America the Beautiful” and other bestselling books have made similar observations.
“A civil uprising is still not out of the question as ‘pain’ grips the country more each day,” Vallely said, adding that there is time to change the country in a peaceful way.
‘This means raising your voice now’
“This means raising your voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers and friends,” he said. “Be the captains of your souls. I pray for another George Washington to appear within the year and lead us.”
One of the issues that alarms Vallely is the high number of senior officers in the U.S. military who have been fired under the Obama administration, a toll estimated at one officer per week. Indeed, Vallely has been very outspoken on what he calls a “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration – with a stunning nine generals and flag officers relieved of duty this year alone.
WND has been reporting on the surge of firings, suspensions and dismissals, for which Vallely has assigned a good portion of the blame to Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Rampant “political correctness” due to her influence, Vallely tells WND, is now permeating the military and negatively affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted.
According to Vallely, Obama is “intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing the U.S. as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”
Vallely equated the current treatment of U.S. senior military officers watching over what is said and done among mid-level officers and enlisted ranks to that of the “political commissars from the Communist era.”
He also told WND that the White House won’t investigate its own officials, but finds it easy to fire military commanders “who have given their lives for their country.”
‘Bought into Obama’s ideology’
“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” Vallely said. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. … Anyone in the ranks who speaks out is being purged.”
He’s far from alone in his concerns about the military purge, as J.D. Gordon, a retired Navy commander and a former Pentagon spokesman in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, says the Obama administration is rushing to unload senior officers whom he believes have become “political pawns” dismissed for questionable reasons.
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, a recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, similarly has told WND that Obama needs to apply the same standards to his political appointees as he does to the military.
“Just when you thought the leadership of this government could not get any worse, it does,” Brady said. “Never in history has an administration spawned another scandal to cover the current one.”
This was a reference to the recent firing of a number of generals to mask “Obama’s serial scandals, all prefaced by lies – Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, IRS,” among others, said Brady, former president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.
Retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, who was a founding member of Delta Force and later deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush, tells WND it is worrying that four-star generals are being retired at the rate that has occurred under Obama.
“Over the past three years, it is unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty, and not necessarily relieved for cause,” Boykin said. “I believe there is a purging of the military. The problem is worse than we have ever seen.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/u-s-generals-now-take-action-to-watch-obama/#RDMoPKPsyXmhLhw5.99
11/25/2013 8:21:13 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Pete Hoekstra to Newsmax: 'I'm a Huge Skeptic'on Iran Deal
Saturday, 23 Nov 2013 11:47 PM
By Todd Beamon
Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra said late Saturday that Newsmax should "count me as a huge skeptic" of the deal in which Iran would receive $4.2 billion and limited sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its nuclear program.
"This president hasn't developed the trust in his foreign policy judgment over the past five years," Hoekstra said in an exclusive Newsmax interview. "He's got a Middle East policy that is in tatters.
Urgent: Do You Approve Or Disapprove of President Obama's Job Performance? Vote Now in Urgent Poll
"All we have to show for this agreement is that two of our staunchest allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, are very skeptical of it. They're wondering where the United States is heading when they've got an agreement with Iran.
"They may or may not abide by the limitations on their nuclear program, but they're getting immediate relief of sanctions," Hoekstra said of Iran. "They'll continue to fight us in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan."
According to news reports, Iran will get limited sanctions relief on gold, petrochemicals and automobiles as part of the agreement. The deal is a six-month interim accord — and sanctions would be reimposed quickly if Iran was caught cheating.
In addition, Iran has agreed to stop enriching uranium to a high level and to do that would "dismantle the links between networks of centrifuges," The New York Times reports. Any uranium that had been enriched further would be diluted or converted so that it could not be used for arms.
But that's not enough for Hoekstra, who served eight terms in the House of Representatives before leaving office to run unsuccessfully for Michigan governor in 2010. He chaired the Intelligence Committee from 2004 to 2007, and currently serves on the Advisory Board for Lignet.com.
