3/13/2014 8:34:51 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |
Glendora, CA
47, joined Feb. 2014
I have noticed on my Facebook that some of my Atheist acquaintances and those who are atheists that belong to this site are so bothered by somebody that has spiritual beliefs, yet they do not want us to pester them. I do not I respect they have the right to not believe and those who have some sort of spirituality have the right to worship a head of lettuce if they so choose and it is none of my business. I feel a measure of comfort that there MIGHT be an afterlife and the idea of getting to see them again is of some comfort to me. I do not bang down people's doors early in the morning throwing religion at them. I keep my beliefs to myself and I will not tell others what my affiliation is. I mind my own business. It seems that the Atheists are the militant ones shoving their No-beliefs, making fun of or condemning anybody who is spiritual. Keep it to yourself.
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3/13/2014 10:05:56 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
Actually most atheists you will never hear from, yes, some here are outspoken, but I see most of the attacking and vile talk from the supposed Christians themselves.
Atheists ask pretty hard core questions, which religious people refuse to answer.
It brings out a lot of animosity
3/14/2014 1:49:06 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |
Glendora, CA
47, joined Feb. 2014
Actually most atheists you will never hear from, yes, some here are outspoken, but I see most of the attacking and vile talk from the supposed Christians themselves.
Atheists ask pretty hard core questions, which religious people refuse to answer.
It brings out a lot of animosity
I agree on the Christians being Hypocrites, when they say they love and tolerate others. THEY DO NOT...they do not accept nor tolerate Gays, Lesbians, Transgender etc. Where is the love when you tell a person that they will burn in hell just by you being gay? Makes no sense to me. I am Jewish. I do not go around advertising it since I have been a target of prejudice for being Jewish. In all religions there will be your good apples and your bad apples. That statement goes across the board. Do not judge a Race or religion on just one person that you met that happens to be an a**hole, or a zealot. I have been mocked for having a faith in GOD. Being called a simpleton for believing in a GOD. It gicves me comfort to have faith that there is an afterlife and I will see those that I loved and have died before me will be there waiting when I do pass on. It is your freedom to believe or disbelieve as you wish, just do not force it on others. My BF is not Jewish, he is agnostic and I do not discuss my faith unless he has a question regarding my faith.
3/25/2014 12:15:55 AM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

Bellevue, WA
68, joined Dec. 2010
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious
Look at the product they are trying to sell, if you have half a brain, you will understand.
3/25/2014 9:37:26 AM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

Morganton, NC
31, joined Mar. 2013
Actually I've seen more Christian and other religious people harass none religious or atheists people because it's hard for them to understand that not everyone has the same views about . And they feel the need to "educate" or "save" those lost souls.
3/27/2014 6:24:27 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Everyone wants to be rightous , because they dont know any better . All the walls and boundries we've created , are lighter than the empty space from which they came .
We have only ourselves to blame .
3/30/2014 3:42:29 AM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |


Bellevue, WA
48, joined Jul. 2010
a lot of people probably mistake me for atheist. I'm not. I have a faith, which I am a poor example of. i'm still learning. Anyway, I don't tolerate ignorance and stupidity. If a friend or even family mentions some religious futnuckery, I call em on it. If it's insanely stupid and ignorant, i frankly don't give a rats a** who they are, I'm going to make it painfully obvious just how stupid and ignorant it is. they're a friend, or family, and i damn well expect better of them. the whole world would be better off if we didn't put up with this. we could have probably solved our energy crisis before it started had we not been so damn busy arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, or burning astronomers and scientists, or starting religious wars...This world is more than my life time. what we do, how we interact etc shapes the world not just momentarily but hopefully over time and for others. if we want a world full of stupidity and ignorance, by all means let's just let shit slide.
4/4/2014 6:51:15 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |


York, PA
55, joined Jun. 2009
Although it may not seem to be , atheist , and christians , are actually trying to help each other out . Brutality just happens to be a common tactic .
I say try it all , we're here for the experience , so why hinder it .
If you stand still , all you will ever see is a single perspective . If you move left , or right , or you stand on your toes , you begin to see things you have'nt seen before .
4/5/2014 2:36:41 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |
Mansfield, OH
53, joined Oct. 2010
I have noticed on my Facebook that some of my Atheist acquaintances and those who are atheists that belong to this site are so bothered by somebody that has spiritual beliefs, yet they do not want us to pester them.
Well in all fairness, there are plenty of born-agains who waltz into atheist discussion rooms/forums and begin pasting biblical verses, challenging the atheists and so on. It's a vicious and STUPID cycle. Not much different than when either the Atheists or Xians go into the pagan or Buddhist rooms/forums slinging shit.
Those who stir the pot should have to lick the spoon.
6/24/2014 11:36:12 AM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |
Asheville, NC
44, joined Apr. 2014
spiritual beliefs? nailing someone on a cross and killing them is spiritual? and then who is the bozo that worships the poor dead guy?
7/1/2014 10:54:20 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Is it really harassment for a non-believer to challenge and question a believer? I think not. For none were believers until their eyes had been opened to the belief.
10/22/2014 7:54:26 AM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014
Didn't read
10/23/2014 6:02:04 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |
Marrero, LA
47, joined Aug. 2014
They should not do that
10/24/2014 8:47:52 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

