Spokane, WA
53, joined Dec. 2011
Something I just stumbled across. Be ready to read. There are many truths. I know I'm going to get it from the spies, but oh well. It does belong here in Man Land for a subject.
Vary interesting and vary well put.
Now if anyone actually reads it and has something to add to it. Please do.
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Spokane, WA
53, joined Dec. 2011
Thank you. I agree with how things have been changing over the years. Some wonder what has happen to how things used to be, and why the more simpler times have all but seemed to of vanished.
I first thought about posting in a regular forum, but the question is what one? Than also I'm sure that some gals would be feeling vary offended. This was only one of many articles I found and still reading more from there. To be honest I feel it wouldn't hurt some of these gals to go read a few of them with an open mind.
I for one am so glad that I get the chance to raise my kids with an open mind beyond the lace curtian. With a more equal way of thinking for one another.

Winnipeg, MB
64, joined Sep. 2008
Interesting reading:
What is interesting is that in the article where they talk about false accusations (which in the military were brought to light due to the request for lie detector testing for verification) it seems that the actual victim has no recourse without ending up destroying his own career.
Suspicion of inappropriate behaviour is enough to end a man's career and livelihood. Therefore no one is willing to hold to account falsified accusations and just hoping that the issue will go away leaving them untarnished.
These kinds of actions are tantamount to terrorism and it is far more rampant than one might suspect. Men consider that opening a can of worms without any idea of what will come of it keeps them quiet. No information - no statistics and even if one tries to bring it out in the open the risks are always against the man - ALWAYS - with little or NO consequences for the one who accuses falsely. They somehow end up as the victim when they were the persecutors and instigators in the first place.