"What Iran got tonight was immediate relief of sanctions. That begins tonight," he told Newsmax. "They’re getting a break beginning right now — and they've got a plan to start moving money around, getting essential materials into their country that are going to alleviate some of the problems they've had with sanctions. That's going to prop up the regime.
"Then, the question becomes: 'When do we get access to their nuclear programs? When do we get access to make sure we're stopping their program, or that they have stopped them?'"
He added: "This administration has a habit of immediately claiming victory instead of saying, 'Let's see where we are in 12 months.' They claimed victory in Egypt. It was disastrous. They claimed victory in Libya. It's been disastrous. They claimed victory in Iraq, and Iraq has not been good. They claimed success with Obamacare when they passed it. It's been disastrous.
"It's too early to claim success. Let's see where we are in 12 months," Hoekstra said. "This strength of the hand of Iran weakens our position in the region."
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Hoekstra-skeptic-early-sanctions/2013/11/23/id/538305?ns_mail_uid=55679136&ns_mail_job=1547389_11242013&promo_code=15B74-1#ixzz2lfQTnABi
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!
11/25/2013 10:05:22 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Rogers, AR
65, joined Mar. 2009
There can be no success for this Admin. 0 has surrounded himself
with incompetent personell and will only succeed in failure!
We all know this is the reason for failure 0 fears for the platitude
of knowledge he cannot attain! He knows nothing about business, he had no foreign exposure
Before becoming POTUS. His domestic experience was to organize a group of people that
had failed in life and were and still a collective! If the American people cannot see the failure in the last 4 years of this apprentice's failure and expect even a new beginning
of the America that once was they will be surely disappointed.
This is not your fathers America. IT is a new Brand with a giant F on the logo!
Failure and Obama are a synonym that will never be separated. This path has led to
ten more years of despair. Conservatives look to the next election cycle to start a base,
In which the people will wake up and see the damage done! If not America is DOA!
This is your freedom on Obama! Freedom is a terrible thing to waste!
11/25/2013 11:17:28 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Team Obama has been conducting secret dialogue with Hezb'allah
Geostrategy-Direct.com is reporting that Lebanon has reported a secret dialogue between the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah and the United States.
Lebanese parliamentary sources said U.S. diplomats have begun contact with Hizbullah politicians in Beirut. They said the dialogue concerned stability in Lebanon as well as the next government.
"The United States is sending and receiving messages to Hizbullah through sympathetic third parties," a source said. "The dialogue has intensified over the last few weeks."
The dialogue was reported by members of the pro-Western March 14 coalition, driven out of power in 2011. The members, who did not want to be identified, said the U.S. dialogue with Hizbullah was part of the rapproachment by President Barack Obama with Iran.
Read complete article -- subscription required . . .
Hezbollah, backed by Iran and Syria, blew up the Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, killing 241 American servicemen (220 Marines, 16 Navy personnel, and 3 Army soldiers). The attack was the deadliest single-day death toll for the Marines since the World War II battle of Iwo Jima and the deadliest for the U.S. military since the 1968 Tet offensive in Vietnam.
So much for not negotiating with terrorists.
Obama will talk with anybody -- except Republicans.
11/25/2013 11:24:42 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/25/2013 11:43:28 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009

Angola Bans Islam To Stop Spread of Muslim Extremism, Begins Tearing Down Mosques…
According to several Angolan newspapers, Angola has become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims, taking first measures by destroying mosques in the country.
“The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice,” Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture, was quoted by Agence Ecofin on Friday, November 22.
Silva comments were given during her visit last Tuesday to the 6th Commission of the National Assembly.
She asserted that the decision was the latest is a series of efforts to ban ‘illegal’ religious sects.
The minister added, in her answer to questions raised by the MPs of the 6th Commission of National Assembly, that the action will oblige the revision of law 2/04 of May 21, related to freedom of religious assembly, Angolan official news agency, Agencia Angola Press, reported.
The Angolan government would also be obliged to update the current national context as a way of fighting the rise of new religious congregation whose religious assemblies are contrary to “habits and customs to Angolan culture,” Silva added. (emphasis added)
This from a country that has mostly been a major sh*t-hole for over a half century! They have now developed more brains and back-bone than Europe and the USSA put together..