Perry, IA
33, joined Jun. 2014
11/18/2014 7:35:16 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

Krum, TX
74, joined Jun. 2011
I believe the answer to the question is "Bigotry".
Being bigoted is having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.
It seems that we are in a time that the accepted thing to do, or even the trendy thing, is to slam Christians. There are so many different denomination of Christians. Doctrine and church authority or lack of authority defines denominations. To say Christians are…………… is like saying Atheists are…………………….. or Blacks are…………
I am Christian and I am here because I have a lot to learn. I have beliefs that are not typically acceptable to discuss with “Bigoted Christians” I come here, and what I hear is “Bigotry in other Religions’”.
There are so many interesting concepts to learn about, and understand, and then incorporate what works for each one to achieve and express love and peace as opposed to insults, critical slandering, and anger. I don't understand how that make a person happy? All I want out of my beliefs is to live happy and peacefully.
And have lots of fun.
11/18/2014 9:39:11 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |


Mishawaka, IN
66, joined Dec. 2010
Actually most atheists you will never hear from, yes, some here are outspoken, but I see most of the attacking and vile talk from the supposed Christians themselves.
Atheists ask pretty hard core questions, which religious people refuse to answer.
It brings out a lot of animosity
Some of those "hard core questions" fall apart when the real facts surface. Every twenty years (or so) science disproves the "proof" that was established twenty years prior. Charles Darwin's original Theory is (quietly) laughed at. 1,000,000 years for everything to evolve.
The laws of Physics (entropy) and true geology fly in the face of evolution. The popular theory now is asteroids. Twenty five years from now that will be found untrue and "science" will scramble to find a new "theory".
12/21/2014 8:59:28 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |
Hartford, AR
67, joined Aug. 2011
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
12/26/2014 6:33:35 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

San Antonio, TX
56, joined Jul. 2011
Atheism is a religion upon itself. It takes belief, it takes thought, and it takes reasoning to determine the truth concerning the nature of our existence in such a vast universe. And yet, their proof is as open ended as any other philosophy that I have come to have a basic understanding of.
1/2/2015 7:49:03 AM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |


Ventura, CA
68, joined Mar. 2009
Atheism is a religion upon itself. It takes belief, it takes thought, and it takes reasoning to determine the truth concerning the nature of our existence in such a vast universe. And yet, their proof is as open ended as any other philosophy that I have come to have a basic understanding of.
yes, in a way atheism is a religion and as such neither the atheist or the theist can ever prove himself correct and the other wrong. the human mind is simply incapable of knowing the existence of god's, the afterlife or other supernatural phenomena.
1/28/2015 10:35:09 AM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |
Bridgton, ME
46, joined Nov. 2008
(this post has been flagged as inappropriate, sorry.)
3/1/2015 4:43:34 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from jim_a49:
Actually most atheists you will never hear from, yes, some here are outspoken, but I see most of the attacking and vile talk from the supposed Christians themselves.
Atheists ask pretty hard core questions, which religious people refuse to answer.
It brings out a lot of animosity
Project much?
It is the atheist, marxist, communist, luciferean, child molesting, homosexual, jews, from which we see...most of the attacking and vile talk from.
Just as it is the Christians who ask questions which are never answered by the Zionist jew shills such as yourself.
"Christian" does now mean "doormat" or "pushover" and Christians get tired of the CONSTANT deception used by kikes such as yourself who are too gutless to even show us what they look like.
Deception and/or deceptive practices are encouraged in the filthy Jewish Talmud...
Jews May Lie to Non-Jews
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
BUT, lies violates.....Exodus 20:16 King James Version (KJV) .... 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
3/2/2015 10:14:19 AM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |


Lufkin, TX
57, joined Aug. 2010
Quote from politiclaniml41:
I have noticed on my Facebook that some of my Atheist acquaintances and those who are atheists that belong to this site are so bothered by somebody that has spiritual beliefs, yet they do not want us to pester them. I do not I respect they have the right to not believe and those who have some sort of spirituality have the right to worship a head of lettuce if they so choose and it is none of my business. I feel a measure of comfort that there MIGHT be an afterlife and the idea of getting to see them again is of some comfort to me. I do not bang down people's doors early in the morning throwing religion at them. I keep my beliefs to myself and I will not tell others what my affiliation is. I mind my own business. It seems that the Atheists are the militant ones shoving their No-beliefs, making fun of or condemning anybody who is spiritual. Keep it to yourself.
One can call them "atheists" and let it go at that if one chooses....
BUT, and this IS a VERY big BUT....
BUT, what is the ethnic group the "atheists" belong to?
Is there anything that makes them different ?
The answer being YES.
Atheists tend to be jewish. They tend to be homosexual and/or pedophiles.
Jews being behind the leadership of the gay rights movement and of Nambla.
Jewish people tend to be Marxist Communists.
"Some call it Marxism...I call it Judaism"---Rabbi Stephen Wise.
Jewish people tend to be Satanists; i.e. devil worshipers.
'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'" Harold Rosenthal
And what I have posted thus far is only scratching the surface.
3/2/2015 9:04:25 PM |
I do not understand why Atheists harass those who are religious |

Assumption, IL
68, joined May. 2010
Because they are seeking an explanation for why they are atheist.