Islam is not just a religion, but a Battle Plan or Op-Order, and these leaders are strong enough in the defense of their nation and culture to admit it.
Their people should be proud to have such intelligent, brave, and dedicated leaders. I wish to God that we did.
11/25/2013 1:29:21 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Little River, SC
64, joined Oct. 2009

11/25/2013 6:13:53 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
omg..i LOVE all you patriotic conservative peeps!
welcome to #9 and a HUGE thank YOU to copa, my friend, for keeping on.
hope i can spend more time here with everyone in the near future.
meanwhile i lurk alot and try to keep up.

11/25/2013 6:28:47 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Russellville, KY
60, joined Jan. 2010
Great to see Bums still going strong. I seldom post but really enjoy reading and learning all that is going on. Great to have a place to see intelligent facts instead of liberals screaming and cussing when they don't get their way. Way to go Copa!!!!
11/25/2013 6:46:30 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
Alabama beat Arkansas and Arkansas fired their coach....
Alabama beat Tennessee and Tennessee fired their coach....
Alabama beat Auburn and Auburn fired their coach...
Then Alabama beat Notre Dame, and the Pope resigned....
Now how do we get the White House to play Alabama?
11/25/2013 6:58:40 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Boss, MO
66, joined May. 2012
I Won, I won, I won.           
Two years of court battles
and the first judge said “not guilty” ;
City then hires a special attorney... and the second judge says “NOT GUILTY”
I’m a happy camper 
Of course the City has 10 days to appeal, but it wood be kinda dumb to try for a third. 
By the way their ordnance was patterned exactly as ObamaCare 
11/25/2013 11:15:54 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Leesburg, FL
70, joined Jan. 2010
AS much as I like to read the posts here, we need to start to determine how we can get conservatives elected in 2014 and not assume that they will be. There was alot of assumptions made in 2012 elections.
start looking what dem senators in your state are up for election in 2014 and then work on getting them out of office. the same with house reps.
11/25/2013 11:22:32 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Leesburg, FL
70, joined Jan. 2010
Moreover, voters, by a margin of 52% to 44%, said that Mr. Obama is not honest and trustworthy.
But who is the 44% that think Obama is honest and trustworthy... we have to reach them..
and find out why they can think that way!
11/26/2013 7:51:19 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
AS much as I like to read the posts here, we need to start to determine how we can get conservatives elected in 2014 and not assume that they will be. There was alot of assumptions made in 2012 elections.
start looking what dem senators in your state are up for election in 2014 and then work on getting them out of office. the same with house reps.
The most important issue is to get rid of the vote stealing electronic voting machines. They are programed to default to the winner. We know who that is. They don't win anything. They don't have to. The electronic vote stealing machines put them in office and they have to do what they are told because they were put there.
11/26/2013 8:27:53 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
"If you are a white male, you don't deserve to live"
"You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites!"
Jeff Dunetz is reporting that during his final class before retirement, Dr. Noel Ignatiev, history professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design, presented a rousing lecture espousing his unique look at history. Ignatiev is founder of a journal called Race Traitor, and believes that "abolishing the white race" is "so desirable that some may find it hard to believe" that anyone other than "committed white supremacists" would oppose it.
The "professor," who is white, has written that "every group within white America," including "labor unionists, ethnic groups, college students, schoolteachers, taxpayers and white women" has at one time or another "advanced its particular and narrowly defined interests at the expense of black people as a race."
The progressive Diversity Chronicle celebrated the racist speech given during Ingnatiev's final lecture:
"If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!" Professor Noel Ignatiev, a tenured professor at Massachusetts College of Art loudly proclaimed to his class last Monday, his final teaching day before retirement.
The good Professor’s sound and reasonable words resonate with every enlightened and progressive mind. They are indisputable and no one can debate them. They should not be controversial in the slightest, yet remarkably a few far-right extremists object to the Prof. Ignatiev’s advice. The Professor however, reported receiving "a standing ovation" from his "largely white and middle class students." Prof. Ignatiev’s critics say that openly calling for students, even if they are white males, to kill themselves was inappropriate and perhaps excessive. In this article, we will look at the other side of the issue.
Dr. Noel Ignatiev's history of progressive racism is more than the blustering of a man with divisive beliefs. It is a reflection of the decline of educational standards in American universities which employed him.
Related: Willing martyrs to the cult of self-hatred
I'll buy into this lunatic's belief, that "if you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live" -- if we can begin and end with him.
11/26/2013 8:32:19 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
11/26/2013 9:35:10 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
U.S. general: Let's make Obama resign
Cites Nixon resignation, urges citizens 'to save republic' from Washington leadership
Published: 6 days ago F. Michael Maloof F. Michael Maloof,
WASHINGTON – A retired Army general is calling for the “forced resignations” of President Obama, other administration officials and the leadership of Congress for the direction they’re taking the nation, his list of grievances including the systematic political purge of hundreds of senior military officers in the U.S. military.
Retired Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely told WND he is calling for nationwide rallies and protests to demand the resignations and added that a peaceful “civil uprising is still not out of question.”
In his capacity as chairman of the organization Stand Up America, Vallely issued what he termed a “National Call to Action” to force the resignations of Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Vallely, formerly the deputy commanding general of Pacific Command, said the current crop of leaders must be forced to resign by the “demand resignation” process, which he explained requires massive grass-roots protests and social networking. As an example, he cited the public and media pressure that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.
Impeachment, Vallely said, is not a viable option because of “partisan politics.”
“Our federal government continues down the path of destroying America,” he said. “Americans must now stand up and put America back on the right track.”
In issuing his national call to action, Vallely said the federal government has not subsided in “sucking the oxygen” out of America.
“And we call to action all branches of government to do your constitutional duties and not be led astray in the cultural and moral decay of America. We have witnessed far too many lies,” he said, as well as “deception and the corruption of the republic.”
Vallely reminds Americans that the Declaration of Independence itself states that whenever “any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem more likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”
Vallely said the nation he long defended is self-destructing “before our very eyes,” because of “our inept and incompetent leadership in Washington.”
“The battle is on,” he added, “and we shall not retreat.”
Vallely, who has also served as a Fox News military analyst, claimed the Obama administration and leadership of Congress have been leading the nation down a road of “progressive socialism.”
The retired general said the U.S. faces a battle that is unknown to generations of Americans, and that the fate of the nation is “now in our hands” to enforce the Constitution and “severely limit the federal government and its out-of-control spending.”
He said conditions today are approaching those of the time of the inaugural address of President Abraham Lincoln, who said at the time that people have a “right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one.”
“Shake off,” said Vallely, “means replacing government leaders.” He argued America today bears “many similarities to the fall of Rome.” America, he added, is not immune to collapse or even revolution, which he notes “has happened many times in history. … External and internal threats could precipitate this as well as any financial collapse.”
Vallely added that “politics as usual will not be effective or sufficient enough to turn the country around.”
“We are in a war for America,” he told WND, adding that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Dr. Ben Carson, the noted brain surgeon and author of “America the Beautiful” and other bestselling books have made similar observations.
Americans have had enough, he said, and the Obama White House and identifiable members of Congress “must now depart from a progressive socialist and treasonous death march and bankrupting the country beyond expectations.”
11/26/2013 9:36:48 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
US General continued.
“A civil uprising is still not out of the question as ‘pain’ grips the country more each day,” Vallely said, adding that there is time to change the country in a peaceful way.
“This means raising your voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers and friends,” he said. “Be the captains of your souls. I pray for another George Washington to appear within the year and lead us.”
One of the issues that alarms Vallely is the high number of senior officers in the U.S. military who have been fired under the Obama administration, a toll estimated at one officer per week. Indeed, Vallely has been very outspoken to what he calls a “purge” of the U.S. military by the Obama administration — with a stunning nine generals and flag officers relieved of duty this year alone.
WND has been reporting on the surge of firings, suspensions and dismissals, for which Vallely has assigned a good portion of the blame to Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett. Rampant “political correctness” due to her influence, Vallely tells WND, is now permeating the military and negatively affecting everyone from top generals to the ranks of the enlisted.
According to Vallely, Obama is “intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing the U.S. as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”
Vallely equated the current treatment of U.S. senior military officers watching over what is said and done among mid-level officers and enlisted ranks to that of the “political commissars from the Communist era.”
He also told WND that the White House won’t investigate its own officials, but finds it easy to fire military commanders “who have given their lives for their country.”
“Obama will not purge a civilian or political appointee because they have bought into Obama’s ideology,” Vallely said. “The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”
He’s far from alone in his concerns about the military purge, as J.D. Gordon, a retired Navy commander and a former Pentagon spokesman in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, says the Obama administration is rushing to unload senior officers whom he believes have become “political pawns” dismissed for questionable reasons.
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, a recipient of the U.S. military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, similarly has told WND that Obama needs to apply the same standards to his political appointees as he does to the military.
“Just when you thought the leadership of this government could not get any worse, it does,” Brady said. “Never in history has an administration spawned another scandal to cover the current one.”
This was a reference to the recent firing of a number of generals to mask “Obama’s serial scandals, all prefaced by lies – Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, IRS,” among others, said Brady, former president of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.
Retired Army Lt. Gen. William G. “Jerry” Boykin, who was a founding member of Delta Force and later deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence under President George W. Bush, tells WND it is worrying that four-star generals are being retired at the rate that has occurred under Obama.
“Over the past three years, it is unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty, and not necessarily relieved for cause,” Boykin said. “I believe there is a purging of the military. The problem is worse than we have ever seen.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/11/general-lets-make-obama-resign/#HEdLCm6PMglIiCmV.99
11/26/2013 9:38:35 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
I went to the website indicated in the previous post. The following is the tail end of a lengthy article. I suggest all of our group investigate the website, share the information as best we can, and do our part to help out. We have already come to the conclusion that a tyranical gov't is not going to fix itself. It's up to all Americans to call out the "Domestic Enemy" and defeat them at every junction.
They have an evening radio show. Tuesdays, 9-11pm. Check the website.
Cicero said it best:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
The facts (factoids – like Obamacare) are now becoming more recognized with the most recent dastardly additions of: countless political deceptions, lies, national economic destruction, manipulation of statistics, purposeful job-killing, and the demise of America’s middle class.
There is no Administration help for the massive unemployment of Black Americans, and the politically purposeful illegal alien invasion of the United States is killing us all. With over forty percent of the people within the fifty state borders now receiving food stamps, we have become a nation of ‘entitlement’. If you add up all these facets, the only conclusion is treason; treason to the sovereignty of each separate state and to the citizens within the several states, all perpetuated by the elected and appointed inside the Washington DC beltway.
An extensive analysis has been undertaken into the several national crises by Stand Up America US and its “Americans Project”. We who care greatly about the Republic, the People and the Constitution know now that action must be taken immediately. Necessary and workable solutions have been developed to help solve and fix what has without question stunted our Nation’s ability to clearly, legally, and peacefully function as a Constitutional Republic.
To begin the process of reclaiming America, we are establishing the ‘American Leadership Council’. The idea is to identify twelve people who hold America’s interests first, not their own. These must be people from proven leadership positions, not ‘talking heads’ and ‘community organizers’. These must be people who have led large businesses and/or held military positions of consequence. These must be people who hold loyalty, fealty, and love for this country first, and most of all, they must be trustworthy.
I intend to begin the process by acting as the inaugural chairman of the council under the banner of ‘The Americans Project’ and I am currently talking with people with these critical characteristics to join us. Our goal is to provide an alternate core of leadership to that which governs us so badly now, in both major parties, across all levels of government. We want you, the people, to have another choice, a place to go that you can trust.
A place where fellow constitutionalists, young and old, inclusive of all races and creeds, can go to ask questions, knowing the answer will not be some political primrose path or Potemkin village. It will be the place where prospective candidates can come for the best advice, and if they fit the mold, they will gain our blessing and backing. Independent constitutional leadership, selected by ‘American Leadership Council’ will be that leadership.
11/26/2013 9:41:20 AM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Souderton, PA
59, joined Apr. 2009
Stand up America, Continued.
The council will have a set of goals based upon the KEY NATIONAL ISSUES that must be solved if the United States of America are to become economically solvent, remain peaceful, to once again become nationally secure, and to reclaim our standing on the global stage. When the council is fully populated, we will then post position and policy papers that address these issues:
•Constitution of the United States – The Constitution as it was originally established and amended in the Bill of Rights must remain in absolute and total effect. We must get back to this first before we can attend to any single issue.
•National Defense – A strong national defense of well-trained Active Duty, Guard and Reserve Forces must be reconstituted and realigned with readiness, technology, and speed as its core. Posse Comitatus shall be the backbone and social experimentation must end.
•Economic Issues – Government is not the cure, it is the problem. Big government’s days must end now. The Federal Reserve must be abolished and big banks must be broken up just like Standard Oil was long ago. All economic functions will be turned back over to the US Treasury including the power to coin and to print and issue currency.
•Internal Revenue Service – The IRS must eventually be abolished. How? We must revisit and abolish the 17th Amendment and employ a “fair” or “flat” tax system where all have skin in the game. Income taxes are a control mechanism, not a wise device to fund the government, anywhere in the USA.
•Immigration – The illegal alien invasion of the United States will be stopped with secure borders finally established where no one can get through illegally. Our visa system must be revamped with more thorough vetting and tracking. Severe penalties (financial and criminal) for employers who hire illegal aliens must be enforced and there should be zero services provided other than emergency medical care, then deportation.
•Homeland Security – The DHS and FEMA have both grown far beyond the intentions of reasonable and responsible leadership control. Law enforcement shall be a state, county, or local function only. The DHS will be disbanded and certain functions will be merged into other departments more suited to the task.
•Energy – The Department of Energy must be abolished and certain specified oversight functions would be moved to the Department of Commerce and/or to the States. No more ‘crony green capitalism’ and ‘junk science’ fear tactics that enrich charlatans.
•Education – The Department of Education must be abolished (Along with “Common Core” or any other foreign born design) and its functions and all funding responsibility will be returned to each individual state, territory and the District of Columbia.
•EPA – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must be abolished with responsibilities and functions to revert to each individual state. Conflicts will be resolved at the Department of Commerce while working with the states. “Regulation Nation” must end because the law of diminishing returns is crushing our economy.
•Federal Agency Locations – Selected Agencies will be moved from the ‘beltway’and disbursed into the interior for cost-effective and long-term security reasons as well as seeking more diversified hiring of highly qualified civilians.
•Federal Property – All unused or unneeded federal facilities must be re-purposed in the redistribution of agencies to the interior and special attention must be paid to areas in decline. All other facilities shall be sold to the highest bidders. All federal lands will revert to the state except for the park systems, national security, and military bases.
?ObamaCare – The partisan and destructive Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care ACT (PPACA, aka ObamaCare) will be repealed and replaced with a market based system that crosses state borders. Tort reform shall be a priority.
?Medicare and Medicaid will revert to pre-2009 status.
?Social Security – Necessary changes and revisions will be made to the existing Social Security System to ensure self-funding.
•Public Service Employee Unions – The Executive order that allows unions to exist in government will be rescinded. Government unions must be made illegal through Legislative action.
•The United Nations – The United States must reduce its funding levels commensurate with an egalitarian system. The US should then work to move the UN to another nation and consider withdrawal in full.
•Department of Defense – Begin a systematic process to reorganize the Department of Defense into an organization of National Security that can prepare us for today and tomorrow with “forward strategies” that secure America. Redundancies must be removed, reunification of branches must be investigated, and all security aspects of Foreign Service protection shall fall back into the DoD.
Enough is Enough.
Our national call to action requires all of us to get our country on back on track, join us today! God save the Republic!
- To contact MG Vallely or the SUA staff, please use the following email: [email protected]
- To set up an interview with MG Vallely, contact Scott W. Winchell via email: [email protected]
11/26/2013 4:29:59 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Is This the Alarming Reason Kathleen Sebelius Hasn’t Been Fired?
Nov. 25, 2013 8:06pm Erica Ritz
Michael F. Cannon, the Cato Institute’s director of health policy studies, has recently been warning Americans about the ramifications of the U.S. Senate unleashing the “nuclear option” and what it means for the nation’s healthcare industry.
Much of it is related to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) which some, including Glenn Beck, have likened to “death panels.”
Speaking on the Glenn Beck Program Monday, Cannon explained that IPAB “has the power to do all sorts of things that really the Constitution leaves to Congress, like enact or impose taxes…”
“This is supposed to be a 15-member board, but if no one is seated on that board — if the president and the Senate cannot agree on whom the president will appoint… then all of IPAB’s powers fall, all of those legislative powers, fall to the Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius,” he said.
Michael Cannon of CATO on Kathleen Sebelius, Nuclear Option, and IPAB
Michael F. Cannon of the Cato Institute speaks with Glenn Beck on Nov. 25, 2013. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)
Many have wondered why Sebelius hasn’t lost her job amidst the calamitous rollout of Obamacare, and Cannon suggested that it might be related to IPAB and the nuclear option.
“If (President Obama) fires Kathleen Sebelius for breaking the law, for an incompetent rollout of Obamacare, he would then have to nominate a new Secretary of Health and Human Services who would have to be confirmed by the Senate,” Cannon explained. “Now, it would be easier because he could get that appointee through with just 51 votes, but the confirmation hearings would be a bloodbath…”
“This would be the first the Health and Human Services Secretary who would wield all those lawmaking powers that IPAB gives that office,” he noted. “So it’s much easier for him if he just lets her stay in place, and then all those powers fall to her. She never had to go through that rigorous selection process, because there was no IPAB when she was nominated.”
Michael Cannon of CATO on Kathleen Sebelius, Nuclear Option, and IPAB
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius answers questions about the error-plagued launch of Healthcare.gov while testifying before the Senate Finance Committee in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill November 6, 2013 in Washington, DC.Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Cannon added that because of the Senate’s deployment of the nuclear option, “if President Obama and Senate Democrats want to, they could pack this board with 15 members who would be able to serve at least until 2020 – so through the first term of the next president.”
“And that next president wouldn’t be able to move any of these people; it’s basically impossible for them to remove any of these board members,” Cannon said. “So that board, packed with Democratic appointees, would then be able to run the Medicare program and essentially the whole healthcare sector without much or any oversight by Congress…”
When Beck said such an outcome is “insane,” Cannon said “it gets a little more insane.”
“For Congress to reject an IPAB proposal – they call them proposals but they’re really laws…you need 60 votes in the Senate to block an IPAB proposal,” he said.
“That’s really what everybody needs to be paying attention (to) with the nuclear option, is what’s coming next,” Beck said in amazement. “As with always, always with this administration – don’t worry about what they’re doing right now. Look to the future, what is coming your way.”
11/26/2013 6:50:42 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Russellville, KY
60, joined Jan. 2010
Saw this morning they were talking about the report on sandy hook shooting. Saying that he used the AR15 that I guess walked back to his car after he died. Will be a great read if you like fiction. Will probably be as accurate as the warren report was. Just my opinion.
11/26/2013 7:06:00 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
We interrupt this political thread for a very important announcement to all my friends here.
this just in from Florida

that is all, carry on 
11/26/2013 7:15:00 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
Saw this morning they were talking about the report on sandy hook shooting. Saying that he used the AR15 that I guess walked back to his car after he died. Will be a great read if you like fiction. Will probably be as accurate as the warren report was. Just my opinion.
Not only did it walk back to the car it opened the trunk and shut itself back in.
11/26/2013 7:48:48 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
We interrupt this political thread for a very important announcement to all my friends here.
this just in from Florida
that is all, carry on 
Right back atcha. It should be renamed to; Eat to much day. lol
11/26/2013 8:00:30 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
Thanks sweetie!!!!!!!! 
just had to tell you all to have a wonderful EAT TO MUCH AND PASS OUT ON THE COUCH DAY 
11/26/2013 8:24:25 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
We interrupt this political thread for a very important announcement to all my friends here.
this just in from COLORADO!
that is all, carry on 
cant wait tilll i have some time to catch up and read all the postings here.
for now suffice it to say to all you patriots and friends.....
11/26/2013 8:26:50 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
you too clarity
ok tip toeing out.. dont wanna get bashed over the head with a tea bag 
11/26/2013 8:36:28 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
you too clarity
ok tip toeing out.. dont wanna get bashed over the head with a tea bag 
better to be bashed with a tea bag of truth than a pack of lies....
11/26/2013 8:37:42 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |


Checotah, OK
68, joined Nov. 2009
New Republic: Obama Lashes Out, Calls Dems who are Worried About Obamacare ‘Bed-Wetters’
Posted 11.26.13 by Todd Cefaratti, Editor of TPNN
There are two kinds of Democrats currently in Washington: those who are interested in self-preservation and those who are too-heavily invested in Obamacare’s future that their only hope for political survival is to put the pedal to the metal and ride the Obamacare train to its fiery end while still hoping that some miracle will arrive to save the imperiled healthcare overhaul.
It seems that President Obama, a shining example of the latter, has lost patience with those jumping ship and have labeled nervous Democrats “bed-wetters.”
It is immensely satisfying to watch the left devour themselves.
Personal Liberty Shutdown
The President is losing political friends who will stand by him as he continually tries to spin the Obamacare fiasco into anything other than what it is- an unmitigated disaster. According to the notoriously liberal New Republic, liberals ought to be worried as the effects of large government seem to be every bit as bad as conservatives have warned.
There’s a term of art that the Obama White House uses to describe its neurotic supporters who instantly race to the worst-case scenario: They are known as “bed-wetters.” Two months into the dysfunctional life of healthcare.gov, however, that seems a perfectly appropriate physiological reaction.
Liberalism has spent the better part of the past century attempting to prove that it could competently and responsibly extend the state into new reaches of American life. With the rollout of the Affordable Care Act, the administration has badly injured that cause, confirming the worst slurs against the federal government. It has stifled bad news and fudged promises; it has failed to translate complex mechanisms of policy into plain English; it can’t even launch a damn website. What’s more, nobody responsible for the debacle has lost a job or suffered a demotion. Over time, the Affordable Care Act’s technical difficulties can be repaired. Reversing the initial impressions of government ineptitude won’t be so easy.
The author, Franklin Foer, went on to explain exactly the (albeit biased) history of liberalism in America and noted that the burden to showcase the benefits of an expansive government fell to liberals. Now, having gotten their way, it seems that the liberal dream of socialized medicine run by a too-powerful federal government is every bit the nightmare against which conservatives have warned.
It’s not hard to understand; capitalism and the free-market system that practices it is far from perfect. Good people can get swindled, bad people can succeed. However, though capitalism is not perfect, government bureaucracy simply cannot accomplish what private enterprise can. Government efficiency cannot compare to the efficiency of the free market and while the left loves to lampoon supposed corporate greed as the antithesis of compassion, they consistently give a free pass to the soullessness that so often accompanies big government- the perpetrators of untold carnage from Caesar to Stalin and beyond.
If President Obama is losing the dogmatic leftists of the New Republic, he is definitely in some serious trouble.
11/26/2013 8:42:28 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Lake Alfred, FL
63, joined Aug. 2008
better to be bashed with a tea bag of truth than a pack of lies.... 
which ever.. I read here a lot, learn a lot but dont know a lot to contribute.
as for lies...... someone obama is gonna rot in hell.
he needs change.......... into a REAL leader. makes ya wonder if he isnt the real Ronald McDonald.
ok Im done........ running way.................................... FAST>>>>>>
11/26/2013 8:59:10 PM |
Bums 9... It's our time |

Aurora, CO
66, joined Oct. 2008
which ever.. I read here a lot, learn a lot but dont know a lot to contribute.
as for lies...... someone  obama  is gonna rot in hell.
he needs change.......... into a REAL leader. makes ya wonder if he isnt the real Ronald McDonald.
ok Im done........ running way.................................... FAST>>>>>>
one thing i know for sure...
he is real evil.
GOD help us.
